<?php /** * Configuration processing and defaults. * * @author The phpLDAPadmin development team * @package phpLDAPadmin * @todo Add validation of set variables to enforce limits or particular values. */ /** The minimum version of PHP required to run phpLDAPadmin. */ define('REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION','5.0.0'); /** * The config class contains all our configuration settings for a session. * * An instance of this class should be stored in $_SESSION to maintain state, and to avoid * rebuilding/rereading it at the state of each page output. * * @package phpLDAPadmin * @subpackage Tree */ class Config { public $custom; protected $default; protected $servers = array(); public $hooks = array(); public function __construct() { $this->custom = new stdClass; $this->default = new stdClass; /* * What to do after entry creation : * 2 : display the creation form again * 1 : display the new created entry * 0 : display the choice between 1 and 2 */ $this->default->appearance['action_after_creation'] = array( 'desc'=>'Display the new created entry', 'default'=>1); ## Appearance Attributes /** Anonymous implies read only * Set to true if you want LDAP data to be displayed read-only (without input fields) * when a user logs in to a server anonymously */ $this->default->appearance['anonymous_bind_implies_read_only'] = array( 'desc'=>'Display as read only if user logs in with anonymous bind', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['attr_display_order'] = array( 'desc'=>'Custom order to display attributes', 'default'=>array()); /* * @todo Compression is not working, * purge_cache shows blank, * tree refresh shows blank - and if view_tree_node is modified to compress output, then previously opened items show up as compressed data. */ $this->default->appearance['compress'] = array( 'desc'=>'Compress Output', 'untested'=>true, 'default'=>false); $this->default->appearance['control_icons'] = array( 'desc'=>'Show the control as icons or text', 'default'=>false); $this->default->appearance['custom_templates_only'] = array( 'desc'=>'Only display the custom templates.', 'default'=>false); $this->default->appearance['date'] = array( 'desc'=>'Date format whenever dates are shown', 'default'=>'%A %e %B %Y'); $this->default->appearance['date_attrs'] = array( 'desc'=>'Array of attributes that should show a jscalendar', 'default'=>array('shadowExpire'=>'%es','shadowLastChange'=>'%es')); $this->default->appearance['date_attrs_showtime'] = array( 'desc'=>'Array of attributes that should show a the time when showing the jscalendar', 'default'=>array('')); $this->default->appearance['disable_default_template'] = array( 'desc'=>'Disabled the Default Template', 'default'=>false); $this->default->appearance['disable_default_leaf'] = array( 'desc'=>'Disabled creating leaf entries in the Default Template', 'default'=>false); $this->default->appearance['friendly_attrs'] = array( 'desc'=>'Friendly names for attributes', 'default'=>array()); $this->default->appearance['hide_attrs'] = array( 'desc'=>'Hide attributes from display', 'default'=>array()); $this->default->appearance['hide_attrs_exempt'] = array( 'desc'=>'Group DN, where membership will exempt the users from hide_attrs', 'default'=>null); $this->default->appearance['hide_debug_info'] = array( 'desc'=>'Hide the features that may provide sensitive debugging information to the browser', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['hide_template_warning'] = array( 'desc'=>'Hide template errors from being displayed', 'default'=>false); /** Language * The language setting. If you set this to 'auto', phpLDAPadmin will * attempt to determine your language automatically. Otherwise, set * this to your applicable language in xx_XX format. * Localization is not complete yet, but most strings have been translated. * Please help by writing language files. */ $this->default->appearance['language'] = array( 'desc'=>'Language', 'default'=>'auto'); $this->default->appearance['max_add_attrs'] = array( 'desc'=>'Maximum number of attrs to show in the add attr form', 'default'=>10); /** * If you want certain attributes to be editable as multi-line, include them in this list * A multi-line textarea will be drawn instead of a single-line text field */ $this->default->appearance['multi_line_attributes'] = array( 'desc'=>'Attributes to show as multiline attributes', 'default'=>array('postalAddress','homePostalAddress','personalSignature','description','mailReplyText')); /** * A list of syntax OIDs which support multi-line attribute values: */ $this->default->appearance['multi_line_syntax_oids'] = array( 'desc'=>'Attributes to show as multiline attributes', 'default'=>array( // octet string syntax OID: '', // postal address syntax OID: '')); /** Obfuscate Password * If true, display all password