haveAuthInfo()) pla_error( $lang['not_enough_login_info'] ); $dn = isset( $_GET['dn'] ) ? $_GET['dn'] : false; $dn !== false or pla_error( $lang['missing_dn_in_query_string'] ); $decoded_dn = rawurldecode( $dn ); $encoded_dn = rawurlencode( $decoded_dn ); // Template authors may wish to present the user with a link back to the default, generic // template for editing. They may use this as the target of the href to do so. $default_href = "edit.php?server_id=$server_id&dn=$encoded_dn&use_default_template=true"; $use_default_template = isset( $_GET['use_default_template'] ) ? true : false; if( $use_default_template ) { require realpath( 'templates/modification/default.php' ); } else { $template = get_template( $ldapserver, $dn ); $template_file = "templates/modification/$template.php"; if( file_exists( realpath( $template_file ) ) ) require realpath( $template_file ); else { echo "\n\n"; echo $lang['missing_template_file']; echo " $template_file. "; echo $lang['using_default']; echo "
\n\n"; require realpath( 'templates/modification/default.php' ); } } ?>