_schemaDN = null; $this->server_id = $server_id; } /** * Checks the specified server id for sanity. Ensures that the server is indeed in the configured * list and active. This is used by many many scripts to ensure that valid server ID values * are passed in POST and GET. * * @param int $server_id the server_id of the LDAP server as defined in config.php * @return bool */ function isValidServer() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isValidServer(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); if( trim($this->host) == '' ) return false; else return true; } /** * Check if there is sufficent information to Authenticate to the LDAP server. * * Given a server, returns whether or not we have enough information * to authenticate against the server. For example, if the user specifies * auth_type of 'cookie' in the config for that server, it checks the $_COOKIE array to * see if the cookie username and password is set for the server. If the auth_type * is 'session', the $_SESSION array is checked. * * There are three cases for this function depending on the auth_type configured for * the specified server. If the auth_type is session or cookie, then get_logged_in_dn() is * called to verify that the user has logged in. If the auth_type is config, then the * $ldapservers configuration in config.php is checked to ensure that the user has specified * login information. In any case, if phpLDAPadmin has enough information to login * to the server, true is returned. Otherwise false is returned. * * @return bool * @see get_logged_in_dn */ function haveAuthInfo() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::haveAuthInfo(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); debug_log(sprintf('%s::haveAuthInfo(): We are a (%s) auth_type',get_class($this),$this->auth_type),9); # Set default return $return = false; # For session or cookie auth_types, we check the session or cookie to see if a user has logged in. if (in_array($this->auth_type,array('session','cookie'))) { /* we don't look at get_logged_in_pass() cause it may be null for anonymous binds get_logged_in_dn() will never return null if someone is really logged in. */ if (get_logged_in_dn($this)) $return = true; else $return = false; /* whether or not the login_dn or pass is specified, we return true here. (if they are blank, we do an anonymous bind anyway) */ } elseif ($this->auth_type == 'config' ) { $return = true; } else { global $lang; pla_error(sprintf($lang['error_auth_type_config'],htmlspecialchars($this->auth_type)) ); } debug_log(sprintf('%s::haveAuthInfo(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } /** * Connect to the LDAP server. * @param bool $anonymous Connect as the anonymous user. * @param bool $reconnect Use a cached connetion, or create a new one. * @returns resource|false Connection resource to LDAP server, or false if no connection made. * @todo Need to make changes so that multiple connects can be made. */ function connect($process_error=true,$anonymous=false,$reconnect=false,$connect_num=0) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s)', get_class($this),$process_error,$anonymous,$reconnect,$connect_num),2); if (isset($this->connections[$connect_num]['resource']) && ! $reconnect) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Returning CACHED connection resource [%s](%s)', get_class($this),$this->connections[$connect_num]['resource'],$connect_num),3); return $this->connections[$connect_num]['resource']; } else { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Creating new connection #[%s] for Server ID [%s]', get_class($this),$connect_num,$this->server_id),3); global $lang; if ($anonymous == true) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): This IS an anonymous login',get_class($this)),4); $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'] = null; $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass'] = null; } // grab the auth info based on the auth_type for this server elseif ($this->auth_type == 'config') { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): This IS a "config" login',get_class($this)),9); if (! $this->login_dn) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): No login_dn, so well do anonymous',get_class($this)),9); $anonymous = true; } else { $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'] = $this->login_dn; $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass'] = $this->login_pass; $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'] = expand_dn_with_base( $this, $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'], false ); debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Config settings, DN [%s], PASS [%s]',get_class($this), $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'], $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass'] ? md5($this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass']) : ''),9); } } else { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): This IS some other login',get_class($this)),9); $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'] = get_logged_in_dn( $this ); $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass'] = get_logged_in_pass( $this ); debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Config settings, DN [%s], PASS [%s]',get_class($this), $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'], $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass'] ? md5($this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass']) : ''),9); // Was this an anonyous bind (the cookie stores 0 if so)? if( 'anonymous' == $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'] ) { $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'] = null; $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass'] = null; $anonymous = true; } } if (! $anonymous && ! $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'] && ! $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass']) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): We dont have enough auth info for server [%s]',get_class($this),$this->server_id),9); return false; } run_hook ( 'pre_connect', array ( 'server_id' => $this->server_id, 'connect_num' => $connect_num, 'anonymous' => $anonymous ) ); if ($this->port) $resource = @ldap_connect( $this->host, $this->port ); else $resource = @ldap_connect( $this->host ); debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): LDAP Resource [%s], Host [%s], Port [%s]',get_class($this),$resource,$this->host,$this->port),9); // go with LDAP version 3 if possible (needed for renaming and Novell schema fetching) @ldap_set_option( $resource, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 ); // Disabling this makes it possible to browse the tree for Active Directory, and seems // to not affect other LDAP servers (tested with OpenLDAP) as phpLDAPadmin explicitly // specifies deref behavior for each ldap_search operation. @ldap_set_option( $resource, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); // try to fire up TLS is specified in the config if( $this->isTLSEnabled() ) { function_exists( 'ldap_start_tls' ) or pla_error( $lang['php_install_not_supports_tls'] ); @ldap_start_tls( $resource ) or pla_error( $lang['could_not_start_tls'], ldap_error($resource)); } $bind_result = @ldap_bind( $resource, $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'], $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass'] ); debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Resource [%s], Bind Result [%s]', get_class($this),$resource,$bind_result),9); if( ! $bind_result ) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Leaving with FALSE, bind FAILed',get_class($this)),9); if ($process_error) { switch( ldap_errno($resource) ) { case 0x31: pla_error( $lang['bad_user_name_or_password'] ); break; case 0x32: pla_error( $lang['insufficient_access_rights'] ); break; case -1: pla_error( sprintf($lang['could_not_connect_to_host_on_port'],$this->host,$this->port) ); break; default: pla_error( $lang['could_not_bind'], ldap_err2str( $resource ), $resource ); } } else { return false; // ldap_errno( $resource ); } } if (is_resource($resource) && ($bind_result)) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Bind successful',get_class($this)),9); $this->connections[$connect_num]['connected'] = true; $this->connections[$connect_num]['resource'] = $resource; /* } else { if ($process_error) { debug_log(sprintf('Server: [%s], Username: [%s], Password: [%s]', $this->server_id, $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_dn'], $this->connections[$connect_num]['login_pass']),9); if( is_numeric( $resource ) ) { switch( $resource ) { case -1: pla_error( $lang['bad_server_id'] ); break; case -2: pla_error( $lang['not_enough_login_info'] ); break; default: pla_error( $lang['ferror_error'] ); break; } // return true; Do we get here? } switch( $resource ) { case 0x31: pla_error( $lang['bad_user_name_or_password'] ); break; case 0x32: pla_error( $lang['insufficient_access_rights'] ); break; case 0x5b: pla_error( $lang['could_not_connect'] ); break; default: pla_error( $lang['could_not_bind'], ldap_err2str( $this->connections[$connect_num]['resource'] ), $this->connections[$connect_num]['resource'] ); } } debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Leaving with FALSE',get_class($this)),9); return false; */ } } debug_log(sprintf('%s::connect(): Leaving with Connect #[%s], Resource [%s]',get_class($this),$connect_num,$this->connections[$connect_num]['resource']),9); return $this->connections[$connect_num]['resource']; } /** * Gets the root DN of the specified LDAPServer, or null if it * can't find it (ie, the server won't give it to us, or it isnt * specified in the configuration file). * * Tested with OpenLDAP 2.0, Netscape iPlanet, and Novell eDirectory 8.7 (nldap.com) * Please report any and all bugs!! * * Please note: On FC systems, it seems that php_ldap uses /etc/openldap/ldap.conf in * the search base if it is blank - so edit that file and comment out the BASE line. * * @return array dn|null The root DN of the server on success (string) or null on error. * @todo Sort the entries, so that they are in the correct DN order. */ function