isReadOnly()) pla_error(_('You cannot perform updates while server is in read-only mode')); $dn = $_POST['dn']; $old_values = $_POST['old_values']; $new_values = $_POST['new_values']; $encoded_dn = rawurlencode($dn); $rdn = get_rdn($dn); echo ''; printf('


',htmlspecialchars($rdn)); printf('

%s: %s     %s: %s

', _('Server'),$ldapserver->name,_('Distinguished Name'),htmlspecialchars($dn)); echo "\n\n"; run_hook('pre_update_array_processing',array('server_id'=>$ldapserver->server_id, 'dn'=>$dn,'old_values'=>$old_values,'new_values'=>$new_values)); $update_array = array(); foreach ($old_values as $attr => $old_val) { # Did the user delete the field? if (! isset($new_values[$attr])) $update_array[$attr] = ''; # Did the user change the field? elseif ($old_val !== $new_values[$attr]) { $new_val = $new_values[$attr]; # Special case for userPassword attributes if (strcasecmp($attr,'userPassword') == 0) { foreach ($new_val as $key => $userpassword) { if (trim($userpassword)) $new_val[$key] = password_hash($userpassword,$_POST['enc_type'][$key]); else unset($new_val[$key]); } $password_already_hashed = true; # Special case for samba password } elseif (strcasecmp($attr,'sambaNTPassword') == 0 && trim($new_val[0])) { $sambapassword = new smbHash; $new_val[0] = $sambapassword->nthash($new_val[0]); # Special case for samba password } elseif (strcasecmp($attr,'sambaLMPassword') == 0 && trim($new_val[0])) { $sambapassword = new smbHash; $new_val[0] = $sambapassword->lmhash($new_val[0]); } # Retest in case our now encoded password is the same. if ($new_val === $old_val) continue; if ($new_val) $update_array[$attr] = $new_val; } } # Check user password with new encoding. if (isset($new_values['userpassword']) && is_array($new_values['userpassword'])) { foreach ($new_values['userpassword'] as $key => $userpassword) { if ($userpassword) { if ($old_values['userpassword'][$key] == $new_values['userpassword'][$key] && get_enc_type($old_values['userpassword'][$key]) == $_POST['enc_type'][$key]) continue; $new_values['userpassword'][$key] = password_hash($userpassword,$_POST['enc_type'][$key]); } } if ($old_values['userpassword'] != $new_values['userpassword']) $update_array['userpassword'] = $new_values['userpassword']; } # strip empty vals from update_array and ensure consecutive indices for each attribute foreach ($update_array as $attr => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $i => $v) if (null == $v || 0 == strlen($v)) unset($update_array[$attr][$i]); $update_array[$attr] = array_values($update_array[$attr]); } } /* At this point, the update_array should look like this (example): Array( cn => Array( [0] => 'Dave', [1] => 'Bob') sn => 'Smith', telephoneNumber => '555-1234') This array should be ready to be passed to ldap_modify() */ run_hook('post_update_array_processing',array('server_id'=>$ldapserver->server_id, 'dn'=>$dn,'update_array'=>$update_array)); if (count($update_array) > 0) { echo '
'; echo '
'; echo _('Do you want to make these changes?'); echo '

'; # echo "\n\n"; echo '
'; echo "\n"; echo ''; echo "\n"; printf('', _('Attribute'),_('Old Value'),_('New Value'),_('Skip')); echo "\n\n"; $counter = 0; run_hook('pre_display_update_array',array('server_id'=>$ldapserver->server_id,'dn'=>$dn, 'update_array'=>$update_array)); foreach ($update_array as $attr => $new_val) { $counter++; if (! array_key_exists($attr,$old_values) or ! array_key_exists($attr,$new_values)) continue; printf('',$counter%2 ? 'even' : 'odd'); printf('',htmlspecialchars($attr)); echo ''; echo ''; printf('',htmlspecialchars($attr)); echo ''."\n\n"; } run_hook('post_display_update_array',array('server_id'=>$ldapserver->server_id,'dn'=>$dn, 'update_array'=>$update_array,'index'=>$counter)); echo '
%s'; if (strcasecmp($attr,'userPassword') == 0) { foreach ($old_values[$attr] as $key => $value) { if (obfuscate_password_display(get_enc_type($old_values[$attr][$key]))) echo preg_replace('/./','*',$old_values[$attr][$key]).'
'; else echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($old_values[$attr][$key])).'
'; } } elseif (is_array($old_values[$attr])) foreach ($old_values[$attr] as $v) echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($v)).'
'; else echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($old_values[$attr])).'
'; echo '
'; # Is this a multi-valued attribute? if (is_array($new_val)) { if (strcasecmp($attr,'userPassword') == 0) { foreach ($new_values[$attr] as $key => $value) { if (isset($new_val[$key])) { if (obfuscate_password_display(get_enc_type($new_val[$key]))) echo preg_replace('/./','*',$new_val[$key]).'
'; else echo htmlspecialchars($new_val[$key]).'
'; } } } else { foreach ($new_val as $i => $v) { if ($v == '') { # Remove it from the update array if it's empty unset($update_array[$attr][$i]); $update_array[$attr] = array_values($update_array[$attr]); } else { echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($v)).'
'; } } } /* was this a multi-valued attribute deletion? If so, fix the $update_array to reflect that per update_confirm.php's expectations */ if ($update_array[$attr] == array(0=>'') || $update_array[$attr] == array()) { $update_array[$attr] = ''; printf('%s',_('[attribute deleted]')); } } elseif ($new_val != '') printf('%s',_('[attribute deleted]')); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; printf('',$ldapserver->server_id); printf('',$dn); foreach ($update_array as $attr => $val) { if (is_array($val)) foreach($val as $i => $v) printf('', htmlspecialchars($attr),$i,htmlspecialchars($v)); else printf('', htmlspecialchars($attr),htmlspecialchars($val)); } printf('',_('Commit')); echo ''; printf('',_('Cancel')); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } else { echo '
'; echo _('You made no changes'); printf(' %s.', $ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn,_('Go back')); echo '
'; } echo ''; ?>