]> , : , : , "#000000", " ", {x: ,y: }, {x: ,y: }, {"r": ,"g": ,"b": ,"a":1}, exslt:sin and exslt:cos must be supported for a rotation. exslt:tan must be supported for a skewX. exslt:tan must be supported for a skewY. cx: , cy: , r: x1: , y1: , x2: , y2: exslt:sin and exslt:cos must be supported for a gradient rotation. , font:{ type:"font", style:" ", variant:" ", weight:" ", size:" ", family:" ", }, stroke:{ color: width:" ", cap:" ", join:" ", style:"Dash", style:"Solid", }, name:" ", : , path:" ", fill: exslt:node-set is required for processing the style attribute. transform:{ } , { shape:{type:"circle", }, } , { shape:{type:"ellipse", } } , { children:[ ] , } , { shape:{type:"image", src:" ", }, }, { shape:{type:"line", }, } , {type:"linear", colors:[ ]} , { shape:{type:"path", }, }, {type:"pattern", } , { shape:{type:"polyline",points:[ ]}, } , {type:"radial", colors:[ ]} , { shape:{type:"rect", r: }, } , { color: } , { shape:{type:"textpath",text:" ", shape:{type:"text",text:" ", }, fill:"#000000", } , [ ]