<?php // $Header$ /** * This class will render the creation or editing of an LDAP entry. * * @author The phpLDAPadmin development team * @package phpLDAPadmin */ /** * TemplateRender class * * @package phpLDAPadmin * @subpackage Templates */ class TemplateRender extends PageRender { # Page number private $pagelast; /** CORE FUNCTIONS **/ /** * Initialise and Render the TemplateRender */ public function accept($norender=false) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s:%s</font><br />',time(),__METHOD__); if (DEBUGTMP||DEBUGTMPSUB) printf('<font size=-2>* %s [Visit-Start:%s]</font><br />',__METHOD__,get_class($this)); $tree = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'tree'); if (! $tree) $tree = Tree::getInstance($this->server_id); $treeitem = $tree->getEntry($this->dn); # If we have a DN, and no template_id, see if the tree has one from last time if ($this->dn && is_null($this->template_id) && $treeitem && $treeitem->getTemplate()) $this->template_id = $treeitem->getTemplate(); # Check that we have a valid template, or present a selection # @todo change this so that the modification templates rendered are the ones for the objectclass of the dn. if (! $this->template_id) $this->template_id = $this->getTemplateChoice(); if ($treeitem) $treeitem->setTemplate($this->template_id); $this->page = get_request('page','REQUEST',false,1); if ($this->template_id) { parent::accept(); $this->url_base = sprintf('server_id=%s&dn=%s', $this->getServerID(),rawurlencode($this->template->getDN())); $this->layout['hint'] = sprintf('<td class="icon"><img src="%s/light.png" alt="%s" /></td><td colspan="3"><span class="hint">%%s</span></td>', IMGDIR,_('Hint')); $this->layout['action'] = '<td class="icon"><img src="%s/%s" alt="%s" /></td><td><a href="cmd.php?%s" title="%s">%s</a></td>'; $this->layout['actionajax'] = '<td class="icon"><img src="%s/%s" alt="%s" /></td><td><a href="cmd.php?%s" title="%s" onclick="return displayAJ(\'BODY\',\'%s\',\'%s\');">%s</a></td>'; # If we dont want to render this template automatically, we'll return here. if ($norender) return; $this->visitStart(); foreach ($this->template->getAttributes(true) as $attribute) { # Evaluate our defaults if ($attribute->getAutoValue()) $this->get('Default',$attribute, $this->template->getContainer() ? $this->template->getContainer() : $this->getServer()->getContainerPath($this->template->getDN()), 'autovalue'); # If this is the default template, we should mark all our attributes to show(). if (($this->template->getID() == 'none') && (! $attribute->isInternal()) && (($this->template->getContext() == 'edit' && $this->template->getID() == 'none') || ($this->template->getContext() == 'create' && $attribute->getName() != 'objectclass'))) $attribute->show(); } if (DEBUGTMP||DEBUGTMPSUB) printf('<font size=-2>* %s [Visit-End:%s]</font><br />',__METHOD__,get_class($this)); $this->visitEnd(); } } protected function getDefaultAttribute($attribute,$container,$type) { switch ($type) { case 'autovalue': $autovalue = $attribute->getAutoValue(); break; case 'helpervalue': $autovalue = $attribute->getHelperValue(); break; default: system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Unknown Default Attribute context'), 'body'=>sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)',_('A call was made to getDefaultAttribute() with an unkown context'),$type), 'type'=>'warn')); return; } $args = explode(';',$autovalue['args']); $server = $this->getServer(); $vals = ''; switch ($autovalue['function']) { /** * Function enables normal PHP functions to be called to evaluate a value. * eg: =php.Function(date;dmY) * * All arguments will be passed to the function, and its value returned. * If this used used in a POST context, the attribute values can be used as arguments. * * Mandatory Arguments: * * arg 0 * - php Function to call * * Additional arguments will be passed to the function. */ case 'Function': $function = array_shift($args); if (count($args) && count($args) > 1) { system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Too many arguments'), 'body'=>sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)',_('Function() only takes two arguments and more than two were specified'),count($args)), 'type'=>'warn')); return; } $function_args = explode(',',$args[0]); if (function_exists($function)) $vals = call_user_func_array($function,$function_args); else system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Function doesnt exist'), 'body'=>sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)',_('An attempt was made to call a function that doesnt exist'),$function), 'type'=>'warn')); break; /** * GetNextNumber will query the LDAP server and calculate the next number based on the query * eg: <![CDATA[=php.GetNextNumber(/;gidNumber;false;(&(objectClass=posixGroup));*2,+1000)]]> * * Mandatory Arguments: * * arg 0 * - "$" => 'auto_number','search_base' in config file * - "/",".",".." => get container parent as usual * * * arg 1 * - attribute to query for * * Optional Arguments: * * arg 2 (pool mechanism only) * - "true" increments attribute by 1 * - "false" do nothing * * * arg 3 (pool mechanism only) * - ldap filter (must match one entry only in container) * * * arg 4 * - calculus on number, eg: * - *2,+1000 => number = (2*number) + 1000 * * * arg 5 * - Min number */ case 'GetNextNumber': # If the attribute already has values, we'll return if ($type == 'autovalue' && $attribute->getValues()) return; if ($args[0] == '$') $args[0] = $server->getValue($this->server_id,'auto_number','search_base'); $container = $server->getContainerPath($container,$args[0]); $vals = get_next_number($container,$args[1], (! empty($args[2]) && ($args[2] == 'false')) ? false : true, (! empty($args[3])) ? $args[3] : false, (! empty($args[5])) ? $args[5] : null); # Operate calculus on next number. if (! empty($args[4])) { $mod = explode(',',$args[4]); $next_number = $vals; foreach ($mod as $calc) { $operand = $calc{0}; $operator = substr ($calc,1); switch ($operand) { case '*': $next_number = $next_number * $operator; break; case '+': $next_number = $next_number + $operator; break; case '-': $next_number = $next_number - $operator; break; case '/': $next_number = $next_number / $operator; break; } } $vals = $next_number; } break; /** * MultiList will query the LDAP server and provide a multi select list of values * eg: <![CDATA[=php.MultiList(/;(objectClass=posixAccount);uid)]]> * * eg: <![CDATA[=php.MultiList(/;(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=groupA*));uid;%cn/U% (%gidNumber%);memberUid;dmdName=users,root => cn=root;nobody => cn=nobody;gidNumber;10;(gidNuber=%gidNumber%);uid)]]> * * Mandatory Arguments: * * arg 0 * - container, to query from current position * - "/",".",".." => get container parent as usual * * * arg 1 * - LDAP filter. May include '%attr%', it will be expanded. * * * arg2 * - list attribute key * * Optional Arguments: * * arg3 * - select display (plus modifier /C: Capitalize) * - replaced by %arg 2% if not given * * * arg 4 * - the value furnished in output - must be attribute id. replaced by arg 2 if not given * * * arg 5 * - container override * * * arg 6 * - csv list (, separator) of added values. syntax: key => display_attribute=value; key... * * * arg 7 * - csv list (, separator) of sort attributes (less to more important) * * * arg 8 * - size of displayed list (default: 10 lines) * * * arg 9 * - preselected values filter. see arg 1. * * * arg 10 * - key of preselected values. replaced by arg 4 if not given. replaced by arg 2 if both are not given. * * * arg 11 * - base dn override for preselected values * * @todo This could probably be merged with PickList */ case 'MultiList': # arg5 overrides our container if (empty($args[5])) $container = $server->getContainerPath($container,$args[0]); else $container = $args[5]; # Process filter (arg 1), eventually replace %attr% by it's value setted in a previous page. preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lUC])?%/U',$args[1],$filtermatchall); # @todo this section needs to be validated/tested if (isset($_REQUEST['form'])) { $formvalues = array_change_key_case($_REQUEST['form']); foreach ($filtermatchall[1] as $arg) { $value = $formvalues[strtolower($arg)]; $args[1] = preg_replace("/%($arg)(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U",$value,$args[1]); } } $args[3] = ! empty($args[3]) ? $args[3] : "%{$args[2]}%"; preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lUC])?%/U',$args[3],$matchall); //print_r($matchall); // -1 = highlevel match, 1 = attr, 2 = subst, 3 = mod $attrs = array_unique(array_merge($matchall[1],array($args[2]))); # arg7 is sort attributes if (isset($args[7])) { $sort_attrs = explode(',',$args[7]); $attrs = array_merge($attrs,$sort_attrs); } $picklistvalues = return_ldap_hash($container,$args[1],$args[2],$attrs,(isset($args[7]) && ($args[7])) ? $sort_attrs : false); # arg6 is a set of fixed values to add to search result if (isset($args[6])) { $fixedvalues = explode(',',$args[6]); foreach ($fixedvalues as $fixedvalue) { if (empty($fixedvalue)) continue; $fixedvalue = preg_split('/=\>/',$fixedvalue); $displayvalue = explode('=',$fixedvalue[1]); $newvalue[trim($fixedvalue[0])] = array($args[2]=>trim($fixedvalue[0]), trim($displayvalue[0])=>trim($displayvalue[1])); $picklistvalues = array_merge($picklistvalues,$newvalue); } } /* arg 9 is the search filter for already selected values, with criteriai eventually coming from previous pages (eg: %uid%) */ if (isset($args[9])) { preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lUC])?