# translation of messages_fi.po to
# translation of messages.po to
# phpLDAPadmim
# Samuli Seppänen <samuli.seppanen@tietoteema.fi>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: messages_fi\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: phpldapadmin-devel@lists.sf.net\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-19 22:27+1000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-20 07:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: twrHarri <Unknown>\n"
"Language-Team: <en@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2009-08-21 13:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:107
msgid "A call was made to getDefaultAttribute() with an unkown context"
msgstr ""
"getDefaultAttribute() -metodia kutsuttiin tuntemattomassa kontekstissa."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1371
msgid ""
"A call was made to get_next_number(), however, it is disabled for this server"
msgstr ""
"get_next_number() -metodia kutsuttiin, mutta se ei ole käytössä tällä "

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1407
msgid ""
"A call was made to get_next_number(), however, the base to search does not "
"exist for this server."
msgstr ""
"get_next_number() -metodia kutsuttiin, mutta haun lähtöpistettä (base) ei "
"ole tällä palvelimella."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1395
msgid ""
"A call was made to get_next_number(), however, the base to search is empty."
msgstr ""
"get_next_number() -metodia kutsuttiin, mutta haun lähtöpiste (base) on tyhjä."

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:184
msgid "A list of attributes to display in the results (comma-separated)"
msgstr "Pilkuin eroteltu luettelo attribuuteista, jotka näytetään tuloksissa"

#: ../../lib/xmlTemplates.php:99
msgid "A new template XML file has been loaded"
msgstr "Uusi XML-pohja on ladattu."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2466
msgid "A random password was generated for you"
msgstr "Sinulle luotiin satunnainen salasana"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:600
msgid "A valid deleteoldrdn attribute should be specified"
msgstr "attribuutille deleteoldrdn on annettava validi arvo"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:244
msgid "A valid dn line is required"
msgstr "Oikeamuotoinen DN on pakollinen."

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:603
msgid "A valid newrdn attribute should be specified"
msgstr "newrdn - attribuutti on määriteltävä."

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:594
msgid "A valid newsuperier attribute should be specified"
msgstr "newsuper -attribuutti on määriteltävä."

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:48
#, no-wrap
msgid "AIM Nick"
msgstr "AIM-pikaviestimen käyttäjänimi"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1380
msgid "AUTO_NUMBER invalid login/password"
msgstr "AUTO_NUMBER väärä käyttäjätunnus/salasana."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1370
msgid "AUTO_NUMBER is disabled for this server"
msgstr "AUTO_NUMER ei ole käytössä tällä palvelimella."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1495
msgid "AUTO_NUMBER pool filter didnt return any DNs"
msgstr "AUTO_NUMBER pooli-suodin ei palauttanut yhtään DN:ää."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1503
msgid "AUTO_NUMBER pool filter returned too many DNs"
msgstr "AUTO_NUBMER pooli-suodin palautti liian monta DN:ää."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1415
msgid "AUTO_NUMBER search attribute invalid"
msgstr "AUTO_NUMER hakuattribuutti ei kelpaa."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1316 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1320
#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:79 ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:120
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Lisää"

#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:164
msgid "Add Attribute"
msgstr "Lisää attribuutti"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:148
msgid "Add New Value"
msgstr "Lisää uusi arvo"

#: ../../htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:101
msgid "Add ObjectClass and Attributes"
msgstr "Lisää objektiluokka ja sen attribuutit"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2124
msgid "Add Value to Attribute"
msgstr "Lisää attribuutille arvo"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:123
msgid "Add all"
msgstr "Lisää kaikki"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2123 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2127
msgid "Add an additional value to attribute"
msgstr "Lisää attribuutille ylimääräinen arvo."

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:39
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Lisää uusi"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:116
msgid "Add new ObjectClass"
msgstr "Luo objektiluokka"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1318 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1321
#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:31 ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:50
msgid "Add new attribute"
msgstr "Uusi attribuutti"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1317 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1321
msgid "Add new attribute to this object"
msgstr "Lisää uusi attribuutti tälle kohteelle"

#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:89
msgid "Add new binary attribute"
msgstr "Uusi binäärinen attribuutti"

#: ../../htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:62
msgid "Add new objectClass to"
msgstr "Lisää uusi objektiluokka kohteelle"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:123
msgid "Add selected"
msgstr "Lisää valitut"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:30
msgid "Adding"
msgstr "Lisätään"

#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:69
#, no-wrap
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Osoite"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:78
#, no-wrap
msgid "Address (personal)"
msgstr "Kotiosoite"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:115
#, no-wrap
msgid "Address (professional)"
msgstr "Työosoite"

#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Address Book Entry"
msgstr "Osoitekirjan rivi"

#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:52
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Alias"

#: ../../templates/creation/alias.xml:22
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTACluster.xml:20
#: ../../templates/creation/test_extensible.xml:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alias To"
msgstr "Alias kohteelle"

#: ../../lib/config_default.php:765
msgid "Alias for"
msgstr "Alias kohdetta varten"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:176
msgid "Aliases"
msgstr "Aliakset"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternative Email"
msgstr "Vaihtoehtoinen sähköposti"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:151
msgid "An attempt was made to call a function that doesnt exist"
msgstr "Kutsuttiin funktiota jota ei ole olemassa."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1128
#, php-format
msgid "An attribute (%s) was modified and is highlighted below."
msgstr "Muutettu attribuutti %s näkyy alla korostettuna."

#: ../../lib/Template.php:1410
msgid "An entry should have one structural objectClass."
msgstr ""
"Kirjauksella (entry) pitää olla vähintään yksi rakentellinen objektiluokka."

#: ../../htdocs/login_form.php:84
msgid "Anonymous"
msgstr "Anonyymi"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:56
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete these objects?"
msgstr "Oletko varma, että haluat pysyväti tuhota nämä objektit?"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:54 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:108
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this object?"
msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän objektin?"

#: ../../templates/creation/dNSDomain.xml:26
#, no-wrap
msgid "Associated Domain"
msgstr "Toimialue"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:462
msgid "Attempting to delete a non existant attribute"
msgstr "Attribuutti, jota ei ole olemassa, yritettiin poistaa."

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:473
msgid "Attempting to replace a non existant attribute"
msgstr "Attribuuttia, jota ei ole olemassa, yritettiin korvata."

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:54 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:82
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Attribuutti"

#: ../../templates/creation/example.xml:20
#, no-wrap
msgid "Attribute 1"
msgstr "Attribuutti 1"

#: ../../templates/creation/example.xml:27
#, no-wrap
msgid "Attribute 2"
msgstr "Attribuutti 2"

#: ../../templates/creation/example.xml:32
#, no-wrap
msgid "Attribute 3"
msgstr "Attribuutti 3"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:43
msgid "Attribute Types"
msgstr "Attribuuttityypit"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:659
msgid "Attribute doesnt exist"
msgstr "Attribuuttia ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:503
msgid "Attribute not added"
msgstr "Attribuuttia ei lisätty"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_edit.php:115
msgid "Attribute not available"
msgstr "Attribuuttia ei ole saatavilla"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:533
msgid "Attribute not deleted"
msgstr "Attribuuttia ei tuhottu"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:517
msgid "Attribute not modified"
msgstr "Attribuuttia ei muutettu"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:542
msgid "Attribute not valid"
msgstr "Attibuutti ei kelpaa"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:662
msgid "Attribute value would not be unique"
msgstr "Attribuutin arvo ei ole yksiköllinen"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:500 ../../htdocs/schema.php:638
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:671
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Attribuutit"

#: ../../htdocs/login_form.php:87
msgid "Authenticate"
msgstr "Tunnistaudu"

#: ../../htdocs/login.php:22 ../../htdocs/login.php:29
#: ../../htdocs/login_form.php:17 ../../htdocs/login_form.php:40
#: ../../htdocs/logout.php:18
msgid "Authenticate to server"
msgstr "Tunnistaudu palvelimelle"

#: ../../htdocs/cmd.php:68
msgid "Auto refresh"
msgstr "Päivitä automaattisesti"

#: ../../lib/Attribute.php:787
msgid "Automatically determined"
msgstr "Automaattisesti määritelty"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:1326
msgid "Automatically removed attribute from template"
msgstr "Attribuutti on automaattisesti poistettu  pohjasta"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:103
msgid "Automatically removed objectClass from template"
msgstr "Objektiluokka on automaattisesti poistettu  pohjasta"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:92
msgid "Available members"
msgstr "Mahdolliset jäsenet"