getBaseDN() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getBaseDN(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); global $ldapservers; # Return the cached entry if we've been here before. if (! is_null($this->_baseDN)) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getBaseDN(): Return CACHED BaseDN [%s]',get_class($this),implode('|',$this->_baseDN)),3); return $this->_baseDN; } debug_log(sprintf('%s::getBaseDN(): Checking config for BaseDN',get_class($this)),9); # If the base is set in the configuration file, then just return that. if (count($ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'server','base')) > 0) { $this->_baseDN = $ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'server','base'); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getBaseDN(): Return BaseDN from Config [%s]',get_class($this),implode('|',$this->_baseDN)),4); return $this->_baseDN; # We need to figure it out. } else { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getBaseDN(): Connect to LDAP to find BaseDN',get_class($this)),9); if ($this->connect()) { $r = @ldap_read($this->connect(),'','objectClass=*',array('namingContexts')); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getBaseDN(): Search Results [%s], Resource [%s], Msg [%s]', get_class($this),$r,$this->connect(),ldap_error($this->connect())),9); if (! $r) return array(''); $r = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(false),$r); if (isset($r[0]['namingcontexts'])) { # If we have a count key, delete it - dont need it. if (isset($r[0]['namingcontexts']['count'])) unset($r[0]['namingcontexts']['count']); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getBaseDN(): LDAP Entries:%s',get_class($this),implode('|',$r[0]['namingcontexts'])),5); $this->_baseDN = $r[0]['namingcontexts']; return $this->_baseDN; } else { return array(''); } } else { return array(''); } } } /** * Returns true if the specified server is configured to be displayed * in read only mode. * * If a user has logged in via anonymous bind, and config.php specifies * anonymous_bind_implies_read_only as true, then * this also returns true. Servers can be configured read-only in * config.php thus: * * $server[$i]['read_only'] = true; * * * @return bool */ function isReadOnly() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isReadOnly(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); global $config; # Set default return $return = false; if ($this->read_only == true) $return = true; elseif (get_logged_in_dn($this) === "anonymous" && ($config->GetValue('appearance','anonymous_bind_implies_read_only') === true)) $return = true; debug_log(sprintf('%s::isReadOnly(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } /** * Returns true if the user has configured the specified server to enable mass deletion. * * Mass deletion is enabled in config.php this: * * $config->custom->appearance['mass_delete'] = true; * * Notice that mass deletes are not enabled on a per-server basis, but this * function checks that the server is not in a read-only state as well. * * @return bool */ function isMassDeleteEnabled() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isMassDeleteEnabled(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); global $config; if( $this->connect(false) && $this->haveAuthInfo() && ! $this->isReadOnly() && $config->GetValue('appearance','mass_delete') === true) return true; else return false; } /** * Gets whether the admin has configured phpLDAPadmin to show the "Create New" link in the tree viewer. * * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'appearance','show_create','true|false'); * * If NOT set, then default to show the Create New item. * If IS set, then return the value (it should be true or false). * * @default true * @return bool True if the feature is enabled and false otherwise. */ function isShowCreateEnabled() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isShowCreateEnabled(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); return $this->show_create; } /** * Fetch whether the user has configured a certain server as "low bandwidth". * * Users may choose to configure a server as "low bandwidth" in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','low_bandwidth','true|false'); * * * @default false * @return bool */ function isLowBandwidth() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isLowBandwidth(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); return $this->low_bandwidth; } /** * Should this LDAP server be shown in the tree? * * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','visible','true|false'); * * * @default true * @return bool True if the feature is enabled and false otherwise. */ function isVisible() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isVisible(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); if( $this->isValidServer() && $this->visible ) $return = true; else $return = false; debug_log(sprintf('%s::isVisible(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } /** * This function will query the ldap server and request the subSchemaSubEntry which should be the Schema DN. * * If we