#!/bin/sh # Build script for dojox.mobile if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Usage: build separate|single [webkit]' echo ' separate Create mobile.js that includes only dojox.mobile' echo ' single Create a single dojo.js layer that includes dojox.mobile' echo ' webkit Enable webkitMobile=true option (Loses PC browser support)' exit 1 fi #optimize=shrinksafe optimize=closure profile=mobile dir=release-mobile-separate webkit= #standalone=standaloneScrollable=true if [ "$1" == "single" ]; then profile=mobile-all fi if [ "$1" == "single" ]; then dir=release-mobile-single fi shift 1 if [ "$1" == "webkit" ]; then webkit=webkitMobile=true shift 1 fi cd ../../../util/buildscripts ./build.sh profile=$profile action=release optimize=$optimize layerOptimize=$optimize cssOptimize=comments releaseDir=../../$dir/ $webkit $standalone $* cd ../../dojox/mobile/build