stack[count($this->stack)] = &$pos; $this->stack_ref = &$pos; } function pop_pos() { unset($this->stack[count($this->stack) - 1]); $this->stack_ref = &$this->stack[count($this->stack) - 1]; } function parse($file) { $f = fopen($file,'r'); $strInputXML = fread($f,filesize($file)); fclose($f); $this->resParser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object($this->resParser,$this); xml_set_element_handler($this->resParser,'tagOpen','tagClosed'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->resParser,'tagData'); $this->push_pos($this->arrOutput); $this->strXmlData = xml_parse($this->resParser,$strInputXML); if (! $this->strXmlData) die(sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d', xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->resParser)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->resParser))); xml_parser_free($this->resParser); return $this->arrOutput; } function tagOpen($parser,$name,$attrs) { $name = strtolower($name); if (isset($this->stack_ref[$name])) { if (! isset($this->stack_ref[$name][0])) { $tmp = $this->stack_ref[$name]; unset($this->stack_ref[$name]); $this->stack_ref[$name][0] = $tmp; } $cnt = count($this->stack_ref[$name]); $this->stack_ref[$name][$cnt] = array(); if (isset($attrs)) $this->stack_ref[$name][$cnt] = $attrs; $this->push_pos($this->stack_ref[$name][$cnt]); } else { $this->stack_ref[$name]=array(); if (isset($attrs)) $this->stack_ref[$name]=$attrs; $this->push_pos($this->stack_ref[$name]); } } function tagData($parser,$tagData) { if (trim($tagData) != '') { if (isset($this->stack_ref['#text'])) $this->stack_ref['#text'] .= $tagData; else $this->stack_ref['#text'] = $tagData; } } function tagClosed($parser,$name) { $this->pop_pos(); } } class Templates { var $_creation_template = array(); var $_js_hash = array(); function Templates($server_id) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::__construct(): Entered with ()',5,get_class($this)); if ($this->_creation_template = get_cached_item($server_id,'template','creation')) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::init(): Using CACHED [%s]',5,get_class($this),'templates'); } else { $dir = opendir(TMPLDIR); $this->template_num = 0; while( ( $file = readdir( $dir ) ) !== false ) { if (! preg_match('/.xml$/',$file)) continue; $objXML = new xml2array(); $xmldata = $objXML->parse(TMPLDIR.$file); $template_name = preg_replace('/.xml$/','',$file); $this->storeTemplate($template_name,$xmldata); } masort($this->_creation_template,'title'); set_cached_item($server_id,'template','creation',$this->_creation_template); } } function storeTemplate($xtemplate,$xmldata) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::storeTemplate(): Entered with (%s,%s)',5, get_class($this),$template,$xmldata); global $ldapserver; $template['objectclass'] = array(); foreach ($xmldata['template'] as $xml_key => $xml_value) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::storeTemplate(): Foreach loop Key [%s] Value [%s]',4, get_class($this),$xml_key,is_array($xml_value)); switch ($xml_key) { # Build our object Classes from the DN and Template. case ('objectclasses') : if (isset($xmldata['template']['objectclasses']) && is_array($xmldata['template']['objectclasses'])) { foreach ($xmldata['template']['objectclasses']['objectclass'] as $index => $details) { # XML files with only 1 objectClass dont have a numeric index. if (is_numeric($index)) { if ($schema = $ldapserver->getSchemaObjectClass($details['ID'])) { # If we havent recorded this objectclass already, do so now. if (! isset($template['objectclass']) || ! in_array($schema->getName(),$template['objectclass'])) { $template['objectclass'][] = $schema->getName(); } # This objectClass doesnt exist. } else { } } else { if ($schema = $ldapserver->getSchemaObjectClass($details)) { if (! isset($template['objectclass']) || ! in_array($details,$template['objectclass'])) { $template['objectclass'][] = $schema->getName(); } # This objectClass doesnt exist. } else { } } } } break; # Build our attribute list from the DN and Template. case ('attributes') : if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::storeTemplate(): Case [%s]',4,get_class($this),'attributes'); if (isset($xmldata['template']['attributes']) && is_array($xmldata['template']['attributes'])) { $template['attribute'] = array(); foreach ($xmldata['template']['attributes'] as $tattrs) { foreach ($tattrs as $index => $attr_details) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::storeTemplate(): Foreach tattrs Key [%s] Value [%s]',4, get_class($this),$index,serialize($attr_details)); # Single attribute XML files are not indexed. if (is_numeric($index)) { if ($attr = $ldapserver->getSchemaAttribute($attr_details['ID'])) $template['attribute'][$attr->getName()] = $this->_parseXML($index,$attr_details); } else { if (! strcmp($index,'ID')) continue; if ($attr = $ldapserver->getSchemaAttribute($tattrs['ID'])) { foreach ($attr_details as $key => $values) { if (is_array($values) && isset($values['ID'])) { $template['attribute'][$attr->getName()][$index]['_KEY:'.$values['ID']] = $this->_parseXML($key,$values); } elseif (is_array($values) && isset($values['#text'])) { $template['attribute'][$attr->getName()][$index][] = $values['#text']; } else { $template['attribute'][$attr->getName()][$index] = $this->_parseXML($key,$values); } } } } } } # Do we have an override parameter? foreach ($template['attribute'] as $key => $data) { if (isset($data['override'])) { $template['attribute'][$data['override']] = $data; unset($template['attribute'][$key]); $template['attribute'][$key] = $data['override']; } } } break; default : $template[$xml_key] = $xml_value['#text']; } } if (! count($template['objectclass'])) { $template['invalid'] = 1; $template['invalid_reason'] = _('ObjectClasses in XML dont exist in LDAP server.'); return; } # Collect our structural, must & may attributes. $template['must'] = array(); $template['may'] = array(); $template['empty_attrs'] = array(); $superclasslist = array(); foreach ($template['objectclass'] as $oclass) { # If we get some superclasses - then we'll need to go through them too. $supclass = true; $enherited = false; while ($supclass == true) { $schema_object = $ldapserver->getSchemaObjectClass($oclass); /* * Shouldnt be required now... # Test that this is a valid objectclass - disable if an invalid one found. if (! $schema_object) { $template['invalid'] = 1; $supclass = false; continue; } */ if ($schema_object->getType() == 'structural' && (! $enherited)) $template['structural'][] = $oclass; if ($schema_object->getMustAttrs() ) foreach ($schema_object->getMustAttrs() as $index => $detail) { $objectclassattr = $detail->getName(); if (! in_array($objectclassattr,$template['must']) && strcasecmp('objectClass',$objectclassattr) != 0) { # Go through the aliases, and ignore any that are already defined. $ignore = false; $attr = $ldapserver->getSchemaAttribute($objectclassattr); foreach ($attr->aliases as $alias) { if (in_array($alias,$template['must'])) { $ignore = true; break; } } if ($ignore) continue; if (isset($template['attribute'][$objectclassattr]) && ! is_array($template['attribute'][$objectclassattr])) $template['must'][] = $template['attribute'][$objectclassattr]; else $template['must'][] = $objectclassattr; } } if ($schema_object->getMayAttrs()) foreach ($schema_object->getMayAttrs() as $index => $detail) { $objectclassattr = $detail->getName(); if (! in_array($objectclassattr,$template['may'])) $template['may'][] = $objectclassattr; } # Keep a list to objectclasses we have processed, so we dont get into a loop. $oclass_processed[] = $oclass; if ((count($schema_object->getSupClasses())) || count($superclasslist)) { foreach ($schema_object->getSupClasses() as $supoclass) { if (! in_array($supoclass,$oclass_processed)) $supoclasslist[] = $supoclass; } $oclass = array_shift($supoclasslist); if ($oclass) $enherited = true; else $supclass = false; } else { $supclass = false; } } } # Remove any must attributes in the may list. foreach ($template['may'] as $index => $detail) { if (in_array($detail,$template['must'])) { unset($template['may'][$index]); continue; } } # Remove any attributes not in the xml file and not in the dn. foreach ($template['may'] as $index => $detail) { if (isset($template['attribute']) && ! isset($template['attribute'][$detail])) { unset($template['may'][$index]); continue; } if (! isset($attrs[$detail])) if (isset($template['attribute'][$detail])) $template['empty_attrs'][$detail] = $template['attribute'][$detail]; else $template['empty_attrs'][$detail]['display'] = $detail; else $template['attrs'][$detail] = $attrs[$detail]; } # Add the must attrs to the attributes key. foreach ($template['must'] as $index => $detail) { if (! isset($attrs[$detail])) { if (isset($template['attribute'][$detail])) $template['empty_attrs'][$detail] = $template['attribute'][$detail]; else $template['empty_attrs'][$detail]['display'] = $detail; $template['empty_attrs'][$detail]['must'] = true; } else $template['attrs'][$detail] = $attrs[$detail]; } # Check if there are any items without a page or order parameter, and make it 1 and 255. foreach ($template['empty_attrs'] as $index => $detail) { if (! isset($detail['page'])) $template['empty_attrs'][$index]['page'] = 1; if (! isset($detail['order'])) $template['empty_attrs'][$index]['order'] = 255; } # Check we have some manditory items. foreach (array('rdn','structural','visible') as $key) { if (! isset($template[$key]) || (! is_array($template[$key]) && ! trim($template[$key]))) { //unset($template); $template['invalid'] = 1; $template['invalid_reason'] = sprintf(_('Missing %s in the XML file.'),$key); break; } } $this->_creation_template[$xtemplate] = $template; } function _parseXML($index,$attr_details) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::_parseXML(): Entered with (%s,%s)',5, get_class($this),$index,$attr_details); if (! $attr_details) { return ''; } elseif (! is_array($attr_details)) { return $attr_details; } elseif (isset($attr_details['#text'])) { # If index is numeric, then this is part of an array... return $attr_details['#text']; } foreach ($attr_details as $key => $values) { if (($key == 'ID') && ! is_array($values)) continue; elseif (isset($values['ID']) && (! $key['#text'])) { $key = '_KEY:'.$values['ID']; unset($values['ID']); } elseif (isset($values['ID']) && ($values['#text'])) { $key = '_KEY:'.$values['ID']; } $parseXML[$key] = $this->_parseXML($index,$values); } return $parseXML; } function getCreationTemplate($template) { return isset($this->_creation_template[$template]) ? $this->_creation_template[$template] : null; } function getCreationTemplates() { return $this->_creation_template; } function OnChangeAdd($ldapserver,$origin,$value) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::OnChangeAdd(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s)',5, get_class($this),$ldapserver->server_id,$origin,$value); global $_js_hash; # limit to 2 fields because of 'C:\\my directory\\foobar' list($command,$arg) = split(':',$value,2); switch ($command) { /* autoFill:string string is a literal string, and may contain many fields like %attr|start-end/flags% to substitute values read from other fields. |start-end is optional, but must be present if the k flag is used. /flags is optional. flags may be: T: Read display text from selection item (drop-down list), otherwise, read the value of the field For fields that aren't selection items, /T shouldn't be used, and the field value will always be read. k: Tokenize: If the "k" flag is not given: A |start-end instruction will perform a sub-string operation upon the value of the attr, passing character positions start-end through. start can be 0 for first character, or any other integer. end can be 0 for last character, or any other integer for a specific position. If the "k" flag is given: The string read will be split into fields, using : as a delimiter "start" indicates which field number to pass through. l: Make the result lower case. U: Make the result upper case. */ case 'autoFill' : list($attr,$string) = preg_split('(([^,]+),(.*))',$arg,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|[0-9]*-[0-9]*)?(\/[klTUA]+)?%/U',$string,$matchall); //print"
