
return [
	 | Support for attrs display order
	 | Use this array if you want to have your attributes displayed in a specific
	 | order. Case is not important.
	 | For example, "sn" will be displayed right after "givenName". All the other
	 | attributes that are not specified in this array will be displayed after in
	 | alphabetical order.

	'attr_display_order' => [],
	'attr_display_order' => [

	 | Allow Guest
	 | This will determine whether a user can connect to PLA and show the tree
	 | before they have logged in.

	'allow_guest' => env('LDAP_ALLOW_GUEST',FALSE),

	 | Custom Date Format
	 | Configuration to determine how date fields will be displayed.
	'datetime_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',

	 * These attributes will be forced to MAY attributes and become optional in the
	 * templates. If they are not defined in the templates, then they wont appear
	 * as per normal template processing. You may want to do this because your LDAP
	 * server may automatically calculate a default value.
	 * In Fedora Directory Server using the DNA Plugin one could ignore uidNumber,
	 * gidNumber and sambaSID.
	 # 'force_may' => ['uidNumber','gidNumber','sambaSID'],
	'force_may' => [],

	 * If 'login,attr' is used above such that phpLDAPadmin will search for your DN
	 * at login, you may restrict the search to a specific objectClasses. EG, set this
	 * to array('posixAccount') or array('inetOrgPerson',..), depending upon your
	 * setup.
	'login' => [
		'attr' => [env('LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR','uid') => env('LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR_DESC','User ID')],	// Attribute used to find user for login
		'objectclass' => explode(',',env('LDAP_LOGIN_OBJECTCLASS', 'posixAccount')),		// Objectclass that users must contain to login