bug in your version of PHP or perhaps your LDAP server has access control specified that prevents LDAP clients from accessing the RootDSE.'; $lang['server_info_for'] = 'Server info for: '; $lang['server_reports_following'] = 'Server reports the following information about itself'; $lang['nothing_to_report'] = 'This server has nothing to report.'; //update.php $lang['update_array_malformed'] = 'update_array is malformed. This might be a phpLDAPadmin bug. Please report it.'; $lang['could_not_perform_ldap_modify'] = 'Could not perform ldap_modify operation.'; // update_confirm.php $lang['do_you_want_to_make_these_changes'] = 'Do you want to make these changes?'; $lang['attribute'] = 'Attribute'; $lang['old_value'] = 'Old Value'; $lang['new_value'] = 'New Value'; $lang['attr_deleted'] = '[attribute deleted]'; $lang['commit'] = 'Commit'; $lang['cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $lang['you_made_no_changes'] = 'You made no changes'; $lang['go_back'] = 'Go back'; // welcome.php $lang['welcome_note'] = 'Use the menu to the left to navigate'; $lang['credits'] = 'Credits'; $lang['changelog'] = 'ChangeLog'; $lang['donate'] = 'Donate'; $lang['pla_logo'] = 'phpLDAPadmin logo'; // Donate.php $lang['donation_instructions'] = 'To donate funds to the phpLDAPadmin project, use one of the PayPal buttons below.'; $lang['donate_amount'] = 'Donate %s'; $lang['wish_list_option'] = 'Or perhaps you would prefer to purchase an gift for a phpLDAPadmin developer.'; $lang['wish_list'] = 'View Dave\'s phpLDAPadmin wish list'; $lang['purge_cache'] = 'Purge caches'; $lang['no_cache_to_purge'] = 'No cache to purge.'; $lang['done_purging_caches'] = 'Purged %s bytes of cache.'; $lang['purge_cache_tooltip'] = 'Purge all cached data in phpLDAPadmin, including server schemas.'; // view_jpeg_photo.php $lang['unsafe_file_name'] = 'Unsafe file name: '; $lang['no_such_file'] = 'No such file: '; //function.php $lang['auto_update_not_setup'] = 'You have enabled auto_uid_numbers for %s in your configuration, but you have not specified the auto_uid_number_mechanism. Please correct this problem.'; $lang['uidpool_not_set'] = 'You specified the "auto_uid_number_mechanism" as "uidpool" in your configuration for server %s, but you did not specify the audo_uid_number_uid_pool_dn. Please specify it before proceeding.'; $lang['uidpool_not_exist'] = 'It appears that the uidPool you specified in your configuration ("%s") does not exist.'; $lang['specified_uidpool'] = 'You specified the "auto_uid_number_mechanism" as "search" in your configuration for server %s, but you did not specify the "auto_uid_number_search_base". Please specify it before proceeding.'; $lang['auto_uid_invalid_credential'] = 'Unable to bind to %s with your with auto_uid credentials. Please check your configuration file.'; $lang['bad_auto_uid_search_base'] = 'Your phpLDAPadmin configuration specifies an invalid auto_uid_search_base for server %s'; $lang['auto_uid_invalid_value'] = 'You specified an invalid value for auto_uid_number_mechanism ("%s") in your configration. Only "uidpool" and "search" are valid. Please correct this problem.'; $lang['error_auth_type_config'] = 'Error: You have an error in your config file. The only three allowed values for auth_type in the $servers section are \'session\', \'cookie\', and \'config\'. You entered \'%s\', which is not allowed. '; $lang['unique_attrs_invalid_credential'] = 'Unable to bind to %s with your with unique_attrs credentials. Please check your configuration file.'; $lang['unique_attr_failed'] = 'Your attempt to add %s (%s) to
is NOT allowed. That attribute/value belongs to another entry.

