<?php namespace App\Classes\LDAP; use Carbon\Carbon; use Exception; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session; use LdapRecord\LdapRecordException; use LdapRecord\Models\Model; use LdapRecord\Query\Collection as LDAPCollection; use LdapRecord\Query\ObjectNotFoundException; use App\Classes\LDAP\Schema\{AttributeType,Base,LDAPSyntax,MatchingRule,MatchingRuleUse,ObjectClass}; use App\Exceptions\InvalidUsage; use App\Ldap\Entry; final class Server { // This servers schema objectclasses private Collection $attributetypes; private Collection $ldapsyntaxes; private Collection $matchingrules; private Collection $matchingruleuse; private Collection $objectclasses; // Valid items that can be fetched public const schema_types = [ 'objectclasses', 'attributetypes', 'ldapsyntaxes', 'matchingrules', ]; public function __get(string $key): mixed { switch ($key) { case 'attributetypes': return $this->attributetypes; case 'ldapsyntaxes': return $this->ldapsyntaxes; case 'matchingrules': return $this->matchingrules; case 'objectclasses': return $this->objectclasses; default: throw new Exception('Unknown key:'.$key); } } /* STATIC METHODS */ /** * Gets the root DN of the specified LDAPServer, or throws an exception if it * can't find it. * * @param null $connection Return a collection of baseDNs * @param bool $objects Return a collection of Entry Models * @return Collection * @throws ObjectNotFoundException * @testedin GetBaseDNTest::testBaseDNExists(); * @todo Need to allow for the scenario if the baseDN is not readable by ACLs */ public static function baseDNs($connection=NULL,bool $objects=TRUE): Collection { $cachetime = Carbon::now()->addSeconds(Config::get('ldap.cache.time')); try { $base = self::rootDSE($connection,$cachetime); /** * LDAP Error Codes: * https://ldap.com/ldap-result-code-reference/ * + success 0 * + operationsError 1 * + protocolError 2 * + timeLimitExceeded 3 * + sizeLimitExceeded 4 * + compareFalse 5 * + compareTrue 6 * + authMethodNotSupported 7 * + strongerAuthRequired 8 * + referral 10 * + adminLimitExceeded 11 * + unavailableCriticalExtension 12 * + confidentialityRequired 13 * + saslBindInProgress 14 * + noSuchAttribute 16 * + undefinedAttributeType 17 * + inappropriateMatching 18 * + constraintViolation 19 * + attributeOrValueExists 20 * + invalidAttributeSyntax 21 * + noSuchObject 32 * + aliasProblem 33 * + invalidDNSyntax 34 * + isLeaf 35 * + aliasDereferencingProblem 36 * + inappropriateAuthentication 48 * + invalidCredentials 49 * + insufficientAccessRights 50 * + busy 51 * + unavailable 52 * + unwillingToPerform 53 * + loopDetect 54 * + sortControlMissing 60 * + offsetRangeError 61 * + namingViolation 64 * + objectClassViolation 65 * + notAllowedOnNonLeaf 66 * + notAllowedOnRDN 67 * + entryAlreadyExists 68 * + objectClassModsProhibited 69 * + resultsTooLarge 70 * + affectsMultipleDSAs 71 * + virtualListViewError or controlError 76 * + other 80 * + serverDown 81 * + localError 82 * + encodingError 83 * + decodingError 84 * + timeout 85 * + authUnknown 86 * + filterError 87 * + userCanceled 88 * + paramError 89 * + noMemory 90 * + connectError 91 * + notSupported 92 * + controlNotFound 93 * + noResultsReturned 94 * + moreResultsToReturn 95 * + clientLoop 96 * + referralLimitExceeded 97 * + invalidResponse 100 * + ambiguousResponse 101 * + tlsNotSupported 112 * + intermediateResponse 113 * + unknownType 114 * + canceled 118 * + noSuchOperation 119 * + tooLate 120 * + cannotCancel 121 * + assertionFailed 122 * + authorizationDenied 123 * + e-syncRefreshRequired 4096 * + noOperation 16654 * * LDAP Tag Codes: * + A client bind operation 97 * + The entry for which you were searching 100 * + The result from a search operation 101 * + The result from a modify operation 103 * + The result from an add operation 105 * + The result from a delete operation 107 * + The result from a modify DN operation 109 * + The result from a compare operation 111 * + A search reference when the entry you perform your search on holds a referral to the entry you require. * + Search references are expressed in terms of a referral. * 115 * + A result from an extended operation 120 */ // If we cannot get to our LDAP server we'll head straight to the error page } catch (LdapRecordException $e) { switch ($e->getDetailedError()->getErrorCode()) { case 49: // Since we failed authentication, we should delete our auth cookie if (Cookie::has('password_encrypt')) { Log::alert('Clearing user credentials and logging out'); Cookie::queue(Cookie::forget('password_encrypt')); Cookie::queue(Cookie::forget('username_encrypt')); Session::invalidate(); } abort(401,$e->getDetailedError()->getErrorMessage()); default: abort(597,$e->getDetailedError()->getErrorMessage()); } } if (! $objects) return collect($base->namingcontexts); /** * @note While we are caching our baseDNs, it seems if we have more than 1, * our caching doesnt generate a hit on a subsequent call to this function (before the cache expires). * IE: If we have 5 baseDNs, it takes 5 calls to this function to case them all. * @todo Possibly a bug wtih ldaprecord, so need to investigate */ $result = collect(); foreach ($base->namingcontexts as $dn) { $result->push((new Entry)->cache($cachetime)->findOrFail($dn)); } return $result; } /** * Obtain the rootDSE for the server, that gives us server information * * @param null $connection * @return Entry|null * @throws ObjectNotFoundException * @testedin TranslateOidTest::testRootDSE(); */ public static function rootDSE($connection=NULL,Carbon $cachetime=NULL): ?Model { $e = new Entry; return Entry::on($connection ?? $e->getConnectionName()) ->cache($cachetime) ->in(NULL) ->read() ->select(['+']) ->whereHas('objectclass') ->firstOrFail(); } /** * Get the Schema DN * * @param $connection * @return string * @throws ObjectNotFoundException */ public static function schemaDN($connection=NULL): string { $cachetime = Carbon::now()->addSeconds(Config::get('ldap.cache.time')); return collect(self::rootDSE($connection,$cachetime)->subschemasubentry)->first(); } /** * Query the server for a DN and return its children and if those children have children. * * @param string $dn * @return LDAPCollection|NULL */ public function children(string $dn): ?LDAPCollection { return ($x=(new Entry) ->query() ->cache(Carbon::now()->addSeconds(Config::get('ldap.cache.time'))) ->select(['*','hassubordinates']) ->setDn($dn) ->list() ->get()) ? $x : NULL; } /** * Fetch a DN from the server * * @param string $dn * @param array $attrs * @return Entry|null */ public function fetch(string $dn,array $attrs=['*','+']): ?Entry { return ($x=(new Entry) ->query() ->cache(Carbon::now()->addSeconds(Config::get('ldap.cache.time'))) ->select($attrs) ->find($dn)) ? $x : NULL; } /** * This function determines if the specified attribute is contained in the force_may list * as configured in config.php. * * @return boolean True if the specified attribute is configured to be force as a may attribute */ public function isForceMay($attr_name): bool { return in_array($attr_name,config('pla.force_may',[])); } /** * Does this server support RFC3666 language tags * OID: * * @return bool * @throws ObjectNotFoundException */ public function isLanguageTags(): bool { return in_array('',$this->rootDSE()->supportedfeatures); } /** * Return the server's schema * * @param string $item Schema Item to Fetch * @param string|null $key * @return Collection|Base|NULL * @throws InvalidUsage */ public function schema(string $item,string $key=NULL): Collection|Base|NULL { // Ensure our item to fetch is lower case $item = strtolower($item); if ($key) $key = strtolower($key); // This error message is not localized as only developers should ever see it if (! in_array($item,self::schema_types)) throw new InvalidUsage('Invalid request to fetch schema: '.$item); $result = Cache::remember('schema'.$item,config('ldap.cache.time'),function() use ($item) { // First pass if we have already retrieved the schema item switch ($item) { case 'attributetypes': if (isset($this->attributetypes)) return $this->attributetypes; else $this->attributetypes = collect(); break; case 'ldapsyntaxes': if (isset($this->ldapsyntaxes)) return $this->ldapsyntaxes; else $this->ldapsyntaxes = collect(); break; case 'matchingrules': if (isset($this->matchingrules)) return $this->matchingrules; else $this->matchingrules = collect(); break; /* case 'matchingruleuse': if (isset($this->matchingruleuse)) return is_null($key) ? $this->matchingruleuse : $this->matchingruleuse->get($key); else $this->matchingruleuse = collect(); break; */ case 'objectclasses': if (isset($this->objectclasses)) return $this->objectclasses; else $this->objectclasses = collect(); break; // Shouldnt get here default: throw new InvalidUsage('Invalid request to fetch schema: '.$item); } // Try to get the schema DN from the specified entry. $schema_dn = $this->schemaDN(); $schema = $this->fetch($schema_dn); switch ($item) { case 'attributetypes': Log::debug('Attribute Types'); // build the array of attribueTypes //$syntaxes = $this->SchemaSyntaxes($dn); foreach ($schema->{$item} as $line) { if (is_null($line) || ! strlen($line)) continue; $o = new AttributeType($line); $this->attributetypes->put($o->name_lc,$o); /* if (isset($syntaxes[$attr->getSyntaxOID()])) { $syntax = $syntaxes[$attr->getSyntaxOID()]; $attr->setType($syntax->getDescription()); } $this->attributetypes[$attr->getName()] = $attr; */ /** * bug 856832: create an entry in the $attrs_oid array too. This * will be a ref to the $attrs entry for maintenance and performance * reasons */ //$attrs_oid[$attr->getOID()] = &$attrs[$attr->getName()]; } // go back and add data from aliased attributeTypes foreach ($this->attributetypes as $o) { /* foreach of the attribute's aliases, create a new entry in the attrs array * with its name set to the alias name, and all other data copied.