<?php // $Header$ /** * Classes and functions for the LDAP tree. * * @author The phpLDAPadmin development team * @package phpLDAPadmin */ /** * This class implements a straight HTML tree - no AJAX rendering is used. * * @package phpLDAPadmin * @subpackage Tree * @see AJAXTree Tree */ class HTMLTree extends Tree { protected $javascript = ''; /** * Required ABSTRACT methods */ /** * Displays the tree in HTML * * @param boolean Only display the tree, or include the server name and menu items */ public function draw($onlytree=false) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',33,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); $server = $this->getServer(); echo '<table class="tree" border=0>'; if (! $onlytree) $this->draw_server_name(); $this->javascript = ''; $javascript_id = 0; /* Do we have what it takes to authenticate here, or do we need to * present the user with a login link (for 'cookie' and 'session' auth_types)? */ if ($server->isLoggedIn(null)) { if (! $onlytree) { $this->draw_menu(); if ($server->getAuthType() != 'config') $this->draw_logged_in_dn(); else printf('<tr><td class="blank" colspan="%s"> </td></tr>',$this->getDepth()+3); if ($server->isReadOnly()) printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td class="logged_in" colspan="%s">(%s)</td></tr>',$this->getDepth()+3-1,_('read only')); else printf('<tr><td class="blank" colspan="%s"> </td></tr>',$this->getDepth()+3); printf('<tr><td> </td><td><div style="overflow: auto; %s%s" id="ajSID_%s_nodes">', $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','tree_width') ? sprintf('width: %spx; ',$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','tree_width')) : '', $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','tree_height') ? sprintf('height: %spx; ',$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance','tree_height')) : '', $server->getIndex()); } echo '<table class="tree" border=0>'; if (! count($this->getBaseEntries())) { # We didnt get any baseDN entries in our tree? printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="%s"><small>%s<br />%s<br /><b>%s</b></small></td></tr>', $this->getDepth()+3-2, _('Could not determine the root of your LDAP tree.'), _('It appears that the LDAP server has been configured to not reveal its root.'), _('Please specify it in config.php')); echo '</table>'; if (! $onlytree) echo '</div></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; return; } /** * Check if the LDAP server is not yet initialized * (ie, the base DN configured in config.php does not exist) */ foreach ($this->getBaseEntries() as $base) { if (! $base->isInLDAP()) { $javascript_id++; printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td class="spacer"></td><td><img src="%s/unknown.png" /></td><td colspan="%s">%s</td></tr>', IMGDIR,$this->getDepth()+3-3,pretty_print_dn($base->getDN())); $this->javascript .= sprintf('<form name="create_base_form_%s" method="post" action="cmd.php?cmd=template_engine">',$javascript_id); $this->javascript .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />',$server->getIndex()); $this->javascript .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="container" value="%s" />',htmlspecialchars($server->getContainer($base->getDN()))); $this->javascript .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="rdn" value="%s" />',get_rdn($base->getDN())); $this->javascript .= sprintf('</form>'); printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td class="spacer"></td><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="%s"><small>%s<a href="javascript:document.create_base_form_%s.submit()">%s</a></small></td></tr>', $this->getDepth()+3-3,_('This base entry does not exist.'),$javascript_id,_('Create it?')); echo '</table>'; if (! $onlytree) echo '</div></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; return; } else { $this->draw_dn($base->getDN(),-1); } } echo '</table>'; if (! $onlytree) echo '</div></td></tr>'; # We are not logged in, draw a login... link. } else { if ($server->getAuthType() != 'config') $this->draw_login_link(); } # Tree Footer. echo '</table>'; echo "\n\n"; static $js_drawn = false; if (! $js_drawn) { $this->draw_javascript(); $js_drawn = true; } } /** * Draw the server name */ protected function draw_server_name() { $server = $this->getServer(); echo '<tr class="server">'; printf('<td class="icon"><img src="%s/server.png" alt="%s" /></td>',IMGDIR,_('Server')); printf('<td class="name" colspan="%s">',$this->getDepth()+3-1); printf('%s',$server->getName()); if (! is_null($server->inactivityTime())) { $m = sprintf(_('Inactivity will log you off at %s'), strftime('%H:%M',$server->inactivityTime())); printf(' <img width=14 height=14 src="%s/timeout.png" title="%s" alt="%s"/>',IMGDIR,$m,$m); } echo '</td></tr>'; } /** * Draw the tree menu options */ protected function draw_menu() { $links = ''; $i = 0; foreach (array('schema','search','refresh','server_info','monitor','import','export','logout') as $menu) { $link = $this->get_menu_item($menu); if ($link) $links .