cant connect to the LDAP server, we'll return false. * If we can connect but cant get the entry, then we'll return null. * * @return array|false Schema if available, null if its not or false if we cant connect. */ function getSchemaDN($dn='') { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Entered with (%s)',get_class($this),$dn),2); # If we already got the SchemaDN, then return it. if ($this->_schemaDN) return $this->_schemaDN; if (! $this->connect()) return false; $search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),$dn,'objectClass=*',array('subschemaSubentry')); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Search returned (%s)',get_class($this),is_resource($search)),4); # Fix for broken ldap.conf configuration. if (! $search && ! $dn) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Trying to find the DN for "broken" ldap.conf',get_class($this)),1); if (isset($this->_baseDN)) { foreach ($this->_baseDN as $base) { $search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),$base,'objectClass=*',array('subschemaSubentry')); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Search returned (%s) for base (%s)',get_class($this),is_resource($search),$base),4); if ($search) break; } } } if (! $search) return null; if (! @ldap_count_entries($this->connect(),$search)) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Search returned 0 entries. Returning NULL',get_class($this)),4); return null; } $entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(),$search); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Search returned [%s]',get_class($this),serialize($entries)),4); if (! $entries || ! is_array($entries)) return null; $entry = isset($entries[0]) ? $entries[0] : false; if (! $entry) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Entry is false, Returning NULL',get_class($this)),4); return null; } $sub_schema_sub_entry = isset($entry[0]) ? $entry[0] : false; if (! $sub_schema_sub_entry) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Sub Entry is false, Returning NULL',get_class($this)),4); return null; } $this->_schemaDN = isset($entry[$sub_schema_sub_entry][0]) ? $entry[$sub_schema_sub_entry][0] : false; debug_log(sprintf('%s::getSchemaDN(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),$this->_schemaDN),1); return $this->_schemaDN; } /** * Fetches the raw schema array for the subschemaSubentry of the server. Note, * this function has grown many hairs to accomodate more LDAP servers. It is * needfully complicated as it now supports many popular LDAP servers that * don't necessarily expose their schema "the right way". * * Please note: On FC systems, it seems that php_ldap uses /etc/openldap/ldap.conf in * the search base if it is blank - so edit that file and comment out the BASE line. * * @param string $schema_to_fetch - A string indicating which type of schema to * fetch. Five valid values: 'objectclasses', 'attributetypes', * 'ldapsyntaxes', 'matchingruleuse', or 'matchingrules'. * Case insensitive. * @param dn $dn (optional) This paremeter is the DN of the entry whose schema you * would like to fetch. Entries have the option of specifying * their own subschemaSubentry that points to the DN of the system * schema entry which applies to this attribute. If unspecified, * this will try to retrieve the schema from the RootDSE subschemaSubentry. * Failing that, we use some commonly known schema DNs. Default * value is the Root DSE DN (zero-length string) * @return array an array of strings of this form: * Array ( * [0] => "( NAME 'gidPool' DESC 'Pool ... * [1] => "( NAME 'sambaAccount' DESC 'Sa ... * etc. */ function getRawSchema($schema_to_fetch,$dn='') { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Entered with (%s,%s)',get_class($this),$schema_to_fetch,$dn),2); global $lang; $valid_schema_to_fetch = array('objectclasses','attributetypes','ldapsyntaxes','matchingrules','matchingruleuse'); if (! $this->connect()) return false; # error checking $schema_to_fetch = strtolower($schema_to_fetch); # This error message is not localized as only developers should ever see it if (! in_array($schema_to_fetch,$valid_schema_to_fetch)) pla_error(sprintf('Bad parameter provided to function to %s::getRawSchema(). "%s" is not valid for the schema_to_fetch parameter.', get_class($this),htmlspecialchars($schema_to_fetch))); # Try to get the schema DN from the specified entry. $schema_dn = $this->getSchemaDN($dn); # Do we need to try again with the Root DSE? if (! $schema_dn) $schema_dn = $this->getSchemaDN(''); # Store the eventual schema retrieval in $schema_search $schema_search = null; if ($schema_dn) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Using Schema DN (%s)',get_class($this),$schema_dn),4); foreach (array('(objectClass=*)','(objectClass=subschema)') as $schema_filter) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Looking for schema with Filter (%s)',get_class($this),$schema_filter),4); $schema_search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),$schema_dn,$schema_filter,array($schema_to_fetch),0,0,0,LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS); # Were