#: ../../htdocs/entry_chooser.php:65
msgid "Back Up"
msgstr "Takaisin edelliseen"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:167 ../../htdocs/export_form.php:33
msgid "Base (base dn only)"
msgstr "Base (vain base dn)"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:146 ../../lib/QueryRender.php:603
#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:58
msgid "Base DN"
msgstr "Base DN"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:655 ../../lib/PageRender.php:659
msgid "Binary Value"
msgstr "Binäärinen arvo"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:55
msgid "Building snapshot of tree to copy"
msgstr "Tehdään tilannekuvaa hakemistopuusta kopiontia varten"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_edit.php:63
msgid "Bulk edit the following DNs"
msgstr "Massakäsittele oheisia DN:iä"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:48
msgid "Bulk update the following DNs"
msgstr "Massapäivitä seuraavat DN:t"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:67
msgid "Called to load a class that cant be found"
msgstr "Kutsuttiin luokkatiedostoa, jota ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:138 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:85
#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:133 ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:188
#: ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:116
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Peruuta"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1176 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1179
msgid "Change to another template"
msgstr "Vaihda toiseen pohjaan"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2437
msgid "Check password"
msgstr "Tarkista salasana"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1334 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1339
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Lapset"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:52
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:58
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:78
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:53
#, no-wrap
msgid "City"
msgstr "Kaupunki"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:73
#, no-wrap
msgid "City (Hidden with 2 values)"
msgstr "Kaupunki (kahdella piilotetulla arvolla)"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:82
#, no-wrap
msgid "City (personal)"
msgstr "Kotikaupunki"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:119
#, no-wrap
msgid "City (professional)"
msgstr "Kaupunki (työpaikan)"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:365
msgid "Clearing cache"
msgstr "Tyhjennän välimuistia"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2378
msgid "Click to popup a dialog to select a date graphically"
msgstr "Napsauta tästä valitaksesi päivämäärän valikosta"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2403
msgid "Click to popup a dialog to select an entry (DN) graphically"
msgstr "Napsauta tästä valitaksesi merkinnän (DN) valikosta"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:370 ../../htdocs/server_info.php:39
msgid "Click to view the schema definition for attribute type"
msgstr "Paina nähdäksesi attribuuttityypin skeemamäärittely"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:172
msgid "Collective"
msgstr "Jaettu"

#: ../../htdocs/cmd.php:56
msgid "Command disabled by the server configuration"
msgstr "Toiminto on estetty palvelimen konfiguraatiossa"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:35
#, no-wrap
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentit"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:187 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:115
msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Hyväksy"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:37
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:35
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAlias.xml:21
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:33
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:31
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:35
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:37
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:37
#: ../../templates/creation/test_function.xml:20
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:30
#, no-wrap
msgid "Common Name"
msgstr "Yleinen nimi (Common name)"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:53
#: ../../templates/creation/test_picklist.xml:53
#, no-wrap
msgid "Common Name (RDN + ReadOnly)"
msgstr "Common Name (RDN + ReadOnly)"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1278 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1282
#: ../../htdocs/compare_form.php:34 ../../htdocs/compare_form.php:58
#: ../../htdocs/password_checker.php:39
msgid "Compare"
msgstr "Vertaa"

#: ../../htdocs/compare_form.php:30
msgid "Compare another DN with"
msgstr "Vertaa DN:ä kohteeseen"

#: ../../htdocs/compare_form.php:47
msgid "Compare this DN with another"
msgstr "Vertaa DN:ä toiseen"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1279 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1283
msgid "Compare this entry with another"
msgstr "Vertaa tätä tietuetta toiseen"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1280 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1283
msgid "Compare with another entry"
msgstr "Vertaa toiseen tietueeseen"

#: ../../htdocs/compare.php:44
msgid "Comparing the following DNs"
msgstr "Verrataan seuraavia DN:ä"

#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:92
msgid "Compress"
msgstr "Tiivistä"

#: ../../lib/session_functions.php:141
msgid "Configuration cache stale."
msgstr "Asetusvälimuisti vanhentunut."

#: ../../lib/ds.php:95
msgid "Configuration setting already defined."
msgstr "Konfiguraatiomääre on jo olemassa."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:823 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1407
#: ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:58
msgid "Container"
msgstr "Säilö"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1539
msgid "Container and ObjectClass(es)"
msgstr "Säiliö ja objektiluokka (-luokat)"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:29 ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:33
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopioi"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:87
msgid "Copy "
msgstr "Kopioi "

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:85
msgid "Copy Entry"
msgstr "Kopio tietue"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:76 ../../htdocs/copy.php:135
msgid "Copy NOT successful"
msgstr "Kopiointi EI onnistunut"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1209 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1213
msgid "Copy or move this entry"
msgstr "Kopioi tai siirrä tietue"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:72 ../../htdocs/copy.php:107
#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:131
msgid "Copy successful"
msgstr "Kopionti onnistui"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1208 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1212
msgid "Copy this object to another location, a new DN, or another server"
msgstr ""
"Kopioi objekti toiseen paikkaan, toiselle DN:lle tai toiselle palvelimelle"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:50
msgid "Copying "
msgstr "Kopioidaan "

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:39
msgid "Could not add object"
msgstr "Objektia ei voitu lisätä"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:417
msgid "Could not add the object to the LDAP server."
msgstr "Objektin lisääminen LDAP-palvelimelle epäonnistui."

#: ../../htdocs/delete_attr.php:32
msgid "Could not delete attribute value."
msgstr "Attribuuttia ei voitu poistaa"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:40
msgid "Could not delete object"
msgstr "Objketia ei voitu tuhota"

#: ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:49 ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:68
#: ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:85 ../../htdocs/delete.php:34
msgid "Could not delete the entry."
msgstr "Tietuetta ei voitu tuhota"

#: ../../htdocs/entry_chooser.php:93
msgid "Could not determine base DN"
msgstr "Base DN:ä ei löytynyt"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:71
msgid "Could not determine the root of your LDAP tree."
msgstr "LDAP-puun juurta ei löytynyt."

#: ../../htdocs/download_binary_attr.php:39
#, php-format
msgid "Could not fetch binary data from LDAP server for attribute [%s]."
msgstr "Binääridataa ei voitu noutaa LDAP-palvelimelta attribuutille [%s]."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2007
msgid "Could not fetch jpeg data for attribute"
msgstr "Jpeg-muotoista dataa ei voitu ladata attribuutille"

#: ../../htdocs/view_jpeg_photo.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "Could not fetch jpeg data from LDAP server for attribute [%s]."
msgstr ""
"Jpeg-Binääridataa ei voitu noutaa LDAP-palvelimelta attribuutille [%s]."

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:43
msgid "Could not modify object"
msgstr "Objektia ei voitu muokata"

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:27
msgid "Could not obtain the monitor context for this server"
msgstr "Monitor-kontekstia ei voitu noutaa palvelimelta."

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:575
msgid "Could not perform ldap_modify operation."
msgstr "Toiminto ldap_modify epäonnistui."

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:41 ../../htdocs/import.php:42
msgid "Could not rename object"
msgstr "Objektin uudelleen nimeäminen epäonnistui"

#: ../../htdocs/rename.php:62
msgid "Could not rename the entry."
msgstr "Tietueen uudelleen nimeäminen epäonnistui"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:34
msgid "Could not retrieve schema from"
msgstr "Ei voitu noutaa skeema kohteesta"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:532
msgid "Could not start TLS. Please check your LDAP server configuration."
msgstr ""
"TLS:n käyttöönotto ei onnistunut. Tarkista LDAP-palvelimesi asetukset."

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:94
#, no-wrap
msgid "Country (personal)"
msgstr "Kotimaa"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:131
#, no-wrap
msgid "Country (professional)"
msgstr "Maa (työpaikain)"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Courier Mail: Account"
msgstr "Kuriiriposti: Tili"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAlias.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Courier Mail: Alias"
msgstr "Kuriiriposti: Alias"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1295 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1299
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Luo uusi"

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:88
msgid "Create Entry"
msgstr "Luo tietue"

#: ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:56
msgid "Create LDAP Entry"
msgstr "Luo uusi LDAP-tietue"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:799 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1613
msgid "Create Object"
msgstr "Luo objekti"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1296 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1297
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1300
msgid "Create a child entry"
msgstr "Uusi alitietue"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:501
msgid "Create a new entry in"
msgstr "Uusi tietue kohteeseen"

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:104
msgid "Create another entry"
msgstr "Luo uusi tietue"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:102
msgid "Create it?"
msgstr "Luo pohjatietue nyt."

