may_attrs = collect(); $this->may_force = collect(); $this->must_attrs = collect(); $this->sup_classes = collect(); $this->child_objectclasses = collect(); for ($i=0; $i < count($strings); $i++) { switch ($strings[$i]) { case '(': case ')': break; case 'NAME': if ($strings[$i+1] != '(') { do { $this->name .= (strlen($this->name) ? ' ' : '').$strings[++$i]; } while (! preg_match('/\'$/s',$strings[$i])); } else { $i++; do { $this->name .= (strlen($this->name) ? ' ' : '').$strings[++$i]; } while (! preg_match('/\'$/s',$strings[$i])); do { $i++; } while (! preg_match('/\)+\)?/',$strings[$i])); } $this->name = preg_replace("/^\'(.*)\'$/",'$1',$this->name); if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf(sprintf('- Case NAME returned (%s)',$this->name))); break; case 'DESC': do { $this->description .= (strlen($this->description) ? ' ' : '').$strings[++$i]; } while (! preg_match('/\'$/s',$strings[$i])); $this->description = preg_replace("/^\'(.*)\'$/",'$1',$this->description); if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case DESC returned (%s)',$this->description)); break; case 'OBSOLETE': $this->is_obsolete = TRUE; if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case OBSOLETE returned (%s)',$this->is_obsolete)); break; case 'SUP': if ($strings[$i+1] != '(') { $this->sup_classes->push(preg_replace("/'/",'',$strings[++$i])); } else { $i++; do { $i++; if ($strings[$i] != '$') $this->sup_classes->push(preg_replace("/'/",'',$strings[$i])); } while (! preg_match('/\)+\)?/',$strings[$i+1])); } if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case SUP returned (%s)',$this->sup_classes->join(','))); break; case 'ABSTRACT': $this->type = Server::OC_ABSTRACT; if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case ABSTRACT returned (%s)',$this->type)); break; case 'STRUCTURAL': $this->type = Server::OC_STRUCTURAL; if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case STRUCTURAL returned (%s)',$this->type)); break; case 'AUXILIARY': $this->type = Server::OC_AUXILIARY; if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case AUXILIARY returned (%s)',$this->type)); break; case 'MUST': $attrs = collect(); $i = $this->parseList(++$i,$strings,$attrs); if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('= parseList returned %d (%s)',$i,$attrs->join(','))); foreach ($attrs as $string) { $attr = new ObjectClassAttribute($string,$this->name); if ($server->isForceMay($attr->getName())) { $this->may_force->push($attr); $this->may_attrs->push($attr); } else $this->must_attrs->push($attr); } if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case MUST returned (%s) (%s)',$this->must_attrs->join(','),$this->may_force->join(','))); break; case 'MAY': $attrs = collect(); $i = $this->parseList(++$i,$strings,$attrs); if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('parseList returned %d (%s)',$i,$attrs->join(','))); foreach ($attrs as $string) { $attr = new ObjectClassAttribute($string,$this->name); $this->may_attrs->push($attr); } if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case MAY returned (%s)',$this->may_attrs->join(','))); break; default: if (preg_match('/[\d\.]+/i',$strings[$i]) && ($i === 1)) { $this->oid = $strings[$i]; if (static::DEBUG_VERBOSE) Log::debug(sprintf('- Case default returned (%s)',$this->oid)); } elseif ($strings[$i]) Log::alert(sprintf('! Case default discovered a value NOT parsed (%s)',$strings[$i]),['line'=>$line]); } } } public function __get(string $key): mixed { return match ($key) { 'attributes' => $this->getAllAttrs(TRUE), 'sup' => $this->sup_classes, 'type_name' => match ($this->type) { Server::OC_STRUCTURAL => 'Structural', Server::OC_ABSTRACT => 'Abstract', Server::OC_AUXILIARY => 'Auxiliary', default => throw new InvalidUsage('Unknown ObjectClass Type: ' . $this->type), }, default => parent::__get($key), }; } /** * Return a list of attributes that this objectClass provides * * @param bool $parents * @return Collection * @throws InvalidUsage */ public function getAllAttrs(bool $parents=FALSE): Collection { return $this->getMustAttrs($parents) ->transform(function($item) { $item->required = true; return $item; }) ->merge($this->getMayAttrs($parents)); } /** * Adds an objectClass to the list of objectClasses that inherit * from this objectClass. * * @param String $name The name of the objectClass to add */ public function addChildObjectClass(string $name): void { if (! $this->child_objectclasses->contains($name)) $this->child_objectclasses->push($name); } /** * Returns the array of objectClass names which inherit from this objectClass. * * @return Collection Names of objectClasses which inherit from this objectClass. * @deprecated use $this->child_objectclasses */ public function getChildObjectClasses(): Collection { return $this->child_objectclasses; } /** * Behaves identically to addMustAttrs, but it operates on the MAY * attributes of this objectClass. * * @param array $attr An array of attribute names (strings) to add. */ private function addMayAttrs(array $attr): void { if (! is_array($attr) || ! count($attr)) return; $this->may_attrs = $this->may_attrs->merge($attr)->unique(); } /** * Adds the specified array of attributes to this objectClass' list of * MUST attributes. The resulting array of must attributes will contain * unique members. * * @param array $attr An array of attribute names (strings) to add. */ private function addMustAttrs(array $attr): void { if (! is_array($attr) || ! count($attr)) return; $this->must_attrs = $this->must_attrs->merge($attr)->unique(); } /** * @return Collection * @deprecated use $this->may_force */ public function getForceMayAttrs(): Collection { return $this->may_force; } /** * Gets an array of AttributeType objects that entries of this ObjectClass may define. * This differs from getMayAttrNames in that it returns an array of AttributeType objects * * @param bool $parents Also get the may attrs of our parents. * @return Collection The array of allowed AttributeType objects. * * @throws InvalidUsage * @see getMustAttrNames * @see getMustAttrs * @see getMayAttrNames * @see AttributeType */ public function getMayAttrs(bool $parents=FALSE): Collection { // If we dont need our parents, then we'll just return ours. if (! $parents) return $this->may_attrs ->sortBy(fn($item)=>strtolower($item->name.$item->source)); $attrs = $this->may_attrs; foreach ($this->getParents() as $object_class) $attrs = $attrs->merge($object_class->getMayAttrs($parents)); // Remove any duplicates $attrs = $attrs->unique(function($item) { return $item->name; }); // Return a sorted list return $attrs->sortBy(function($item) { return strtolower($item->name.$item->source); }); } /** * Gets an array of attribute names (strings) that entries of this ObjectClass must define. * This differs from getMayAttrs in that it returns an array of strings rather than * array of AttributeType objects * * @param bool $parents An array of ObjectClass objects to use when traversing * the inheritance tree. This presents some what of a bootstrapping problem * as we must fetch all objectClasses to determine through inheritance which * attributes this objectClass provides. * @return Collection The array of allowed attribute names (strings). * * @throws InvalidUsage * @see getMustAttrs * @see getMayAttrs * @see getMustAttrNames */ public function getMayAttrNames(bool $parents=FALSE): Collection { return $this->getMayAttrs($parents)->ppluck('name'); } /** * Gets an array of AttributeType objects that entries of this ObjectClass must define. * This differs from getMustAttrNames in that it returns an array of AttributeType objects * * @param bool $parents Also get the must attrs of our parents. * @return Collection The array of required AttributeType objects. * * @throws InvalidUsage * @see getMustAttrNames * @see getMayAttrs * @see getMayAttrNames */ public function getMustAttrs(bool $parents=FALSE): Collection { // If we dont need our parents, then we'll just return ours. if (! $parents) return $this->must_attrs->sortBy(function($item) { return strtolower($item->name.