we not able to fetch the schema from the $schema_dn? $schema_entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(),$schema_search); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Search returned [%s]',get_class($this),serialize($schema_entries)),5); if ($schema_search && @ldap_count_entries($this->connect(),$schema_search) && isset($schema_entries[0][$schema_to_fetch])) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Found schema with filter of (%s)',get_class($this),$schema_filter),4); break; } debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Didnt find schema with filter (%s)',get_class($this),$schema_filter),5); unset($schema_entries); $schema_search = null; } } /* Second chance: If the DN or Root DSE didn't give us the subschemaSubentry, ie $schema_search is still null, use some common subSchemaSubentry DNs as a work-around. */ /** @todo: This is broken now, so we'll need some test cases to fix it up again **/ /* if (! $schema_search) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Attempting work-arounds for 'broken' LDAP servers...',get_class($this)),5); // OpenLDAP and Novell // @todo Fix expand_dn_with_base - no longer works since getBaseDN is now an arrya. $ldap['OpenLDAP']['cn=subschema'] = '(objectClass=*)'; // $ldap['W2K3 AD'][expand_dn_with_base($this,'cn=Aggregate,cn=Schema,cn=configuration,',true)] = '(objectClass=*)'; // $ldap['W2K AD'][expand_dn_with_base($this,'cn=Schema,cn=configuration,',true)] = '(objectClass=*)'; // $ldap['W2K AD'][expand_dn_with_base($this,'cn=Schema,ou=Admin,',true)] = '(objectClass=*)'; foreach ($ldap as $ldap_server_name => $ldap_options) { foreach ($ldap_options as $ldap_dn => $ldap_filter) { if( $debug ) printf("%s::getRawSchema(): Attempting [%s] (%s) (%s)
",get_class($this),$ldap_server_name,$ldap_dn,$ldap_filter); $schema_search = @ldap_read($this->connect(), $ldap_dn, $ldap_filter, array( $schema_to_fetch ), 0, 0, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS ); } if ($schema_search) break; } // Still cant find the schema, try with the RootDSE // Attempt to pull schema from Root DSE with scope "base", or // Attempt to pull schema from Root DSE with scope "one" (work-around for Isode M-Vault X.500/LDAP) } */ if (is_null($schema_search)) { foreach (array('base','one') as $ldap_scope) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Attempting to find schema with scope (%s), filter (objectClass=*) and a blank base.', get_class($this),$ldap_scope),5); switch ($ldap_scope) { case 'base': $schema_search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),'','(objectClass=*)',array($schema_to_fetch),0,0,0,LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS ); break; case 'one': $schema_search = @ldap_list($this->connect(),'','(objectClass=*)',array($schema_to_fetch),0,0,0,LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS ); break; } $schema_entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(),$schema_search); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Search returned [%s]',get_class($this),serialize($schema_entries)),5); if (! isset($schema_entries[0][$schema_to_fetch])) $schema_search = null; else break; } } $schema_error_message = 'Please contant the phpLDAPadmin developers and let them know:
We\'ll then add support for your LDAP server in an upcoming release.'; $schema_error_message_array = array('objectclasses','attributetypes'); # Shall we just give up? if (is_null($schema_search)) { # We need to have objectclasses and attribues, so display an error, asking the user to get us this information. if (in_array($schema_to_fetch,$schema_error_message_array)) { pla_error(sprintf('Our attempts to find your SCHEMA for "%s" have FAILED.

%s',$schema_to_fetch,$schema_error_message)); } else { $return = false; debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Returning because schema_search is NULL (%s)',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } } # Did we get something unrecognizable? if (gettype($schema_search) != 'resource') { if (in_array($schema_to_fetch,$schema_error_message_array)) { pla_error(sprintf('Our attempts to find your SCHEMA for "%s" has return EXPECTED results.

(We expected a "resource" for $schema_search, instead, we got (%s))


Dump of $schema_search:
', $schema_to_fetch,gettype($schema_search),$schema_error_message,serialize($schema_search))); } else { $return = false; debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Returning because schema_search type is not a resource (%s)',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } } $schema = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(),$schema_search); if (! $schema) { $return = false; debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Returning false since ldap_get_entries() returned false.',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } if(! isset($schema[0][$schema_to_fetch])) { if (in_array($schema_to_fetch,$schema_error_message_array)) { pla_error(sprintf('Our attempts to find your SCHEMA for "%s" has return EXPECTED results.

(We expected a "%s" in the $schema array but it wasnt there.)