#: ../../lib/AJAXTree.php:288 ../../lib/AJAXTree.php:291
#: ../../lib/AJAXTree.php:293 ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:501
msgid "Create new entry here"
msgstr "Uusi tietue"

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:82
msgid "Creation successful!"
msgstr "Luonti onnistui!"

#: ../../htdocs/welcome.php:24
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:137
msgid "Current Connections"
msgstr "Nykyiset yhteydet"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:66
msgid "Current list of"
msgstr "Tällä hetkellä"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:140
#, no-wrap
msgid "Custom 1"
msgstr "Oma 1"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "Custom 2"
msgstr "Oma 2"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:148
#, no-wrap
msgid "Custom 3"
msgstr "Oma 3"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "Custom 4"
msgstr "Oma 4"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:100 ../../lib/QueryRender.php:143
msgid "Custom Query"
msgstr "Mukautettu haku"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1207 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1211
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Leikkaa"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:63 ../../htdocs/copy.php:73
#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:77 ../../htdocs/copy.php:107
#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:123 ../../htdocs/copy.php:132
#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:136 ../../htdocs/create.php:82
#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:113
msgid "DN"
msgstr "DN"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:217 ../../lib/import_functions.php:229
msgid "DN does not exist"
msgstr "DN:ää ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1926
msgid "DN not available"
msgstr "DN:ää ei ole saatavilla"

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:350
msgid "DSML V.1 Export"
msgstr "DSML v.1 tuonti"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:105
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Tieto (data)"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:456
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Virheenjäljitys"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:503 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:705
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:827 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:841
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Oletus"

#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:30 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:123
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Poista"

#: ../../htdocs/delete.php:28
msgid "Delete DN"
msgstr "Poista DN"

#: ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:32
msgid "Delete LDAP entries"
msgstr "Poista LDAP-tietueita"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:76 ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:83
msgid "Delete after copy (move):"
msgstr "Poista kopioinnin jälkeen (siirto):"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:129 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:76
#, php-format
msgid "Delete all %s objects"
msgstr "Poista kaikki %s objektia"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2080
msgid "Delete photo"
msgstr "Poista valokuva"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:123
msgid "Delete successful"
msgstr "Poisto onnistui"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1247 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1250
msgid "Delete this entry"
msgstr "Poista tietue"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:519
msgid "Delete value doesnt exist in DN"
msgstr "Poistettavaa arvoa ei löydy DN:stä"

#: ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:60 ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:77
#: ../../htdocs/import.php:31
msgid "Deleting"
msgstr "Poistaa"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:107
#, no-wrap
msgid "Department (professional)"
msgstr "Osasto (ammatillinen)"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:156
#: ../../lib/functions.php:1958 ../../lib/functions.php:1962
#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:138 ../../htdocs/import.php:103
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:136 ../../htdocs/schema.php:164
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:572
#, no-wrap
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Kuvaus"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_function.xml:27
#, no-wrap
msgid "Description (output from function)"
msgstr "Kuvaus (funktion tulosteet)"

#: ../../htdocs/compare_form.php:47 ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:46
msgid "Destination DN"
msgstr "Kohde DN"

#: ../../htdocs/compare_form.php:55 ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:54
msgid "Destination Server"
msgstr "Kohdepalvelin"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:30
msgid "Destination server is currently READ-ONLY."
msgstr "Kohdepalvelin on VAIN LUKU tilassa."

#: ../../lib/Template.php:173
msgid "Disabled by XML configuration"
msgstr "Estetty XML-konfiguraatiossa"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:112
msgid "Display Format"
msgstr "Näyttömuoto"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Näytettävä nimi"

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:101
msgid "Display the new created entry"
msgstr "Näytä uusi luotu tietue"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:837 ../../lib/PageRender.php:112
#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:63 ../../htdocs/compare.php:54
#: ../../htdocs/compare.php:60 ../../htdocs/create.php:96
#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:32 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:113
msgid "Distinguished Name"
msgstr "Yksilöllinen nimi (DN)"

#: ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:63
msgid "Do you want to create this entry?"
msgstr "Haluatko luoda tämän tietueen?"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:38
msgid "Do you want to make these changes?"
msgstr "Haluatko tehdä seuraavat muutokset?"

#: ../../htdocs/welcome.php:25
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Ohjeet"

#: ../../templates/creation/dNSDomain.xml:21
#, no-wrap
msgid "Domain Component"
msgstr "Toimialue (DC)"

#: ../../htdocs/import_form.php:45
msgid "Don't stop on errors"
msgstr "Älä keskeytä kun kohdataan virhe"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:399 ../../lib/functions.php:401
#: ../../lib/functions.php:402 ../../htdocs/welcome.php:26
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Tee lahjoitus"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:71
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAlias.xml:31
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:90
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:35
#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:40
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:69
#, no-wrap
msgid "Email (Verify)"
msgstr "Sähköposti (Varmista)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAAliasObject.xml:32
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualUser.xml:36
#, no-wrap
msgid "Email alias"
msgstr "Sähköpostin tunniste"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAClass.xml:32
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualDomain.xml:32
#, no-wrap
msgid "Email domain"
msgstr "Sähköpostidomain"

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:165
msgid "Encountered an error while performing search."
msgstr "Haku törmäsi virheeseen."

#: ../../templates/creation/test_randompassword.xml:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Salaus"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:91
msgid "Enter the value(s) you would like to add:"
msgstr "Kirjoita arvo(-t) jotka haluat lisätä:"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:568
msgid "Entries found"
msgstr "Löydetyt tietueet"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:126
msgid "Entries to show per page"
msgstr "Tietueita sivua kohden"

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:480
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Tietue"

#: ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "Entry %s and sub-tree deleted successfully."
msgstr "Tietue %s ja sen alitietueet poistettiin."

#: ../../htdocs/entry_chooser.php:24
msgid "Entry Chooser"
msgstr "Valitse tietue"

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:94
msgid "Entry created"
msgstr "Tietue luotu"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:35 ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:26
#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:23 ../../htdocs/mass_edit.php:27
#: ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:26
msgid "Entry does not exist"
msgstr "Tietuetta ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:167
msgid "Equality"
msgstr "Vastaavuudet"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:164 ../../lib/functions.php:591
#: ../../lib/functions.php:593 ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:222
#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:645 ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:659
#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:693 ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:711
#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:1380 ../../htdocs/cmd.php:57
#: ../../htdocs/import.php:81
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Virhe"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1957 ../../lib/functions.php:1961
msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Virhenumero"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2034
msgid "Error writing to jpeg tmp directory"
msgstr "Virhe kirjoitettaeesa jpeg-dataa väliaikaishakemistoon"

#: ../../templates/creation/example.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Example entry"
msgstr "Esimerkkitietue"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:300 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1191
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1192 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1194
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1195 ../../htdocs/export_form.php:39
#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:52
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Vie"

#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:107
msgid "Export format"
msgstr "Viennin tiedostomuoto"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1355 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1358
msgid "Export subtree"
msgstr "Vie LDAP-haara"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:68
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Epäonnistui"

#: ../../htdocs/login.php:35
msgid "Failed to Authenticate to server"
msgstr "Palvelimelle tunnistautuminen epäonnistui"

#: ../../htdocs/logout.php:24
msgid "Failed to Logout of server"
msgstr "Uloskirjautuminen palvelimelta epäonnistui"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:30
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:80
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:100
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:71
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fax"
msgstr "Faksi"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:65
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fax Number"
msgstr "Telefaksin numero"