hash values as "******". Note that clear-text * passwords will always be displayed as "******", regardless of this setting. */ $this->default->appearance['obfuscate_password_display'] = array( 'desc'=>'Obfuscate the display of passwords', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['page_title'] = array( 'desc'=>'Change the page title to this text', 'default'=>''); $this->default->appearance['rdn_all_attrs'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether to show all attributes in the RDN chooser, or just the required ones', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['readonly_attrs'] = array( 'desc'=>'Mark these attributes as readonly', 'default'=>array()); $this->default->appearance['readonly_attrs_exempt'] = array( 'desc'=>'Group DN, where membership will exempt the users from readonly attrs', 'default'=>null); $this->default->appearance['remoteurls'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether to include renders for remote URLs', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['show_clear_password'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether to show clear passwords if we dont obfuscate them', 'default'=>false); $this->default->appearance['show_hints'] = array( 'desc'=>'Show helpful hints', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['show_top_create'] = array( 'desc'=>'Show a additional create link on the top of the list if there are more than 10 entries', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['show_schema_link'] = array( 'desc'=>'Show the schema link for each attribute', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['show_attribute_notes'] = array( 'desc'=>'Show notes for each attribute', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['stylesheet'] = array( 'desc'=>'Style sheet to use', 'default'=>'style.css'); $this->default->appearance['theme'] = array( 'desc'=>'Which theme to use', 'default'=>'default'); $this->default->appearance['timezone'] = array( 'desc'=>'Define our timezone, if not defined in php.ini', 'default'=>null); $this->default->appearance['tree'] = array( 'desc'=>'Class name which inherits from Tree class and implements the draw() method', 'default'=>'AJAXTree'); /** Tree display * An array of format strings used to display enties in the * tree viewer (left-hand side). The first format string that * is completely defined (i.e., does not reference attributes * that are not defined the object). If there is no format * string that is completely defined, the last one is used. * * You can use special tokens to draw the entries as you wish. * You can even mix in HTML to format the string. * Here are all the tokens you can use: * %rdn - draw the RDN of the entry (ie, "cn=Dave") * %dn - draw the DN of the entry (ie, "cn=Dave,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" * %rdnValue - draw the value of the RDN (ie, instead of "cn=Dave", just draw "Dave") * %[attrname]- draw the value (or values) of the specified attribute. * example: %gidNumber * * Any multivalued attributes will be displayed as a comma separated list. * * Examples: * * To draw the gidNumber and uidNumber to the right of the RDN in a small, gray font: * '%rdn <small style="color:gray">( %gidNumber / %uidNumber )</small>' * To draw the full DN of each entry: * '%dn' * To draw the objectClasses to the right in parenthesis: * '%rdn <small style="color: gray">( %objectClass )</small>' * To draw the user-friendly RDN value (ie, instead of "cn=Dave", just draw "Dave"): * '%rdnValue' */ $this->default->appearance['tree_display_format'] = array( 'desc'=>'LDAP attribute to show in the tree', 'default'=>array('%rdn')); $this->default->appearance['tree_height'] = array( 'desc'=>'Pixel height of the tree browser', 'default'=>null); $this->default->appearance['tree_width'] = array( 'desc'=>'Pixel width of the tree browser', 'default'=>null); /** Tree display filter * LDAP filter used to search entries for the tree viewer (left-hand side) */ $this->default->appearance['tree_filter'] = array( 'desc'=>'LDAP search filter for the tree entries', 'default'=>'(objectClass=*)'); ## Caching $this->default->cache['schema'] = array( 'desc'=>'Cache Schema Activity', 'default'=>true); $this->default->cache['query'] = array( 'desc'=>'Cache Query Configuration', 'default'=>true); $this->default->cache['query_time'] = array( 'desc'=>'Cache the query configuration for atleast this amount of time in seconds', 'default'=>5); $this->default->cache['template'] = array( 'desc'=>'Cache Template Configuration', 'default'=>true); $this->default->cache['template_time'] = array( 'desc'=>'Cache the template configuration for atleast this amount of time in seconds', 'default'=>60); $this->default->cache['tree'] = array( 'desc'=>'Cache Browser Tree', 'default'=>true); /** Confirm actions */ $this->default->confirm['copy'] = array( 'desc'=>'Confirm copy actions', 'default'=>true); $this->default->confirm['create'] = array( 'desc'=>'Confirm creation actions', 'default'=>true); $this->default->confirm['update'] = array( 'desc'=>'Confirm update actions', 'default'=>true); /** Commands * Define command availability ; if the value of a command is true, * the command will be available. */ $this->default->commands['cmd'] = array( 'desc'=>'Define command availability', 'default'=> array( 'entry_internal_attributes_show' => true, 'entry_refresh' => true, 'oslinks' => true, 'switch_template' => true )); $this->default->commands['script'] = array( 'desc'=>'Define scripts availability', 'default'=> array( 'add_attr_form' => true, 'add_oclass_form' => true, 'add_value_form' => true, 'collapse' => true, 'compare' => true, 'compare_form' => true, 'copy' => true, 'copy_form' => true, 'create' => true, 'create_confirm' => true, 'delete' => true, 'delete_attr' => true, 'delete_form' => true, 'draw_tree_node' => true, 'expand' => true, 'export' => true, 'export_form' => true, 'import' => true, 'import_form' => true, 'login' => true, 'logout' => true, 'login_form' => true, 'mass_delete' => true, 'mass_edit' => true, 'mass_update' => true, 'modify_member_form' => true, 'monitor' => true, 'purge_cache' => true, 'query_engine' => true, 'rename' => true, 'rename_form' => true, 'rdelete' => true, 'refresh' => true, 'schema' => true, 'server_info' => true, 'show_cache' => true, 'template_engine' => true, 'update_confirm' => true, 'update' => true )); /** Aliases and Referrrals * Similar to ldapsearch's -a option, the following options allow you to configure * how phpLDAPadmin will treat aliases and referrals in the LDAP tree. * For the following four settings, avaialable options include: * * LDAP_DEREF_NEVER - aliases are never dereferenced (eg, the contents of * the alias itself are shown and not the referenced entry). * LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING - aliases should be dereferenced during the search but * not when locating the base object of the search. * LDAP_DEREF_FINDING - aliases should be dereferenced when locating the base * object but not during the search. * LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS - aliases should be dereferenced always (eg, the contents * of the referenced entry is shown and not the aliasing entry) * We superceed these definitions with @ to suppress the error if php-ldap is * not installed. */ @$this->default->deref['export'] = array( 'desc'=>'', 'default'=>LDAP_DEREF_NEVER); @$this->default->deref['search'] = array( 'desc'=>'', 'default'=>LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS); @$this->default->deref['tree'] = array( 'desc'=>'', 'default'=>LDAP_DEREF_NEVER); @$this->default->deref['view'] = array( 'desc'=>'', 'default'=>LDAP_DEREF_NEVER); ## Debug Attributes $this->default->debug['level'] = array( 'desc'=>'Debug level verbosity', 'default'=>0); $this->default->debug['syslog'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether to send debug messages to syslog', 'default'=>false); $this->default->debug['file'] = array( 'desc'=>'Name of file to send debug output to', 'default'=>null); $this->default->debug['addr'] = array( 'desc'=>'IP address of client to provide debugging info.', 'default'=>null); $this->default->debug['append'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether to append to the debug file, or create it fresh each time', 'default'=>true); ## Temp Directories /** JPEG TMPDir * This directory must be readable and writable by your web server */ $this->default->jpeg['tmpdir'] = array( 'desc'=>'Temporary directory for jpegPhoto data', 'default'=>'/tmp'); ## Mass update commands $this->default->mass['enabled'] = array( 'desc'=>'Are mass update commands enabled', 'default'=>true); ## Modify members feature /** * Search filter setting for new members. This is used to search possible members that can be added * to the group. See modify_member_form.php */ $this->default->modify_member['filter'] = array( 'desc'=>'Search filter for member searches', 'default'=>'(objectclass=Person)'); /** * Group attributes. When these attributes are seen in template_engine.php, add "modify group members" * link to the attribute * See template_engine.php */ $this->default->modify_member['groupattr'] = array( 'desc'=>'Group member attributes', 'default'=>array('member','uniqueMember','memberUid')); /** * Attribute that is added to the group member attribute. For groupOfNames or groupOfUniqueNames this is dn, * for posixGroup it's uid. See modify_member_form.php */ $this->default->modify_member['attr'] = array( 'desc'=>'Default attribute that is added to the group member attribute', 'default'=>'dn'); /** * Attribute that is added to the group member attribute. * For