<?php namespace App\Classes\LDAP\Attribute; use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache; use App\Classes\LDAP\Attribute; /** * Represents an attribute whose values are schema related */ abstract class Schema extends Attribute { protected bool $internal = TRUE; protected static function _get(string $filename,string $string,string $key): ?string { $array = Cache::remember($filename,86400,function() use ($filename) { try { $f = fopen($filename,'r'); } catch (\Exception $e) { return NULL; } $result = collect(); while (! feof($f)) { $line = trim(fgets($f)); if (! $line OR preg_match('/^#/',$line)) continue; $fields = explode(':',$line); $result->put($x=Arr::get($fields,0),[ 'title'=>Arr::get($fields,1,$x), 'ref'=>Arr::get($fields,2), 'desc'=>Arr::get($fields,3,__('No description available, can you help with one?')), ]); } fclose($f); return $result; }); return Arr::get(($array ? $array->get($string) : []),$key); } public function render(bool $edit=FALSE,bool $old=FALSE,bool $new=FALSE): View { // @note Schema attributes cannot be edited return view('components.attribute.internal') ->with('o',$this); } }