You might like to search for that entry.'; $lang['php_install_not_supports_tls'] = 'Your PHP install does not support TLS.'; $lang['could_not_start_tls'] = 'Could not start TLS. Please check your LDAP server configuration.'; $lang['could_not_bind_anon'] = 'Could not bind anonymously to server.'; $lang['could_not_bind'] = 'Could not bind to the LDAP server.'; $lang['anonymous_bind'] = 'Anonymous Bind'; $lang['bad_user_name_or_password'] = 'Bad username or password. Please try again.'; $lang['redirecting_click_if_nothing_happens'] = 'Redirecting... Click here if nothing happens.'; $lang['successfully_logged_in_to_server'] = 'Successfully logged into server %s'; $lang['could_not_set_cookie'] = 'Could not set cookie.'; $lang['ldap_said'] = 'LDAP said: %s'; $lang['ferror_error'] = 'Error'; $lang['fbrowse'] = 'browse'; $lang['delete_photo'] = 'Delete Photo'; $lang['install_not_support_blowfish'] = 'Your PHP install does not support blowfish encryption.'; $lang['install_not_support_md5crypt'] = 'Your PHP install does not support md5crypt encryption.'; $lang['install_no_mash'] = 'Your PHP install does not have the mhash() function. Cannot do SHA hashes.'; $lang['jpeg_contains_errors'] = 'jpegPhoto contains errors
'; $lang['ferror_number'] = 'Error number: %s (%s)'; $lang['ferror_discription'] = 'Description: %s

'; $lang['ferror_number_short'] = 'Error number: %s

'; $lang['ferror_discription_short'] = 'Description: (no description available)
'; $lang['ferror_submit_bug'] = 'Is this a phpLDAPadmin bug? If so, please report it.'; $lang['ferror_unrecognized_num'] = 'Unrecognized error number: '; $lang['ferror_nonfatil_bug'] = '

You found a non-fatal phpLDAPadmin bug!
Error:%s (%s)
File: %s line %s, caller %s
Versions:PLA: %s, PHP: %s, SAPI: %s
Web server:%s
Please report this bug by clicking here.

'; $lang['ferror_congrats_found_bug'] = 'Congratulations! You found a bug in phpLDAPadmin.