";print_r($matchall); //0 = highlevel match, 1 = attr, 2 = subst, 3 = mod if (! isset($_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin])) $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] = ''; $formula = $string; $formula = preg_replace('/^([^%])/','\'$1',$formula); $formula = preg_replace('/([^%])$/','$1\'',$formula); # Check that our attributes match our schema attributes. foreach ($matchall[1] as $index => $checkattr) { $matchattr = $ldapserver->getSchemaAttribute($checkattr); # If the attribute is the same as in the XML file, then dont need to do anything. if ($matchattr->getName() == $checkattr) continue; $formula = preg_replace("/$checkattr/",$matchattr->getName(),$formula); $matchall[1][$index] = $matchattr->getName(); } foreach ($matchall[0] as $index => $null) { $match_attr = $matchall[1][$index]; $match_subst = $matchall[2][$index]; $match_mod = $matchall[3][$index]; $substrarray = array(); $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf(" var %s;\n",$match_attr); if (strstr($match_mod,'T')) { $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf( " %s = document.getElementById('%s').options[document.getElementById('%s').selectedIndex].text;\n", $match_attr,$match_attr,$match_attr); } else { $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf(" %s = document.getElementById('%s').value;\n", $match_attr,$match_attr); } if (strstr($match_mod,'k')) { preg_match_all('/([0-9]+)/',trim($match_subst),$substrarray); if (isset($substrarray[1][0])) { $tok_idx = $substrarray[1][0]; } else { $tok_idx = '0'; } $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf(" %s = %s.split(':')[%s];\n",$match_attr,$match_attr,$tok_idx); } else { preg_match_all('/([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)/',trim($match_subst),$substrarray); if ((isset($substrarray[1][0]) && $substrarray[1][0]) || (isset($substrarray[2][0]) && $substrarray[2][0])) { $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf(" %s = %s.substr(%s,%s);\n", $match_attr,$match_attr, $substrarray[1][0] ? $substrarray[1][0] : '0', $substrarray[2][0] ? $substrarray[2][0] : sprintf('%s.length',$match_attr)); } } if (strstr($match_mod,'l')) { $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf(" %s = %s.toLowerCase();\n",$match_attr,$match_attr); } if (strstr($match_mod,'U')) { $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf(" %s = %s.toUpperCase();\n",$match_attr,$match_attr); } if (strstr($match_mod,'A')) { $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf(" %s = toAscii(%s);\n",$match_attr,$match_attr); } # Matchfor only entry without modifiers. $formula = preg_replace('/^%('.$match_attr.')%$/U','$1 + \'\'',$formula); # Matchfor only entry with modifiers. $formula = preg_replace('/^%('.$match_attr.')(\|[0-9]*-[0-9]*)?(\/[klTUA]+)?%$/U','$1 + \'\'',$formula); # Matchfor begining entry. $formula = preg_replace('/^%('.$match_attr.')(\|[0-9]*-[0-9]*)?(\/[klTUA]+)?%/U','$1 + \'',$formula); # Matchfor ending entry. $formula = preg_replace('/%('.$match_attr.')(\|[0-9]*-[0-9]*)?(\/[klTUA]+)?%$/U','\' + $1 ',$formula); # Match for entries not at begin/end. $formula = preg_replace('/%('.$match_attr.')(\|[0-9]*-[0-9]*)?(\/[:lTUA]+)?%/U','\' + $1 + \'',$formula); } $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= sprintf(" fillRec('%s', %s);\n",$attr,$formula); $_js_hash['autoFill'.$origin] .= "\n"; break; default: $return = ''; } return '1'; } function getJsHash() { global $_js_hash; return $_js_hash; } // @todo: The XML files need to change the field seperater to something else (ie: not comma) // as it is clashing when a DN is used as an argument. function EvaluateDefault(&$ldapserver,$value,$container,$counter='',$default=null) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::EvaluateDefault(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s)',5, get_class($this),$ldapserver->server_id,$value,$container,$counter); global $ldapservers; if (preg_match('/^=php\.(\w+)\((.*)\)$/',$value,$matches)) { $args = preg_split('/,/',$matches[2]); switch($matches[1]) { case 'GetNextNumber' : /* * mandatory arguments: * * arg 0 * - "$" => 'auto_number','search_base' in config file * - "/","..","." => get container parent as usual * * arg 1 * - "gid" or "uid" for autosearch * - idem or real attribute name for uidpool mechanism * (gid and uid are mapped to sambaNextGroupRid and sambaNextUserRid) * optional arguments: * * arg 2 (uidpool mechanism only) * - "true" increments attribute by 1 * - "false" do nothing * * arg 3 (uidpool mechanism only) * ldap filter (must match one entry only in container) * * arg 4 * calculus on number, eg: * *2;+1000 => number = (2*number) + 1000 */ if ($args[0] == '$') $args[0] = $ldapservers->GetValue($ldapserver->server_id,'auto_number','search_base'); $container = $ldapserver->getContainerParent($container,$args[0]); $detail['value'] = get_next_number($ldapserver,$container,$args[1], (!empty($args[2]) && ($args[2] == 