oid = null; $this->description = null; } /** Default constructor. */ function SchemaItem() { $this->initVars(); } function setOID( $new_oid ) { $this->oid = $new_oid; } function setDescription( $new_desc ) { $this->description = $new_desc; } function getOID() { return $this->oid; } function getDescription() { return $this->description; } } /** * Represents an LDAP objectClass * @package phpLDAPadmin */ class ObjectClass extends SchemaItem { /** This objectClass' name, ie "inetOrgPerson" */ var $name; /** array of objectClass names from which this objectClass inherits */ var $sup_classes; /** one of STRUCTURAL, ABSTRACT, or AUXILIARY */ var $type; /** arrays of attribute names that this objectClass requires */ var $must_attrs; /** arrays of attribute names that this objectClass allows, but does not require */ var $may_attrs; /** boolean value indicating whether this objectClass is obsolete */ var $is_obsolete; /** array of objectClasses which inherit from this one (must be set at runtime explicitly by the caller) */ var $children_objectclasses; /** Initialize the class' member variables */ function initVars() { parent::initVars(); $this->oid = null; $this->name = null; $this->description = null; $this->sup_classes = array(); $this->type = null; $this->must_attrs = array(); $this->may_attrs = array(); $this->is_obsolete = false; $this->children_objectclasses = array(); } /** * Creates a new ObjectClass object given a raw LDAP objectClass string. */ function ObjectClass( $raw_ldap_schema_string ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$raw_ldap_schema_string),2); $this->initVars(); $class = $raw_ldap_schema_string; $strings = preg_split("/[\s,]+/",$class,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for ($i=0; $i < count($strings); $i++) { switch ($strings[$i]) { case '(': break; case 'NAME': if ($strings[$i+1]!="(") { do { $i++; if(strlen($this->name)==0) $this->name = $strings[$i]; else $this->name .= " ".$strings[$i]; } while (!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); } else { $i++; do { $i++; if(strlen($this->name) == 0) $this->name = $strings[$i]; else $this->name .= " " . $strings[$i]; } while (!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); do { $i++; } while (! preg_match('/\)+\)?/',$strings[$i])); } $this->name = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->name); $this->name = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->name); debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case NAME returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->name),9); break; case 'DESC': do { $i++; if (strlen($this->description)==0) $this->description=$this->description . $strings[$i]; else $this->description=$this->description . " " . $strings[$i]; } while (!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case DESC returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->description),9); break; case 'OBSOLETE': $this->is_obsolete = TRUE; debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case OBSOLETE returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->is_obsolete),9); break; case 'SUP': if ($strings[$i+1]!="(") { $i++; array_push($this->sup_classes, preg_replace("/'/","",$strings[$i])); } else { $i++; do { $i++; if ($strings[$i]!="$") array_push($this->sup_classes,preg_replace("/'/","",$strings[$i])); } while (! preg_match('/\)+\)?/',$strings[$i+1])); } debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case SUP returned (%s)',get_class($this),serialize($this->sup_classes)),9); break; case 'ABSTRACT': $this->type='abstract'; debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case ABSTRACT returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->type),9); break; case 'STRUCTURAL': $this->type='structural'; debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case STRUCTURAL returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->type),9); break; case 'AUXILIARY': $this->type='auxiliary'; debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case AUXILIARY returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->type),9); break; case 'MUST': if (preg_match("/^\(./",$strings[$i+1])) { $i++; $attr = new ObjectClassAttribute(preg_replace("/^\(/","",$strings[$i]), $this->name); array_push ($this->must_attrs, $attr); } elseif ($strings[$i+1]!="(") { $i++; $attr = new ObjectClassAttribute($strings[$i], $this->name); array_push ($this->must_attrs, $attr); } else { $i++; do { $i++; if ($strings[$i]!="$") { $attr = new ObjectClassAttribute($strings[$i], $this->name); array_push ($this->must_attrs, $attr); } } while (! preg_match('/\)+\)?/',$strings[$i+1])); } sort($this->must_attrs); debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case MUST returned (%s)',get_class($this),serialize($this->must_attrs)),9); break; case 'MAY': if (preg_match("/^\(./",$strings[$i+1])) { $i++; $attr = new ObjectClassAttribute(preg_replace("/^\(/","",$strings[$i]), $this->name); array_push ($this->may_attrs, $attr); } elseif ($strings[$i+1]!="(") { $i++; $attr = new ObjectClassAttribute($strings[$i], $this->name); array_push ($this->may_attrs, $attr); } else { $i++; do { $i++; if ($strings[$i]!="$") { $attr = new ObjectClassAttribute($strings[$i], $this->name); array_push ($this->may_attrs, $attr); } } while (! preg_match('/\)+\)?/',$strings[$i+1])); } sort($this->may_attrs); debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case MUST returned (%s)',get_class($this),serialize($this->may_attrs)),9); break; default: if(preg_match ("/[\d\.]+/i",$strings[$i]) && $i == 1) $this->oid = $strings[$i]; debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Case default returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->oid),9); } } $this->description = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->description); $this->description = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->description); debug_log(sprintf('%s::ObjectClass(): Returning ()',get_class($this)),1); } /** * Gets an array of AttributeType objects that entries of this ObjectClass must define. * This differs from getMustAttrNames in that it returns an array of AttributeType objects * * @param array $oclasses An array of ObjectClass objects to use when traversing * the inheritance tree. This presents some what of a bootstrapping problem * as we must fetch all objectClasses to determine through inheritance which * attributes this objectClass requires. * @return array The array of required AttributeType objects. * * @see getMustAttrNames * @see getMayAttrs * @see getMayAttrNames */ function getMustAttrs($oclasses = NULL) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getMustAttrs(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),serialize($oclasses)),2); $all_must_attrs = array(); $all_must_attrs = $this->must_attrs; foreach( $this->sup_classes as $sup_class) { if( $oclasses != null && $sup_class != "top" && isset( $oclasses[ strtolower($sup_class) ] ) ) { $sup_class = $oclasses[ strtolower($sup_class) ]; $sup_class_must_attrs = $sup_class->getMustAttrs( $oclasses ); $all_must_attrs = array_merge( $sup_class_must_attrs, $all_must_attrs ); } } ksort($all_must_attrs); return $all_must_attrs; } /** * Gets an array of AttributeType objects that entries of this ObjectClass may define. * This differs from getMayAttrNames in that it returns an array of AttributeType objects * * @param array $oclasses An array of ObjectClass objects to use when traversing * the inheritance tree. This presents some what of a bootstrapping problem * as we must fetch all objectClasses to determine through inheritance which * attributes this objectClass provides. * @return array The array of allowed AttributeType objects. * * @see getMustAttrNames * @see getMustAttrs * @see getMayAttrNames * @see AttributeType */ function getMayAttrs($oclasses = NULL) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getMayAttrs(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),serialize($oclasses)),2); $all_may_attrs = array(); $all_may_attrs = $this->may_attrs; foreach( $this->sup_classes as $sup_class_name ) { if( $oclasses != null && $sup_class_name != "top" && isset( $oclasses[ strtolower($sup_class_name) ] ) ) { $sup_class = $oclasses[ strtolower($sup_class_name) ]; $sup_class_may_attrs = $sup_class->getMayAttrs( $oclasses ); $all_may_attrs = array_merge( $sup_class_may_attrs, $all_may_attrs ); } } ksort($all_may_attrs); return $all_may_attrs; } /** * Gets an array of attribute names (strings) that entries of this ObjectClass must define. * This differs from getMustAttrs in that it returns an array of strings rather than * array of AttributeType objects * * @param array $oclasses An array of ObjectClass objects to use when traversing * the inheritance tree. This presents some what of a bootstrapping problem * as we must fetch all objectClasses to determine through inheritance which * attributes this objectClass provides. * @return array The array of allowed attribute names (strings). * * @see getMustAttrs * @see getMayAttrs * @see getMayAttrNames */ function getMustAttrNames( $oclasses = null ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getMustAttrNames(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),serialize($oclasses)),2); $attrs = $this->getMustAttrs( $oclasses ); $attr_names = array(); foreach( $attrs as $attr ) $attr_names[] = $attr->getName(); return $attr_names; } /** * Gets an array of attribute names (strings) that entries of this ObjectClass must define. * This differs from getMayAttrs in that it returns an array of strings rather than * array of AttributeType objects * * @param array $oclasses An array of ObjectClass objects to use when traversing * the inheritance tree. This presents some what of a bootstrapping problem * as we must fetch all objectClasses to determine through inheritance which * attributes this objectClass provides. * @return array The array of allowed attribute names (strings). * * @see getMustAttrs * @see getMayAttrs * @see getMustAttrNames */ function getMayAttrNames( $oclasses = null ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getMayAttrNames(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),serialize($oclasses)),2); $attrs = $this->getMayAttrs( $oclasses ); $attr_names = array(); foreach( $attrs as $attr ) $attr_names[] = $attr->getName(); return $attr_names; } /** * Adds an objectClass to the list of objectClasses that inherit * from this objectClass. * @param String $object_class_name The name of the objectClass to add * @return bool Returns true on success or false on failure (objectclass already existed for example) */ function addChildObjectClass( $object_class_name ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::addChildObjectClass(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$object_class_name),2); $object_class_name = trim( $object_class_name ); if( ! is_array( $this->children_objectclasses ) ) $this->children_objectclasses = array(); foreach( $this->children_objectclasses as $existing_objectclass ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $object_class_name, $existing_objectclass ) ) return false; $this->children_objectclasses[] = $object_class_name; return true; } /** * Returns the array of objectClass names which inherit from this objectClass. * @return Array Names of objectClasses which inherit from this objectClass. */ function getChildObjectClasses() { return $this->children_objectclasses; } /** * Gets the name of this objectClass (ie, "inetOrgPerson") * @return string The name of the objectClass */ function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Gets the objectClass names from which this objectClass inherits. * * @return array An array of objectClass names (strings) */ function getSupClasses() { return $this->sup_classes; } /** * Gets the type of this objectClass: STRUCTURAL, ABSTRACT, or AUXILIARY. */ function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * Gets whether this objectClass is flagged as obsolete by the LDAP server. */ function getIsObsolete() { return $this->is_obsolete; } /** * Adds the specified array of attributes to this objectClass' list of * MUST attributes. The resulting array of must attributes will contain * unique members. * * @param array $new_must_attrs An array of attribute names (strings) to add. */ function addMustAttrs( $new_must_attrs ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::addMustAttrs(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$new_must_attrs),2); if( ! is_array( $new_must_attrs ) ) return; if( 0 == count( $new_must_attrs ) ) return; $this->must_attrs = array_values( array_unique( array_merge( $this->must_attrs, $new_must_attrs ) ) ); } /** * Behaves identically to addMustAttrs, but it operates on the MAY * attributes of this objectClass. * * @param array $new_may_attrs An array of attribute names (strings) to add. */ function addMayAttrs( $new_may_attrs ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::addMayAttrs(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$new_may_attrs),2); if( ! is_array( $new_may_attrs ) ) return; if( 0 == count( $new_may_attrs ) ) return; $this->may_attrs = array_values( array_unique( array_merge( $this->may_attrs, $new_may_attrs ) ) ); } } /** * A simple class for representing AttributeTypes used only by the ObjectClass class. * Users should never instantiate this class. It represents an attribute internal to * an ObjectClass. If PHP supported inner-classes and variable permissions, this would * be interior to class ObjectClass and flagged private. The reason this class is used * and not the "real" class AttributeType is because this class supports the notion of * a "source" objectClass, meaning that it keeps track of which objectClass originally * specified it. This class is therefore used by the class ObjectClass to determine * inheritance. * @package phpLDAPadmin */ class ObjectClassAttribute { /** This Attribute's name */ var $name; /** This Attribute's root */ var $source; /** * Creates a new ObjectClassAttribute with specified name and source objectClass. * @param string $name the name of the new attribute. * @param string $source the name of the ObjectClass which * specifies this attribute. */ function ObjectClassAttribute ($name, $source) { $this->name=$name; $this->source=$source; } /** Gets this attribute's name */ function getName () { return $this->name; } /** Gets the name of the ObjectClass which originally specified this attribute. */ function getSource () { return $this->source; } } /** * Represents an LDAP AttributeType * @package phpLDAPadmin */ class AttributeType extends SchemaItem { /** The name of this attributeType */ var $name; /** string: the description */ var $is_obsolete; /** The attribute from