phpLDAPadmin - ChangeLog 

* Version 0.9.2, 2003-11-14

  * Notes:
    This release has undergone major code hardening as we've subjected it to 
    the most stringent standard of PHP error reporting. The result is 
    fewer unhandled errors, improved usability, and better performance.
    We've given more attention to internationalization as well, 
    and that effort is nearly 80% complete. Translators and coders are still 
    needed to help complete the localization effort. We've added a whole new
    custom callback infrastructure that is event driven. Users can write their 
    own custom code to be executed as the result of LDAP events. Events include
    entry creation, entry deletion, and entry modification. Users can define
    custom code to execute automatically before and after each of these events.
    See "custom_functions.php" for details and documentation. Lots of other new
   features and bug fixes are outlined in the ChangeLog. phpLDAPadmin finally
    has a roadmap included with each release. Find it in the file called "ROADMAP"
    in the root of the install. This roadmap will be constantly updated to 
    list our goals for each release. Enjoy 0.9.2! As always, your feedback
    is most welcome on the development mailing list and on the SourceForge
    bug tracker.
  * Changes:
    - Localization work continues. About 80% complete.
    - New languages: Ialian, German, Catala
    - Fixed major encoding bugs. All pages are now true UTF-8 encoded
    - Support for auto-determining user's language based on the browser
    - Custom event callbacks infrastructure (see custom_functions.php). Users can now 
        define custom code to execute as a result of LDAP events (ie, new entries, 
        modifications, etc).
    - Major code cleanup. Removed all E_NOTICE messages and enabled E_ALL error_reporting.
    - Added support for smd5 and ssha passwords
    - Added configurable hints throughout the application
    - Added template-based entry editing. The infrastructure is now in place to use custom 
        templates for editing LDAP entries. No templates are being shipped with 0.9.2, but 
        they are on the way for 0.9.3.
    - Added photo display support for non-jpegPhoto photo attributes.
    - Added mass deletion. If enabled in the configuration, users can mass-delete multiple 
        entries from the tree browser with checkboxes.
    - Much improved schema retrieval code. Now PLA uses the Root DSE (or any relevant DN) 
        to fetch the schema based on the RFC-complian subSchemaSubEntry value.
    - Added support for viewing schema for attributes with ";" in their names (like 
        userCertificate;binary or sn;lang-fr)
    - Schema code is 100% object oriented.
    - Enhanced search code can handle large searches without running out of memory.
    - Fixed minor XSS vulnerabilities in several creation templates.
    - Enhanced the server information viewer to actively retrieve attributes that the server 
        may not give voluntarily.
    - Made the tree viewer more intelligent for failed binds.
    - Added better caching of the base DN for the tree viewer, which speeds up page loads 
        considerably with multiple servers all configured to auto-determine the base DN.
    - Added intelligence around password updates on the currently logged-in user entry.

* Version 0.9.1, 2003-09-24

  * Notes:
    We fixed a mountain of bugs for this release and implemented the 
    most popular feature requests.  The result is a much more robust LDAP
    management tool that supports a wider range of harsh environments and spoken
    languages. This release was over a month in the making and it shows. We've
    had great feed back from users.  Special thanks to Nick Burch, Xavier
    Renard, Uwe Ebel, Schuller Tom, and Marius Reider for their code
    contributions. Thanks to everyone who contributed code and bug reports! 

  * Changes:
    - Preliminary support for LDIF imports.
    - Binary attribute support for viewing, deleting, and adding.
    - Users can specify attributes to hide while editing entries.
    - Schema browser now displays which objectClasses each attribute is used in.
    - Preliminary multi-language support (some localization, infrastructure in place).
    - New template for creating posixGroup entries.
    - Optional read-only mode of operation.
    - Error dialog beautified.
    - Localization effort begun, now available in German and French.  
    - New samba user template.

  * Bugs fixed:
    - I18n support was made more robust (UTF-8 problems fixed in *many* places).
    - Improved LDIF exports with better LDIF comments and cleaner IE support.
    - Cleaned up code in edit.php.
    - After updates, modified attribute(s) now highlighted properly.
    - Many realpath() fixes to allow symlink installs with multiple configs.
    - Simple search form 'Starts with' '*' searches produced PHP error.
    - Entry creation now adds the new entry to the tree browser in sorted order.  
    - Complete re-work of schema browser, much more efficient parser.
    - Began effort to remove all E_NOTICE notices. 

* Version 0.9.0, 2003-08-12

  * Notes:
    This is the first release of phpLDAPAdmin. It should be stable enough and
    ready for use on your production LDAP servers. This is still a beta release
    and the paranoid may want to wait.  phpLDAPAdmin is based on an improved
    version of DaveDAP 0.8.4.

  * Changes:
    phpLDAPAdmin was DaveDAP. Changes since DaveDAP 0.8.4 include:

    - Better LDAP compliance when copying entries.
    - Fixed boolean attribute support.
    - jpegPhoto scaling when necessary.
    - More robust schema browser.
    - Added internal attributes support.
    - Slightly improved look and feel.