= sprintf('<td class="server_links">%s</td>',$this->get_menu_item($menu)); } # Draw the quick-links below the server name: if ($links) { printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="%s" class="links">',$this->getDepth()+3-1); printf('<table><tr>%s</tr></table>',$links); echo '</td></tr>'; } } /** * Get the HTML for each tree menu option */ protected function get_menu_item($i) { $server = $this->getServer(); $menu = array(); switch($i) { case 'schema': if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','schema')) return ''; $menu['cmd'] = 'schema'; $menu['ajax'] = _('Loading Schema'); $menu['div'] = 'BODY'; $menu['title'] = _('View schema for'); $menu['img'] = 'schema.png'; $menu['name'] = _('schema'); break; case 'search': if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','query_engine')) return ''; $menu['cmd'] = 'query_engine'; $menu['ajax'] = _('Loading Search'); $menu['div'] = 'BODY'; $menu['title'] = _('Search'); $menu['img'] = 'search.png'; $menu['name'] = _('search'); break; case 'refresh': if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','refresh')) return ''; $menu['cmd'] = 'refresh'; $menu['href'] = '&noheader=1&purge=1'; $menu['ajax'] = _('Refreshing Tree'); $menu['div'] = sprintf('SID_%s_nodes',$server->getIndex()); $menu['title'] = _('Refresh'); $menu['img'] = 'refresh-big.png'; $menu['name'] = _('refresh'); break; case 'server_info': if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','server_info')) return ''; $menu['cmd'] = 'server_info'; $menu['ajax'] = _('Loading Info'); $menu['div'] = 'BODY'; $menu['title'] = _('Info'); $menu['img'] = 'info.png'; $menu['name'] = _('info'); break; case 'monitor': if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','monitor')) return ''; # Fetch basic RootDSE attributes using the + and *. $query = array(); $query['base'] = ''; $query['scope'] = 'base'; $query['attrs'] = $server->getValue('server','root_dse_attributes'); $query['baseok'] = true; $results = $server->query($query,null); if ($results) $attrs = array_change_key_case(array_pop($results)); else return ''; if (! isset($attrs['monitorcontext'])) return ''; $menu['cmd'] = 'monitor'; $menu['ajax'] = _('Loading Monitor Info'); $menu['div'] = 'BODY'; $menu['title'] = _('Monitor'); $menu['img'] = 'ldap-server.png'; $menu['name'] = _('monitor'); break; case 'import': if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','import') || $server->isReadOnly()) return ''; $menu['cmd'] = 'import_form'; $menu['ajax'] = _('Loading Import'); $menu['div'] = 'BODY'; $menu['title'] = _('Import'); $menu['img'] = 'import.png'; $menu['name'] = _('import'); break; case 'export': if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('script','export')) return ''; $menu['cmd'] = 'export_form'; $menu['ajax'] = _('Loading Export'); $menu['div'] = 'BODY'; $menu['title'] = _('Export'); $menu['img'] = 'export.png'; $menu['name'] = _('export'); break; case 'logout': if (in_array($server->getAuthType(),array('config','http'))) return ''; $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=logout&server_id=%s',$server->getIndex()); return sprintf('<a href="%s" title="%s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="%s" /><br />%s</a>', htmlspecialchars($href),_('Logout of this server'),IMGDIR,'logout.png',_('logout'),_('logout')); default: return false; } $href_parms = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd=%s&server_id=%s%s',$menu['cmd'],$server->getIndex(),isset($menu['href']) ? $menu['href'] : '')); if (isAjaxEnabled()) return sprintf('<a href="cmd.php?%s" onclick="return displayAJ(\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\');" title="%s %s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="%s" /><br />%s</a>', $href_parms,$menu['div'],$href_parms,$menu['ajax'],$menu['title'],$server->getName(),IMGDIR,$menu['img'],$menu['name'],$menu['name']); else return sprintf('<a href="cmd.php?