which this attribute inherits (if any) */ var $sup_attribute; /** The equality rule used */ var $equality; /** The ordering of the attributeType */ var $ordering; /** Boolean: supports substring matching? */ var $sub_str; /** The full syntax string, ie{16} */ var $syntax; /** boolean: is single valued only? */ var $is_single_value; /** boolean: is collective? */ var $is_collective; /** boolean: can use modify? */ var $is_no_user_modification; /** The usage string set by the LDAP schema */ var $usage; /** An array of alias attribute names, strings */ var $aliases; /** The max number of characters this attribute can be */ var $max_length; /** A string description of the syntax type (taken from the LDAPSyntaxes) */ var $type; /** An array of objectClasses which use this attributeType (must be set by caller) */ var $used_in_object_classes; /** A list of object class names that require this attribute type. */ var $required_by_object_classes = array(); /** * Initialize the class' member variables */ function initVars() { parent::initVars(); $this->oid = null; $this->name = null; $this->description = null; $this->is_obsolete = false; $this->sup_attribute = null; $this->equality = null; $this->ordering = null; $this->sub_str = null; $this->syntax_oid = null; $this->syntax = null; $this->max_length = null; $this->is_single_value= null; $this->is_collective = false; $this->is_no_user_modification = false; $this->usage = null; $this->aliases = array(); $this->type = null; $this->used_in_object_classes = array(); $this->required_by_object_classes = array(); } /** * Creates a new AttributeType objcet from a raw LDAP AttributeType string. */ function AttributeType( $raw_ldap_attr_string ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$raw_ldap_attr_string),2); $this->initVars(); $attr = $raw_ldap_attr_string; $strings = preg_split("/[\s,]+/",$attr,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for($i=0; $iname)==0) $this->name = $strings[$i]; else $this->name .= " " . $strings[$i]; } while (!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); // this attribute has no aliases $this->aliases = array(); } else { $i++; do { $i++; if (strlen($this->name) == 0) $this->name = $strings[$i]; else $this->name .= " " . $strings[$i]; } while (!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); // add alias names for this attribute while ($strings[++$i]!=")") { $alias = $strings[$i]; $alias = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $alias ); $alias = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $alias ); $this->aliases[] = $alias; } } debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case NAME returned (%s) (%s)',get_class($this),$this->name,serialize($this->aliases)),9); break; case 'DESC': do { $i++; if (strlen($this->description)==0) $this->description=$this->description . $strings[$i]; else $this->description=$this->description . " " . $strings[$i]; } while (!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case DESC returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->description),9); break; case 'OBSOLETE': $this->is_obsolete = TRUE; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case OBSOLETE returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->is_obsolete),9); break; case 'SUP': $i++; $this->sup_attribute = $strings[$i]; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case SUP returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->sup_attribute),9); break; case 'EQUALITY': $i++; $this->equality = $strings[$i]; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case EQUALITY returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->equality),9); break; case 'ORDERING': $i++; $this->ordering = $strings[$i]; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case ORDERING returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->ordering),9); break; case 'SUBSTR': $i++; $this->sub_str = $strings[$i]; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case SUBSTR returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->sub_str),9); break; case 'SYNTAX': $i++; $this->syntax = $strings[$i]; $this->syntax_oid = preg_replace("/{\d+}$/", "", $this->syntax); // does this SYNTAX string specify a max length (ie,{16}) if (preg_match( "/{(\d+)}$/", $this->syntax, $this->max_length)) $this->max_length = $this->max_length[1]; else $this->max_length = null; if ($i < count($strings) - 1 && $strings[$i+1]=="{") { do { $i++; $this->name .= " " . $strings[$i]; } while ($strings[$i]!="}"); } debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case SYNTAX returned (%s) (%s) (%s)', get_class($this),$this->syntax,$this->syntax_oid,$this->max_length),9); break; case 'SINGLE-VALUE': $this->is_single_value = TRUE; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case SINGLE-VALUE returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->is_single_value),9); break; case 'COLLECTIVE': $this->is_collective = TRUE; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case COLLECTIVE returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->is_collective),9); break; case 'NO-USER-MODIFICATION': $this->is_no_user_modification = TRUE; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case NO-USER-MODIFICATION returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->is_no_user_modification),9); break; case 'USAGE': $i++; $this->usage = $strings[$i]; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case USAGE returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->usage),9); break; default: if(preg_match ("/[\d\.]+/i",$strings[$i]) && $i == 1) $this->oid = $strings[$i]; debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Case default returned (%s)',get_class($this),$this->oid),9); } } $this->name = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->name); $this->name = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->name); $this->description = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->description); $this->description = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->description); $this->syntax = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->syntax ); $this->syntax = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->syntax ); $this->syntax_oid = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->syntax_oid ); $this->syntax_oid = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->syntax_oid ); $this->sup_attribute = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->sup_attribute ); $this->sup_attribute = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->sup_attribute ); debug_log(sprintf('%s::AttributeType(): Returning ()',get_class($this)),1); } /** * Gets this attribute's name * @return string */ function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Gets whether this attribute has been flagged as obsolete by the LDAP server * @return bool */ function getIsObsolete() { return $this->is_obsolete; } /** * Gets this attribute's usage string as defined by the LDAP server * @return string */ function getUsage() { return $this->usage; } /** * Gets this attribute's parent attribute (if any). If this attribute does not * inherit from another attribute, null is returned. * @return string */ function getSupAttribute() { return $this->sup_attribute; } /** * Gets this attribute's equality string * @return string */ function getEquality() { return $this->equality; } /** * Gets this attribute's ordering specification. * @return string */ function getOrdering() { return $this->ordering; } /** * Gets this attribute's substring matching specification * @return string */ function getSubstr() { return $this->sub_str; } /** * Gets the names of attributes that are an alias for this attribute (if any). * @return array An array of names of attributes which alias this attribute or * an empty array if no attribute aliases this object. */ function getAliases() { return $this->aliases; } /** * Returns whether the specified attribute is an alias for this one (based on this attribute's alias list). * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute to check. * @return bool True if the specified attribute is an alias for this one, or false otherwise. */ function isAliasFor( $attr_name ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isAliasFor(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$attr_name),2); foreach( $this->aliases as $alias_attr_name ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $alias_attr_name, $attr_name ) ) return true; return false; } /** * Gets this attribute's raw syntax string (ie: "{16}"). * @return string The raw syntax string */ function getSyntaxString() { return $this->syntax; } /** * Gets this attribute's syntax OID. Differs from getSyntaxString() in that this * function only returns the actual OID with any length specification removed. * Ie, if the syntax string is "{16}", this function only retruns * "". * @return string The syntax OID string. */ function getSyntaxOID() { return $this->syntax_oid; } /** * Gets this attribute's the maximum length. If no maximum is defined by the LDAP server, null is returned. * @return int The maximum length (in characters) of this attribute or null if no maximum is specified. */ function getMaxLength() { return $this->max_length; } /** * Gets whether this attribute is single-valued. If this attribute only supports single values, true * is returned. If this attribute supports multiple values, false is returned. * @return bool Returns true if this attribute is single-valued or false otherwise. */ function getIsSingleValue() { return $this->is_single_value; } /** * Sets whether this attribute is single-valued. * @param bool $is_single_value */ function setIsSingleValue( $is_single_value ) { $this->is_single_value = $is_single_value; } /** * Gets whether this attribute is collective. * @return bool Returns true if this attribute is collective and false otherwise. */ function getIsCollective() { return $this->is_collective; } /** * Gets whether this attribute is not modifiable by users. * @return bool Returns true if this attribute is not modifiable by users. */ function getIsNoUserModification() { return $this->is_no_user_modification; } /** * Gets this attribute's type * @return string The attribute's type. */ function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * Removes an attribute name from this attribute's alias array. * @param string $remove_alias_name The name of the attribute to remove. * @return bool true on success or false on failure (ie, if the specified * attribute name is not found in this attribute's list of aliases) */ function removeAlias( $remove_alias_name ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::removeAlias(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$remove_alias_name),2); foreach( $this->aliases as $i => $alias_name ) { if( 0 == strcasecmp( $alias_name, $remove_alias_name ) ) { unset( $this->aliases[ $i ] ); $this->aliases = array_values( $this->aliases ); return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds an attribute name to the alias array. * @param string $new_alias_name The name of a new attribute to add to this attribute's list of aliases. */ function addAlias( $new_alias_name ) { $this->aliases[] = $new_alias_name; } /** * Sets this attriute's name. * @param string $new_name The new name to give this attribute. */ function setName( $new_name ) { $this->name = $new_name; } /** * Sets this attriute's SUP attribute (ie, the attribute from which this attribute inherits). * @param string $new_sup_attr The name of the new parent (SUP) attribute */ function setSupAttribute( $new_sup_attr ) { $this->sup_attribute = $new_sup_attr; } /** * Sets this attribute's list of aliases. * @param array $new_aliases The array of alias names (strings) */ function setAliases( $new_aliases ) { $this->aliases = $new_aliases; } /** * Sets this attribute's type. * @param string $new_type The new type. */ function setType( $new_type ) { $this->type = $new_type; } /** * Adds an objectClass name to this attribute's list of "used in" objectClasses, * that is the list of objectClasses which provide this attribute. * @param string $object_class_name The name of the objectClass to add. */ function addUsedInObjectClass( $object_class_name ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::addUsedInObjectClass(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$object_class_name),2); foreach( $this->used_in_object_classes as $used_in_object_class ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $used_in_object_class, $object_class_name ) ) return false; $this->used_in_object_classes[] = $object_class_name; return true; } /** * Gets the list of "used in" objectClasses, that is the list of objectClasses * which provide this attribute. * @return array An array of names of objectclasses (strings) which provide this attribute */ function getUsedInObjectClasses() { return $this->used_in_object_classes; } /** * Adds an objectClass name to this attribute's list of "required by" objectClasses, * that is the list of objectClasses which must have this attribute. * @param string $object_class_name The name of the objectClass to add. */ function addRequiredByObjectClass( $object_class_name ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::addRequiredByObjectClass(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$object_class_name),2); foreach( $this->required_by_object_classes as $required_by_object_class ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $required_by_object_class, $object_class_name ) ) return false; $this->required_by_object_classes[] = $object_class_name; return true; } /** * Gets the list of "required by" objectClasses, that is the list of objectClasses * which provide must have attribute. * @return array An array of names of objectclasses (strings) which provide this attribute */ function getRequiredByObjectClasses() { return $this->required_by_object_classes; } } /** * Represents an LDAP Syntax * @package phpLDAPadmin */ class Syntax extends SchemaItem { /** Initializes the class' member variables */ function initVars() { parent::initVars(); $this->oid = null; $this->description = null; } /** * Creates a new Syntax object from a raw LDAP syntax string. */ function Syntax( $raw_ldap_syntax_string ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::Syntax(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$raw_ldap_syntax_string),2); $this->initVars(); $class = $raw_ldap_syntax_string; $strings = preg_split ("/[\s,]+/", $class, -1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for($i=0; $idescription)==0) $this->description=$this->description . $strings[$i]; else $this->description=$this->description . " " . $strings[$i]; }while(!