PLA Version:%s
PHP Version:%s
Web server:%s

Please report this bug by clicking below!'; //ldif_import_form $lang['import_ldif_file_title'] = 'Import LDIF File'; $lang['select_ldif_file'] = 'Select an LDIF file:'; $lang['dont_stop_on_errors'] = 'Don\'t stop on errors'; //ldif_import $lang['add_action'] = 'Adding...'; $lang['delete_action'] = 'Deleting...'; $lang['rename_action'] = 'Renaming...'; $lang['modify_action'] = 'Modifying...'; $lang['warning_no_ldif_version_found'] = 'No version found. Assuming 1.'; $lang['valid_dn_line_required'] = 'A valid dn line is required.'; $lang['missing_uploaded_file'] = 'Missing uploaded file.'; $lang['no_ldif_file_specified'] = 'No LDIF file specified. Please try again.'; $lang['ldif_file_empty'] = 'Uploaded LDIF file is empty.'; $lang['empty'] = 'empty'; $lang['file'] = 'File'; $lang['number_bytes'] = '%s bytes'; $lang['failed'] = 'Failed'; $lang['ldif_parse_error'] = 'LDIF Parse Error'; $lang['ldif_could_not_add_object'] = 'Could not add object:'; $lang['ldif_could_not_rename_object'] = 'Could not rename object:'; $lang['ldif_could_not_delete_object'] = 'Could not delete object:'; $lang['ldif_could_not_modify_object'] = 'Could not modify object:'; $lang['ldif_line_number'] = 'Line Number:'; $lang['ldif_line'] = 'Line:'; // Exports $lang['export_format'] = 'Export format'; $lang['line_ends'] = 'Line ends'; $lang['must_choose_export_format'] = 'You must choose an export format.'; $lang['invalid_export_format'] = 'Invalid export format'; $lang['no_exporter_found'] = 'No available exporter found.'; $lang['error_performing_search'] = 'Encountered an error while performing search.'; $lang['showing_results_x_through_y'] = 'Showing results %s through %s.'; $lang['searching'] = 'Searching...'; $lang['size_limit_exceeded'] = 'Notice, search size limit exceeded.'; $lang['entry'] = 'Entry'; $lang['ldif_export_for_dn'] = 'LDIF Export for: %s'; $lang['generated_on_date'] = 'Generated by phpLDAPadmin ( http://www.phpldapadmin.com/ ) on %s'; $lang['total_entries'] = 'Total Entries'; $lang['dsml_export_for_dn'] = 'DSLM Export for: %s'; $lang['include_system_attrs'] = 'Include system attributes'; $lang['csv_spreadsheet'] = 'CSV (Spreadsheet)'; // logins $lang['could_not_find_user'] = 'Could not find a user "%s"'; $lang['password_blank'] = 'You left the password blank.'; $lang['login_cancelled'] = 'Login cancelled.'; $lang['no_one_logged_in'] = 'No one is logged in to that server.'; $lang['could_not_logout'] = 'Could not logout.'; $lang['unknown_auth_type'] = 'Unknown auth_type: %s'; $lang['logged_out_successfully'] = 'Logged out successfully from server %s'; $lang['authenticate_to_server'] = 'Authenticate to server %s'; $lang['warning_this_web_connection_is_unencrypted'] = 'Warning: This web connection is unencrypted.'; $lang['not_using_https'] = 'You are not using \'https\'. Web browser will transmit login information in clear text.'; $lang['login_dn'] = 'Login DN'; $lang['user_name'] = 'User name'; $lang['password'] = 'Password'; $lang['authenticate'] = 'Authenticate'; // Entry browser $lang['entry_chooser_title'] = 'Entry Chooser'; // Index page $lang['need_to_configure'] = 'You need to configure phpLDAPadmin. Edit the file \'config.php\' to do so. An example config file is provided in \'config.php.example\''; // Mass deletes $lang['no_deletes_in_read_only'] = 'Deletes not allowed in read only mode.'; $lang['error_calling_mass_delete'] = 'Error calling mass_delete.php. Missing mass_delete in POST vars.'; $lang['mass_delete_not_array'] = 'mass_delete POST var is not an array.'; $lang['mass_delete_not_enabled'] = 'Mass deletion is not enabled. Please enable it in config.php before proceeding.'; $lang['search_attrs_wrong_count'] = 'Your config.php has an error. The number of attributes in $search_attributes and $search_attributes_display is different'; $lang['mass_deleting'] = 'Mass Deleting'; $lang['mass_delete_progress'] = 'Deletion progress on server "%s"'; $lang['malformed_mass_delete_array'] = 'Malformed mass_delete array.'; $lang['no_entries_to_delete'] = 'You did not select any entries to delete.'; $lang['deleting_dn'] = 'Deleting %s'; $lang['total_entries_failed'] = '%s of %s entries failed to be deleted.'; $lang['all_entries_successful'] = 'All entries deleted successfully.'; $lang['confirm_mass_delete'] = 'Confirm mass delete of %s entries on server %s'; $lang['yes_delete'] = 'Yes, delete!'; // Renaming entries $lang['non_leaf_nodes_cannot_be_renamed'] = 'You cannot rename an entry which has children entries (eg, the rename operation is not allowed on non-leaf entries)'; $lang['no_rdn_change'] = 'You did not change the RDN'; $lang['invalid_rdn'] = 'Invalid RDN value'; $lang['could_not_rename'] = 'Could not rename the entry'; // General errors $lang['php5_unsupported'] = 