',__METHOD__); if (DEBUGTMP||DEBUGTMPSUB) printf('* %s [GETquery:%s]
',__METHOD__,get_request('query','REQUEST')); if (DEBUGTMP||DEBUGTMPSUB) printf('* %s [Page:%s]
',__METHOD__,get_request('page','REQUEST')); $this->template_id = $this->getTemplateChoice(); $this->page = get_request('page','REQUEST',false,1); if ($this->template_id) { $templates = $this->getTemplates(); $this->template = $templates->getTemplate($this->template_id); $this->template->accept(); $this->visitStart(); $this->visitEnd(); } } /** * Get our templates applicable for this object */ protected function getTemplates() { return new Queries($this->server_id); } /** * Are default queries enabled? */ protected function haveDefaultTemplate() { $server = $this->getServer(); if ($server->getValue('query','disable_default')) return false; else return true; } protected function drawTemplateChoice() { if (DEBUGTMP) printf('%s
',__METHOD__); $server = $this->getServer(); $this->drawTitle(_('Search')); $this->drawSubTitle(); echo "\n"; $baseDNs = $server->getBaseDN(); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; printf('',$server->getIndex()); echo ''; echo ''; $templates = $this->getTemplates(); if (count($templates->getTemplates())) { echo ''; printf('',_('Run a predefined query'),_('Predefined Query')); echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; printf('',_('The format to show the query results'),_('Display Format')); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; printf('',_('Entries to show per page'),_('Show Results')); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; printf('',_('Search')); echo '
%s'; echo ''; echo '
%s'; echo ''; echo '
%s'; echo ''; echo '
'; printf('
','block'); echo '
'; echo '
'; printf('%s',_('Custom Query')); echo ''; printf('',_('Base DN')); printf(''; echo ''; echo ''; printf('',_('The scope in which to search'),_('Search Scope')); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; printf('', htmlspecialchars(_('Standard LDAP search filter. Example: (&(sn=Smith)(givenName=David))')),_('Search Filter')); printf('', 'objectClass=*'); echo ''; echo ''; printf('', _('A list of attributes to display in the results (comma-separated)'),_('Show Attributes')); printf('', implode(', ',$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('search','result_attributes'))); echo ''; echo ''; printf('',_('Order by'),_('Order by')); printf('',''); echo '
%s',count($baseDNs) == 1 ? $baseDNs[0] : ''); draw_chooser_link('advanced_search_form.base'); echo '
%s'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } private function visitStart() { $this->drawTitle(_('Search Results')); $this->drawSubTitle(); echo '
'; } private function visitEnd() { $server = $this->getServer(); $afattrs = $this->getAFAttrs(); # Display the Javascript that enables us to show/hide DV entries echo ''; echo "\n\n"; $this->drawBaseTabs(); switch(get_request('format','REQUEST',false,'table')) { case 'list': $counter = 0; foreach ($this->template->results as $base => $results) { if (! $show = get_request('show','REQUEST')) $show = ($counter++ === 0 ? $this->getAjaxRef($base) : null); printf('
', $this->getAjaxRef($base), ($show == $this->getAjaxRef($base) ? '' : 'none')); echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; $this->drawResultsTable($base,count($results)); echo '
'; echo '
'; foreach ($results as $dn => $dndetails) { $dndetails = array_change_key_case($dndetails); # Temporarily set our DN, for rendering that leverages our DN (eg: JpegPhoto) $this->template->setDN($dn); echo ''; echo ''; printf('',IMGDIR,get_icon($server->getIndex(),$dn)); printf('', $server->getIndex(),rawurlencode(dn_unescape($dn)),htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($dn))); echo ''; printf('', htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($dn))); # Iterate over each attribute for this entry foreach (explode(',',$this->template->getAttrDisplayOrder()) as $attr) { # Ignore DN, we've already displayed it. if ($attr == 'dn') continue; if (! isset($dndetails[$attr])) continue; # Set our object with our values $afattrs[$attr]->clearValue(); if (is_array($dndetails[$attr])) $afattrs[$attr]->initValue($dndetails[$attr]); else $afattrs[$attr]->initValue(array($dndetails[$attr])); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
 '; $this->draw('Name',$afattrs[$attr]); echo ''; $this->draw('CurrentValues',$afattrs[$attr]); echo '
'; echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo "\n\n"; } break; case 'table': # Display the results. $counter = 0; foreach ($this->template->results as $base => $results) { if (! $show = get_request('show','REQUEST')) $show = ($counter++ === 0 ? $this->getAjaxRef($base) : null); printf('