%/U',$args[9],$matchallinlist); foreach ($matchallinlist[1] as $arg) { $value=$formvalues[strtolower($arg)]; $args[9] = preg_replace('/%('.$arg.')(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U',$value,$args[9]); } # arg11 overrides container dn for selected values if (! empty($args[11])) $container = $args[11]; $inpicklistvalues = return_ldap_hash($container,$args[9],$args[2],$attrs); } $vals = array(); foreach ($picklistvalues as $key => $values) { $display = $args[3]; foreach ($matchall[1] as $key => $arg) { if (isset($values[$arg])) $disp_val = $values[$arg]; else $disp_val = ''; if (is_array($disp_val)) $disp_val = $disp_val[0]; if ($matchall[3][$key]) switch ($matchall[3][$key]) { case '/l': # lowercase if (function_exists('mb_convert_case')) $disp_val = mb_convert_case($disp_val,MB_CASE_LOWER,'utf-8'); else $disp_val = strtolower($disp_val); break; case '/U': # uppercase if (function_exists('mb_convert_case')) $disp_val = mb_convert_case($disp_val,MB_CASE_UPPER,'utf-8'); else $disp_val = strtoupper($disp_val); break; case '/C': # capitalize if (function_exists('mb_convert_case')) $disp_val = mb_convert_case($disp_val,MB_CASE_TITLE,'utf-8'); else $disp_val = ucfirst($disp_val); break; default: break; } # make value a substring of preg_match_all('/^\|([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)$/',trim($matchall[2][$key]),$substrarray); if ((isset($substrarray[1][0]) && $substrarray[1][0]) || (isset($substrarray[2][0]) && $substrarray[2][0])) { $begin = $substrarray[1][0] ? $substrarray[1][0] : '0'; $end = $substrarray[2][0] ? $substrarray[2][0] : strlen($disp_val); if (function_exists('mb_substr')) $disp_val = mb_substr($disp_val,$begin,$end,'utf-8'); else $disp_val = substr($disp_val,$begin,$end); } $display = preg_replace("/%($arg)(\|.+)?(\/[lUC])?%/U",$disp_val,$display); } if (! isset($picklist[$values[$args[2]]])) { $vals[$values[$args[2]]] = $display; $picklist[$values[$args[2]]] = true; } } break; /** * PasswordEncryptionTypes will return a list of our support password encryption types * eg: =php.PasswordEncryptionTypes() * * This function doesnt use any arguments */ case 'PasswordEncryptionTypes': $vals = password_types(); break; /** * PickList will query the LDAP server and provide a select list of values * eg: <![CDATA[=php.PickList(/;(&(objectClass=posixGroup));gidNumber;%cn%)]]> * * eg: <![CDATA[=php.PickList(/;(&(objectClass=sambaGroupMapping)(|(cn=domain administrator)(cn=domain users)(cn=domain guests)))|sambaSID|%cn% (%sambaSID%)|sambaPrimaryGroupSID|dmdname=users,dmdName=groups,dc=example,dc=com|S-1-5-XX-YYY => cn=Administrators,S-1-5-XX-YYY => cn=Users,S-1-5-XX-YYY => cn=Guests,S-1-5-XX-YYY => cn=power users|cn)]]> * * Mandatory Arguments: * * arg 0 * - container, to query from current position * - "/",".",".." => get container parent as usual * * * arg 1 * - LDAP filter. * * * arg2 * - list attribute key * * * arg3 * - select display * * Optional Arguments: * * arg4 * - output attribute * * * arg5 * - container override * * * arg6 * - csv list (, separator) of added values. syntax: key => display_attribute=value; key... * * * arg7 * - csv list (, separator) of sort attributes (less to more important) */ case 'PickList': # arg5 overrides our container if (empty($args[5])) $container = $server->getContainerPath($container,$args[0]); else $container = $args[5]; # Extract the attributes to use in the display preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U',$args[3],$matchall); //print_r($matchall); // -1 = highlevel match, 1 = attr, 2 = subst, 3 = mod $attrs = array_unique(array_merge($matchall[1],array($args[2]))); # The query results are sorted by arg7 if (! empty($args[7])) { $sort_attrs = explode(',',$args[7]); $attrs = array_merge($attrs,$sort_attrs); } $picklistvalues = return_ldap_hash($container,$args[1],$args[2],$attrs,(isset($args[7]) && ($args[7])) ? $sort_attrs : false); if (! empty($args[6])) { $fixedvalues = explode(',',$args[6]); foreach ($fixedvalues as $fixedvalue) { $fixedvalue = preg_split('/=\>/',$fixedvalue); $displayvalue = explode('=',$fixedvalue[1]); $newvalue[trim($fixedvalue[0])] = array($args[2]=>trim($fixedvalue[0]), trim($displayvalue[0])=>trim($displayvalue[1])); $picklistvalues = array_merge($picklistvalues,$newvalue); } } $vals = array(); foreach ($picklistvalues as $key => $values) { $display = $args[3]; foreach ($matchall[1] as $arg) if (isset($values[$arg])) $display = preg_replace("/%($arg)(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U",$values[$arg],$display); else $display = preg_replace("/%($arg)(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U",'',$display); if (! isset($picklist[$values[$args[2]]])) { $vals[$values[$args[2]]] = $display; $picklist[$display] = true; } } break; /** * RandomPassword will create a random password for the value. * eg: =php.RandomPassword() * * When calling the attribute Javascript it will generate a random password. * * This function doesnt use any arguments */ case 'RandomPassword': break; } switch ($type) { case 'autovalue': if (! is_array($vals)) $attribute->autoValue(array($vals)); else $attribute->autoValue($vals); break; case 'helpervalue': return $vals; } } /** * Set the mode of the TemplateRender * Applicable modes are "create" or "edit" */ protected function getMode() { if ($this->dn) return 'modification'; elseif ($this->container) return 'creation'; else debug_dump_backtrace(sprintf('Unknown mode for %s',__METHOD__),1); } /** * Is the default template enabled? */ protected function haveDefaultTemplate() { if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','disable_default_template')) return false; else return true; } /** * Present a list of available templates for creating and editing LDAP entries */ protected function drawTemplateChoice() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $this->drawTitle(); $this->drawSubTitle(); echo "\n"; switch ($this->getMode()) { case 'creation': $msg = _('Select a template for the creation process'); break; case 'modification': $msg = _('Select a template to edit the entry'); break; } $avail_templates = $this->getTemplates(); $templates = $avail_templates->getTemplates($this->getMode()); printf('<center><h3>%s</h3></center>',$msg); $href_parms = array_to_query_string($_GET,array('meth')); printf('<form name="template_choice_form" action="cmd.php?%s" method="post">',htmlspecialchars($href_parms)); echo "\n\n"; foreach ($_POST as $p => $v) printf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s">',$p,$v); echo "\n\n"; echo '<table class="forminput" width="100%" border=0>'; echo '<tr>'; printf('<td class="heading" style="vertical-align: top">%s:</td>',_('Templates')); echo '<td>'; echo '<table>'; $i = -1; $nb_templates = count($templates); if ($this->haveDefaultTemplate()) $nb_templates++; foreach ($templates as $name => $details) { $i++; $isInValid = $details->isInValid(); if (($regexp = $details->getRegExp()) && (($this->getMode() == 'creation' && ! @preg_match('/'.$regexp.'/i',$this->container)) || ($this->getMode() == 'modification' && ! @preg_match('/'.$regexp.'/i',$this->dn)))) $isInValid = _('This template is not valid in this container'); # Balance the columns properly if (($nb_templates % 2 == 0 && $i == intval($nb_templates / 2)) || ($nb_templates % 2 == 1 && $i == intval($nb_templates / 2) + 1)) { echo '</table></td><td><table>'; } echo "\n"; echo '<tr>'; if ($isInValid) printf('<td class="icon"><img src="%s/disabled.png" alt="Disabled" /></td>',IMGDIR); else { if (isAjaxEnabled()) printf('<td><input type="radio" name="template" value="%s" id="%s" onclick="return displayAJ(\'BODY\',\'%s&template=%s\',\'%s\');" /></td>', htmlspecialchars($details->getID()),htmlspecialchars($details->getID()),htmlspecialchars($href_parms),$details->getID(),_('Retieving DN')); else printf('<td><input type="radio" name="template" value="%s" id="%s" onclick="document.forms.template_choice_form.submit()" /></td>', htmlspecialchars($details->getID()),htmlspecialchars($details->getID())); } printf('<td class="icon"><label for="%s"><img src="%s" alt="" /></label></td>', htmlspecialchars($details->getID()),$details->getIcon()); printf('<td class="label"><label for="%s">', htmlspecialchars($details->getID())); if ($isInValid) printf('<span style="color: gray"><acronym title="%s">',_($isInValid)); echo _($details->getTitle()); if ($isInValid) echo '</acronym></span>'; echo '</label></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo "\n"; # Default template if ($this->haveDefaultTemplate()) { $i++; # Balance the columns properly if (($nb_templates % 2 == 0 && $i == intval($nb_templates / 2)) || ($nb_templates % 2 == 1 && $i == intval($nb_templates / 2) + 1)) { echo '</table></td><td><table>'; } echo '<tr>'; if (isAjaxEnabled()) printf('<td><input type="radio" name="template" value="none" id="none" onclick="return displayAJ(\'BODY\',\'%s&template=%s\',\'%s\');" /></td>', htmlspecialchars($href_parms),'none',_('Retieving DN')); else echo '<td><input type="radio" name="template" value="none" id="none" onclick="document.forms.template_choice_form.submit()" /></td>'; printf('<td class="icon"><label for="none"><img src="%s/ldap-default.png" alt="" /></label></td>',IMGDIR); printf('<td class="label"><label for="none">%s</label></td>',_('Default')); echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</form>'; } /** VISIT METHODS **/ /** * This function will setup our template object (read LDAP for current values, read $_REQUEST for new values, etc) * so that it can be rendered. */ private function visitStart() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered',1,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); # If we have a DN, then we are an editing template if ($this->dn) $this->template->setDN(get_request('dn','REQUEST')); # Else if we have a container, we are a creating template elseif ($this->container) $this->template->setContainer(get_request('container','REQUEST')); else debug_dump_backtrace('Dont know what type of template we are - no DN or CONTAINER?',1); # Header $this->drawHeader(); } private function visitEnd() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',1,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->template->getDN()); foreach ($this->template->getAttributesShown() as $attribute) if ($attribute->getPage() > $this->pagelast) $this->pagelast = $attribute->getPage(); echo "\n\n"; if ($this->template->getContext() == 'create') { $this->drawStepTitle($this->page); $this->drawStepFormStart($this->page); $this->drawStepForm($this->page); $this->drawStepFormEnd(); } else { # Draw internal attributes if (get_request('show_internal_attrs','REQUEST')) { echo '<table class="entry" cellspacing="0" align="center" border=0>'; $this->drawInternalAttributes(); echo '</table><br/>'; echo "\n"; } $this->drawFormStart(); # To support our AJAX add Attribute printf('<div id="ajADD" style="display: %s"></div>','none'); $this->drawForm(); $this->drawStepFormEnd(); } } /** PAGE DRAWING METHODS **/ private function drawHeader() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); # Title $this->drawTitle(); $this->drawSubTitle(); echo "\n"; # Menu $this->drawMenu(); } public function drawTitle($title=null) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (is_null($title)) switch ($this->getMode()) { case 'creation': $title = _('Create Object'); break; case 'modification': $title = get_rdn($this->dn); break; default: $title = 'Title'; } parent::drawTitle($title); } public function drawSubTitle($subtitle=null) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if ($subtitle) return parent::drawSubTitle($subtitle); switch ($this->getMode()) { case 'creation': $subtitle = sprintf('%s: <b>%s</b> %s: <b>%s</b>', _('Server'),$this->getServer()->getName(), _('Container'),$this->container); if ($this->template_id) { $subtitle .= '<br />'; $subtitle .= sprintf('%s: <b>%s</b>',('Template'),$this->template->getID() != 'none' ? $this->template->getTitle() : _('Default')); if ($this->template->getName()) $subtitle .= sprintf(' (<b>%s</b>)',$this->template->getName(false)); } break; case 'modification': $subtitle = sprintf('%s: <b>%s</b> %s: <b>%s</b>', _('Server'),$this->getServer()->getName(), _('Distinguished Name'),$this->dn); if ($this->template_id) { $subtitle .= '<br />'; $subtitle .= sprintf('%s: <b>%s</b>',('Template'),$this->template->getID() != 'none' ? $this->template->getTitle() : _('Default')); if ($this->template->getName()) $subtitle .= sprintf(' (<b>%s</b>)',$this->template->getName(false)); } break; } parent::drawSubTitle($subtitle); } /** PAGE ENTRY MENU **/ private function drawMenu() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); # We only have a menu for editing entries. if ($this->template->getContext() == 'edit') { echo '<table class="menu" width="100%" border=0>'; echo '<tr>'; $menuitem_number = 0; foreach (array('entryrefresh','showinternal','switchtemplate','entryexport','entrycopy','entrydelete','entryrename','entrycompare','childcreate','addattr','msgdel','childview','childexport','msgschema','msgro','msgmodattr') as $item) { $item = $this->getMenuItem($item); if ($item) { $endofrow = false; $start = true; $it = ''; // menu item $ms = ''; // item message if (is_array($item) && count($item) > 0) { $it = $item[0]; if (count($item) > 1) $ms = $item[1]; } else { $it = $item; } if ($it) { $menuitem_number++; echo $it; if ($ms) { if (($menuitem_number % 2) == 1) { $menuitem_number++; echo '<td colspan=2> </td>'; $endofrow = false; $start = false; } if ($endofrow) print $ms; else echo "</tr><tr>$ms"; echo '</tr><tr>'; $endofrow = true; $start = false; } else { if ($menuitem_number > 1 && ($menuitem_number % 2) == 0) { echo '</tr><tr>'; $endofrow = true; $start = false; } } } elseif ($ms) { if (($menuitem_number % 2) == 1) { $menuitem_number++; echo '<td colspan=2> </td>'; $endofrow = false; $start = false; } if ($endofrow || $start) print $ms; else echo "</tr><tr>$ms"; echo '</tr><tr>'; $endofrow = true; $start = false; } echo "\n"; } } if (($menuitem_number % 2) == 1) echo '<td> </td><td> </td>'; else echo '<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; } } /** PAGE ENTRY MENU ITEMS **/ private function getMenuItem($i) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s (%s)</font><br />',__METHOD__,$i); switch ($i) { case 'entryrefresh': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('entry_refresh')) return $this->getMenuItemRefresh(); else return ''; case 'switchtemplate': return $this->getMenuItemSwitchTemplate(); case 'entryexport': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','export_form')) return $this->getMenuItemExportBase(); else return ''; case 'entrycopy': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','copy_form') && ! $this->template->isReadOnly()) return $this->getMenuItemMove(); else return ''; case 'showinternal': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('entry_internal_attributes_show')) return $this->getMenuItemInternalAttributes(); else return ''; case 'entrydelete': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','delete_form') && ! $this->template->isReadOnly()) return $this->getMenuItemDelete(); else return ''; case 'entryrename': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('entry_rename') && ! $this->template->isReadOnly()) { # Check if any of the RDN's are read only. $rdnro = false; foreach ($this->template->getRDNAttributeName() as $attr) { $attribute = $this->template->getAttribute($attr); if ($attribute && $attribute->isVisible() && ! $attribute->isReadOnly()) { $rdnro = true; break; } } if (! $rdnro) return $this->getMenuItemRename(); } return ''; case 'msgdel': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','show_hints') && $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('attribute_delete') && ! $this->template->isReadOnly()) return array('',$this->getDeleteAttributeMessage()); else return ''; case 'entrycompare': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('entry_compare') && ! $this->template->isReadOnly()) return $this->getMenuItemCompare(); else return ''; case 'childcreate': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('entry_create') && ! $this->template->isReadOnly()) return $this->getMenuItemCreate(); else return ''; case 'addattr': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('attribute_add') && ! $this->template->isReadOnly()) return $this->getMenuItemAddAttribute(); else return ''; case 'childview': case 'childexport': static $children_count = false; static $more_children = false; $tree = get_cached_item($this->getServerID(),'tree'); $tree_item = $tree->getEntry($this->template->getDN()); if (! $tree_item) { $tree->addEntry($this->template->getDN()); $tree_item = $tree->getEntry($this->template->getDN()); } if ($children_count === false) { # Visible children in the tree $children_count = count($tree_item->getChildren()); # Is there filtered children ? $more_children = $tree_item->isSizeLimited(); if (! $children_count || ! $more_children) { # All children in ldap $all_children = $this->getServer()->getContainerContents( $this->template->getDN(),null,$children_count+1,'(objectClass=*)',$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('deref','view'),null); $more_children = (count($all_children) > $children_count); } } if ($children_count > 0 || $more_children) { if ($children_count <= 0) $children_count = ''; if ($more_children) $children_count .