%s" title="%s %s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="%s" /><br />%s</a>', $href_parms,$menu['title'],$server->getName(),IMGDIR,$menu['img'],$menu['name'],$menu['name']); } /** * Draw the Logged in User DN */ protected function draw_logged_in_dn() { $server = $this->getServer(); $logged_in_dn = $server->getLogin(null); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="spacer"></td>'; printf('<td class="logged_in" colspan="%s">%s: ',$this->getDepth()+3-1,_('Logged in as')); if ($server->getContainerTop($logged_in_dn) == $logged_in_dn) { $logged_in_branch = ''; $logged_in_dn_array = array(); } else { $logged_in_branch = preg_replace('/,'.$server->getContainerTop($logged_in_dn).'$/','',$logged_in_dn); $logged_in_dn_array = pla_explode_dn($logged_in_branch); } $bases = $server->getContainerTop($logged_in_dn); if (is_array($bases) && count($bases)) array_push($logged_in_dn_array,$bases); $rdn = $logged_in_dn; # Some sanity checking here, in case our DN doesnt look like a DN if (! is_array($logged_in_dn_array)) $logged_in_dn_array = array($logged_in_dn); if (trim($logged_in_dn)) { if ($server->dnExists($logged_in_dn)) foreach ($logged_in_dn_array as $rdn_piece) { $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$server->getIndex(),rawurlencode($rdn)); printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>',htmlspecialchars($href),pretty_print_dn($rdn_piece)); if ($rdn_piece != end($logged_in_dn_array)) echo ','; $rdn = substr($rdn,(1 + strpos($rdn,','))); } else echo $logged_in_dn; } else { echo 'Anonymous'; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } /** * Recursively descend on the given dn and draw the tree in html * * @param dn $dn Current dn. * @param int $level Level to start drawing (start to -1) * @todo This function hasnt been tested with the new rewrite of PLA */ protected function draw_dn($dn,$level) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',33,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$level); $server = $this->getServer(); # Get entry to display as node $entry = $this->getEntry($dn); # If the entry doesnt exist, we'll add it. if (! $entry) { $this->addEntry($dn); $entry = $this->getEntry($dn); } # If the entry doesnt exist in the server, then return here with an empty string. if (! $entry) return; # Get our children. $child_count = $this->readChildrenNumber($dn); $rdn = get_rdn($dn); $dnENCODE = rawurlencode($dn); $href['expand'] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=expand&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$server->getIndex(),$dnENCODE)); $href['collapse'] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=collapse&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$server->getIndex(),$dnENCODE)); $href['edit'] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$server->getIndex(),$dnENCODE)); echo '<tr class="option">'; printf('<td class="spacer" colspan=%s></td>',$level+2); # Is this node expanded? (deciding whether to draw "+" or "-") if ($entry->isOpened()) if (! $child_count && ! $this->getServer()->isShowCreateEnabled()) printf('<td class="expander"><img src="%s/minus.png" alt="-" /></td>',IMGDIR); else printf('<td class="expander"><a href="%s"><img src="%s/minus.png" alt="-" /></a></td>',$href['collapse'],IMGDIR); else if (($child_count !== false) && (! $child_count) && (! $this->getServer()->isShowCreateEnabled())) printf('<td class="expander"><img src="%s/minus.png" alt="-" /></td>',IMGDIR); else printf('<td class="expander"><a href="%s"><img src="%s/plus.png" alt="+" /></a></td>',$href['expand'],IMGDIR); printf('<td class="icon"><a href="%s" id="node_%s_%s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="img" /></a></td>', $href['edit'],$server->getIndex(),preg_replace('/=/','_',base64_encode($dn)),IMGDIR,$entry->getIcon()); printf('<td class="phplm" width=100%% colspan="%s"><span style="white-space: nowrap;">',$this->getDepth()+3-$level); printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>',$href['edit'],$this->get_formatted_dn($entry,$level)); if ($child_count) printf(' <span class="count">(%s)</span>',$child_count); echo '</span></td></tr>'; if ($entry->isOpened()) { /* Draw the "create new" link at the top of the tree list if there are more than 10 * entries in the listing for this node. */ if (!