#: ../../tools/unserialize.php:14 ../../lib/functions.php:166
#: ../../lib/functions.php:613 ../../htdocs/import.php:50
msgid "File"
msgstr "Tiedosto"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:70
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Suodin"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:606
msgid "Filter performed"
msgstr "Suodatus tehty"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:21
#, no-wrap
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Etunimi"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:21
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:20
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:20
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:22
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:21
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:21
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Etunimi"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:25
#: ../../templates/creation/test_picklist.xml:21
#, no-wrap
msgid "First name (JS OnChange)"
msgstr "Etunimi (JS OnChange)"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:178
msgid "Force as MAY by config"
msgstr "Pakota ei-pakolliseksi konfiguraation avulla"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:581
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Muoto"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:381 ../../lib/functions.php:383
#: ../../lib/functions.php:384
msgid "Forum"
msgstr "Keskustelualue"

#: ../../tools/unserialize.php:17 ../../lib/functions.php:617
msgid "Function"
msgstr "Toiminto"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:150
msgid "Function doesnt exist"
msgstr "Toimintoa ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:137
msgid "Function() only takes two arguments and more than two were specified"
msgstr "Funkto() ottaa kaksi argumenttia ja useampia määriteltiin"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:200
msgid "Function() variable expansion can only handle 1 value"
msgstr "Funktio() muutujan laajennos voi käsitellä vain yhden arvon"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:63
#: ../../templates/creation/posixGroup.xml:25
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaGroupMapping.xml:31
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:57
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaMachine.xml:37
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:41
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:63
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:63
#: ../../templates/creation/test_invalidattrs.xml:20
#: ../../templates/creation/test_multilist.xml:25
#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:35
#: ../../templates/creation/test_picklist.xml:29
#: ../../templates/modification/posixGroup.xml:25
#, no-wrap
msgid "GID Number"
msgstr "GID numero (ryhmän numero)"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:65 ../../lib/functions.php:675
msgid "Generic Error"
msgstr "Yleinen virhe"

#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:11
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generic: Address Book Entry"
msgstr "Yleinen: Osoitekirjan tietue"

#: ../../templates/creation/dNSDomain.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generic: DNS Entry"
msgstr "Yleinen: DNS-tietue"

#: ../../templates/creation/alias.xml:12
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generic: LDAP Alias"
msgstr "Yleinen: LDAP Alias"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generic: Organisational Role"
msgstr "Yleinen: Organsaatiorooli"

#: ../../templates/creation/ou.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generic: Organisational Unit"
msgstr "Yleinen: Organisaatioyksikkö (OU)"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixGroup.xml:11
#: ../../templates/modification/posixGroup.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generic: Posix Group"
msgstr "Yleinen: Posix-ryhmä"

#: ../../templates/creation/simpleSecurityObject.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generic: Simple Security Object"
msgstr "Yleine: Simple Securiy -objekti"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generic: User Account"
msgstr "Yleinen: Käyttäjätili"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:21
#, no-wrap
msgid "Given Name"
msgstr "Etunimi"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:216 ../../htdocs/schema.php:218
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:446 ../../htdocs/schema.php:448
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:500 ../../htdocs/schema.php:502
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:551 ../../htdocs/schema.php:553
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Siirry"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:218 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:128
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Takaisin"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1924
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "Siirry"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixGroup.xml:20
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaGroupMapping.xml:21
#: ../../templates/creation/test_multilist.xml:20
#: ../../templates/modification/posixGroup.xml:20
#, no-wrap
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Ryhmä"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:93
msgid "Group members"
msgstr "Ryhmän jäsenet"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:52
#, no-wrap
msgid "HTML Email Format"
msgstr "HTML Sähköpostin muoto"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:405 ../../lib/functions.php:407
#: ../../lib/functions.php:408
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ohje"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2213 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2224
msgid ""
"Helper attribute has too many DISPLAY values, only the first one is used"
msgstr ""
"Apuattribuutilla (helper) on liian monta DISPLAY-arvoa, vain ensimmäistä "

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2202
msgid "Helper attribute has too many ID values, only the first one is used"
msgstr ""
"Apuattribuutilla (helper) on liian monta ID-arvoa, vain ensimmäistä käytetään"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1225
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Piilota"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1226
msgid "Hide internal attributes"
msgstr "Piilota sisäiset attribuutit"

#: ../../lib/page.php:409
msgid "Hide/Unhide the tree"
msgstr "Piilota/Näytä hakemistopuu"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:59
msgid "Hint"
msgstr "Vihje"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:95
msgid ""
"Hint: Copying between different servers only works if there are no schema "
msgstr ""
"Vihje: Tietojen kopiointi palvelimien välillä onnistuu vain, jos skeemat "
"vastaavat toisiaan"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1115
msgid "Hint: To delete an attribute, empty the text field and click save."
msgstr ""
"Vihje: Poistaaksesi attribuutin tyhjennä tekstikenttä ja napsauta \"Tallenna "

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1147
msgid "Hint: To view the schema for an attribute, click the attribute name."
msgstr ""
"Vihje: Näyttääksesi attribuutin käyttämän skeeman, napsauta sen nimeä."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1443
msgid ""
"Hint: You must choose exactly one structural objectClass (shown in bold "
msgstr ""
"Vihje: Rakenteellisista objektiluokista (yllä lihavoituna) on valittava "
"tasan yksi"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:356 ../../lib/functions.php:358
#: ../../lib/functions.php:359
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Pääsivu"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:66
#, no-wrap
msgid "Home Directory"
msgstr "Kotihakemisto"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:61
#, no-wrap
msgid "Home Phone Number"
msgstr "Kotipuhelinnumero"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:49
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:123
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:49
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:49
#, no-wrap
msgid "Home directory"
msgstr "Kotihakemisto"

#: ../../lib/hooks.php:128
msgid "Hook function does not exist"
msgstr "Hook-funktiota ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:504
msgid "Hook pre_attr_add prevented attribute from being added"
msgstr "Hook pre_attr_add esti lisäämästä attribuuttia"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:534
msgid "Hook pre_attr_delete prevented attribute from being deleted"
msgstr "Hook pre_attr_add esti poistamasta attribuuttia"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:518
msgid "Hook pre_attr_modify prevented attribute from being modified"
msgstr "Hook pre_attr_add esti muokkaamasta attribuuttia"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAMapObject.xml:36
#, no-wrap
msgid "Host/Network/Address"
msgstr "Isäntä/Verkko/Osoite"

#: ../../htdocs/view_jpeg_photo.php:51
msgid "Image not available"
msgstr "Kuvaa ei ole"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:287 ../../htdocs/import.php:47
#: ../../htdocs/import_form.php:21
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Tuo"

#: ../../htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:68
msgid "In order to add these objectClass(es) to this entry, you must specify"
msgstr "Lisätäksesi objektiluokan(-at) tietueeseen, sinun tulee määritellä"

#: ../../lib/Query.php:73
#, php-format
msgid "In the XML file (%s), [%s] contains an unknown key."
msgstr "XML-tiedostossa (%s), [%s] tuntematon avain"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:166 ../../lib/Query.php:103
#, php-format
msgid "In the XML file (%s), [%s] is an array, it must be a string."
msgstr "XML-tiedostossa (%s), [%s] on taulukko, sen pitää olla merkkijono."

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:166
#, php-format
msgid "Inactivity will log you off at %s"
msgstr "Toimeton istunto katkaistaan %s"

#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:86
msgid "Include system attributes"
msgstr "Ota mukaan järjestelmän attribuutit"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:258
msgid "Incorrect version of PHP"
msgstr "Väärä PHP:n versio"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:257
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Tietoja"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:645 ../../htdocs/schema.php:678
msgid "Inherited from"
msgstr "Periytyy kohteesta"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:166 ../../htdocs/schema.php:579
msgid "Inherits from"
msgstr "Periytyy kohteesta"

#: ../../htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:67
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Ohjeet"

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:85
msgid "Internal"
msgstr "Sisäinen"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1528
msgid "Invalid AUTO_NUMBER mechanism"
msgstr "virheellinen AUTO_NUMER mekanismi"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:351
msgid "Invalid BASE for query"
msgstr "Virheellinen lähtökohta (BASE) kyselyssä"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_invalidoc.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/test_invalidoc2.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invalid Object Class"
msgstr "Virheellinen objektiluokka"

#: ../../htdocs/rename.php:44
msgid "Invalid RDN value"
msgstr "Virheellinen RDN-arvo"

#: ../../htdocs/login.php:36
msgid "Invalid Username or Password."
msgstr "Virheellinen käyttäjätunnus tai salasana"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:229
msgid "Invalid argument count for PasswordEncrypt"
msgstr "Määreiden lukumäärä virheellinen PasswordEncryptille"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:567
msgid "Invalid entry"
msgstr "Virheellinen tietue"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:240 ../../lib/PageRender.php:257
msgid "Invalid value count for PasswordEncrypt"
msgstr "PasswordEncryptin arvojen lukumäärä virheellinen"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:199
msgid "Invalid value count for [post] processing"
msgstr "Virheellinen lukumäärä [post] käsittelylle"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:72
msgid ""
"It appears that the LDAP server has been configured to not reveal its root."
msgstr ""
"Vaikuttaa siltä, että LDAP-palvelin on asetettu piilottamaan "

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2041
msgid "It appears that the jpeg image may not be a jpeg image"
msgstr "Vaikuttaa siltä, että jpeg-kuva ei mahdollisesti ole jpeg-kuva."