= '+'; if ($i == 'childview') return $this->getMenuItemShowChildren($children_count); elseif ($i == 'childexport' && $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('export')) return $this->getMenuItemExportSub(); else return ''; } else return ''; case 'msgschema': if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','show_hints') && $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('schema')) return array('',$this->getViewSchemaMessage()); else return array(); case 'msgro': if ($this->template->isReadOnly()) return array('',$this->getReadOnlyMessage()); else return array(); case 'msgmodattr': $modified_attrs = array(); $modified = get_request('modified_attrs','REQUEST',false,array()); foreach ($this->template->getAttributes(true) as $attribute) if (in_array($attribute->getName(),$modified)) array_push($modified_attrs,$attribute->getFriendlyName()); if (count($modified_attrs)) return array('',$this->getModifiedAttributesMessage($modified_attrs)); else return array(); default: return false; } } protected function getDeleteAttributeMessage() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('attribute_delete_value') && ! $this->template->isReadOnly()) return sprintf($this->layout['hint'],_('Hint: To delete an attribute, empty the text field and click save.')); else return ''; } protected function getModifiedAttributesMessage(&$modified_attributes) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); return sprintf($this->layout['hint'], (count($modified_attributes) == 1) ? sprintf(_('An attribute (%s) was modified and is highlighted below.'),implode('',$modified_attributes)) : sprintf(_('Some attributes (%s) were modified and are highlighted below.'),implode(', ',$modified_attributes))); } protected function getReadOnlyMessage() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); return sprintf($this->layout['hint'],_('Viewing entry in read-only mode.')); } protected function getViewSchemaMessage() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); return sprintf($this->layout['hint'],_('Hint: To view the schema for an attribute, click the attribute name.')); } /** PAGE ENTRY MENU ITEMS DETAILS **/ private function getMenuItemRefresh() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=template_engine&%s&junk=%s',$this->url_base,random_junk()); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'refresh.png',_('Refresh'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Refresh this entry'),htmlspecialchars($href),_('Reloading'),_('Refresh')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'refresh.png',_('Refresh'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Refresh this entry'),_('Refresh')); } protected function getMenuItemSwitchTemplate() { $href = sprintf('cmd=template_engine&%s&template=',$this->url_base); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'switch.png',_('Switch Template'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Change to another template'),htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'),_('Switch Template')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'switch.png',_('Switch Template'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Change to another template'),_('Switch Template')); } protected function getMenuItemExportBase() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=export_form&%s&scope=base',$this->url_base); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'export.png',_('Export'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Save a dump of this object'),htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'),_('Export')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'export.png',_('Export'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Save a dump of this object'),_('Export')); } private function getMenuItemMove() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=copy_form&%s',$this->url_base); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'cut.png',_('Cut'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Copy this object to another location, a new DN, or another server'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'),_('Copy or move this entry')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'cut.png',_('Cut'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Copy this object to another location, a new DN, or another server'), _('Copy or move this entry')); } protected function getMenuItemInternalAttributes() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (get_request('show_internal_attrs','REQUEST')) { $href = sprintf('cmd=template_engine&%s&junk=',$this->url_base,random_junk()); return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'tools-no.png',_('Hide'), htmlspecialchars($href),'',_('Hide internal attributes')); } else { $href = sprintf('cmd=template_engine&show_internal_attrs=true&%s',$this->url_base); return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'tools.png',_('Show'), htmlspecialchars($href),'',_('Show internal attributes')); } } private function getMenuItemDelete() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=delete_form&%s',$this->url_base); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'trash.png',_('Trash'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('You will be prompted to confirm this decision'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'),_('Delete this entry')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'trash.png',_('Trash'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('You will be prompted to confirm this decision'),_('Delete this entry')); } protected function getMenuItemRename() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=rename_form&%s&template=%s',$this->url_base,$this->template->getID()); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'rename.png',_('Rename'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Rename this entry'),htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'),_('Rename')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'rename.png',_('Rename'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Rename this entry'),_('Rename')); } protected function getMenuItemCompare() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=compare_form&%s',$this->url_base); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'compare.png',_('Compare'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Compare this entry with another'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'),_('Compare with another entry')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'compare.png',_('Compare'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Compare this entry with another'),_('Compare with another entry')); } protected function getMenuItemCreate() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&container=%s',$this->getServerID(),rawurlencode($this->template->getDN())); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'create.png',_('Create'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Create a child entry'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'),_('Create a child entry')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'create.png',_('Create'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Create a child entry'),_('Create a child entry')); } protected function getMenuItemAddAttribute() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (! $this->template->getAvailAttrs()) return ''; $href = sprintf('cmd=add_attr_form&%s',$this->url_base); $layout = '<td class="icon"><img src="%s/%s" alt="%s" /></td><td><a href="cmd.php?%s" title="%s" onclick="getDiv(\'ADD\').style.display = \'block\';return displayAJ(\'ADD\',\'%s\',\'%s\');">%s</a></td>'; if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($layout,IMGDIR,'add.png',_('Add'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Add new attribute to this object'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Add new attribute'),_('Add new attribute')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'add.png',_('Add'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Add new attribute to this object'),_('Add new attribute')); } protected function getMenuItemShowChildren($children_count) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=query_engine&server_id=%s&filter=%s&base=%s&scope=one&query=none', $this->getServerID(),rawurlencode('objectClass=*'),rawurlencode($this->template->getDN())); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'children.png',_('Children'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('View the children of this object'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'), ($children_count == 1) ? _('View 1 child') : sprintf(_('View %s children'),$children_count)); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'children.png',_('Children'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('View the children of this object'), ($children_count == 1) ? _('View 1 child') : sprintf(_('View %s children'),$children_count)); } protected function getMenuItemExportSub() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=export_form&%s&scope=%s',$this->url_base,'sub'); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf($this->layout['actionajax'],IMGDIR,'export.png',_('Save'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Save a dump of this object and all of its children'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Loading'),_('Export subtree')); else