
	<table class="table table-borderless">
			<td class="{{ ($x=Arr::get($o->getAttributes(),'jpegphoto')) ? 'border' : '' }}" rowspan="2">{!! $x ? $x->render() : sprintf('<div class="page-title-icon f32"><i class="%s"></i></div>',$o->icon() ?? "fas fa-info") !!}</td>
			<td class="text-end align-text-top p-0 {{ $x ? 'ps-5' : 'pt-2' }}"><strong>{{ $dn }}</strong></td>
			<td class="line-height-1" style="font-size: 55%;vertical-align: bottom;" colspan="2">
						<td class="p-1 m-1">Created</td>
						<th class="p-1 m-1">{{ ($x=Arr::get($o->getAttributes(),'createtimestamp')) ? $x->render() : __('Unknown') }} [{{ ($x=Arr::get($o->getAttributes(),'creatorsname')) ? $x->render() : __('Unknown') }}]</th>
						<td class="p-1 m-1">Modified</td>
						<th class="p-1 m-1">{{ ($x=Arr::get($o->getAttributes(),'modifytimestamp')) ? $x->render() : __('Unknown') }} [{{ ($x=Arr::get($o->getAttributes(),'modifiersname')) ? $x->render() : __('Unknown') }}]</th>
						<td class="p-1 m-1">UUID</td>
						<th class="p-1 m-1">{{ $o->entryuuid[0] ?? '' }}</th>

		<div class="alert alert-info">
			<h4 class="alert-heading"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-note-sticky"></i> Note:</h4>
			<p>{{ session()->pull('note') }}</p>

		<div class="alert alert-success">
			<h4 class="alert-heading"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-thumbs-up"></i> Success!</h4>
			<p>{{ session()->pull('success') }}</p>
			<ul style="list-style-type: square;">
				@foreach (session()->pull('updated') as $key => $values)
					<li>{{ $key }}: {{ join(',',$values) }}</li>

	<!-- @todo If we are redirected here, check old() and add back any attributes that were in the original submission -->
		<div class="alert alert-danger">
			<h4 class="alert-heading"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-thumbs-down"></i> Error?</h4>
			<ul style="list-style-type: square;">
				@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
					<li>{{ $error }}</li>

	<div class="main-card mb-3 card">
		<div class="card-body">
			<div class="card-header-tabs">
				<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
					<li class="nav-item"><a data-bs-toggle="tab" href="#attributes" class="nav-link active">@lang('Attributes')</a></li>
					<li class="nav-item"><a data-bs-toggle="tab" href="#internal" class="nav-link">@lang('Internal')</a></li>
						<li class="nav-item"><a data-bs-toggle="tab" href="#debug" class="nav-link">@lang('Debug')</a></li>

				<div class="tab-content">
					<!-- All Attributes -->
					<div class="tab-pane active" id="attributes" role="tabpanel">
						<form id="dn-edit" method="POST" class="needs-validation" action="{{ url('entry/update/pending') }}" novalidate>

							<input type="hidden" name="dn" value="{{ $o->getDNSecure() }}">

							@foreach ($o->getVisibleAttributes() as $ao)
								<x-attribute-type :edit="true" :o="$ao"/>

							<div id="newattrs"></div>

							<!-- Add new attributes -->
							<div class="row">
								<div class="col-12 col-sm-1 col-md-2"></div>
								<div class="col-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8">
									<div class="d-none" id="newattr-select">

										<div class="row">
											<div class="col-12 bg-dark text-light p-2">
												<i class="fas fa-plus-circle"></i> Add New Attribute

										<div class="row">
											<div class="col-12 pt-2">
												<label for="newattr" class="form-label">Select from...</label>
												<select class="form-select" id="newattr">
													<option value="">&nbsp;</option>
													@foreach ($o->getMissingAttributes() as $ao)
														<option value="{{ $ao->name_lc }}">{{ $ao->name }}</option>
								<div class="col-2"></div>

							<div class="row d-none pt-3">
								<div class="col-12 offset-sm-2 col-sm-4 col-lg-2">
									<span id="form-reset" class="btn btn-outline-danger">@lang('Reset')</span>
									<span id="form-submit" class="btn btn-success">@lang('Update')</span>

					<!-- Internal Attributes -->
					<div class="tab-pane" id="internal" role="tabpanel">
						<div class="row">
							<div class="col-12 offset-lg-2 col-lg-8">
								<table class="table">
									@foreach ($o->getInternalAttributes() as $ao)
										<tr class="bg-light text-dark small">
											<th class="w-25">
												<abbr title="{{ $ao->description }}">{{ $ao->name }}</abbr>
											<td class="ps-5">
												<x-attribute :edit="false" :o="$ao"/>

					<!-- Debug -->
					<div class="tab-pane" id="debug" role="tabpanel">
						<div class="row">
							<div class="col-4">
							<div class="col-4">
							<div class="col-4">

	<script type="text/javascript">
		function editmode() {

			// Find all input items and turn off readonly
			$('input.form-control').each(function() {



		$(document).ready(function() {
			$('#form-reset').click(function() {

			$('#form-submit').click(function() {

			$('#newattr').on('change',function(item) {
					type: 'GET',
					beforeSend: function() {
					success: function(data) {
					error: function(e) {
						if (e.status != 412)
							alert('That didnt work? Please try again....');
					url: '{{ url('entry/newattr') }}/'+item.target.value,
					cache: false

				// Remove the option from the list

				// If there are no more options
				if ($(this).find("option").length === 1)

			$('button[id=entry-edit]').on('click',function(item) {

				if ($(this).hasClass('active'))

