<?php namespace App\Classes\LDAP\Schema; /** * A simple class for representing AttributeTypes used only by the ObjectClass class. * * Users should never instantiate this class. It represents an attribute internal to * an ObjectClass. If PHP supported inner-classes and variable permissions, this would * be interior to class ObjectClass and flagged private. The reason this class is used * and not the "real" class AttributeType is because this class supports the notion of * a "source" objectClass, meaning that it keeps track of which objectClass originally * specified it. This class is therefore used by the class ObjectClass to determine * inheritance. */ class ObjectClassAttribute extends Base { // This Attribute's root. private string $source; /** * Creates a new ObjectClassAttribute with specified name and source objectClass. * * @param string $name the name of the new attribute. * @param string $source the name of the ObjectClass which specifies this attribute. */ public function __construct($name,$source) { $this->name = $name; $this->source = $source; } public function __get(string $key): mixed { switch ($key) { case 'source': return $this->source; default: return parent::__get($key); } } }