return sprintf($this->layout['action'],IMGDIR,'export.png',_('Save'), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Save a dump of this object and all of its children'),_('Export subtree')); } /** CHOOSERS **/ /** * RDN Chooser */ protected function drawRDNChooser() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (! count($this->template->getRDNAttrs())) { printf('<tr><th colspan="2">%s</th></tr>','RDN'); echo '<tr><td class="value" colspan="2"><center><select name="rdn_attribute[]" id="rdn_attribute">'; printf('<option value="">%s</option>',_('select the rdn attribute')); if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','rdn_all_attrs')) $allattrs = true; else $allattrs = false; foreach ($this->template->getAttributes($allattrs) as $attr) { $n = $attr->getName(false); if ($attr->getName() != 'objectclass') { $m = $attr->getFriendlyName(); $b = ' '; printf('<option value="%s">%s%s(%s)</option>',$n,$m,$b,$n); } } echo '</select></center></td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td colspan="2">'; foreach ($this->template->getRDNAttrs() as $rdn) printf('<input type="hidden" name="rdn_attribute[]" value="%s" id="rdn_attribute"/>',htmlspecialchars($rdn)); echo '</td></tr>'; } } /** * Container Chooser */ protected function drawContainerChooser($default_container) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); echo '<tr>'; printf('<td class="heading">%s</td>',_('Container')); printf('<td><input type="text" name="container" size="40" value="%s" />',htmlspecialchars($default_container)); draw_chooser_link('entry_form.container'); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } /** * Object Class Chooser */ protected function drawObjectClassChooser() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $socs = $this->getServer()->SchemaObjectClasses(); if (! $socs) $socs = array(); echo '<tr>'; printf('<td class="heading">%s</td>',_('ObjectClasses')); echo '<td><select name="new_values[objectclass][]" multiple="true" size="15">'; foreach ($socs as $name => $oclass) { if (! strcasecmp('top',$name)) continue; printf('<option %s value="%s">%s</option>', ($oclass->getType() == 'structural') ? 'style="font-weight: bold" ' : '', htmlspecialchars($oclass->getName(false)),$oclass->getName(false)); } echo '</select>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','show_hints')) { printf('<tr><td> </td><td><small><img src="%s/light.png" alt="Hint" /><span class="hint">',IMGDIR); echo _('Hint: You must choose exactly one structural objectClass (shown in bold above)'); echo '</span></small><br /></td></tr>'; } } /** INTERNAL ATTRIBUTES **/ protected function drawInternalAttributes() { if ($this->template->getAttributesInternal()) foreach ($this->template->getAttributesInternal() as $attribute) $this->draw('Internal',$attribute); else printf('<tr><td>(%s)<br/></td></tr>',_('No internal attributes')); echo "\n"; } protected function drawInternalAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $this->draw('Template',$attribute); } /** FORM METHODS **/ public function drawFormStart() { echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="entry_form" onSubmit="return submitForm(this)">'; if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('confirm','update')) echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_confirm" />'; else echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update" />'; } protected function drawForm() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />',$this->getServerID()); printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn" value="%s" />',htmlspecialchars($this->template->getDN())); printf('<input type="hidden" name="template" value="%s" />',$this->template->getID()); echo '<table class="entry" cellspacing="0" align="center" border=0>'; $this->drawShownAttributes(); $this->drawFormSubmitButton(); echo '</table>'; $this->drawHiddenAttributes(); } public function drawFormEnd() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); echo '</form>'; # Javascript $this->drawJavascript(); # For debugging, show the template object. if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','hide_debug_info') && get_request('debug','GET')) { echo "\n\n"; printf('<img src="%s/plus.png" alt="Plus" onClick="if (document.getElementById(\'DEBUGtemplate\').style.display == \'none\') { document.getElementById(\'DEBUGtemplate\').style.display = \'block\' } else { document.getElementById(\'DEBUGtemplate\').style.display = \'none\' };"/>',IMGDIR); echo '<div id="DEBUGtemplate" style="display: none">'; echo '<fieldset>'; printf('<legend>DEBUG: %s</legend>',$this->template->getDescription()); echo '<textarea cols=120 rows=20>'; debug_dump($this); echo '</textarea>'; echo '</fieldset>'; echo '</div>'; } } public function drawFormSubmitButton() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (! $this->template->isReadOnly()) printf('<tr><td colspan=2><center><input type="submit" id="create_button" name="submit" value="%s" /></center></td></tr>',_('Update Object')); } /** STEP FORM METHODS **/ private function drawStepTitle($page) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (DEBUGTMP||DEBUGTMPSUB) printf('<font size=-2>* %s [templateNAME:%s]</font><br />',__METHOD__,$this->template->getName()); # The default template needs to ask the user for objectClasses. if ($this->template->isType('default')) { # The default template only uses 2 pages $this->pagelast = 2; echo '<center><h4>'; printf('%s: ',sprintf(_('Step %s of %s'),$page,$this->pagelast)); if ($page == 1) echo _('Container and ObjectClass(es)'); else echo _('Specify attributes and values'); echo '</h4></center>'; } elseif ($this->template->getDescription()) printf('<center><h4>%s (%s)</h4></center>', _($this->template->getDescription()), sprintf(_('Step %s of %s'),$page,$this->pagelast)); } private function drawStepFormStart($page) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (($this->template->isType('default') && $this->template->getContext() == 'create' && $page == 1) || $page < $this->pagelast) { echo '<form action="cmd.php?cmd=template_engine" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="entry_form" onSubmit="return submitForm(this)">'; } else { echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="entry_form" onSubmit="return submitForm(this)">'; if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('confirm','create')) echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="create_confirm" />'; else echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="create" />'; } } protected function drawStepForm($page) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />',$this->getServerID()); printf('<input type="hidden" name="template" value="%s" />',$this->template->getID()); printf('<input type="hidden" name="page" value="%s" />',$page+1); $this->drawHiddenAttributes(); if ($this->template->isType('default') && $page == 1) { echo '<table class="forminput" align="center" border=0>'; $this->drawContainerChooser($this->template->getContainer()); $this->drawObjectClassChooser(); } else { printf('<input type="hidden" name="container" value="%s" />',htmlspecialchars($this->template->getContainer())); echo '<table class="entry" cellspacing="0" align="center" border=0>'; $this->drawRDNChooser(); if ($this->template->isType('default') && $this->template->getContext() == 'create') $this->drawStepFormDefaultAttributes(); else $this->drawShownAttributes(); } $this->drawStepFormSubmitButton($page); echo '</table>'; } private function drawStepFormEnd() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $this->drawFormEnd(); } private function drawStepFormSubmitButton($page) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); echo '<tr>'; if ($page < $this->pagelast) printf('<td> </td><td><input type="submit" id="create_button" value="%s" /></td>',_('Proceed >>')); else printf('<td><center><input type="submit" id="create_button" name="submit" value="%s"/></center></td>',_('Create Object')); echo '</tr>'; } /** * Given our known objectClass in the template, this will render the required MAY and optional MUST attributes */ private function drawStepFormDefaultAttributes() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); # Put required attributes first $attrs = array(); $attrs['required'] = array(); $attrs['optional'] = array(); foreach ($this->template->getAttributes(true) as $attribute) { # Skip the objectclass attribute, we already know it in a default creation form. if ($attribute->getName() == 'objectclass') continue; if ($attribute->isRequired()) array_push($attrs['required'],$attribute); elseif (! $attribute->getValues()) array_push($attrs['optional'],$attribute); } printf('<tr><th colspan="2">%s</th></tr>',_('Required Attributes')); if (count($attrs['required'])) foreach ($attrs['required'] as $attribute) $this->draw('Template',$attribute); else printf('<tr class="noinput"><td colspan="2"><center>(%s)</center></td></tr>',_('none')); printf('<tr><th colspan="2">%s</th></tr>',_('Optional Attributes')); if (count($attrs['optional'])) foreach ($attrs['optional'] as $attribute) $this->draw('Template',$attribute); else printf('<tr class="noinput"><td colspan="2"><center>(%s)</center></td></tr>',_('none')); echo "\n"; } /** DRAW ATTRIBUTES **/ private function drawShownAttributes() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); foreach ($this->template->getAttributesShown() as $attribute) if (($attribute->getPage() == $this->page) && ($attribute->isRequired() || $attribute->isMay())) { $this->draw('Template',$attribute); echo "\n"; } } /** DRAW PAGE JAVACRIPT */ protected function drawJavascript() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); echo "\n"; printf('<!