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:593
#, php-format
msgid ""
"It seems that sasl_authz_id_regex \"%s\" contains invalid PCRE regular "
"expression. The error is \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"Vaikuttaa siltä, että sls_authz_id_regex \"%s\" sisältää virhellisen PCRE "
"säännöllisen lausekkeen. Virhe on \"%s\"."

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:411
msgid "Jump to a matching rule"
msgstr "Siirry täsmäyssääntöön"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:186
msgid "Jump to an attribute type"
msgstr "Siirry attribuuttityyppiin"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:519
msgid "Jump to an objectClass"
msgstr "Siirry objektiluokkaan"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:591 ../../htdocs/schema.php:615
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:617 ../../htdocs/schema.php:648
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:681
msgid "Jump to this objectClass definition"
msgstr "Siirry tämän objektiluokan määritykseen"

#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Kolab: User Entry"
msgstr "Kolab: Käyttäjä tietue"

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:129
msgid "LDAP Connections"
msgstr "LDAP Yhteydet"

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:36
msgid "LDAP Server"
msgstr "LDAP Palvelin"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1954
msgid "LDAP said"
msgstr "LDAP vastasi"

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:449
msgid "LDIF Export"
msgstr "LDIF Vienti"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:156
msgid "LDIF Import"
msgstr "LDIF Tuonti"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:177
msgid "LDIF import only suppports version 1"
msgstr "LDIF tuonti tukee vain versiota 1"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:73
msgid "LDIF text import"
msgstr "LDIF tekstituonti"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:85
#, no-wrap
msgid "LM Password"
msgstr "LM Salasana"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:26
#, no-wrap
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Sukunimi"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:29
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:28
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAlias.xml:26
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:27
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:26
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:29
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:29
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:29
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:25
#, no-wrap
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Sukunimi"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:46
#: ../../templates/creation/test_picklist.xml:46
#, no-wrap
msgid "Last name (JS OnChange)"
msgstr "Sukunimi (JS OnChange)"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:104
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Rivi"

#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:123
msgid "Line ends"
msgstr "Rivin loppu"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:107 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:95
msgid "List of entries to be deleted:"
msgstr "Luettelo poistettavista merkinnöistä:"

#: ../../lib/AJAXTree.php:289 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1176
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1192 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1209
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1247 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1263
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1280 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1297
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1336 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1355
#: ../../lib/functions.php:372 ../../htdocs/show_cache.php:96
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Ladataan"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:298
msgid "Loading Export"
msgstr "Lataa vientiä"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:285
msgid "Loading Import"
msgstr "Lataa tuontia"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:255
msgid "Loading Info"
msgstr "Lataa tietoja"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:519 ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:521
msgid "Loading Login"
msgstr "Ladataan sisäänkirjautumista"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:272
msgid "Loading Monitor Info"
msgstr "Ladataan Monitor-infoa"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:215
msgid "Loading Schema"
msgstr "Ladataan skeema"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:594 ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:228
msgid "Loading Search"
msgstr "Ladataan hakua"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:346
msgid "Logged in as"
msgstr "Kirjautunut sisään tunnuksella"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:525 ../../htdocs/update.php:66
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Kirjaudu"

#: ../../htdocs/login_form.php:71
msgid "Login DN"
msgstr "Kirjaudu sisään käyttäen DN:ää"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:70
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:100
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:70
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:70
#, no-wrap
msgid "Login shell"
msgstr "Login shell"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:519 ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:521
msgid "Login to"
msgstr "Kirjaudu sisään"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:331
msgid "Logout of this server"
msgstr "Kirjaudu ulos palvelimelta"

#: ../../htdocs/entry_chooser.php:36
msgid "Looking in"
msgstr "Haetaan"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaMachine.xml:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "Machine Name"
msgstr "Koneen nimi"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1932
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Sähköposti"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:77
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Postilaatikko"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAlias.xml:36
#, no-wrap
msgid "Maildrop"
msgstr "Postinvälitin"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:78
msgid "Make sure your filter (above) will select all child records."
msgstr "Varmista, että suotimesi (yllä) valitsee myös kaikki alamerkinnät."

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:46
msgid "Mass Delete"
msgstr "Massapoisto"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:454
msgid "Matching Rule OID"
msgstr "OID"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:45 ../../htdocs/schema.php:288
msgid "Matching Rules"
msgstr "Täsmäyssäännöt"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:145 ../../htdocs/schema.php:175
msgid "Maximum Length"
msgstr "Maksimipituus"

#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:127 ../../htdocs/import_form.php:38
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "Tiedoston maksimikoko"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:335
msgid "Memory Limit low."
msgstr "Muistirajoitus alhainen"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:195 ../../lib/Query.php:116
#, php-format
msgid "Missing %s in the XML file."
msgstr "XML-tiedostosta puuttu %s."

#: ../../lib/Template.php:211
#, php-format
msgid "Missing RDN attribute %s in the XML file."
msgstr "Puuttuva RDN-attribuutti %s XML-tiedostossa."

#: ../../lib/Attribute.php:722
msgid "Missing [post] setting in XML file"
msgstr "Puuttuva [post] asetus XML-tiedostossa"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:436
msgid "Missing attributes for"
msgstr "Puuttuvia attribuutteja"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:450
msgid "Missing modify command add, delete or replace"
msgstr "Puuttuva muokkauskomento (lisäys, poisto tai korvaus)"

#: ../../htdocs/index.php:69 ../../htdocs/index.php:76
#: ../../htdocs/index.php:83
msgid "Missing required extension"
msgstr "Puuttuva pakollinen laajennus"

#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:85
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:104
#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:73
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:75
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Matkapuhelin"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:62
msgid "Modification NOT successful!"
msgstr "Muutos EI onnistunut!"

#: ../../htdocs/update.php:62 ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:60
msgid "Modification successful!"
msgstr "Muutos onnistui!"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:59
msgid "Modify group"
msgstr "Muokkaa ryhmää"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2142
msgid "Modify group membership"
msgstr "Muokkaa ryhmän jäsenyyttä"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2141 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2146
msgid "Modify members for"
msgstr "Muokkaa jäseniä ryhmälle"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:34
msgid "Modifying"
msgstr "Muokataan"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:274
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Monitor"

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:30
msgid "Monitor info for: "
msgstr "Tarkkailutieto: "

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:26
msgid "Monitoring context does not exist"
msgstr "Tarkkailtua kontekstia ei ole"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:76 ../../htdocs/copy.php:135
msgid "Move NOT successful"
msgstr "Siirto EI onnistunut"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:72 ../../htdocs/copy.php:131
msgid "Move successful"
msgstr "Siirto onnistui"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:92
#, no-wrap
msgid "NT Password"
msgstr "NT Salasana"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:454
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nimi"

#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Address Book Entry"
msgstr "Uusi osoitekirjan tietue"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Courier Mail Account"
msgstr "Uusi kuriiripostiosoite"

#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAlias.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Courier Mail Alias"
msgstr "Uusi kuriiripostialias"

#: ../../templates/creation/dNSDomain.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New DNS Entry"
msgstr "Uusi DNS-tietue"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_function.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Device"
msgstr "Uusi laite"

#: ../../templates/creation/alias.xml:7
#: ../../templates/creation/test_extensible.xml:7
#, no-wrap
msgid "New LDAP Alias"
msgstr "Uusi LDAP Alias"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Organisational Role"
msgstr "Uusi organisaatiorooli"

