function expandChildren(node) { if ( && !node.isExpanded()) { node.setExpanded(true); } if (node.children && node.children.length > 0) { try { node.children.forEach(expandChildren); } catch (error) { } } } function getNode(item) { $.ajax({ url: '/frame', method: 'POST', data: { key: item }, dataType: 'html', beforeSend: function() { content = $('.main-content') .contents(); $('.main-content') .empty() .append('
'); } }).done(function(html) { $('.main-content') .empty() .append(html); }).fail(function(e) { switch(e.status) { case 404: $('.main-content').empty().append(e.responseText); break; case 409: // Not in root location.replace('/#'+item); break; case 419: // Session Expired location.replace('/#'+item); location.reload(); break; case 500: $('.main-content').empty().append(e.responseText); break; default: alert('Well that didnt work? Code ['+e.status+']'); } }); } $(document).ready(function() { // If our bases have been set, we'll render them directly if (typeof basedn !== 'undefined') { sources = basedn; } else { sources = { url: 'api/bases' }; } // Attach the fancytree widget to an existing
element // and pass the tree options as an argument to the fancytree() function: $('#tree').fancytree({ clickFolderMode: 3, extensions: ['persist'], autoCollapse: true, // Automatically collapse all siblings, when a node is expanded. autoScroll: true, // Automatically scroll nodes into visible area. focusOnSelect: true, // Set focus when node is checked by a mouse click persist: { // Available options with their default: cookieDelimiter: '~', // character used to join key strings cookiePrefix: 'pla--', // 'fancytree--' by default cookie: { // settings passed to jquery.cookie plugin raw: false, expires: '', path: '', domain: '', secure: false }, expandLazy: true, // true: recursively expand and load lazy nodes expandOpts: undefined, // optional `opts` argument passed to setExpanded() fireActivate: false, // overrideSource: true, // true: cookie takes precedence over `source` data attributes. store: 'auto', // 'cookie': use cookie, 'local': use localStore, 'session': use sessionStore types: 'active expanded focus selected' // which status types to store }, click: function(event,data) { if (data.targetType === 'title') getNode(; }, source: sources, lazyLoad: function(event,data) { data.result = { url: '/api/children', data: {key:,depth: 1} }; expandChildren(data.tree.rootNode); }, keydown: function(event,data){ switch( $.ui.fancytree.eventToString(data.originalEvent) ) { case 'return': case 'space': data.node.toggleExpanded(); break; } }, restore: function(event,data) { //getNode(data.tree.getActiveNode().data.item); } }); });