'true')) ? true : false,(!empty($args[3])) ? $args[3] : false); # operate calculus on next number. if (!empty($args[4])) { $mod = split(';',$args[4]); $next_number = $detail['value']; foreach ($mod as $calc) { $operand = $calc{0}; $operator = substr ($calc,1); switch ($operand) { case '*': $next_number = $next_number * $operator; break; case '+': $next_number = $next_number + $operator; break; case '-': $next_number = $next_number - $operator; break; case '/': $next_number = $next_number / $operator; break; } } $detail['value'] = $next_number; } break; case 'PickList' : /* * PickList Syntax: * arg0: container, from current position * arg1: LDAP filter. must replace '&' by '&' * arg2: list attribute key * arg3: display, as usual optional arguments: * arg4: output attribute * arg5: container override * arg6: csv list (; separator) of added values. syntax key => display_attribute=value; key... * arg7: csv list (; separator) of sort attributes (less to more important) * example *=php.PickList(/,(&(objectClass=sambaGroupMapping)(|(cn=domain administrator)(cn=domain users)(cn=domain guests))),sambaSID,%cn% (%sambaSID%),sambaPrimaryGroupSID,dmdname=users:::dmdName=groups:::dc=example:::dc=com, S-1-5-XX-YYY => cn=Administrators ; S-1-5-XX-YYY => cn=Users ; S-1-5-XX-YYY => cn=Guests ; S-1-5-XX-YYY => cn=power users,cn) */ $container = $ldapserver->getContainerParent($container,$args[0]); preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U',$args[3],$matchall); //print_r($matchall); // -1 = highlevel match, 1 = attr, 2 = subst, 3 = mod $ldap_attrs = $matchall[1]; array_push($ldap_attrs,$args[2]); $args[1] = str_replace ('&','&',$args[1]); # arg5 overrides container if (!empty($args[5])) $container = str_replace(':::',',',$args[5]); if (!empty($args[7])) { $sort_attrs = split(';',$args[7]); $ldap_attrs = array_merge($ldap_attrs,$sort_attrs); } $picklistvalues = return_ldap_hash($ldapserver,$container,$args[1],$args[2],$ldap_attrs, (isset($args[7])) ? $sort_attrs : false); if (!empty($args[6])) { $args[6] = str_replace(':::',',',$args[6]); $fixedvalues = split(';',$args[6]); foreach ($fixedvalues as $fixedvalue) { $fixedvalue = preg_split('#=\>#',$fixedvalue); $displayvalue = split('=',$fixedvalue[1]); $newvalue[trim($fixedvalue[0])] = array( $args[2] => trim($fixedvalue[0]), trim($displayvalue[0]) => trim($displayvalue[1])); $picklistvalues = array_merge($picklistvalues,$newvalue); } } $detail['value'] = sprintf(''; break; case 'MultiList' : /* * MultiList Syntax: */ /** mandatory fields: arg 0: "/" ,"..","." - from container dn arg 1: search filter, may have values like '%gidNumber%, in case of it is replaced by the gidNumber setted in previous pages. '&' must be replaced by '&' because of xml... arg 2: the key of retrived values optional fields: arg 3: display, as usual (plus modifier /C: Capitalize). replaced by %arg 2% if not given arg 4: the value furnished in output - must be attribute id. replaced by arg 2 if not given arg 5: override of container (replace ',' by ':::' in dn) arg 6: csv (; separator) list of added values. syntax: value => display_key=display_value arg 7: csv (; separator) list of attributes which list must be sort by. less to more important arg 8: size of displayed list (default: 10lines) arg 9: preselected values filter. see arg 1. arg 10: key of preselected values. replaced by arg 4 if not given. replaced bty arg 2 if both are not given. arg 11: base dn override for preselected values unusual exemple:)=php.MultiList(/,(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=groupA*)),uid,%cn/U% (%gidNumber%),memberUid,dmdName=users,root => cn=root; nobody => cn=nobody,gidNumber,10,(gidNuber=%gidNumber%),uid) minimal exemple:=php.MultiList(/,(objectClass=posixAccount),uid) **/ $container = $ldapserver->getContainerParent($container,$args[0]); /* * process filter (arg 1), eventually replace %attr% by it's value * setted in a previous page. */ $args[1] = str_replace('&','&',$args[1]); preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lUC])?%/U',$args[1],$filtermatchall); $formvalues = array_change_key_case($_REQUEST['form']); foreach ($filtermatchall[1] as $arg) { $value=$formvalues[strtolower($arg)]; $args[1] = preg_replace('/%('.