#: ../../templates/creation/ou.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Organisational Unit"
msgstr "Uusi organisaatioyksikkö (OU)"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixGroup.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/test_multilist.xml:6
#: ../../templates/modification/posixGroup.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Posix Group"
msgstr "Uusi Posix-ryhmä"

#: ../../htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:85
msgid "New Required Attributes"
msgstr "Uudet välttämättömät attribuutit"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaDomain.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Samba Domain"
msgstr "Uusi Samba-toimialue (domain)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Samba3 Account"
msgstr "Uusi Samba3-tili"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaGroupMapping.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Samba3 Group Mapping"
msgstr "Uusi Samba3-ryhmäkytkentä"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaMachine.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Samba3 Machine"
msgstr "Uusi Samba3-tietokone"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAAliasObject.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Sendmail Alias"
msgstr "Uusi Sendmail Alias"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTACluster.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Sendmail Cluster"
msgstr "Uusi Sendmail Klusteri"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAClass.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualDomain.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Sendmail Domain"
msgstr "Uusi Sendmail-toimialue"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAMapObject.xml:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Sendmail Relays"
msgstr "Uusi Sendmail relay"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualUser.xml:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Sendmail Virtual User"
msgstr "Uusi Sendmail-Virtuaalikäyttäjä"

#: ../../templates/creation/simpleSecurityObject.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/test_randompassword.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Simple Security Object"
msgstr "Uusi Simple Security -objekti"

#: ../../lib/xmlTemplates.php:98
msgid "New Template XML found."
msgstr "Uusi XML-pohja löydetty."

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New Thunderbird Address Book Entry"
msgstr "Uusi Thunderbird-osoitekirjatietue"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "New User Account"
msgstr "Uusi käyttäjätili"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:54 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:82
msgid "New Value"
msgstr "Uusi arvo"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:35
#, no-wrap
msgid "NickName"
msgstr "Nimimerkki"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:257 ../../htdocs/schema.php:325
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:329 ../../htdocs/schema.php:333
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:392
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ei"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1394
msgid "No AUTO_NUMBER search_base configured for this server"
msgstr "Ei AUTO_NUMBER search_base -määritystä asetettu tälle palvelmelle"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1406
msgid "No AUTO_NUMBER search_base exists for this server"
msgstr ""
"Ei AUTO_NUMBER search_base -määritystä ole olemassa tälle palvelimelle"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:542
msgid "No RDN attribute"
msgstr "Ei RDN-attribuuttia"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:543
msgid "No RDN attribute was selected"
msgstr "RDN-attribuuttia ei valittu"

#: ../../htdocs/download_binary_attr.php:38
msgid "No binary data available"
msgstr "Binääristä dataa ei ole saatavilla"

#: ../../htdocs/purge_cache.php:26
msgid "No cache to purge."
msgstr "Ei tyhjennettävää välimuistia."

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:84
msgid "No current value for attribute"
msgstr "Ei nykyistä arvoa attribuutille"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:22
msgid "No entry selected"
msgstr "Tietuetta ei valittu"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:23
msgid "No entry was selected to delete"
msgstr "Tuhottavaa tietuetta ei valittu"

#: ../../htdocs/view_jpeg_photo.php:61
msgid "No image available"
msgstr "Ei kuvaa saatavilla"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:101
msgid "No import input"
msgstr "Ei tuotua tietoa"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1455
msgid "No internal attributes"
msgstr "Ei sisäisiä attribuutteja"

#: ../../htdocs/template_engine.php:47
msgid "No such entry"
msgstr "Tietuetta ei löydetty"

#: ../../htdocs/compare.php:26 ../../htdocs/compare.php:29
#: ../../htdocs/delete.php:21
msgid "No such entry."
msgstr "Tietuetta ei löydetty."

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:709
#, php-format
msgid "No such schema item: \"%s\""
msgstr "Skeemasta puuttuu kohta: \"%s\""

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:410
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Huomautus"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:123
msgid ""
"Note: You may be required to enter new attributes that these objectClass(es) "
msgstr ""
"Huom: Joudut ehkä määrittämään objektiluokkien tarvitsemat uudet attribuutit"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:100 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:67
msgid ""
"Note: this is potentially very dangerous and you do this at your own risk. "
"This operation cannot be undone. Take into consideration aliases, referrals, "
"and other things that may cause problems."
msgstr ""
"Huom: Tämä toiminto on erittäin vaarallinen, eikä sitä voi perua. Joudut "
"siis tekemään sen omalla riskilläsi. Ota huomioon aliakset, viittaukset ja "
"muut mahdollisesti seikat, jotka voivat aiheuttaa ongelmia."

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:457
msgid "Nothing to export"
msgstr "Ei vietävää kohdetta"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:569
msgid "OID"
msgstr "OID"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1425 ../../htdocs/schema.php:42
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:383
msgid "ObjectClasses"
msgstr "Objektiluokat"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:178
msgid "ObjectClasses in XML dont exist in LDAP server."
msgstr "XML:n sisältämiä objektiluokkia ei löydy LDAP-palvelimelta."

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:165 ../../htdocs/schema.php:471
msgid "Obsolete"
msgstr "Vanhentunut"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:41
#, no-wrap
msgid "Occupant"
msgstr "Työntekijä"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:54 ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:99
msgid "Old Value"
msgstr "Vanha arvo"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:164 ../../htdocs/export_form.php:34
msgid "One (one level beneath base)"
msgstr "One (yksi taso päätason alapuolella)"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1647 ../../htdocs/schema.php:625
msgid "Optional Attributes"
msgstr "Valinnaiset attribuutit"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:37
msgid "Or lastly, your LDAP server doesnt provide this information."
msgstr "Voi myös olla, ettei LDAP-palvelimesi tarjoa näitä tietoja."

#: ../../htdocs/import_form.php:41
msgid "Or paste your LDIF here"
msgstr "Liitä LDIF tähän"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:191
msgid "Order by"
msgstr "Lajittele"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:168
msgid "Ordering"
msgstr "Järjestys"

#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:44
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:56
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:41
#, no-wrap
msgid "Organisation"
msgstr "Organisaatio"

#: ../../templates/creation/ou.xml:20
#, no-wrap
msgid "Organisational Unit"
msgstr "Organisaatioyksikkö (OU)"

#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:60
#, no-wrap
msgid "Organisational unit"
msgstr "Organisaatioyksikkö (OU)"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:111
#, no-wrap
msgid "Organization (professional)"
msgstr "Organisaatio (työpaikan)"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:1379
msgid "Our attempts to find your SCHEMA have failed"
msgstr "Skeemojen haku epäonnistui"

#: ../../lib/common.php:200
msgid "PHP Safe Mode"
msgstr "PHP:n Safe Mode"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:69
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pager"
msgstr "Hakulaite"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:598
msgid "Parent to"
msgstr "Yläluokka kohteille"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:100
msgid "Parse Error"
msgstr "Jäsennysvirhe"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:80
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:82
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:39
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:75
#: ../../templates/creation/simpleSecurityObject.xml:28
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:80
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:80
#: ../../templates/creation/test_randompassword.xml:28
#: ../../htdocs/login_form.php:77
#, no-wrap
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Salasana"

#: ../../htdocs/password_checker.php:31
msgid "Password Checker Tool"
msgstr "Salasanan tarkistustyökalu"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:230
msgid "PasswordEncrypt() only accepts two arguments"
msgstr "PasswordEncrypt() sallii vain kaksi argumenttia"

#: ../../htdocs/password_checker.php:61
msgid "Passwords do not match!"
msgstr "Salasanat eivät täsmää!"

#: ../../htdocs/password_checker.php:59
msgid "Passwords match!"
msgstr "Salasanat täsmäävät!"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:70 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:38
msgid "Permanently delete all children also?"
msgstr "Poista lopullisesti myös kaikki alamerkinnät?"

