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}, 'dijit/nls/th/loading':function(){ define( //begin v1.x content ({ loadingState: "กำลังโหลด...", errorState: "ขออภัย เกิดข้อผิดพลาด" }) //end v1.x content ); }, 'dojo/nls/th/colors':function(){ define( //begin v1.x content ({ // local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information // is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically. //Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray. //TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping? aliceblue: "alice blue", antiquewhite: "antique white", aqua: "ฟ้าน้ำทะเล", aquamarine: "aquamarine", azure: "น้ำเงินฟ้า", beige: "น้ำตาลเบจ", bisque: "bisque", black: "ดำ", blanchedalmond: "blanched almond", blue: "น้ำเงิน", blueviolet: "น้ำเงินม่วง", brown: "น้ำตาล", burlywood: "burlywood", cadetblue: "cadet blue", chartreuse: "chartreuse", chocolate: "ช็อกโกแลต", coral: "coral", cornflowerblue: "cornflower blue", cornsilk: "cornsilk", crimson: "แดงเลือดหมู", cyan: "เขียวแกมน้ำเงิน", darkblue: "น้ำเงินเข้ม", darkcyan: "เขียวแกมน้ำเงินเข้ม", darkgoldenrod: "dark goldenrod", darkgray: "เทาเข้ม", darkgreen: "เขียวเข้ม", darkgrey: "เทาเข้ม", // same as darkgray darkkhaki: "dark khaki", darkmagenta: "แดงแกมม่วงเข้ม", darkolivegreen: "เขียวโอลีฟเข้ม", darkorange: "ส้มเข้ม", darkorchid: "dark orchid", darkred: "แดงเข้ม", darksalmon: "dark salmon", darkseagreen: "dark sea green", darkslateblue: "dark slate blue", darkslategray: "dark slate gray", darkslategrey: "dark slate gray", // same as darkslategray darkturquoise: "dark turquoise", darkviolet: "ม่วงเข้ม", deeppink: "ชมพูเข้ม", deepskyblue: "deep sky blue", dimgray: "dim gray", dimgrey: "dim gray", // same as dimgray dodgerblue: "dodger blue", firebrick: "สีอิฐ", floralwhite: "floral white", forestgreen: "forest green", fuchsia: "fuchsia", gainsboro: "gainsboro", ghostwhite: "ghost white", gold: "ทอง", goldenrod: "goldenrod", gray: "เทา", green: "เขียว", greenyellow: "เขียวแกมเหลือง", grey: "เทา", // same as gray honeydew: "honeydew", hotpink: "hot pink", indianred: "indian red", indigo: "indigo", ivory: "งาช้าง", khaki: "khaki", lavender: "ม่วงลาเวนเดอร์", lavenderblush: "lavender blush", lawngreen: "lawn green", lemonchiffon: "lemon chiffon", lightblue: "น้ำเงินอ่อน", lightcoral: "light coral", lightcyan: "เขียวแกมน้ำเงินอ่อน", lightgoldenrodyellow: "light goldenrod yellow", lightgray: "เทาอ่อน", lightgreen: "เขียวอ่อน", lightgrey: "เทาอ่อน", // same as lightgray lightpink: "ชมพูอ่อน", lightsalmon: "light salmon", lightseagreen: "light sea green", lightskyblue: "ฟ้าอ่อน", lightslategray: "light slate gray", lightslategrey: "light slate gray", // same as lightslategray lightsteelblue: "light steel blue", lightyellow: "เหลืองอ่อน", lime: "เหลืองมะนาว", limegreen: "เขียวมะนาว", linen: "linen", magenta: "แดงแกมม่วง", maroon: "น้ำตาลแดง", mediumaquamarine: "medium aquamarine", mediumblue: "medium blue", mediumorchid: "medium orchid", mediumpurple: "medium purple", mediumseagreen: "medium sea green", mediumslateblue: "medium slate blue", mediumspringgreen: "medium spring green", mediumturquoise: "medium turquoise", mediumvioletred: "medium violet-red", midnightblue: "midnight blue", mintcream: "mint cream", mistyrose: "misty rose", moccasin: "ม็อคค่า", navajowhite: "navajo white", navy: "น้ำเงินเข้ม", oldlace: "old lace", olive: "โอลีฟ", olivedrab: "olive drab", orange: "ส้ม", orangered: "ส้มแกมแดง", orchid: "orchid", palegoldenrod: "pale goldenrod", palegreen: "pale green", paleturquoise: "pale turquoise", palevioletred: "pale violet-red", papayawhip: "papaya whip", peachpuff: "peach puff", peru: "peru", pink: "ชมพู", plum: "plum", powderblue: "powder blue", purple: "ม่วง", red: "แดง", rosybrown: "rosy brown", royalblue: "royal blue", saddlebrown: "saddle brown", salmon: "salmon", sandybrown: "sandy brown", seagreen: "sea green", seashell: "seashell", sienna: "sienna", silver: "เงิน", skyblue: "sky blue", slateblue: "slate blue", slategray: "slate gray", slategrey: "slate gray", // same as slategray snow: "snow", springgreen: "spring green", steelblue: "steel blue", tan: "tan", teal: "teal", thistle: "thistle", tomato: "tomato", transparent: "สีใส", turquoise: "turquoise", violet: "ม่วง", wheat: "wheat", white: "ขาว", whitesmoke: "ขาวควัน", yellow: "เหลือง", yellowgreen: "เหลืองแกมเขียว" }) //end v1.x content ); 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}, 'dijit/form/nls/th/ComboBox':function(){ define( //begin v1.x content ({ previousMessage: "การเลือกก่อนหน้า", nextMessage: "การเลือกเพิ่มเติม" }) //end v1.x content ); }, 'dijit/nls/th/common':function(){ define( //begin v1.x content ({ buttonOk: "ตกลง", buttonCancel: "ยกเลิก", buttonSave: "บันทึก", itemClose: "ปิด" }) //end v1.x content ); }}}); define("dijit/nls/dijit-all_th", [], 1);