isCommandAvailable('export')) error(sprintf('%s%s %s',_('This operation is not permitted by the configuration'),_(':'),_('export')),'error','index.php'); $entry = array(); $entry['base_dn'] = get_request('dn'); $entry['format'] = get_request('format','POST',false,'unix'); $entry['scope'] = get_request('scope','POST',false,'base'); $entry['filter'] = get_request('filter','POST',false,'objectclass=*'); $entry['attr'] = get_request('attributes'); $entry['sys_attr'] = get_request('sys_attr'); $entry['file'] = get_request('save_as_file') ? true : false; $entry['exporter_id'] = get_request('exporter_id'); if ($entry['filter']) { $entry['filter'] = preg_replace('/\s+/','',$entry['filter']); $attributes = split(',',preg_replace('/\s+/','',$entry['attr'])); } else { $attributes = array(); } # Add system attributes if needed if ($entry['sys_attr']) { array_push($attributes,'*'); array_push($attributes,'+'); } (! is_null($entry['exporter_id'])) or error(_('You must choose an export format.'),'error','index.php'); isset($exporters[$entry['exporter_id']]) or error(_('Invalid export format'),'error','index.php'); # Initialisation of other variables $friendly_rdn = get_rdn($entry['base_dn'],1); $extension = $exporters[$entry['exporter_id']]['extension']; # default case not really needed switch ($entry['format']) { case 'win': $br = "\r\n"; break; case 'mac': $br = "\r"; break; case 'unix': default: $br = "\n"; } # get the decoree,ie the source $plaLdapExporter = new PlaLdapExporter($ldapserver->server_id,$entry['filter'],$entry['base_dn'],$entry['scope'],$attributes); # the decorator do it that way for the moment $exporter = null; switch ($entry['exporter_id']) { case 0: $exporter = new PlaLdifExporter($plaLdapExporter); break; case 1: $exporter = new PlaDsmlExporter($plaLdapExporter); break; case 2: $exporter = new PlaVcardExporter($plaLdapExporter); break; case 3: $exporter = new PlaCSVExporter($plaLdapExporter); break; default: # truly speaking,this default case will never be reached. See check at the bottom. error(_('No available exporter found.'),'error','index.php'); } # set the CLRN $exporter->setOutputFormat($br); if (get_request('compress','REQUEST') == 'on') $exporter->compress(true); # prevent script from bailing early for long search @set_time_limit(0); # send the header if ($entry['file']) { $obStatus = ob_get_status(); if (isset($obStatus['type']) && $obStatus['type'] && $obStatus['status']) ob_end_clean(); header('Content-type: application/download'); header(sprintf('Content-Disposition: filename="%s.%s"',$friendly_rdn,$exporters[$entry['exporter_id']]['extension'].($exporter->isCompressed()?'.gz':''))); $exporter->export(); die(); } else { print '
	print '
'; } ?>