posixGroup it's uid. See modify_member_form.php */ $this->default->modify_member['posixattr'] = array( 'desc'=>'Contents of the group member attribute', 'default'=>'uid'); /** * Search filter setting for new members to group. This is used to search possible members that can be added * to the posixGroup. See modify_member_form.php */ $this->default->modify_member['posixfilter'] = array( 'desc'=>'Search filter for posixmember searches', 'default'=>'(uid=*)'); /** * posixGroup attribute. When this attribute are seen in modify_member_form.php, only posixGroup members are shown * See modify_member_form.php */ $this->default->modify_member['posixgroupattr'] = array( 'desc'=>'posixGroup member attribute', 'default'=>'memberUid'); ## Session Attributes /** Cookie Encryption * phpLDAPadmin can encrypt the content of sensitive cookies if you set this to a big random string. */ $this->default->session['blowfish'] = array( 'desc'=>'Blowfish key to encrypt cookie details', 'default'=>null); /** Cookie Time * If you used auth_type 'form' in the servers list, you can adjust how long the cookie will last * (default is 0 seconds, which expires when you close the browser) */ $this->default->session['cookie_time'] = array( 'desc'=>'Time in seconds for the life of cookies', 'default'=>0); $this->default->session['http_realm'] = array( 'desc'=>'HTTP Authentication Realm', 'default'=>sprintf('%s %s',app_name(),_('login'))); $this->default->session['memorylimit'] = array( 'desc'=>'Set the PHP memorylimit warning threshold.', 'default'=>24); $this->default->session['timelimit'] = array( 'desc'=>'Set the PHP timelimit.', 'default'=>30); /** * Session Menu */ $this->default->menu['session'] = array( 'desc'=>'Menu items when logged in.', 'default'=>array( 'schema'=>true, 'search'=>true, 'refresh'=>true, 'server_info'=>true, 'monitor'=>true, 'import'=>true, 'export'=>true )); ## Password Generation $this->default->password['length'] = array( 'desc'=>'Length of autogenerated password', 'default'=>8); $this->default->password['numbers'] = array( 'desc'=>'Number of numbers required in the password', 'default'=>2); $this->default->password['lowercase'] = array( 'desc'=>'Number of lowercase letters required in the password', 'default'=>2); $this->default->password['uppercase'] = array( 'desc'=>'Number of uppercase letters required in the password', 'default'=>2); $this->default->password['punctuation'] = array( 'desc'=>'Number of punctuation letters required in the password', 'default'=>2); $this->default->password['use_similar'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether to use similiar characters', 'default'=>true); $this->default->password['no_random_crypt_salt'] = array( 'desc'=>'Disable random salt for crypt()', 'default'=>false); /** Search display * By default, when searching you may display a list or a table of results. * Set this to 'table' to see table formatted results. * Set this to 'list' to see "Google" style formatted search results. */ $this->default->search['display'] = array( 'desc'=>'Display a list or table of search results', 'default'=>'list'); $this->default->search['size_limit'] = array( 'desc'=>'Limit the size of searchs on the search page', 'default'=>50); /** * The list of attributes to display in each search result entry. * Note that you can add * to the list to display all attributes */ $this->default->search['result_attributes'] = array( 'desc'=>'List of attributes to display in each search result entry', 'default'=>array('cn','sn','uid','postalAddress','telephoneNumber')); $this->default->search['time_limit'] = array( 'desc'=>'Maximum time to allow unlimited size_limit searches to the ldap server', 'default'=>120); } /** * Access the configuration, taking into account the defaults and the customisations */ private function getConfigArray($usecache=true) { static $CACHE = array(); if ($usecache && count($CACHE)) return $CACHE; foreach ($this->default as $key => $vals) $CACHE[$key] = $vals; foreach ($this->custom as $key => $vals) foreach ($vals as $index => $val) $CACHE[$key][$index]['value'] = $val; return $CACHE; } /** * Get a configuration value. */ public function getValue($key,$index,$fatal=true) { $config = $this->getConfigArray(); if (! isset($config[$key])) if ($fatal) error(sprintf('A call was made in [%s] to getValue requesting [%s] that isnt predefined.', basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),$key),'error',null,true); else return ''; if (! isset($config[$key][$index])) if ($fatal) error(sprintf('Requesting an index [%s] in key [%s] that isnt predefined.',$index,$key),'error',null,true); else return ''; return isset($config[$key][$index]['value']) ? $config[$key][$index]['value'] : $config[$key][$index]['default']; } /** * Return the untested config items */ public function untested() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->default as $option => $details) foreach ($details as $param => $values) if (isset($values['untested']) && $values['untested']) array_push($result,sprintf('%s.