$item->source); }); $attrs = $this->must_attrs; foreach ($this->getParents() as $object_class) $attrs = $attrs->merge($object_class->getMustAttrs($parents)); // Remove any duplicates $attrs = $attrs->unique(function($item) { return $item->name; }); // Return a sorted list return $attrs->sortBy(function($item) { return strtolower($item->name.$item->source); }); } /** * Gets an array of attribute names (strings) that entries of this ObjectClass must define. * This differs from getMustAttrs in that it returns an array of strings rather than * array of AttributeType objects * * @param bool $parents An array of ObjectClass objects to use when traversing * the inheritance tree. This presents some what of a bootstrapping problem * as we must fetch all objectClasses to determine through inheritance which * attributes this objectClass provides. * @return Collection The array of allowed attribute names (strings). * * @throws InvalidUsage * @see getMustAttrs * @see getMayAttrs * @see getMayAttrNames */ public function getMustAttrNames(bool $parents=FALSE): Collection { return $this->getMustAttrs($parents)->ppluck('name'); } /** * This will return all our parent ObjectClass Objects */ public function getParents(): Collection { // If the only class is 'top', then we have no more parents if (($this->sup_classes->count() === 1) && (strtolower($this->sup_classes->first()) === 'top')) return collect(); $result = collect(); foreach ($this->sup_classes as $object_class) { $oc = config('server') ->schema('objectclasses',$object_class); if ($oc) { $result->push($oc); $result = $result->merge($oc->getParents()); } } return $result; } /** * Gets the objectClass names from which this objectClass inherits. * * @return Collection An array of objectClass names (strings) * @deprecated use $this->sup_classes; */ public function getSupClasses(): Collection { return $this->sup_classes; } /** * Gets the type of this objectClass: STRUCTURAL, ABSTRACT, or AUXILIARY. * * @deprecated use $this->type_name */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * Return if this objectclass is auxiliary * * @return bool */ public function isAuxiliary(): bool { return $this->type === Server::OC_AUXILIARY; } /** * Determine if an array is listed in the may_force attrs */ public function isForceMay(string $attr): bool { return $this->may_force->ppluck('name')->contains($attr); } /** * Return if this objectClass is related to $oclass * * @param array $oclass ObjectClasses that this attribute may be related to * @return bool * @throws InvalidUsage */ public function isRelated(array $oclass): bool { // If I am in the array, we'll just return false if (in_array_ignore_case($this->name,$oclass)) return FALSE; foreach ($oclass as $object_class) if ($object_class->isStructural() && in_array_ignore_case($this->name,$object_class->getParents()->pluck('name'))) return TRUE; return FALSE; } public function isStructural(): bool { return $this->type === Server::OC_STRUCTURAL; } /** * Parse an LDAP schema list * * A list starts with a ( followed by a list of attributes separated by $ terminated by ) * The first token can therefore be a ( or a (NAME or a (NAME) * The last token can therefore be a ) or NAME) * The last token may be terminated by more than one bracket */ private function parseList(int $i,array $strings,Collection &$attrs): int { $string = $strings[$i]; if (! preg_match('/^\(/',$string)) { // A bareword only - can be terminated by a ) if the last item if (preg_match('/\)+$/',$string)) $string = preg_replace('/\)+$/','',$string); $attrs->push($string); } elseif (preg_match('/^\(.*\)$/',$string)) { $string = preg_replace('/^\(/','',$string); $string = preg_replace('/\)+$/','',$string); $attrs->push($string); } else { // Handle the opening cases first if ($string === '(') { $i++; } elseif (preg_match('/^\(./',$string)) { $string = preg_replace('/^\(/','',$string); $attrs->push($string); $i++; } // Token is either a name, a $ or a ')' // NAME can be terminated by one or more ')' while (! preg_match('/\)+$/',$strings[$i])) { $string = $strings[$i]; if ($string === '$') { $i++; continue; } if (preg_match('/\)$/',$string)) $string = preg_replace('/\)+$/','',$string); else $i++; $attrs->push($string); } } $attrs = $attrs->sort(); return $i; } }