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); break; default: if(preg_match ("/[\d\.]+/i",$strings[$i]) && $i == 1) $this->oid = $strings[$i]; } } $this->description = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->description); $this->description = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->description); } } /** * Represents an LDAP MatchingRule * @package phpLDAPadmin */ class MatchingRule extends SchemaItem { /** This rule's name */ var $name; /** This rule's syntax OID */ var $syntax; /** Boolean value indicating whether this MatchingRule is obsolete */ var $is_obsolete; /** An array of attribute names who use this MatchingRule */ var $used_by_attrs; /** Initialize the class' member variables */ function initVars() { parent::initVars(); $this->oid = null; $this->name = null; $this->description = null; $this->is_obsolete = false; $this->syntax = null; $this->used_by_attrs = array(); } /** * Creates a new MatchingRule object from a raw LDAP MatchingRule string. */ function MatchingRule( $raw_ldap_matching_rule_string ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::MatchingRule(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$raw_ldap_matching_rule_string),2); $this->initVars(); $strings = preg_split ("/[\s,]+/", $raw_ldap_matching_rule_string, -1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for($i=0; $iname)==0) $this->name = $strings[$i]; else $this->name .= " " . $strings[$i]; }while(!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); } else { $i++; do { $i++; if(strlen($this->name) == 0) $this->name = $strings[$i]; else $this->name .= " " . $strings[$i]; } while(!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); do { $i++; } while (! preg_match('/\)+\)?/',$strings[$i])); } $this->name = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->name); $this->name = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->name); break; case 'DESC': do { $i++; if(strlen($this->description)==0) $this->description=$this->description . $strings[$i]; else $this->description=$this->description . " " . $strings[$i]; }while(!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); break; case 'OBSOLETE': $this->is_obsolete = TRUE; break; case 'SYNTAX': $this->syntax = $strings[++$i]; break; default: if(preg_match ("/[\d\.]+/i",$strings[$i]) && $i == 1) $this->oid = $strings[$i]; } } $this->description = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->description); $this->description = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->description); } /** * Sets the list of used_by_attrs to the array specified by $attrs; * @param array $attrs The array of attribute names (strings) which use this MatchingRule */ function setUsedByAttrs( $attrs ) { $this->used_by_attrs = $attrs; } /** * Adds an attribute name to the list of attributes who use this MatchingRule * @return true if the attribute was added and false otherwise (already in the list) */ function addUsedByAttr( $new_attr_name ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::addUsedByAttr(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$new_attr_name),2); foreach( $this->used_by_attrs as $attr_name ) if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, $new_attr_name ) ) return false; $this->used_by_attrs[] = $new_attr_name; return true; } /** * Gets this MatchingRule's name. * @return string The name. */ function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Gets whether this MatchingRule is flagged as obsolete by the LDAP server. * @return bool True if this MatchingRule is obsolete and false otherwise. */ function getIsObsolete() { return $this->is_obsolete; } /** * Gets this MatchingRule's syntax string (an OID). */ function getSyntax() { return $this->description; } /** * Gets an array of attribute names (strings) which use this MatchingRule * @return array The array of attribute names (strings). */ function getUsedByAttrs() { return $this->used_by_attrs; } } /** * Represents an LDAP schema matchingRuleUse entry * @package phpLDAPadmin */ class MatchingRuleUse extends SchemaItem { /** The name of the MathingRule this applies to */ var $name; /** An array of attributeType names who make use of the mathingRule * identified by $this->oid and $this->name */ var $used_by_attrs; /** Initialize the class' member variables */ function initVars() { parent::initVars(); $this->oid = null; $this->name = null; $this->used_by_attrs = array(); } function MatchingRuleUse( $raw_matching_rule_use_string ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::MatchingRuleUse(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$raw_matching_rule_use_string),2); $this->initVars(); $strings = preg_split ("/[\s,]+/", $raw_matching_rule_use_string, -1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for($i=0; $iname ) || strlen( $this->name ) ==0 ) $this->name = $strings[$i]; else $this->name .= " " . $strings[$i]; }while(!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); } else { $i++; do { $i++; if(strlen($this->name) == 0) $this->name = $strings[$i]; else $this->name .= " " . $strings[$i]; } while(!preg_match("/\'$/s", $strings[$i])); do { $i++; } while (! preg_match('/\)+\)?/',$strings[$i])); } $this->name = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $this->name); $this->name = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $this->name); break; case 'APPLIES': // TODO if($strings[$i+1]!="(") { // has a single attribute name $i++; $this->used_by_attrs = array( $strings[$i] ); //echo "Adding single: " . $strings[$i] . "
"; } else { // has multiple attribute names $i++; while($strings[$i]!=")") { $i++; $new_attr = $strings[$i]; $new_attr = preg_replace("/^\'/", "", $new_attr ); $new_attr = preg_replace("/\'$/", "", $new_attr ); $this->used_by_attrs[] = $new_attr; //echo "Adding $new_attr
"; $i++; } } break; default: if(preg_match ("/[\d\.]+/i",$strings[$i]) && $i == 1) $this->oid = $strings[$i]; } } sort( $this->used_by_attrs ); } /** * Gets this MatchingRuleUse's name * @return string The name */ function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Gets an array of attribute names (strings) which use this MatchingRuleUse object. * @return array The array of attribute names (strings). */ function getUsedByAttrs() { return $this->used_by_attrs; } } /** * Gets an associative array of ObjectClass objects for the specified * server. Each array entry's key is the name of the objectClass * in lower-case and the value is an ObjectClass object. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server whose objectClasses to fetch * @param string $dn (optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided * which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should). * * @return array An array of ObjectClass objects. * * @see ObjectClass * @see get_schema_objectclass */ function get_schema_objectclasses($ldapserver,$dn=null) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_objectclasses(): Entered with (%s,%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,$dn),2); # Set default return $return = null; if ($return = get_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'schema','objectclasses')) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_objectclasses(): Returning CACHED [%s] (%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,'objectclasses'),3); return $return; } $raw_oclasses = $ldapserver->getRawSchema('objectclasses', $dn); if ($raw_oclasses) { # build the array of objectClasses $return = array(); foreach ($raw_oclasses as $class_string) { if ($class_string == null || ! strlen($class_string)) continue; $object_class = new ObjectClass($class_string); $return[strtolower($object_class->getName())] = $object_class; } ksort($return); # cache the schema to prevent multiple schema fetches from LDAP server set_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'schema','objectclasses',$return); } debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_objectclasses(): Returning (%s)',serialize($return)),1); return $return; } /** * Gets a single ObjectClass object specified by name. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server which houses the objectClass to fetch. * @param string $oclass_name The name of the objectClass to fetch. * @param string $dn (optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided * which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should). * * @return ObjectClass The specified ObjectClass object or false on error. * * @see ObjectClass * @see get_schema_objectclasses */ function get_schema_objectclass( $ldapserver,$oclass_name,$dn=null) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_objectclass(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,$oclass_name,$dn),2); $oclass_name = strtolower( $oclass_name ); $oclasses = get_schema_objectclasses($ldapserver,$dn); if( ! $oclasses ) return false; if( isset( $oclasses[ $oclass_name ] ) ) return $oclasses[ $oclass_name ]; else return false; } /** * Gets a single AttributeType object specified by name. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server which houses the AttributeType to fetch. * @param string $oclass_name The name of the AttributeType to fetch. * @param string $dn (optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided * which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should). * * @return AttributeType The specified AttributeType object or false on error. * * @see AttributeType * @see get_schema_attributes */ function get_schema_attribute($ldapserver,$attr_name,$dn=null) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_attribute(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,$attr_name,$dn),2); $attr_name = real_attr_name($attr_name); $schema_attrs = get_schema_attributes($ldapserver,$dn); $attr_name = strtolower($attr_name); $schema_attr = isset($schema_attrs[$attr_name]) ? $schema_attrs[$attr_name] : false; return $schema_attr; } /** * Gets an associative array of AttributeType objects for the specified * server. Each array entry's key is the name of the attributeType * in lower-case and the value is an AttributeType object. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server whose AttributeTypes to fetch * @param string $dn (optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided * which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should). * * @return array An array of AttributeType objects. */ function get_schema_attributes($ldapserver,$dn=null) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_attributes(): Entered with (%s,%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,$dn),2); # Set default return $return = null; if ($return = get_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'schema','attributes')) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_attributes(): Returning CACHED [%s] (%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,'attributes'),3); return $return; } $raw_attrs = $ldapserver->getRawSchema('attributeTypes', $dn); if ($raw_attrs) { # build the array of attribueTypes $syntaxes = get_schema_syntaxes($ldapserver,$dn); $attrs = array(); /** * bug 856832: create two arrays - one indexed by name (the standard * $attrs array above) and one indexed by oid (the new $attrs_oid array * below). This will help for directory servers, like IBM's, that use OIDs * in their attribute definitions of SUP, etc */ $attrs_oid = array(); foreach ($raw_attrs as $attr_string) { if (is_null($attr_string) || strlen($attr_string) == 0 ) continue; $attr = new AttributeType( $attr_string ); if (isset($syntaxes[$attr->getSyntaxOID()])) { $syntax = $syntaxes[$attr->getSyntaxOID()]; $attr->setType($syntax->getDescription()); } $attrs[strtolower($attr->getName())] = $attr; /** * bug 856832: create an entry in the $attrs_oid array too. This * will be a ref to the $attrs entry for maintenance and performance * reasons */ $attrs_oid[$attr->getOID()] = &$attrs[strtolower($attr->getName())]; } add_aliases_to_attrs($attrs); /** * bug 856832: pass the $attrs_oid array as a second (new) parameter * to add_sup_to_attrs. This will allow lookups by either name or oid. */ add_sup_to_attrs($attrs,$attrs_oid); ksort($attrs); # Add the used in and required_by values. $schema_object_classes = get_schema_objectclasses($ldapserver); if (! is_array($schema_object_classes)) return array(); foreach ($schema_object_classes as $object_class) { $must_attrs = $object_class->getMustAttrNames($schema_object_classes); $may_attrs = $object_class->getMayAttrNames($schema_object_classes); $oclass_attrs = array_unique(array_merge($must_attrs,$may_attrs)); # Add Used In. foreach ($oclass_attrs as $attr_name) { if (isset($attrs[strtolower($attr_name)])) $attrs[strtolower($attr_name)]->addUsedInObjectClass($object_class->getName()); else { #echo "Warning, attr not set: $attr_name
"; } } # Add Required By. foreach ($must_attrs as $attr_name) { if (isset($attrs[strtolower($attr_name)])) $attrs[strtolower($attr_name)]->addRequiredByObjectClass($object_class->getName()); else { #echo "Warning, attr not set: $attr_name
"; } } } $return = $attrs; # cache the schema to prevent multiple schema fetches from LDAP server set_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'schema','attributes',$return); } debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_attributes(): Returning (%s)',serialize($return)),1); return $return; } /** * For each attribute that has multiple names, this function adds unique entries to * the attrs array for those names. Ie, attributeType has name 'gn' and 'givenName'. * This function will create a unique entry for 'gn' and 'givenName'. */ function add_aliases_to_attrs( &$attrs ) { debug_log(sprintf('add_aliases_to_attrs(): Entered with (%s)',serialize($attrs)),2); // go back and add data from aliased attributeTypes foreach( $attrs as $name => $attr ) { $aliases = $attr->getAliases(); if( is_array( $aliases ) && count( $aliases ) > 0 ) { // foreach of the attribute's aliases, create a new entry in the attrs array // with its name set to the alias name, and all other data copied foreach( $aliases as $alias_attr_name ) { $new_attr = $attr; $new_attr->setName( $alias_attr_name ); $new_attr->addAlias( $attr->getName() ); $new_attr->removeAlias( $alias_attr_name ); $new_attr_key = strtolower( $alias_attr_name ); $attrs[ $new_attr_key ] = $new_attr; } } } } /** * Adds inherited values to each attributeType specified by the SUP directive. * Supports infinite levels of inheritance. * Bug 856832: require a second paramter that has all attributes indexed by OID */ function add_sup_to_attrs( &$attrs, &$attrs_oid ) { debug_log(sprintf('add_sup_to_attrs(): Entered with (%s,%s)',serialize($attrs),serialize($attrs_oid)),2); $debug = false; if( $debug ) echo "