%s',$option,$param)); return $result; } /** * Function to check and warn about any unusual defined variables. */ public function CheckCustom() { if (defined('DEBUG_ENABLED') && DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); if (isset($this->custom)) { foreach ($this->custom as $masterkey => $masterdetails) { if (isset($this->default->$masterkey)) { if (! is_array($masterdetails)) error(sprintf('Error in configuration file, [%s] should be an ARRAY.',$masterdetails),'error',null,true); foreach ($masterdetails as $key => $value) { # Test that the key is correct. if (! in_array($key,array_keys($this->default->$masterkey))) error(sprintf('Error in configuration file, [%s] has not been defined as a configurable variable.',$key),'error',null,true); # Test if its should be an array or not. if (is_array($this->default->{$masterkey}[$key]['default']) && ! is_array($value)) error(sprintf('Error in configuration file, %s[\'%s\'] SHOULD be an array of values.',$masterkey,$key),'error',null,true); if (! is_array($this->default->{$masterkey}[$key]['default']) && is_array($value)) error(sprintf('Error in configuration file, %s[\'%s\'] should NOT be an array of values.',$masterkey,$key),'error',null,true); } } else { error(sprintf('Error in configuration file, [%s] has not been defined as a MASTER configurable variable.',$masterkey),'error',null,true); } } } } /** * Get a list of available commands. */ public function getCommandList() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); $config = $this->getConfigArray(false); masort($config['command'],'summary'); if (isset($config['command']) && is_array($config['command'])) return $config['command']; else return array(); } /** * Simple ACL to see if commands can be run */ public function isCommandAvailable($index='cmd') { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); $a = func_get_args(); array_shift($a); $a = $a[0]; # Command availability list $cmd = $this->getValue('commands',$index); if (! is_string($a) || ! isset($cmd[$a])) return false; else return $cmd[$a]; } public function configDefinition($key,$index,$config) { if (defined('DEBUG_ENABLED') && DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); if (! is_array($config) || ! array_key_exists('desc',$config) || ! array_key_exists('default',$config)) return; if (isset($this->default->$key)) $definition = $this->default->$key; $definition[$index] = $config; $this->default->$key = $definition; } /** * Return the friendly attributes names */ private function getFriendlyAttrs() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); return array_change_key_case($this->getValue('appearance','friendly_attrs')); } /** * This function will return the friendly name of an attribute, if it exists. * If the friendly name doesnt exist, the attribute name will be returned. * * @param attribute * @return string friendly name|attribute */ public function getFriendlyName($attr) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); static $friendly_attrs; if (! $friendly_attrs) $friendly_attrs = $this->getFriendlyAttrs(); if (! is_object($attr)) if (isset($friendly_attrs[$attr])) return $friendly_attrs[$attr]; else return $attr; if (isset($friendly_attrs[$attr->getName()])) return $friendly_attrs[$attr->getName()]; else return $attr->getName(false); } /** * This function will return true if a friendly name exists for an attribute. * If the friendly name doesnt exist, it will return false. * * @param attribute * @return boolean true|false */ public function haveFriendlyName($attr) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); return $attr->getName(false) != $this->getFriendlyName($attr); } /** * This function will return the <ancronym> html for a friendly name attribute. * * @param attribute * @return string html for the friendly name. */ public function getFriendlyHTML($attr) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); if ($this->haveFriendlyName($attr)) return sprintf('<acronym title="%s %s">%s</acronym>', _('Alias for'),$attr->getName(false),$this->getFriendlyName($attr)); else return $attr->getName(false); } public function setServers($servers) { $this->servers = $servers; } public function getServer($index=null) { return $this->servers->Instance($index); } /** * Return a list of our servers * @param boolean $visible - Only return visible servers */ public function getServerList($visible=true) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs=func_get_args())||$fargs='NOARGS')) debug_log('Entered (%%)',3,0,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$fargs); return $this->servers->getServerList($visible); } } ?>