Dump of $schema_search:
', $schema_to_fetch,gettype($schema_search),$schema_error_message,serialize($schema))); } else { $return = false; debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Returning because (%s) isnt in the schema array. (%s)',get_class($this),$schema_to_fetch,$return),1); return $return; } } /* Make a nice array of this form: Array ( [0] => "( NAME 'gidPool' DESC 'Pool ... [1] => "( NAME 'sambaAccount' DESC 'Sa ... etc. */ $schema = $schema[0][$schema_to_fetch]; unset($schema['count']); debug_log(sprintf('%s::getRawSchema(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),serialize($schema)),1); return $schema; } /** * Fetches whether the login_attr feature is enabled for a specified server. * * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','attr',''); * * * By virtue of the fact that the login_attr is not blank and not 'dn', the * feature is configured to be enabled. * * @default uid * @return bool */ function isLoginAttrEnabled() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isLoginAttrEnabled(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); if ((strcasecmp($this->login_attr,'dn') != 0) && trim($this->login_attr)) $return = true; else $return = false; debug_log(sprintf('%s::isLoginAttrEnabled(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } /** * Fetches whether the login_attr feature is enabled for a specified server. * * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','attr','string'); * * * @return bool */ function isLoginStringEnabled() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isLoginStringEnabled(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); debug_log(sprintf('%s::isLoginStringEnabled(): login_attr is [%s]',get_class($this),$this->login_attr),9); if (! strcasecmp($this->login_attr,'string')) $return = true; else $return = false; debug_log(sprintf('%s::isLoginStringEnabled(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } /** * Fetches the login_attr string if enabled for a specified server. * * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','login_string','uid=,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'); * * * @return string|false */ function getLoginString() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::getLoginString(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); return $this->login_string; } /** * Fetch whether the user has configured a certain server login to be non anonymous * * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','anon_bind','true|false'); * * * @default true * @return bool */ function isAnonBindAllowed() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isAnonBindAllowed(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); global $ldapservers; // If only_login_allowed_dns is set, then we cant have anonymous. if (count($ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'login','allowed_dns')) > 0) $return = false; else $return = $ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'login','anon_bind'); debug_log(sprintf('%s::isAnonBindAllowed(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),$return),1); return $return; } /** * Fetches whether TLS has been configured for use with a certain server. * * Users may configure phpLDAPadmin to use TLS in config,php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','tls','true|false'); * * * @default false * @return bool */ function isTLSEnabled() { debug_log(sprintf('%s::isTLSEnabled(): Entered with ()',get_class($this)),2); return $this->tls; } /** * Returns true if the user has configured the specified server to enable branch (non-leaf) renames. * * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','branch_rename','true|false'); * * * @default false * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest from config.php. * @return bool */ function isBranchRenameEnabled() { global $ldapservers; return $ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'server','branch_rename'); } } class LDAPservers { /* All LDAP servers */ var $_ldapservers; /* Default settings for a new LDAP server configuration. */ var $default; function LDAPservers() { $this->default = new StdClass; $this->default->server['name'] = array( 'desc'=>'Server name', 'var'=>'name', 'default'=>'LDAP Server'); $this->default->server['host'] = array( 'desc'=>'Host Name', 'var'=>'host', 'default'=>''); $this->default->server['port'] = array( 'desc'=>'Port Number', 'var'=>'port', 'default'=>'389'); $this->default->server['base'] = array( 'desc'=>'Base DN', 'default'=>array()); $this->default->server['tls'] = array( 'desc'=>'Connect using TLS', 'var'=>'tls', 'default'=>false); $this->default->server['auth_type'] = array( 'desc'=>'Authentication Type', 'var'=>'auth_type', 'default'=>'cookie'); $this->default->server['low_bandwidth'] = array( 'desc'=>'Enable LOW Bandwidth optimisations', 