-- START: %s -->',__METHOD__); echo "\n"; printf('<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="%stemplaterender.js"></script>',JSDIR); echo "\n"; printf('<!-- START: MAIN FORM VALIDATION: %s -->',__METHOD__); echo ' <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function validateForm(silence) { var i = 0; var valid = true; var components = null;'."\n"; foreach ($this->template->getAttributes(true) as $attribute) { if ($attribute->isVisible() && ($attribute->getOnchange()) || $attribute->isRequired()) { echo ' components = getAttributeComponents("new","'.$attribute->getName().'"); for (i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { if (window.validate_'.$attribute->getName().') { valid = (!validate_'.$attribute->getName().'(components[i],silence) || !valid) ? false : true; } }'; echo "\n"; } } # If we displayed the RDN chooser... if (! count($this->template->getRDNAttrs())) echo ' valid = (!document.getElementById(\'rdn_attribute\').value || !valid) ? false : true;'; echo ' return valid; } </script>'; echo "\n"; printf('<!-- END: MAIN FORM VALIDATION: %s -->',__METHOD__); echo "\n"; $this->drawTemplateJavascript(); # If we have a DateAttribute, we need to set some defaults for the js_calendar. if (isset($_SESSION[APPCONFIG])) { foreach ($this->template->getAttributesShown() as $attribute) { if (array_key_exists($attribute->getName(),array_change_key_case($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','date_attrs')))) { echo '<!-- START: GLOBAL SETTINGS FOR THE js_calendar -->'."\n"; echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">'."\n"; echo 'var defaults = new Array();'."\n"; printf('var default_date_format = "%s";',$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','date')); echo "\n"; echo '</script>'."\n"; echo '<!-- END: GLOBAL SETTINGS FOR THE js_calendar -->'."\n"; echo "\n"; break; } } } foreach ($this->template->getAttributesShown() as $attribute) $this->draw('Javascript',$attribute); echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">validateForm(true);</script>'."\n"; printf('<!-- END: %s -->',__METHOD__); echo "\n"; } /** * Javascript Functions */ private function drawTemplateJavascript() { printf('<!-- START: ONCHANGE PROCESSING %s -->',__METHOD__); echo "\n"; foreach ($this->template->getAttributes(true) as $attribute) if ($onchange = $attribute->getOnChange()) if (is_array($onchange)) foreach ($onchange as $value) $this->template->OnChangeAdd($attribute->getName(),$value); else $this->template->OnChangeAdd($attribute->getName(),$onchange); printf('<!-- END: ONCHANGE PROCESSING %s -->',__METHOD__); echo "\n"; printf('<!-- START: %s -->',__METHOD__); echo ' <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var attrTrace; function fill(id,value) { attrTrace = new Array(); fillRec(id,value); } function fillRec(id,value) { if (attrTrace[id] == 1) { return; } else { var pre = ""; var suf = ""; var i; attrTrace[id] = 1; pla_setComponentValue(pla_getComponentById(id),value); // here comes template-specific implementation,generated by php if (false) {}'; foreach ($this->template->getAttributes(true) as $attribute) { if ($attribute->isVisible() && ($attribute->getOnchange()) || $attribute->isRequired()) { $attr = $attribute->getName(); printf(" else if ((i = id.indexOf('_%s_')) >= 0) {",$attr); echo " pre = id.substring(0,i+1);"; printf(" suf = id.substring(i + 1 + '%s'.length,id.length);\n",$attr); $this->draw('FillJavascript',$attribute,'id','value'); if (isset($attribute->js['autoFill'])) echo $attribute->js['autoFill']; echo " }\n"; } } echo '} } </script>'; echo "\n"; printf('<!-- END: %s -->',__METHOD__); echo "\n"; } /** ATTRIBUTE TITLE **/ protected function drawTitleAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (($this->template->getContext() == 'edit') && ($attribute->hasBeenModified() || in_array($attribute->getName(),get_request('modified_attrs','REQUEST',false,array())))) echo '<tr class="updated">'; else echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="title">'; $this->draw('Name',$attribute); echo '</td>'; echo '<td class="note">'; # Setup the $attr_note, which will be displayed to the right of the attr name (if any) if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','show_attribute_notes')) $this->draw('Notes',$attribute); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } /** ATTRIBUTE LINE **/ protected function drawStartValueLineAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (($this->template->getContext() == 'edit') && ($attribute->hasBeenModified() || in_array($attribute->getName(),get_request('modified_attrs','REQUEST',false,array())))) echo '<tr class="updated">'; else echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="value" colspan=2>'; } protected function drawEndValueLineAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; if ($attribute->getSpacer()) echo '<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="3"> </td></tr>'; if (($this->template->getContext() == 'edit') && ($attribute->hasBeenModified() || in_array($attribute->getName(),get_request('modified_attrs','REQUEST',false,array())))) echo '<tr class="updated"><td class="bottom" colspan="2"></td></tr>'; } protected function drawTemplateAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $this->draw('Title',$attribute); $this->draw('TemplateValues',$attribute); } protected function drawTemplateValuesAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s:%s</font><br />',time(),__METHOD__); $this->draw('StartValueLine',$attribute); # Draws values $value_count = $attribute->getValueCount(); for ($i=0;$i<$value_count;$i++) $this->draw('Value',$attribute,$i); if (! $attribute->isInternal()) { $blankvalue_count = $attribute->getMaxValueCount(); if ($blankvalue_count < 0) $blankvalue_count = 1; $blankvalue_count -= $value_count; for ($j=0;$j<$blankvalue_count;$j++) $this->draw('Value',$attribute,$i+$j); if (($value_count == $blankvalue_count) || ($value_count && $blankvalue_count < 1)) $this->draw('Menu',$attribute); } $this->draw('EndValueLine',$attribute); echo "\n"; } /** DRAW ICONS FOR ATTRIBUTES VALUES **/ protected function drawIconAttribute($attribute,$val) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (is_dn_string($val) || $this->getServer()->isDNAttr($attribute->getName())) $this->draw('DnValueIcon',$attribute,$val); elseif (is_mail_string($val)) $this->draw('MailValueIcon',$attribute,$val); elseif (is_url_string($val)) $this->draw('UrlValueIcon',$attribute,$val); else { if ($icon = $attribute->getIcon()) printf('<img src="%s" alt="Icon" align="top" /> ',$icon); } } protected function drawDnValueIconAttribute($attribute,$val) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (strlen($val) <= 0) printf('<img src="%s/ldap-alias.png" alt="Go" align="top" /> ',IMGDIR); elseif ($this->getServer()->dnExists($val)) printf('<a href="cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s" title="%s %s"><img src="%s/ldap-alias.png" alt="Go" /></a> ', $this->getServerID(),rawurlencode($val),_('Go to'),$val,IMGDIR); else printf('<a title="%s %s"><img src="%s/nogo.png" alt="Go" /></a> ',_('DN not available'),$val,IMGDIR); } protected function drawMailValueIconAttribute($attribute,$val) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $img = sprintf('<img src="%s/mail.png" alt="%s" align="top" />',IMGDIR,_('Mail')); if (strlen($val) <= 0) echo $img; else printf('<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>',htmlspecialchars($val),$img); echo ' '; } protected function drawUrlValueIconAttribute($attribute,$val) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $img = sprintf('<img src="%s/ldap-dc.png" alt="%s" align="top" />',IMGDIR,_('URL')); $url = explode(' +',$val,2); if (strlen($val) <= 0) echo $img; else printf('<a href="%s" target="new">%s</a>',htmlspecialchars($url[0]),$img); echo ' '; } /** DEFAULT ATTRIBUTE RENDERING **/ /** javacript */ protected function drawJavascriptAttribute($attribute) { if (! $attribute->needJS()) { printf('<!-- NO JS REQUIRED FOR %s -->',$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; return; } printf('<!-- START: ATTRIBUTE %s (%s)-->',__METHOD__,$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">'."\n"; echo '// focus'."\n"; if ($attribute->needJS('focus')) { printf('function focus_%s(component) {',$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; $this->draw('FocusJavascript',$attribute,'component'); echo "};\n"; } echo '// blur'."