#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:39
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:36
#, no-wrap
msgid "Photo"
msgstr "Valokuva"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:62
#, no-wrap
msgid "Photo (Binary)"
msgstr "Valokuva (Binääri)"

#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:170
msgid "Please Wait"
msgstr "Odota hetki"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1496 ../../lib/functions.php:1504
msgid ""
"Please change your filter parameter, or check your auto_number,search_base "
msgstr ""
"Muuta suodatinasetuksia tai tarkasta auto_number  ja search_base asetukset"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:174
msgid "Please check and see if this bug has been reported"
msgstr "Tarkista onko tämä virhe jo raportoitu"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2035
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Please check jpeg,tmpdir is a writable directory in the phpLDAPadmin "
msgstr ""
"Tarkasta, että phpLDAPadmin-ohjelman config.php-tiedostossa määriteltyyn  "
"jpeg väliaikaishakemistoon voidaan kirjoittaa"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:459
msgid "Please go back and try again."
msgstr "Palaa takaisin ja yritä uudelleen"

#: ../../htdocs/logout.php:25
msgid "Please report this error to the admins."
msgstr "Raportoi tämä virhe ylläpidolle."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2024
msgid ""
"Please set jpeg,tmpdir to a writable directory in the phpLDAPadmin config.php"
msgstr ""
"Aseta phpLDAPadmin-ohjelman config.php-tiedostossa määritelty jpeg "
"väliaikaishakemistoksi sellainen hakemisto, johon on kirjoitusoikeudet"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:73
msgid "Please specify it in config.php"
msgstr "Määritettävä tiedostossa config.php"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:82
#, no-wrap
msgid "Post Code (Option selection)"
msgstr "Postinumero (Vapaaehtoinen valinta)"

#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:74
#, no-wrap
msgid "Post box"
msgstr "Postitoimipaikka"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:65
#, no-wrap
msgid "Postal Address"
msgstr "Postiosoite"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:60
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:68
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:86
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:61
#, no-wrap
msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "Postinumero"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:96
msgid "Predefined Query"
msgstr "Esimääritetty kysely"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:111
#, no-wrap
msgid "Primary Group ID"
msgstr "Pääryhmä ryhmätunnus (Primary Group ID)"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:1095
msgid "Problem with autoFill() in template"
msgstr "Ongelma pohjan autoFill()-toiminnossa"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1611
msgid "Proceed &gt;&gt;"
msgstr "Eteenpäin &gt;&gt;"

#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:137 ../../htdocs/import_form.php:46
msgid "Proceed >>"
msgstr "Eteenpäin >>"

#: ../../htdocs/purge_cache.php:31
msgid "Purge cache"
msgstr "Tyhjennä välimuisti"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:362 ../../lib/functions.php:365
#: ../../lib/functions.php:366
msgid "Purge caches"
msgstr "Tyhjennä välimuistit"

#: ../../htdocs/purge_cache.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "Purged %s bytes of cache."
msgstr "Tyhjennetty %s tavua välimuistista."

#: ../../lib/Template.php:776
#, php-format
msgid ""
"RDN attribute sequence [%s] is already used by attribute [%s] and cant be "
"used by attribute [%s] also."
msgstr ""
"RDN attribuuttisisältö [%s] on jo käytössä attribuutilla [%s] ja ei voi olla "
"samaan aikaan käytössä attribuutilla [%s]."

#: ../../lib/Template.php:773
msgid "RDN attribute sequence already defined"
msgstr "RDN attribuuttisisältö on jo käytössä"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2318
msgid "Really delete value from attribute"
msgstr "Haluatko todella tuhota arvon attribuutilta"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAAliasObject.xml:37
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualUser.xml:42
#, no-wrap
msgid "Recipient Addresses"
msgstr "Vastaanottajan osoitteet"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:62
msgid "Recursive copy"
msgstr "Rekursiivinen kopiointi"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:51
msgid "Recursive copy progress"
msgstr "Rekursiivinen kopiointi käynnissä"

#: ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:33
msgid "Recursive delete progress"
msgstr "Rekursiivinen poisto käynnissä"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:64
msgid "Recursively copy all children of this object as well."
msgstr "Kopioi kaikki objektin alaluokat rekursiivisesti."

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:244 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1161
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1162 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1164
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1165
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Päivitä"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1162 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1165
msgid "Refresh this entry"
msgstr "Päivitä tietue"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:242
msgid "Refreshing Tree"
msgstr "Päivitetään puurakenne"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:71
#, no-wrap
msgid "Registered Address"
msgstr "Rekisteröidyt osoitteet"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1162
msgid "Reloading"
msgstr "Ladataan uudelleen"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:127
msgid "Remove selected"
msgstr "Poista valitut"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1262 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1263
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1265 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1266
#: ../../htdocs/rename_form.php:26 ../../htdocs/rename_form.php:30
#: ../../htdocs/rename_form.php:37
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Nimeä uudelleen"

#: ../../htdocs/rename.php:55
msgid "Rename Entry"
msgstr "Nimeä tietue uudelleen"

#: ../../htdocs/rename.php:50
msgid "Rename successful!"
msgstr "Uudelleen nimeäminen onnistui!"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1263 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1266
msgid "Rename this entry"
msgstr "Nimeä tietue uudelleen"

#: ../../htdocs/import.php:32 ../../htdocs/import.php:33
msgid "Renaming"
msgstr "Nimetään uudelleen"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:393 ../../lib/functions.php:395
#: ../../lib/functions.php:396
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr "Raportoi bugi"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:387 ../../lib/functions.php:389
#: ../../lib/functions.php:390
msgid "Request feature"
msgstr "Tee muutosehdotus"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1639 ../../htdocs/schema.php:625
msgid "Required Attributes"
msgstr "Pakolliset attribuutit"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:453
msgid "Required attribute for objectClass(es)"
msgstr "Objektiluokan(-luokkien)  pakollinen attribuutti"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:663 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:700
msgid "Retieving DN"
msgstr "Noudetaan DN:ää"

#: ../../lib/AJAXTree.php:122 ../../lib/AJAXTree.php:127
msgid "Retrieving DN"
msgstr "Noudetaan DN:ää"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:20
#, no-wrap
msgid "Role CN"
msgstr "Roolin CN"

#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:64
#, no-wrap
msgid "Room Number"
msgstr "Huoneen numero"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:96
msgid "Run a predefined query"
msgstr "Aja esimääritetty haku"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:550
msgid ""
"SASL has been enabled in your config, but your PHP install does not support "
"SASL. SASL will be disabled."
msgstr ""
"SASL on päällä asetuksissa, mutta PHP-asennuksessa ei ole mukana SASL-tukea. "
"SASL on otettu pois päältä."

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaDomain.xml:20
#, no-wrap
msgid "Samba Domain Name"
msgstr "Samba-toimialueen nimi (Samba domain name)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaGroupMapping.xml:50
#, no-wrap
msgid "Samba Group Type"
msgstr "Samba ryhmän tyyppi (Samba group type)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaDomain.xml:25
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaGroupMapping.xml:39
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaMachine.xml:43
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:63
#, no-wrap
msgid "Samba SID"
msgstr "Samba SID"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Samba: Account"
msgstr "Samba: Tili"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaDomain.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Samba: Domain"
msgstr "Samba: Toimialue (Domain)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaGroupMapping.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Samba: Group Mapping"
msgstr "Samba: Ryhmän liitokset (Group mapping)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaMachine.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Samba: Machine"
msgstr "Samba: Tietokone"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1353 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1357
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Tallenna"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1192 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1195
msgid "Save a dump of this object"
msgstr "Tee objektista vedos"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1354 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1358
msgid "Save a dump of this object and all of its children"
msgstr "Tee objektista ja sen alaobjekteista vedos"

#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:89
msgid "Save as file"
msgstr "Tallenna tiedostona"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:152
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Tallenna muutokset"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:39
msgid "Schema for server"
msgstr "Skeema palvelimelle"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:77 ../../lib/QueryRender.php:206
#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:230 ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:666
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Etsi"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:175 ../../lib/export_functions.php:208
#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:80
msgid "Search Filter"
msgstr "Hakusuodin"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:196 ../../lib/QueryRender.php:217
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Haun tulokset"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:155 ../../lib/export_functions.php:207
#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:66
msgid "Search Scope"
msgstr "Hakualue (scope)"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:693
msgid "Search for DN returned the incorrect number of results"
msgstr "DN:n haku palautti virheellisen tulosjoukon"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:355
msgid "Search returned no results"
msgstr "Haku ei palauttanut tuloksia"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:382 ../../lib/Template.php:407
#: ../../lib/Template.php:412 ../../lib/Template.php:469
#: ../../lib/Template.php:494 ../../lib/Template.php:499
msgid "Security error: The file being uploaded may be malicious."
msgstr "Tietoturvavaroitus: Kopioitava tiedosto saattaa olla vahingollinen."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:611
msgid "Select a template for the creation process"
msgstr "Valitse luonnissa käytettävä malli"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:615
msgid "Select a template to edit the entry"
msgstr "Valitse pohja tietueen muokkausta varten"

