$show_internal_attrs = isset( $_GET['show_internal_attrs'] ) ? true : false;
if( null != $dn ) {
$rdn = pla_explode_dn( $dn );
if( isset( $rdn[0] ) )
$rdn = $rdn[0];
$rdn = null;
} else {
$rdn = null;
check_server_id( $server_id ) or pla_error( $lang['bad_server_id'] . htmlspecialchars( $server_id ) );
have_auth_info( $server_id ) or pla_error( $lang['not_enough_login_info'] );
//pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ) or pla_error( $lang['could_not_connect'] );
$friendly_attrs = process_friendly_attr_table();
if( ! isset( $attrs ) )
$attrs = get_object_attrs( $ldapserver, $dn, false, get_view_deref_setting() );
//pla_ldap_connect( $server_id ) or pla_error( $lang['could_not_connect'] );
//$system_attrs = get_entry_system_attrs( $ldapserver, $dn, get_view_deref_setting() ); NEVER USED?
dn_exists( $ldapserver, $dn ) or pla_error( sprintf( $lang['no_such_entry'], pretty_print_dn( $dn ) ) );
$server_name = $servers[$server_id]['name'];
include './header.php'; ?>
: :
$vals ) {
$schema_href = "schema.php?server_id=$server_id&view=attributes&viewvalue=" . real_attr_name($attr);
1 ) { for( $i=1; $i<=count($vals); $i++ ) { ?>
"> ()
} ?>
(" . $lang['no_internal_attributes'] . ") | \n";
echo "";
uksort( $attrs, 'sortAttrs' );
foreach( $attrs as $attr => $vals ) {
$schema_attr = get_schema_attribute( $ldapserver, $attr, $dn );
if( $schema_attr )
$attr_syntax = $schema_attr->getSyntaxOID();
$attr_syntax = null;
if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'dn' ) )
// has the config.php specified that this attribute is to be hidden or shown?
if( is_attr_hidden( $ldapserver, $attr))
// Setup the $attr_note, which will be displayed to the right of the attr name (if any)
$attr_note = '';
// is there a user-friendly translation available for this attribute?
if( isset( $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $attr ) ] ) ) {
$attr_display = $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $attr ) ];
$attr_note = "alias";
} else {
$attr_note = "";
$attr_display = $attr;
// is this attribute required by an objectClass?
$required_by = '';
if( $schema_attr )
foreach( $schema_attr->getRequiredByObjectClasses() as $required )
if( isset($attrs['objectClass']) && in_array( strtolower( $required ), arrayLower( $attrs['objectClass'] ) ) )
$required_by .= $required . ' ';
// It seems that some LDAP servers (Domino) returns attributes in lower case?
elseif( isset($attrs['objectclass']) && in_array( strtolower( $required ), arrayLower( $attrs['objectclass'] ) ) )
$required_by .= $required . ' ';
if( $required_by ) {
if( trim( $attr_note ) )
$attr_note .= ', ';
$attr_note .= "" . $lang['required'] . " ";
// is this attribute required because its the RDN
if (preg_match("/^${attr}=/",$rdn)) {
if( trim( $attr_note ) )
$attr_note .= ', ';
$attr_note .= " " . 'rdn' . " ";
isReadOnly() || is_attr_read_only( $ldapserver, $attr ) )
draw_jpeg_photos( $ldapserver, $dn, $attr, false );
draw_jpeg_photos( $ldapserver, $dn, $attr, true );
// proceed to the next attribute
echo " |
if( $is_modified_attr )
echo ' |
* Is this attribute binary?
if( is_attr_binary( $ldapserver, $attr ) ) {
$href = "download_binary_attr.php?server_id=$server_id&dn=$encoded_dn&attr=$attr";
1 ) { for( $i=1; $i<=count($vals); $i++ ) { ?>
| ';
* Note: at this point, the attribute must be text-based (not binary or jpeg)
// If we this is the userPassword attribute, add the javascript so we can call check password later.
if (! strcasecmp( $attr, 'userPassword' ) ) {
$user_password = $vals[0]; ?>
$val ) {
if( trim( $val ) == "" )
echo "[" . $lang['empty'] . "]
elseif( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userPassword' ) && obfuscate_password_display() )
echo preg_replace( '/./', '*', $val ) . "
elseif( in_array(strtolower($attr), $shadow_format_attrs) ) {
$shadow_date = shadow_date( $attrs, $attr);
echo htmlspecialchars($val)." ";
echo "";
if( ($today < $shadow_date) && in_array(strtolower($attr), $shadow_before_today_attrs) )
echo ''.htmlspecialchars("(".strftime(get_date_format(),$shadow_date).")").'';
elseif( $today > $shadow_date && in_array(strtolower($attr), $shadow_after_today_attrs) )
echo ''.htmlspecialchars("(".strftime(get_date_format(),$shadow_date).")").'';
echo htmlspecialchars("(".strftime(get_date_format(),shadow_date( $attrs, $attr)).")");
echo "";
} else
echo htmlspecialchars( $val ) . "
} else {
if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userPassword' ) && obfuscate_password_display() )
echo preg_replace( '/./', '*', $vals ) . "
echo $vals . "
"; ?>
echo "";
if( $is_modified_attr )
echo ' |
* Is this a userPassword attribute?
if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userpassword' ) ) {
$user_password = $vals[0];
$enc_type = get_enc_type( $user_password );
// Set the default hashing type if the password is blank (must be newly created)
if( $user_password == '' ) {
$enc_type = get_default_hash( $server_id );
| ';
* Is this a boolean attribute?
if( is_attr_boolean( $ldapserver, $attr) ) {
$val = $vals[0];
| ';
* End of special case attributes (non plain text).
* This is a plain text attribute, to be displayed and edited in plain text.
foreach( $vals as $i => $val ) {
$input_name = "new_values[" . htmlspecialchars( $attr ) . "][$i]";
// We smack an id="..." tag in here that doesn't have [][] in it to allow the
// draw_chooser_link() to identify it after the user clicks.
$input_id = "new_values_" . htmlspecialchars($attr) . "_" . $i;
type == 'structural') {
echo "$val (" .
$lang['structural'] . ")
0 ) {
echo "
$group = array_pop( $group );
$group_dn = $group['dn'];
$group_name = explode( '=', get_rdn( $group_dn ) );
$group_name = $group_name[1];
$href = "edit.php?server_id=$server_id&dn=" . urlencode( $group_dn );
echo "";
echo "" . htmlspecialchars($group_name) . "";
$description = isset( $group['description'] ) ? $group['description'] : null;
if( $description ) echo " (" . htmlspecialchars( $description ) . ")";
echo "";
// Show the dates for all the shadow attributes.
if( in_array(strtolower($attr), $shadow_format_attrs) ) {
if( ( $shadow_date = shadow_date( $attrs, $attr) ) !== false ) {
echo "
echo "";
if( ($today < $shadow_date) && in_array(strtolower($attr), $shadow_before_today_attrs) )
echo ''.htmlspecialchars(strftime(get_date_format(),$shadow_date)).'';
elseif( $today > $shadow_date && in_array(strtolower($attr), $shadow_after_today_attrs) )
echo ''.htmlspecialchars(strftime(get_date_format(),$shadow_date)).'';
echo htmlspecialchars(strftime(get_date_format(),$shadow_date));
echo "";
} ?>
getIsSingleValue() )
$add_href = "add_value_form.php?server_id=$server_id&" .
"dn=$encoded_dn&attr=" . rawurlencode( $attr );
echo "\n";
$vals ) */ ?>
$values )
if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, $x ) )
return false;
return true;
echo "