\n"; if ($attribute->needJS('blur')) { printf('function blur_%s(component) {',$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; $this->draw('BlurJavascript',$attribute,'component'); echo "};\n"; } echo '// validate'."\n"; if ($attribute->needJS('validate')) { printf('function validate_%s(component,silence) {',$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; echo ' var valid = true;'; echo "\n"; $this->draw('ValidateJavascript',$attribute,'component','silence','valid'); echo "\n"; echo ' if (valid) { component.style.backgroundColor = "white"; component.style.color = "black"; }'; echo ' else { component.style.backgroundColor = \'#FFFFA0\'; component.style.color = "black"; }'; echo ' return valid;'; echo '}'."\n"; } echo '</script>'."\n"; printf('<!-- END: ATTRIBUTE %s (%s)-->',__METHOD__,$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; } protected function getFocusJavascriptAttribute($attribute,$component) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); return ''; } protected function getBlurJavascriptAttribute($attribute,$component) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $j = "\t".'fill('.$component.'.id,pla_getComponentValue('.$component.'));'."\n"; $j .= "\t".'validate_'.$attribute->getName().'('.$component.',false);'."\n"; return $j; } protected function drawFocusJavascriptAttribute($attribute,$component) { echo $this->get('FocusJavascript',$attribute,$component); } protected function drawBlurJavascriptAttribute($attribute,$component) { echo $this->get('BlurJavascript',$attribute,$component); } protected function drawFillJavascriptAttribute($attribute,$component_id,$component_value) { if ($attribute->needJS('validate')) printf("\tvalidate_%s(pla_getComponentById(%s),false);\n",$attribute->getName(),$component_id); } protected function drawValidateJavascriptAttribute($attribute,$component,$silence,$var_valid) { printf('var vals = getAttributeValues("new","%s");',$attribute->getName()); echo 'if (vals.length <= 0) {'; printf('%s = false;',$var_valid); printf('alertError("%s: %s",%s);',_('This attribute is required'),$attribute->getFriendlyName(),$silence); echo '}'; echo "\n"; printf('var comp = getAttributeComponents("new","%s");',$attribute->getName()); echo 'for (var i = 0; i < comp.length; i++) {'; printf('comp[i].style.backgroundColor = "%s";',$var_valid ? 'white' : '#FFFFA0'); echo '}'; } /** ATTRIBUTE MENU **/ protected function drawMenuAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $item = ''; echo '<table class="entry" border=0><tr><td width=25> </td>'; echo '<td>'; foreach (array('add','modify','rename') as $action) if ($item = $this->get('MenuItem',$attribute,$action)) printf('<div class="add_value">%s</div>',$item); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr></table>'; } protected function getMenuItemAttribute($attribute,$action) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); # If there is no DN, then this is a creating entry. if (($this->template->getContext() == 'create') || $this->template->isReadOnly()) return false; switch ($action) { case 'add': if ($attribute->isVisible() && ! $attribute->isReadOnly() && $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('attribute_add_value')) { if ($attribute->haveMoreValues()) return $this->get('AddValueMenuItem',$attribute); } return ''; case 'modify': if (in_array($attribute->getName(),arrayLower($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('modify_member','groupattr')))) { if ($attribute->isVisible() && ! $attribute->isReadOnly() && ! $attribute->isRDN() && ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('attribute_add_value') || $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('attribute_delete_value'))) return $this->get('ModifyMemberMenuItem',$attribute); } return ''; case 'rename': if ($attribute->isVisible() && $attribute->isRDN() && ! $attribute->isReadOnly() && $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('entry_rename')) return $this->get('RenameMenuItem',$attribute); return ''; default: return false; } } protected function getAddValueMenuItemAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href_parm = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd=add_value_form&server_id=%s&dn=%s&attr=%s', $this->getServerID(),rawurlencode($this->template->getDN()),rawurlencode($attribute->getName(false)))); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf('(<a href="cmd.php?%s" title="%s %s" onclick="return displayAJ(\'ADDVALUE%s\',\'%s&raw=1\',\'%s\');">%s</a>)', $href_parm,_('Add an additional value to attribute'),$attribute->getName(false),$attribute->getName(), $href_parm,_('Add Value to Attribute'),_('add value')); else return sprintf('(<a href="cmd.php?%s" title="%s %s">%s</a>)', $href_parm,_('Add an additional value to attribute'),$attribute->getName(false),_('add value')); } protected function getModifyMemberMenuItemAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd=modify_member_form&server_id=%s&dn=%s&attr=%s', $this->getServerID(),rawurlencode($this->template->getDN()),rawurlencode($attribute->getName())); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf('(<a href="cmd.php?%s" title="%s: %s" onclick="return displayAJ(\'BODY\',\'%s\',\'%s\');">%s</a>)', htmlspecialchars($href),_('Modify members for'),$this->template->getDN(), htmlspecialchars($href),_('Modify group membership'), _('modify group members')); else return sprintf('(<a href="cmd.php?%s" title="%s: %s">%s</a>)', htmlspecialchars($href),_('Modify members for'),$this->template->getDN(),_('modify group members')); } protected function getRenameMenuItemAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=rename_form&server_id=%s&dn=%s&template=%s', $this->getServerID(),rawurlencode($this->template->getDN()),$this->template->getID()); return sprintf('<small>(<a href="%s">%s</a>)</small>',htmlspecialchars($href),_('rename')); } /** values **/ protected function drawValueAttribute($attribute,$i) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%d)',1,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attribute->getName(),$i); $val = $attribute->getValue($i); if ($attribute->isVisible()) { echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border=0><tr><td class="icon" width=25>'; $this->draw('Icon',$attribute,$val); echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top">'; } if ($attribute->isInternal()) $this->draw('FormReadOnlyValue',$attribute,$i); else $this->draw('FormValue',$attribute,$i); if ($attribute->isVisible()) { echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" align="right">'; $this->draw('RequiredSymbol',$attribute); echo '</td></tr></table>'; } echo "\n"; } # @todo for userPasswords, we need to capture the default value of select lists, without specifying <default> protected function drawHelperAttribute($attribute,$i) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $params = $attribute->getHelper(); # We take the first <id> only $id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : ''; if (is_array($id)) { system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Too many arguments'), 'body'=>sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)',_('Helper attribute has too many ID values, only the first one is used'),count($id)), 'type'=>'warn')); $id = $id[0]; } # We take the first <display> only $display = isset($params['display']) ? $params['display'] : ''; if (is_array($display)) { system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Too many arguments'), 'body'=>sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)',_('Helper attribute has too many DISPLAY values, only the first one is used'),count($display)), 'type'=>'warn')); $display = $display[0]; } # We take the first <default> only $default = isset($params['default']) ? $params['default'] : ''; if (is_array($default)) { system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Too many arguments'), 'body'=>sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)',_('Helper attribute has too many DISPLAY values, only the first one is used'),count($default)), 'type'=>'warn')); $default = $default[0]; } if ($attribute->getHelperValue()) $vals = $this->get('Default',$attribute, $this->template->getContainer() ? $this->template->getContainer() : $this->getServer()->getContainerPath($this->template->getDN()), 'helpervalue'); else $vals = isset($params['value']) ? $params['value'] : ''; if ($this->template->getContext() == 'create') $dn = $this->template->getContainer(); else $dn = $this->template->getDN(); if (is_array($vals) && count($vals) > 0) { $found = false; printf('<select name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s_%s_%s">', $id,htmlspecialchars($attribute->getName()),$i, $id,htmlspecialchars($attribute->getName()),$i); foreach ($vals as $v) { printf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',$v,($v == $default) ? 