$arg.')(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U',$value,$args[1]); } $args[3] = !empty($args[3]) ? $args[3] : "%{$args[2]}%"; preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lUC])?%/U',$args[3],$matchall); //print_r($matchall); // -1 = highlevel match, 1 = attr, 2 = subst, 3 = mod $ldap_attrs = $matchall[1]; array_push($ldap_attrs,$args[2]); /* * container is arg 5 if set * with arg 5 = 'dc=thissubtree:::dc=thistree' stands for 'dc=subtree,dc=tree' * => 'dc=subtree,dc=tree,dc=container' */ if (isset($args[5]) && ($args[5])) $container = str_replace(':::',',',$args[5]); /* * arg 7 is sort attributes * eg: 'sn;givenName' */ if (isset($args[7])) { $sort_attrs = split(';',$args[7]); $ldap_attrs = array_merge($ldap_attrs,$sort_attrs); } $picklistvalues = return_ldap_hash($ldapserver,$container,$args[1],$args[2],$ldap_attrs, (isset($args[7]) && ($args[7])) ? $sort_attrs : false); # arg 6 is a set of fixed values to add to search result if (isset($args[6])) { $args[6] = str_replace(':::',',',$args[6]); $fixedvalues = split(';',$args[6]); foreach ($fixedvalues as $fixedvalue) { if (empty($fixedvalue)) continue; $fixedvalue = preg_split('#=\>#',$fixedvalue); $displayvalue = split('=',$fixedvalue[1]); $newvalue[trim($fixedvalue[0])] = array($args[2] => trim($fixedvalue[0]), trim($displayvalue[0]) => trim($displayvalue[1])); $picklistvalues = array_merge($picklistvalues,$newvalue); } } /* * arg 9 is the search filter for already selected values, with criteriai eventually * coming from previous pages (eg: %uid%) */ if (isset($args[9])) { $args[9] = str_replace('&','&',$args[9]); preg_match_all('/%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lUC])?%/U',$args[9],$matchallinlist); foreach ($matchallinlist[1] as $arg) { $value=$formvalues[strtolower($arg)]; $args[9] = preg_replace('/%('.$arg.')(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U',$value,$args[9]); } # arg 11 overrides container dn for selected values if (!empty($args[11])) $container = str_replace(':::',',',$args[11]); $inpicklistvalues = return_ldap_hash($ldapserver,$container,$args[9],$args[2],$ldap_attrs); } $detail['value'] = sprintf(''; break; case 'RandomPassword' : $detail['value'] = password_generate(); printf('', _('A random password was generated for you'),$detail['value']); break; case 'DrawChooserLink' : $detail['value'] = draw_chooser_link(sprintf('template_form.%s%s',$args[0],$counter),$args[1]); break; case 'Function' : # Capture the function name and remove function name from $args $function_name = array_shift($args); $function_args = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) { if (preg_match('/^%(\w+)(\|.+)?(\/[lU])?%/U',$arg,$matches)) { $varname = $matches[1]; if (isset($_POST['form'][$varname])) $function_args[] = $_POST['form'][$varname]; else pla_error(sprintf(_('Your template calls php.Function for a default value, however (%s) is NOT available in the POST FORM variables. The following variables are available [%s].'),$varname, (isset($_POST['form']) ? implode('|',array_keys($_POST['form'])) : 'NONE'))); } else { $function_args[] = $arg; } } # Call the PHP function if exists (PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5) if (function_exists($function_name)) $detail['value'] = call_user_func_array($function_name,$function_args); break; default : $detail['value'] = 'UNKNOWN'; } $return = $detail['value']; } else { $return = $value; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::EvaluateDefault(): Returning (%s)',5,get_class($this),$return); return $return; } function HelperValue($helper,$id='',$container='',$ldapserver='',$counter='',$default='') { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s::HelperValue(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',5, get_class($this),$helper,$id,$container,$ldapserver->server_id,$counter,$default); if ($container && $ldapserver && ! is_array($helper)) { if (preg_match('/^=php./',$helper)) $html = sprintf('',$id, $this->EvaluateDefault($ldapserver,$helper,$container,$counter)); else # @todo: Enable size and width configuration in template $html = sprintf('',$id); } else { if (is_array($helper)) { $html = sprintf(''; } else { print "ERROR: HelperValue NOT complete, how did you get HERE?"; die(); } } return $html; } } ?>