	if( $debug ) print_r( $attrs );

	// go back and add any inherited descriptions from parent attributes (ie, cn inherits name)
	foreach( $attrs as $key => $attr ) {
		if( $debug ) echo "Analyzing inheritance for attribute '" . $attr->getName() . "'\n";
		$sup_attr_name = $attr->getSupAttribute();
		$sup_attr = null;

		// Does this attribute have any inheritance happening here?
		if( null != trim( $sup_attr_name ) ) {

			// This loop really should traverse infinite levels of inheritance (SUP) for attributeTypes,
			// but just in case we get carried away, stop at 100. This shouldn't happen, but for
			// some weird reason, we have had someone report that it has happened. Oh well.
			$i = 0;
			while( $i++ < 100 /** 100 == INFINITY ;) */ ) {
				if( $debug ) echo "Top of loop.\n";

				 * Bug 856832: check if sup is indexed by OID. If it is,
				 * replace the OID with the appropriate name. Then reset
				 * $sup_attr_name to the name instead of the OID. This will
				 * make all the remaining code in this function work as
				 * expected.
				if( isset( $attrs_oid[$sup_attr_name] ) ) {
					$attr->setSupAttribute( $attrs_oid[$sup_attr_name]->getName() );
					$sup_attr_name = $attr->getSupAttribute();