'selected' : '',$v); if ($v == $default) $found = true; } if (! $found) printf('<option value="%s" selected>%s</option>',$default,$default ? $default : ' '); echo '</select>'; } else { # Vals must be an empty array. if (is_array($vals)) $vals = ''; printf('<input type="text" name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s_%s_%s" value="%s" size="4" />', $id,htmlspecialchars($attribute->getName()),$i, $id,htmlspecialchars($attribute->getName()),$i, htmlspecialchars($vals)); } if ($display) { echo '<div class="helper">'; printf('<span class="hint">%s</span>',$display); echo '</div>'; } } protected function drawRequiredSymbolAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if ($attribute->isRequired() && ! $attribute->isReadOnly()) echo '*'; } /** BINARY ATTRIBUTE RENDERING **/ #@todo do we need a $this->drawJavascriptAttribute($attribute) here too ? protected function drawJavascriptBinaryAttribute($attribute) { # If there are no values, then this javascript doesnt need to be drawn. if (! $attribute->getValues()) return; static $drawn = false; # This JS may have been rendered by multiple Binary attributes if ($drawn) return; else $drawn = true; printf('<!-- START: BINARY ATTRIBUTE %s (%s)-->',__METHOD__,$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; echo '<!-- This form is submitted by JavaScript when the user clicks "Delete attribute" on a binary attribute -->'; echo '<form name="delete_attribute_form" action="cmd.php?cmd=delete_attr" method="post">'; printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />',$this->getServerID()); printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn" value="%s" />',htmlspecialchars($this->template->getDN())); printf('<input type="hidden" name="template" value="%s" />',$this->template->getID()); echo '<input type="hidden" name="attr" value="FILLED IN BY JAVASCRIPT" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="index" value="FILLED IN BY JAVASCRIPT" />'; echo '</form>'; echo ' <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function deleteAttribute(attrName,friendlyName,i) { if (confirm("'._('Really delete value from attribute').' \'" + friendlyName + "\'?")) { document.delete_attribute_form.attr.value = attrName; document.delete_attribute_form.index.value = i; document.delete_attribute_form.submit(); } } </script>'; echo "\n"; printf('<!-- END: BINARY ATTRIBUTE %s (%s)-->',__METHOD__,$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; } /** DATE ATTRIBUTE RENDERING **/ protected function drawJavaScriptDateAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); printf('<!-- START: DATE ATTRIBUTE %s (%s)-->',__METHOD__,$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; $this->drawJavaScriptAttribute($attribute); static $drawn = false; # This JS may have been rendered by multiple Date attributes if (! $drawn) { printf('<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="%sjscalendar/lang/calendar-en.js"></script>',JSDIR); printf('<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="%sjscalendar/calendar-setup.js"></script>',JSDIR); printf('<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="%sdate_selector.js"></script>',JSDIR); $drawn = true; } $config = array(); $config['date'] = array_change_key_case($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','date_attrs')); $config['time'] = array_change_key_case($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','date_attrs_showtime')); $config['format'] = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','date'); if (isset($config['date'][$attribute->getName()])) $config['format'] = $config['date'][$attribute->getName()]; for ($i=0;$i<=$attribute->getValueCount();$i++) { printf('<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">defaults[\'f_date_%s_%s\'] = \'%s\';</script>',$attribute->getName(),$i,$config['format']); if (in_array_ignore_case($attribute->getName(),array_keys($config['time'])) && ($config['time'][$attribute->getName()])) printf('<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">defaults[\'f_time_%s_%s\'] = \'%s\';</script>',$attribute->getName(),$i,'true'); echo "\n"; } printf('<!-- END: DATE ATTRIBUTE %s (%s)-->',__METHOD__,$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; } /** * Draws an HTML date selector button which, when clicked, pops up a date selector dialog. */ protected function drawSelectorPopupDateAttribute($attribute,$i) { printf('<a href="javascript:dateSelector(\'%s_%s\');" title="%s"><img class="chooser" src="%s/calendar.png" id="f_trigger_%s_%s" style="cursor: pointer;" alt="Calendar" /></a>', $attribute->getName(),$i,_('Click to popup a dialog to select a date graphically'),IMGDIR,$attribute->getName(),$i); } /** DN ATTRIBUTES **/ protected function drawIconDnAttribute($attribute,$val) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); $this->draw('DnValueIcon',$attribute,$val); } /** OBJECT CLASS ATTRIBUTE **/ protected function drawIconObjectClassAttribute($attribute,$val) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (strlen($val) > 0) { $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=schema&server_id=%s&view=objectclasses&viewvalue=%s', $this->getServerID(),$val); printf('<a href="%s" title="%s"><img src="%s/info.png" alt="Info" /></a> ', htmlspecialchars($href),_('View the schema description for this objectClass'),IMGDIR); } } /** PASSWORD ATTRIBUTES **/ protected function drawJavascriptPasswordAttribute($attribute) { static $drawn = false; # This JS may have been rendered by multiple Binary attributes if ($drawn) return; else $drawn = true; printf('<!-- START: PASSWORD ATTRIBUTE %s (%s)-->',__METHOD__,$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; $this->drawJavascriptAttribute($attribute); # Add the javascript so we can call check password later. echo ' <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function passwordComparePopup(component_id) { mywindow = open(\'password_checker.php\',\'myname\',\'resizable=no,width=500,height=200,scrollbars=1\'); mywindow.location.href = \'password_checker.php?componentid=\'+component_id; if (mywindow.opener == null) mywindow.opener = self; } </script>'; echo "\n"; printf('<!-- END: PASSWORD ATTRIBUTE %s (%s)-->',__METHOD__,$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; } protected function drawCheckLinkPasswordAttribute($attribute,$component_id) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); printf('<small><a href="javascript:passwordComparePopup(\'%s\')">%s...</a></small><br />', $component_id,_('Check password')); } /** RANDOM PASSWORD **/ /** * This will draw the javascript that displays to the user the random password generated * * @todo This function doesnt work well if there are more than 1 RandomPasswordAttributes on the form for the same attribute (unlikely situation) */ protected function drawJavascriptRandomPasswordAttribute($attribute) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); printf("\n<!-- START: %s -->\n",__METHOD__); $this->drawJavascriptPasswordAttribute($attribute); $pwd = password_generate(); $pwd = str_replace("\\","\\\\",$pwd); $pwd = str_replace("'","\\'",$pwd); printf("\n<!-- %s -->\n",__METHOD__); echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">'."\n"; echo 'var i = 0;'."\n"; printf('var component = document.getElementById(\'new_values_%s_\'+i);',$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; echo 'while (component) {'."\n"; echo ' if (!component.value) {'."\n"; printf(' component.value = \'%s\';',$pwd); echo "\n"; printf(' alert(\'%s:\n%s\');',_('A random password was generated for you'),$pwd); echo "\n"; echo ' };'."\n"; echo ' i++;'."\n"; printf(' component = document.getElementById(\'new_values_%s_\'+i);',$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; # It seems that JS gets stuck in a loop if there isnt a command here? - normally this alert isnt shown. printf('alert("It seems another element was found, PLA hasnt been configured for this situation Component: "+component.value+" I:"+i);',$attribute->getName()); echo "\n"; echo '}'."\n"; echo '</script>'; printf("\n<!-- END: %s -->\n",__METHOD__); } protected function drawDefaultHelperPasswordAttribute($attribute,$i) { $id = 'enc'; if ($val = $attribute->getValue($i)) $default = get_enc_type($val); else $default = $this->getServer()->getValue('appearance','password_hash'); if (! $attribute->getPostValue()) printf('<input type="hidden" name="post_value[%s][]" value="%s"/>',$attribute->getName(),$i); printf('<select name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s_%s_%s">', $id,htmlspecialchars($attribute->getName()),$i, $id,htmlspecialchars($attribute->getName()),$i); foreach (password_types() as $v) printf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',$v,($v == $default) ? 'selected' : '',$v); echo '</select>'; } /** SELECTION ATTRIBUTE RENDERING **/ protected function drawIconSelectionAttribute($attribute,$val) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); if (! $attribute->isMultiple() || $attribute->isReadOnly()) $this->drawIconAttribute($attribute,$val); } protected function getMenuItemSelectionAttribute($attribute,$i) { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />',__METHOD__); switch ($i) { case 'add': if (! $attribute->isMultiple()) return $this->getMenuItemAttribute($attribute,$i); else return ''; case 'modify': return ''; default: return $this->getMenuItemAttribute($attribute,$i); } } } ?>