'phpLDAPadmin does not yet support PHP 5. You will likely encounter many weird problems if you continue.'; $lang['mismatched_search_attr_config'] = 'Your configuration has an error. $search_attributes must have the same number of attributes as $search_attributes_display.'; // Password checker $lang['passwords_match'] = 'Passwords match!'; $lang['passwords_do_not_match'] = 'Passwords do not match!'; $lang['password_checker_tool'] = 'Password Checker Tool'; $lang['compare'] = 'Compare'; $lang['to'] = 'To'; // Templates $lang['using'] = 'Using the'; $lang['template'] = 'template'; $lang['switch_to'] = 'You may switch to the '; $lang['default_template'] = 'default template'; // template_config $lang['user_account'] = 'User Account (posixAccount)'; $lang['address_book_inet'] = 'Address Book Entry (inetOrgPerson)'; $lang['address_book_moz'] = 'Address Book Entry (mozillaOrgPerson)'; $lang['kolab_user'] = 'Kolab User Entry'; $lang['organizational_unit'] = 'Organizational Unit'; $lang['organizational_role'] = 'Organizational Role'; $lang['posix_group'] = 'Posix Group'; $lang['samba_machine'] = 'Samba NT Machine'; $lang['samba3_machine'] = 'Samba 3 NT Machine'; $lang['samba_user'] = 'Samba User'; $lang['samba3_user'] = 'Samba 3 User'; $lang['samba3_group'] = 'Samba 3 Group Mapping'; $lang['dns_entry'] = 'DNS Entry'; $lang['simple_sec_object'] = 'Simple Security Object'; $lang['courier_mail_account'] = 'Courier Mail Account'; $lang['courier_mail_alias'] = 'Courier Mail Alias'; $lang['ldap_alias'] = 'LDAP Alias'; $lang['sendmail_cluster'] = 'Sendmail Cluster'; $lang['sendmail_domain'] = 'Sendmail Domain'; $lang['sendmail_alias'] = 'Sendmail Alias'; $lang['sendmail_virt_dom'] = 'Sendmail Virtual Domain'; $lang['sendmail_virt_users'] = 'Sendmail Virtual Users'; $lang['sendmail_relays'] = 'Sendmail Relays'; $lang['custom'] = 'Custom'; $lang['samba_domain_name'] = 'My Samba domain Name'; $lang['administrators'] = 'Administrators'; $lang['users'] = 'Users'; $lang['guests'] = 'Guests'; $lang['power_users'] = 'Power Users'; $lang['account_ops'] = 'Account Operators'; $lang['server_ops'] = 'Server Operators'; $lang['print_ops'] = 'Print Operators'; $lang['backup_ops'] = 'Backup Operators'; $lang['replicator'] = 'Replicator'; $lang['unable_smb_passwords'] = ' Unable to create the Samba passwords. Please, check the configuration in template_config.php'; $lang['err_smb_conf'] = 'Error: You have an error in your samba confguration.'; $lang['err_smb_no_name_sid'] = 'Error: A name and a sid for your samba domain need to be provided.'; $lang['err_smb_no_name'] = 'Error: No name provided for samba domain.'; $lang['err_smb_no_sid'] = 'Error: No sid provided for samba domain.'; // Samba Account Template $lang['samba_account'] = 'Samba Account'; $lang['samba_account_lcase'] = 'samba account'; // New User (Posix) Account $lang['t_new_user_account'] = 'New User Account'; $lang['t_hint_customize'] = 'Hint: To customize this template, edit the file templates/creation/new_user_template.php'; $lang['t_name'] = 'Name'; $lang['t_first_name'] = 'First name'; $lang['t_last_name'] = 'Last name'; $lang['t_first'] = 'first'; $lang['t_last'] = 'last'; $lang['t_common_name'] = 'Common name'; $lang['t_user_name'] = 'User Name'; $lang['t_password'] = 'Password'; $lang['t_encryption'] = 'Encryption'; $lang['t_login_shell'] = 'Login Shell'; $lang['t_home_dir'] = 'Home Directory'; $lang['t_uid_number'] = 'UID Number'; $lang['t_auto_det'] = '(automatically determined)'; $lang['t_group'] = 'Group'; $lang['t_gid_number'] = 'GID Number'; $lang['t_err_passwords'] = 'Your passwords don\'t match. Please go back and try again.'; $lang['t_err_field_blank'] = 'You cannot leave the %s blank. Please go back and try again.'; $lang['t_err_field_num'] = 'You can only enter numeric values for the %s field. Please go back and try again.'; $lang['t_err_bad_container'] = 'The container you specified (%s) does not exist. Please go back and try again.'; $lang['t_confirm_account_creation'] = 'Confirm account creation'; $lang['t_secret'] = '[secret]'; $lang['t_create_account'] = 'Create Account'; // New Address Template $lang['t_new_address'] = 'New Address Book Entry'; $lang['t_organization'] = 'Organization'; $lang['t_address'] = 'Address'; $lang['t_city'] = 'City'; $lang['t_postal_code'] = 'Postal code'; $lang['t_street'] = 'Street'; $lang['t_work_phone'] = 'Work phone'; $lang['t_fax'] = 'Fax'; $lang['t_mobile'] = 'Mobile'; $lang['t_email'] = 'Email'; $lang['t_container'] = 'Container'; $lang['t_err_cn_blank'] = 'You cannot leave the Common Name blank. Please go back and try again.'; $lang['t_confim_creation'] = 'Confirm entry creation:'; $lang['t_create_address'] = 'Create Address'; // default template $lang['t_check_pass'] = 'Check password...'; ?>