$server->isReadOnly() && (count($entry->getChildren()) > 10) && $this->getServer()->isShowCreateEnabled()) { $this->draw_create_link($rdn,$level,$dnENCODE); } foreach ($entry->getChildren() as $dnChildEntry) $this->draw_dn($dnChildEntry,$level+1); # Always draw the "create new" link at the bottom of the listing if (! $server->isReadOnly() && ! $entry->isLeaf() && $this->getServer()->isShowCreateEnabled()) { $this->draw_create_link($rdn,$level,$dnENCODE); } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Leaving (%s,%s)',33,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$level); } protected function get_formatted_dn($entry,$level) { if ($level < 0) return pretty_print_dn($entry->getDN()); else return draw_formatted_dn($this->getServer(),$entry); } /** * Print the HTML to show the "create new entry here". * * @param dn $rdn * @param int $level * @param dn $encoded_dn */ protected function draw_create_link($rdn,$level,$encoded_dn) { # print the "Create New object" link. $href = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&container=%s',$this->getServerID(),$encoded_dn)); echo '<tr>'; printf('<td class="spacer" colspan=%s></td>',$level+3); printf('<td class="icon"><a href="%s"><img src="%s/star.png" alt="%s" /></a></td>',$href,IMGDIR,_('new')); printf('<td class="link" colspan="%s"><a href="%s" title="%s %s">%s</a></td>', $this->getDepth()+3-$level,$href,_('Create a new entry in'),$rdn,_('Create new entry here')); echo '</tr>'; } /** * Draw login link * @todo change the determination of $recently_timed_out_servers */ protected function draw_login_link() { global $recently_timed_out_servers; $server = $this->getServer(); $href_parm = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd=%s&server_id=%s',get_custom_file($server->getIndex(),'login_form',''),$server->getIndex())); echo '<tr class="option"><td class="spacer"></td>'; if (isAjaxEnabled()) { printf('<td class="icon"><a href="cmd.php?%s" onclick="return displayAJ(\'BODY\',\'%s\',\'%s\');" title="%s %s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="%s" /></a></td>', $href_parm,$href_parm,_('Loading Login'),_('Login to'),$server->getName(),IMGDIR,'uid.png',_('login')); printf('<td class="logged_in" colspan="%s"><a href="cmd.php?%s" onclick="return displayAJ(\'BODY\',\'%s\',\'%s\');" title="%s %s">%s</a></td>', $this->getDepth()+3-2,$href_parm,$href_parm,_('Loading Login'),_('Login to'),$server->getName(),_('login')); } else { printf('<td class="icon"><a href="cmd.php?%s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="%s" /></a></td>',$href_parm,IMGDIR,'uid.png',_('login')); printf('<td class="logged_in" colspan="%s"><a href="cmd.php?%s">%s...</a></td>',$this->getDepth()+3-2,$href_parm,_('Login')); } echo '</tr>'; printf('<tr><td class="blank" colspan="%s"> </td>',$this->getDepth()+3); printf('<tr><td class="blank" colspan="%s"> </td>',$this->getDepth()+3); # If the server recently timed out display the message if (is_array($recently_timed_out_servers) && in_array($server->getIndex(),$recently_timed_out_servers)) printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="%s" class="links">%s</td></tr>', $this->getDepth()+3-1,_('(Session timed out. Automatically logged out.)')); } /** * Draw out link */ protected function draw_logout_link() { $server = $this->getServer(); if (! in_array($server->getAuthType(),array('config','http'))) printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="%s"><small><a href="cmd.php?cmd=%s&server_id=%s">%s</a></small></td></tr>', $this->getDepth()+3-1,get_custom_file($server->getIndex(),'logout',''),$server->getIndex(),_('logout')); } /** * If there is javascript, draw it */ protected function draw_javascript() { if ($this->javascript) { echo "<!-- Forms for javascript submit to call to create base_dns -->\n"; echo $this->javascript; echo "<!-- The end of the forms for javascript submit to call to create base_dns -->\n"; } } /* * Work out how deep the "opened" tree is. */ public function getDepth() { $server = $this->getServer(); # If we are not logged in if (! $server->isLoggedIn(null)) return 0; static $depths = array(); if (! isset($depths[$server->getIndex()])) { $max = 0; # BaseDN are open, so we start at 1. foreach ($this->entries as $dn) { $basedepth = count(pla_explode_dn($server->getContainerPath($dn->getDN(),'/'))); $depth = 0; $depth = count(pla_explode_dn($dn->getDN()))+1-$basedepth; if ($depth > $max) $max = $depth; } $depths[$server->getIndex()] = $max; } return $depths[$server->getIndex()]; } } ?>