'var'=>'low_bandwidth', 'default'=>false); $this->default->server['read_only'] = array( 'desc'=>'Server is in READ ONLY mode', 'var'=>'read_only', 'default'=>false); $this->default->server['branch_rename'] = array( 'desc'=>'Permit renaming branches', 'default'=>false); $this->default->login['dn'] = array( 'desc'=>'User Login DN', 'var'=>'login_dn', 'default'=>''); $this->default->login['pass'] = array( 'desc'=>'User Login Password', 'var'=>'login_pass', 'default'=>''); $this->default->login['attr'] = array( 'desc'=>'Attribute to use to find the users DN', 'var'=>'login_attr', 'default'=>'uid'); $this->default->login['class'] = array( 'desc'=>'Strict login to users containing a specific objectClass', 'default'=>null); $this->default->login['string'] = array( 'desc'=>'Login string if using auth_type=string', 'var'=>'login_string', 'default'=>null); $this->default->login['anon_bind'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether to allow anonymous binds', 'default'=>true); $this->default->login['allowed_dns'] = array( 'desc'=>'Limit logins to users who match any of the following LDAP filters', 'default'=>array()); $this->default->login['timeout'] = array( 'desc'=>'Session timout in seconds', 'var'=>'session_timeout', 'default'=>session_cache_expire()-1); $this->default->appearance['password_hash'] = array( 'desc'=>'Default HASH to use for passwords', 'var'=>'default_hash', 'default'=>'md5'); $this->default->appearance['show_create'] = array( 'desc'=>'Show CREATE options in the tree', 'var'=>'show_create', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['visible'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether this LDAP server is visible in the tree', 'var'=>'visible', 'default'=>true); $this->default->auto_number['enable'] = array( 'desc'=>'Enable the AUTO UID feature', 'default'=>true); $this->default->auto_number['mechanism'] = array( 'desc'=>'Mechanism to use to search for automatic numbers', 'default'=>'search'); $this->default->auto_number['search_base'] = array( 'desc'=>'Base DN to use for search mechanisms', 'default'=>null); $this->default->auto_number['min'] = array( 'desc'=>'Minimum UID number to start with', 'default'=>1000); $this->default->auto_number['dn'] = array( 'desc'=>'DN to use when evaluating numbers', 'default'=>null); $this->default->auto_number['pass'] = array( 'desc'=>'Password for DN to use when evaluating numbers', 'default'=>null); $this->default->unique_attrs['dn'] = array( 'desc'=>'DN to use when evaluating uniqueness', 'default'=>null); $this->default->unique_attrs['pass'] = array( 'desc'=>'Password for DN to use when evaluating uniqueness', 'default'=>null); $this->default->custom['pages_prefix'] = array( 'desc'=>'Path to custom pages', 'default'=>null); } function SetValue($server_id,$key,$index,$value) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::SetValue(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s)', get_class($this),$server_id,$key,$index,(is_array($value) ? 'Array:'.count($value) : $value)),2); if (! isset($this->default->$key)) # @todo: Display an error, it should be predefined. pla_error("ERROR: Setting a key [$key] that isnt predefined."); else $default = $this->default->$key; if (! isset($default[$index])) # @todo: Display an error, it should be predefined. pla_error("ERROR: Setting a index [$index] that isnt predefined."); else $default = $default[$index]; # Test if its should be an array or not. if (is_array($default['default']) && ! is_array($value)) pla_error("Error in configuration file, {$key}['$index'] SHOULD be an array of values."); if (! is_array($default['default']) && is_array($value)) pla_error("Error in configuration file, {$key}['$index'] should NOT be an array of values."); # Some special processing. if ($key == 'server') { switch ($index) { case 'host' : if (strstr($value,"ldapi://")) $this->_ldapservers[$server_id][$key]['port'] = false; break; } } $this->_ldapservers[$server_id][$key][$index] = $value; } function GetValue($server_id,$key,$index) { debug_log(sprintf('%s::GetValue(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s)',get_class($this),$server_id,$key,$index),2); if (isset($this->_ldapservers[$server_id][$key][$index])) $return = $this->_ldapservers[$server_id][$key][$index]; else $return = $this->default->{$key}[$index]['default']; debug_log(sprintf('%s::GetValue(): Returning (%s)',get_class($this),(is_array($return) ? 'Array:'.serialize($return) : $return)),1); return $return; } function GetServerList() { return count($this->_ldapservers) ? array_keys($this->_ldapservers) : null; } function Instance($server_id) { $instance = new LDAPserver($server_id); foreach ($this->default as $key => $details) { foreach ($details as $index => $value) { if (isset($value['var'])) $instance->{$value['var']} = $this->GetValue($server_id,$key,$index); } } return $instance; } } ?>