server_id,true,'server_id_dst'); printf('

%s %s

',_('Compare another DN with'),htmlspecialchars($rdn)); printf('

%s: %s',_('Server'),$ldapserver->name); if ($dn) printf('   %s: %s',_('Distinguished Name'),htmlspecialchars($dn)); echo '

'; echo "\n"; echo '
'; printf('%s %s %s
',_('Compare'),htmlspecialchars($rdn),_('with ')); echo '
'; printf('',$ldapserver->server_id); printf('',$ldapserver->server_id); echo "\n"; echo ''; echo "\n"; echo ''; echo "\n"; echo ''; printf('',_('Compare this DN with another'),_('Destination DN')); echo ''; echo ''; echo "\n"; printf('',_('Destination Server'),$select_server_html); echo "\n"; printf('',_('Compare')); echo "\n"; echo '
'; if (! $dn) { printf('%s:',_('Compare this DN with another'),_('Source DN')); echo ''; printf('',htmlspecialchars($dn)); draw_chooser_link('compare_form.dn_src','true',$rdn); } else printf('',htmlspecialchars($dn)); echo '
%s:'; echo ''; draw_chooser_link('compare_form.dn_dst','true',''); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; ?>