', $this->getAjaxRef($base), ($show == $this->getAjaxRef($base) ? '' : 'none')); echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; $this->drawResultsTable($base,count($results)); echo '
'; echo '
'; if (! $results) { echo _('Search returned no results'); echo '
'; echo '
'; continue; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach (explode(',',$this->template->getAttrDisplayOrder()) as $attr) { echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $counter = 0; foreach ($results as $dn => $dndetails) { $dndetails = array_change_key_case($dndetails); # Temporarily set our DN, for rendering that leverages our DN (eg: JpegPhoto) $this->template->setDN($dn); printf('',++$counter%2 ? 'odd' : 'even'); $href = sprintf('cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$server->getIndex(),rawurlencode($dn)); printf('', htmlspecialchars($href), IMGDIR,get_icon($server->getIndex(),$dn)); # We'll clone our attribute factory attributes, since we need to add the values to them for rendering. foreach (explode(',',$this->template->getAttrDisplayOrder()) as $attr) { # If the entry is blank, we'll draw an empty box and continue. if (! isset($dndetails[$attr])) { echo ''; continue; } # Special case for DNs if ($attr == 'dn') { $dn_display = strlen($dn) > 40 ? sprintf('%s...',htmlspecialchars($dn),htmlspecialchars(substr($dn,0,40))) : htmlspecialchars($dn); printf('',htmlspecialchars($href),$dn_display); continue; } # Set our object with our values $afattrs[$attr]->clearValue(); if (is_array($dndetails[$attr])) $afattrs[$attr]->initValue($dndetails[$attr]); else $afattrs[$attr]->initValue(array($dndetails[$attr])); echo ''; } echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
 '; $this->draw('Name',$afattrs[$attr]); echo '
icon %s'; $this->draw('CurrentValues',$afattrs[$attr]); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo "\n\n"; } break; default: printf('Have ID [%s], run this query for page [%s]',$this->template_id,$this->page); } } public function drawSubTitle($subtitle=null) { if (is_null($subtitle)) { $server = $this->getServer(); $subtitle = sprintf('%s: %s',_('Server'),$server->getName()); if ($this->template_id) { $subtitle .= '
'; $subtitle .= sprintf('%s: %s',('Query'),$this->template->getID() != 'none' ? $this->template->getTitle() : _('Default')); if ($this->template->getName()) $subtitle .= sprintf(' (%s)',$this->template->getName(false)); } } parent::drawSubTitle($subtitle); } private function getAFattrs() { $attribute_factory = new AttributeFactory(); $results = array(); foreach (explode(',',$this->template->getAttrDisplayOrder()) as $attr) $results[$attr] = $attribute_factory->newAttribute($attr,array('values'=>array()),$this->getServerID()); return $results; } private function getAjaxRef($dn) { return preg_replace('/=/','.',base64_encode($dn)); } private function drawBaseTabs() { # Setup the Javascript to show/hide our DIVs. echo ''; echo "\n\n"; echo ''; echo ''; $counter = 0; foreach ($this->template->results as $base => $results) { if (! $show = get_request('show','REQUEST')) $show = ($counter++ === 0 ? $this->getAjaxRef($base) : null); printf('', $this->getAjaxRef($base), $this->getAjaxRef($base), ($show == $this->getAjaxRef($base) ? '#F0F0F0' : '#E0E0E0'), $base); } echo ''; echo '
'; echo "\n\n"; } private function drawResultsTable($base,$results) { $server = $this->getServer(); echo ''; echo ''; printf('',_('Entries found'), number_format($results),$this->template->resultsdata[$base]['time'],_('seconds')); if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('export')) { $href = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=export_form&server_id=%s&scope=%s&dn=%s&filter=%s&attributes=%s', $server->getIndex(),$this->template->resultsdata[$base]['scope'], $base,rawurlencode($this->template->resultsdata[$base]['filter']), rawurlencode(implode(', ',$this->template->resultsdata[$base]['attrs'])))); printf(''; echo ''; echo '
%s: %s

(%s %s)
[ Save %s ]', $href,IMGDIR,_('export results')); } printf('[ rename %s:',IMGDIR,_('Format')); foreach (array('list','table') as $f) { echo ' '; if (get_request('format','REQUEST') == $f) { printf('%s',_($f)); } else { $query_string = array_to_query_string($_GET,array('format','cmd')); $query_string .= sprintf('&format=%s&show=%s',$f,$this->getAjaxRef($base)); printf('%s',htmlspecialchars($query_string),_($f)); } } echo ' ]'; echo '
'; printf('%s: %s',_('Base DN'),$base); echo '
'; printf('%s: %s',_('Filter performed'),htmlspecialchars($this->template->resultsdata[$base]['filter'])); echo '
'; } } ?>