*/ if ($o->aliases->count()) { Log::debug(sprintf('\ Attribute [%s] has the following aliases [%s]',$o->name,$o->aliases->join(','))); foreach ($o->aliases as $alias) { $new_attr = clone $o; $new_attr->setName($alias); $new_attr->addAlias($o->name); $new_attr->removeAlias($alias); $this->attributetypes->put(strtolower($alias),$new_attr); } } } // Now go through and reference the parent/child relationships foreach ($this->attributetypes as $o) if ($o->sup_attribute) { $parent = strtolower($o->sup_attribute); if ($this->attributetypes->has($parent) !== FALSE) $this->attributetypes[$parent]->addChild($o->name); } // go through any children and add details if the child doesnt have them (ie, cn inherits name) // @todo This doesnt traverse children properly, so children of children may not get the settings they should foreach ($this->attributetypes as $parent) { foreach ($parent->children as $child) { $child = strtolower($child); /* only overwrite the child's SINGLE-VALUE property if the parent has it set, and the child doesnt * (note: All LDAP attributes default to multi-value if not explicitly set SINGLE-VALUE) */ if (! is_null($parent->is_single_value) && is_null($this->attributetypes[$child]->is_single_value)) $this->attributetypes[$child]->setIsSingleValue($parent->is_single_value); } } // Add the used in and required_by values. foreach ($this->schema('objectclasses') as $object_class) { $must_attrs = $object_class->getMustAttrNames(); $may_attrs = $object_class->getMayAttrNames(); $oclass_attrs = $must_attrs->merge($may_attrs)->unique(); // Add Used In. foreach ($oclass_attrs as $attr_name) if ($this->attributetypes->has(strtolower($attr_name))) $this->attributetypes[strtolower($attr_name)]->addUsedInObjectClass($object_class->name); // Add Required By. foreach ($must_attrs as $attr_name) if ($this->attributetypes->has(strtolower($attr_name))) $this->attributetypes[strtolower($attr_name)]->addRequiredByObjectClass($object_class->name); // Force May foreach ($object_class->getForceMayAttrs() as $attr_name) if ($this->attributetypes->has(strtolower($attr_name->name))) $this->attributetypes[strtolower($attr_name->name)]->setForceMay(); } return $this->attributetypes; case 'ldapsyntaxes': Log::debug('LDAP Syntaxes'); foreach ($schema->{$item} as $line) { if (is_null($line) || ! strlen($line)) continue; $o = new LDAPSyntax($line); $this->ldapsyntaxes->put(strtolower($o->oid),$o); } return $this->ldapsyntaxes; case 'matchingrules': Log::debug('Matching Rules'); $this->matchingruleuse = collect(); foreach ($schema->{$item} as $line) { if (is_null($line) || ! strlen($line)) continue; $o = new MatchingRule($line); $this->matchingrules->put($o->name_lc,$o); } /* * For each MatchingRuleUse entry, add the attributes who use it to the * MatchingRule in the $rules array. */ if ($schema->matchingruleuse) { foreach ($schema->matchingruleuse as $line) { if (is_null($line) || ! strlen($line)) continue; $o = new MatchingRuleUse($line); $this->matchingruleuse->put($o->name_lc,$o); if ($this->matchingrules->has($o->name_lc) !== FALSE) $this->matchingrules[$o->name_lc]->setUsedByAttrs($o->getUsedByAttrs()); } } else { /* No MatchingRuleUse entry in the subschema, so brute-forcing * the reverse-map for the "$rule->getUsedByAttrs()" data.*/ foreach ($this->schema('attributetypes') as $attr) { $rule_key = strtolower($attr->getEquality()); if ($this->matchingrules->has($rule_key) !== FALSE) $this->matchingrules[$rule_key]->addUsedByAttr($attr->name); } } return $this->matchingrules; case 'objectclasses': Log::debug('Object Classes'); foreach ($schema->{$item} as $line) { if (is_null($line) || ! strlen($line)) continue; $o = new ObjectClass($line,$this); $this->objectclasses->put($o->name_lc,$o); } // Now go through and reference the parent/child relationships foreach ($this->objectclasses as $o) foreach ($o->getSupClasses() as $parent) { $parent = strtolower($parent); if ($this->objectclasses->has($parent) !== FALSE) $this->objectclasses[$parent]->addChildObjectClass($o->name); } return $this->objectclasses; } }); return is_null($key) ? $result : $result->get($key); } /** * Given an OID, return the ldapsyntax for the OID * * @param string $oid * @return LDAPSyntax|null * @throws InvalidUsage */ public function schemaSyntaxName(string $oid): ?LDAPSyntax { return $this->schema('ldapsyntaxes',$oid); } }