isReadOnly() ) pla_error( $lang['no_updates_in_read_only_mode'] ); $dn = $_POST['dn']; $old_values = $_POST['old_values']; $new_values = $_POST['new_values']; $encoded_dn = rawurlencode( $dn ); $rdn = get_rdn( $dn ); $mkntPassword = NULL; $samba_password_step = 0; ?>

Server: name; ?>     :

$server_id, 'dn' => $dn, 'old_values' => &$old_values, 'new_values' => &$new_values ) ); $update_array = array(); foreach( $old_values as $attr => $old_val ) { // Did the user delete the field? if( ! isset( $new_values[ $attr ] ) ) $update_array[ $attr ] = ''; // did the user change the field? elseif( $old_val != $new_values[ $attr ] ) { $new_val = $new_values[ $attr ]; // special case for userPassword attributes if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userPassword' ) && $new_val != '' ) { $new_val = password_hash( $new_val, $_POST['enc_type'] ); $password_already_hashed = true; } // special case for samba password else if (( 0 == strcasecmp($attr,'sambaNTPassword') || 0 == strcasecmp($attr,'sambaLMPassword')) && trim($new_val[0]) != '' ) { $mkntPassword = new MkntPasswdUtil(); $mkntPassword->createSambaPasswords( $new_val[0] ) or pla_error($lang['unable_create_samba_pass']); $new_val = $mkntPassword->valueOf($attr); } $update_array[ $attr ] = $new_val; } } // special case check for a new enc_type for userPassword (not otherwise detected) if( isset( $_POST['enc_type'] ) && ! isset( $password_already_hashed ) && $_POST['enc_type'] != $_POST['old_enc_type'] && $_POST['enc_type'] != 'clear' && array_key_exists ( 'userpassword', $_POST['new_values'] ) && $_POST['new_values']['userpassword'] != '' ) { $new_password = password_hash( $_POST['new_values']['userpassword'], $_POST['enc_type'] ); $update_array[ 'userpassword' ] = $new_password; } // strip empty vals from update_array and ensure consecutive indices for each attribute foreach( $update_array as $attr => $val ) { if( is_array( $val ) ) { foreach( $val as $i => $v ) if( null == $v || 0 == strlen( $v ) ) unset( $update_array[$attr][$i] ); $update_array[$attr] = array_values( $update_array[$attr] ); } } // at this point, the update_array should look like this (example): // Array ( // cn => Array( // [0] => 'Dave', // [1] => 'Bob' ) // sn => 'Smith', // telephoneNumber => '555-1234' ) // This array should be ready to be passed to ldap_modify() run_hook ( 'post_update_array_processing', array ( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'dn' => $dn, 'update_array' => &$update_array ) ); if( count( $update_array ) > 0 ) { ?>

$server_id, 'dn' => $dn, 'update_array' => &$update_array ) ); foreach( $update_array as $attr => $new_val ) { $counter++; if ( ! array_key_exists ( $attr, $old_values ) or ! array_key_exists ( $attr, $new_values ) ) continue; ?> \n\n"; } run_hook ( 'post_display_update_array', array ( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'dn' => $dn, 'update_array' => &$update_array, 'index' => &$counter ) ); ?>
"; else if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userPassword' ) && ( obfuscate_password_display() || is_null( get_enc_type( $old_values[ $attr ] ) ) ) ) echo preg_replace( '/./', '*', $old_values[ $attr ] ) . "
"; else echo nl2br( htmlspecialchars( $old_values[ $attr ] ) ) . "
"; echo "
"; // is this a multi-valued attribute? if( is_array( $new_val ) ) { foreach( $new_val as $i => $v ) { if( $v == '' ) { // remove it from the update array if it's empty unset( $update_array[ $attr ][ $i ] ); $update_array[ $attr ] = array_values( $update_array[ $attr ] ); } else { echo nl2br( htmlspecialchars( $v ) ) . "
"; } } // was this a multi-valued attribute deletion? If so, // fix the $update_array to reflect that per update_confirm.php's // expectations if( $update_array[ $attr ] == array( 0 => '' ) || $update_array[ $attr ] == array() ) { $update_array[ $attr ] = ''; echo '' . $lang['attr_deleted'] . ''; } } elseif( $new_val != '' ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userPassword' ) && ( obfuscate_password_display() || is_null( get_enc_type( $new_values[ $attr ] ) ) ) ) echo preg_replace( '/./', '*', $new_val ) . "
"; else echo htmlspecialchars( $new_val ) . "
"; else echo '' . $lang['attr_deleted'] . ''; echo "

$val ) { if( is_array( $val ) ) { foreach( $val as $i => $v ) { ?>