<?php // $Header$ /** * Fetches and displays all information that it can from the specified server * * @package phpLDAPadmin * @subpackage Page */ /** */ require './common.php'; # Fetch basic RootDSE attributes using the + and *. $query = array(); $query['base'] = ''; $query['scope'] = 'base'; $query['attrs'] = $app['server']->getValue('server','root_dse_attributes'); $query['baseok'] = true; $results = $app['server']->query($query,null); $attrs = array_pop($results); printf('<h3 class="title">%s%s</h3>',_('Server info for: '),$app['server']->getName()); printf('<h3 class="subtitle">%s</h3>',_('Server reports the following information about itself')); if (! count($attrs)) { echo '<br /><br />'; printf('<center>%s</center>',_('This server has nothing to report.')); return; } echo '<table class="result" border=0>'; foreach ($attrs as $key => $values) { if ($key == 'dn') continue; $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=schema&server_id=%s&view=attributes&viewvalue=%s',$app['server']->getIndex(),$key); echo '<tr class="list_item"><td class="heading" rowspan=2>'; printf('<a href="%s" title="%s: %s" >%s</a>', $href,_('Click to view the schema definition for attribute type'),$key,$key); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class="list_item"><td class="blank"> </td><td class="value">'; echo '<table class="result" border=0>'; if (is_array($values)) foreach ($values as $value) { $oidtext = ''; print '<tr>'; if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/',$value)) { printf('<td width=5%% rowspan=2 style="vertical-align: top"><img src="%s/rfc.png" title="%s" alt="%s"/></td>', IMGDIR,$value,htmlspecialchars($value)); if ($oidtext = support_oid_to_text($value)) if (isset($oidtext['ref'])) printf('<td><acronym title="%s">%s</acronym></td>',$oidtext['ref'],$oidtext['title']); else printf('<td>%s</td>',$oidtext['title']); else if (strlen($value) > 0) printf('<td><small>%s</small></td>',$value); } else { printf('<td rowspan=2 colspan=2>%s</td>',$value); } print '</tr>'; if (isset($oidtext['desc']) && trim($oidtext['desc'])) printf('<tr><td><small>%s</small></td></tr>',$oidtext['desc']); else echo '<tr><td> </td></tr>'; if ($oidtext) echo '<tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>'; } else printf('<tr><td colspan=2>%s </td></tr>',$values); echo '</table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?>