				if( ! isset( $attrs[ strtolower( $sup_attr_name ) ] ) ){
					pla_error( "Schema error: attributeType '" . $attr->getName() . "' inherits from
						'" . $sup_attr_name . "', but attributeType '" . $sup_attr_name . "' does not
						exist." );

				if( $debug ) echo " sup_attr_name: $sup_attr_name\n";
				$sup_attr = $attrs[ strtolower( $sup_attr_name ) ];
				if( $debug ) echo " Sup attr: " . $sup_attr->getName() . "\n";

				$sup_attr_name = $sup_attr->getSupAttribute();
				if( $debug ) echo " Does the sup attr itself have a sup attr?\n";

				// Does this superior attributeType not have a superior attributeType?
				if( null == $sup_attr_name || strlen( trim( $sup_attr_name ) ) == 0 ) {

					// Since this attribute's superior attribute does not have another superior
					// attribute, clone its properties for this attribute. Then, replace
					// those cloned values with those that can be explicitly set by the child
					// attribute attr). Save those few properties which the child can set here:
					if( $debug ) echo "  nope, this is the end of the inheritance chain after $i iterations.\n";
					$tmp_name = $attr->getName();
					$tmp_oid = $attr->getOID();
					$tmp_sup = $attr->getSupAttribute();
					$tmp_aliases = $attr->getAliases();
					$tmp_single_val = $attr->getIsSingleValue();

					if( $debug ) {
						echo "  populating values into attribute from sup attribute:\n";
						echo "Before: ";
						print_r( $attr );

					// clone the SUP attributeType and populate those values
					// that were set by the child attributeType
					$attr = $sup_attr;
					$attr->setOID( $tmp_oid );
					$attr->setName( $tmp_name );
					$attr->setSupAttribute( $tmp_sup);
					$attr->setAliases( $tmp_aliases );

					if( $debug ) {
						echo "After (name, sup_attr, and aliases should not have changed!: ";
						print_r( $attr );
					// only overwrite the SINGLE-VALUE property if the child explicitly sets it
					// (note: All LDAP attributes default to multi-value if not explicitly set SINGLE-VALUE)
					if( true == $tmp_single_val )
						$attr->setIsSingleValue( true );

					// replace this attribute in the attrs array now that we have populated
					// new values therein
					$attrs[$key] = $attr;

					// very important: break out after we are done with this attribute
					$sup_attr_name = null;
					$sup_attr = null;

				} else {

					// do nothing, move on down the chain of inheritance...
					if( $debug ) echo "  yup, march down the inheritance chain (iteration $i).\n";
					if( $debug ) { echo "  The sup attr is: "; var_dump( $sup_attr_name ); echo "\n"; }


	if( $debug ) echo "
\n"; } /** * Returns an array of MatchingRule objects for the specified server. * The key of each entry is the OID of the matching rule. */ function get_schema_matching_rules($ldapserver,$dn=null) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_matching_rules(): Entered with (%s,%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,$dn),2); # Set default return $return = null; if ($return = get_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'schema','matchingrules')) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_matching_rules(): Returning CACHED [%s] (%s)', $ldapserver->server_id,'matchingrules'),3); return $return; } # build the array of MatchingRule objects $raw_matching_rules = $ldapserver->getRawSchema('matchingRules', $dn); if ($raw_matching_rules) { $rules = array(); foreach( $raw_matching_rules as $rule_string ) { if( $rule_string == null || 0 == strlen( $rule_string ) ) continue; $rule = new MatchingRule( $rule_string ); $key = strtolower( $rule->getName() ); $rules[ $key ] = $rule; } ksort( $rules ); // For each MatchingRuleUse entry, add the attributes who use it to the // MatchingRule in the $rules array. $raw_matching_rule_use = $ldapserver->getRawSchema('matchingRuleUse'); if( $raw_matching_rule_use != false ) { foreach( $raw_matching_rule_use as $rule_use_string ) { if( $rule_use_string == null || 0 == strlen( $rule_use_string ) ) continue; $rule_use = new MatchingRuleUse( $rule_use_string ); $key = strtolower( $rule_use->getName() ); if( isset( $rules[ $key ] ) ) $rules[ $key ]->setUsedByAttrs( $rule_use->getUsedByAttrs() ); } } else { // No MatchingRuleUse entry in the subschema, so brute-forcing // the reverse-map for the "$rule->getUsedByAttrs()" data. $attrs = get_schema_attributes( $ldapserver, $dn ); if( is_array( $attrs ) ) foreach( $attrs as $attr ) { $rule_key = strtolower( $attr->getEquality() ); if( isset( $rules[ $rule_key ] ) ) $rules[ $rule_key ]->addUsedByAttr( $attr->getName() ); } } $return = $rules; # cache the schema to prevent multiple schema fetches from LDAP server set_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'schema','matchingrules',$return); } debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_attributes(): Returning (%s)',serialize($return)),1); return $return; } /** * Returns an array of Syntax objects that this LDAP server uses mapped to * their descriptions. The key of each entry is the OID of the Syntax. */ function get_schema_syntaxes($ldapserver,$dn=null) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_syntaxes(): Entered with (%s,%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,$dn),2); # Set default return $return = null; if ($return = get_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'schema','syntaxes')) { debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_syntaxes(): Returning CACHED [%s] (%s)',$ldapserver->server_id,'syntaxes'),3); return $return; } $raw_syntaxes = $ldapserver->getRawSchema('ldapSyntaxes', $dn); if ($raw_syntaxes) { # build the array of attributes $return = array(); foreach ($raw_syntaxes as $syntax_string) { $syntax = new Syntax($syntax_string); $key = strtolower(trim($syntax->getOID())); if (! $key) continue; $return[$key] = $syntax; } ksort($return); # cache the schema to prevent multiple schema fetches from LDAP server set_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'schema','syntaxes',$return); } debug_log(sprintf('get_schema_syntaxes(): Returning (%s)',serialize($return)),1); return $return; } ?>