:     :

0 ) { if( $children_count == $max_children ) $children_count = $children_count . '+'; ?> 1 ) { ?> $attr ) { $modified_attrs[$i] = strtolower( $attr ); } } ?>
"> ">

$vals ) { $counter++; $schema_href = "schema.php?server_id=$server_id&view=attributes&viewvalue=" . real_attr_name($attr); ?> \n"; } ?> 0 ) foreach( $hidden_attrs as $i => $attr_name ) $hidden_attrs[$i] = strtolower( $attr_name ); else $hidden_attrs = array(); ?> \n"; echo "

1 ) { for( $i=1; $i<=count($vals); $i++ ) { ?> "> ()

\n"; } } ?>
(" . $lang['no_internal_attributes'] . ")
(" . $lang['no_attributes'] . ")
"; echo ""; die(); } ?> $vals ) { flush(); if( ! is_server_read_only( $server_id ) ) { $schema_attr = get_schema_attribute( $server_id, $attr, $dn ); if( $schema_attr ) $attr_syntax = $schema_attr->getSyntaxOID(); else $attr_syntax = null; } if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'dn' ) ) continue; // has the config.php specified that this attribute is to be hidden? if( in_array( strtolower( $attr ), $hidden_attrs ) ) continue; // is there a user-friendly translation available for this attribute? if( isset( $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $attr ) ] ) ) { $attr_display = $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $attr ) ]; $attr_note = "alias"; } else { $attr_note = ""; $attr_display = $attr; } ?> ()
1 ) { for( $i=1; $i<=count($vals); $i++ ) { ?> "> ()

$val ) { if( trim( $val ) == "" ) echo "[" . $lang['empty'] . "]
\n"; elseif( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userPassword' ) && obfuscate_password_display() ) echo preg_replace( '/./', '*', $val ) . "
"; else echo htmlspecialchars( $val ) . "
"; } } else { if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userPassword' ) && obfuscate_password_display() ) echo preg_replace( '/./', '*', $vals ) . "
"; else echo $vals . "
"; } echo ""; echo ""; continue; } /* * Is this a userPassword attribute? */ if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, 'userpassword' ) ) { $user_password = $vals[0]; /* Capture the stuff in the { } to determine if this is crypt, md5, etc. */ if( preg_match( "/{([^}]+)}/", $user_password, $enc_type) ) $enc_type = strtolower($enc_type[1]); else $enc_type = null; // Set the default hashing type if the password is blank (must be newly created) if( $val == '' ) { $enc_type = $servers[$server_id]['default_hash']; } ?>
$val ) { ?>
getIsSingleValue() ) { $add_href = "add_value_form.php?server_id=$server_id&" . "dn=$encoded_dn&attr=" . rawurlencode( $attr ); echo "
(" . $lang['add_value'] . ")
\n"; } ?> $vals ) */ ?>
$values ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr, $x ) ) return false; return true; } ?>