#: ../../htdocs/import_form.php:33
msgid "Select an LDIF file"
msgstr "Valitse LDIF-tiedosto"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAAliasObject.xml:20
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAClass.xml:20
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAMapObject.xml:24
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualDomain.xml:20
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualUser.xml:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sendmail Cluster Name"
msgstr "Sendmail-klusterin Nimi"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAAliasObject.xml:26
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAClass.xml:26
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAMapObject.xml:30
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualDomain.xml:26
#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualUser.xml:30
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sendmail Hostname"
msgstr "Sendmail palvelinnimi (hostname)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAAliasObject.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sendmail: Alias"
msgstr "Sendmail: Alias"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTACluster.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sendmail: Cluster"
msgstr "Sendmail: Klusteri"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAClass.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sendmail: Domain"
msgstr "Sendmail: Toimialue (Domain)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailMTAMapObject.xml:15
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sendmail: Relays"
msgstr "Sendmail: Välittimet (Relays)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualDomain.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sendmail: Virtual Domain"
msgstr "Sendmail: Virtuaalinen toimialue (Virtual Domain)"

#: ../../templates/creation/sendmailVirtualUser.xml:15
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sendmail: Virtual Users"
msgstr "Sendmail: Virtuaaliset käyttäjät (Virtual Users)"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:499 ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:161
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:822 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:836
#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:112 ../../lib/export_functions.php:206
#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:47 ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:59
#: ../../htdocs/compare.php:54 ../../htdocs/compare.php:60
#: ../../htdocs/create.php:96 ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:32
#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:111 ../../htdocs/entry_chooser.php:35
#: ../../htdocs/entry_chooser.php:90 ../../htdocs/export_form.php:55
#: ../../htdocs/import.php:49 ../../htdocs/mass_edit.php:64
#: ../../htdocs/import_form.php:22 ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:49
#: ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:58
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Palvelin"

#: ../../lib/page.php:220
msgid "Server Select"
msgstr "Palvelimen valinta"

#: ../../htdocs/server_info.php:18
msgid "Server info for: "
msgstr "Tiedot palvelimesta: "

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:31 ../../htdocs/server_info.php:19
msgid "Server reports the following information about itself"
msgstr "Palvelimen antamat tiedot"

#: ../../lib/common.php:317
msgid "Session Timed Out"
msgstr "Istunto aikakatkaistiin"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:196
msgid "Set the search results to 0 to retrieve all available records"
msgstr "Jos haluat nähdä kaikki hakutulokset, aseta hakutulosten määräksi 0"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1231
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Näytä"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:184
msgid "Show Attributes"
msgstr "Näytä attribuutit"

#: ../../htdocs/export_form.php:83
msgid "Show Attributtes"
msgstr "Näytä attribuutit"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:369 ../../lib/functions.php:372
#: ../../lib/functions.php:373
msgid "Show Cache"
msgstr "Näytä välimuistin sisältö"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:126
msgid "Show Results"
msgstr "Näytä tulokset"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1232
msgid "Show internal attributes"
msgstr "Näytä sisäiset attribuutit"

#: ../../htdocs/update.php:64
msgid ""
"Since you changed your password, you must now login again with your new "
msgstr ""
"Salasana vaihdettu. Nyt sinun on kirjauduttava sisään uudella salasanallasi."

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:171
msgid "Single Valued"
msgstr "Vain yksi arvo"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:54 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:82
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Ohita"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1129
#, php-format
msgid "Some attributes (%s) were modified and are highlighted below."
msgstr ""
"Joitain attribuutteja (%s) on muutettu ja ne näkyvät alla korostettuna."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1541
msgid "Specify attributes and values"
msgstr "Määrittele attribuutit ja arvot"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:175
msgid "Standard LDAP search filter. Example: (&(sn=Smith)(givenName=David))"
msgstr ""
"Standardi LDAP hakusuodin. Esimerkki: ((&(sn=Smith)(givenName=David))"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:56
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:63
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:82
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:57
#, no-wrap
msgid "State"
msgstr "Kunta"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "State (personal)"
msgstr "Kotikunta"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:123
#, no-wrap
msgid "State (professional)"
msgstr "Kunta (työpaikan)"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1536 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1548
#, php-format
msgid "Step %s of %s"
msgstr "Vaihe %s / %s"

#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:50
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:46
#, no-wrap
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Katuosoite"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:47
#, no-wrap
msgid "Street Address"
msgstr "Katuosoite"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:161 ../../htdocs/export_form.php:35
msgid "Sub (entire subtree)"
msgstr "Sub (koko alahaara)"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:169
msgid "Substring Rule"
msgstr "Alimerkkijonosääntö"

#: ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:63 ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:80
#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:58 ../../htdocs/import.php:65
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Onnistui"

#: ../../htdocs/delete.php:29
msgid "Successfully deleted DN "
msgstr "DN tuhottu onnistuneesti "

#: ../../htdocs/login.php:30 ../../htdocs/login_form.php:41
msgid "Successfully logged into server."
msgstr "Palvelimelle kirjautuminen onnistui"

#: ../../htdocs/logout.php:19
msgid "Successfully logged out of server."
msgstr "Palvelimelta uloskirjautuminen onnistui"

#: ../../htdocs/compare.php:73
msgid "Switch Entry"
msgstr "Vaihda tietuetta"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1175 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1176
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1178 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1179
msgid "Switch Template"
msgstr "Vaihdettu pohjaa"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:141 ../../htdocs/schema.php:170
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr "Syntaksi"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:136
msgid "Syntax OID"
msgstr "OID"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:44 ../../htdocs/schema.php:316
msgid "Syntaxes"
msgstr "Syntaksit"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:517
msgid ""
"TLS has been enabled in your config, but your PHP install does not support "
"TLS. TLS will be disabled."
msgstr ""
"TSL on kytketty päälle asetuksissa, mutta PHP-asennuksesi ei tue TSL:ää. TSL "
"on otettu pois päältä."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:827 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:841
msgid "Template"
msgstr "Pohja"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:1086
msgid "Template Value Error"
msgstr "Määrittelyvirhe pohjassa"

#: ../../lib/xmlTemplates.php:57
msgid "Template XML file changed."
msgstr "XML-Pohjatiedostoa on muokattu"

#: ../../lib/xmlTemplates.php:58
msgid "Template XML file has changed and been reread"
msgstr "XML-Pohjatiedostoa on muokattu ja se ladattiin uudelleen"

#: ../../lib/xmlTemplates.php:47
msgid "Template XML file has removed"
msgstr "XML-Pohjatiedostoa on poistettu"

#: ../../lib/xmlTemplates.php:46
msgid "Template XML file removed."
msgstr "XML-Pohjatiedosto poistettiin."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:633
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Pohjat"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_nordn.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/test_invalidattrs.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/test_noattrs.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template"
msgstr "Testipohja"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:6
#: ../../templates/creation/test_picklist.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template (no definitions for wsVPN)"
msgstr "Testipohja (ei määrityksiä wsVPN:ää varten)"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: All Functions"
msgstr "Testipohja: Kaikki toiminnot"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_picklist.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: AutoFill/GetNextNumber/PickList"
msgstr "Testipohja: AutoFill/GetNextNumber/PickList"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_extensible.xml:12
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: Extensible Object (attribute not defined)"
msgstr "Testipohja: Laajennettu objekti (attribuuttia ei määritelty)"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_function.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: Function"
msgstr "Testipohja: Funktio"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_multilist.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: GetNextNumber/MultList"
msgstr "Testipohja: GetNextNumber/MultiList"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_randompassword.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: Helper/RandomPassword"
msgstr "Testipohja: Helper/RandomPassword"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_invalidattrs.xml:12
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: Invalid Attributes"
msgstr "Testipohja: Virheelliset attribuutit"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_invalidoc.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: Invalid Object Class"
msgstr "Testipohja: Virheellinen objektiluokka"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_noattrs.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: No Attributes"
msgstr "Testipohja: Ei attribuutteja"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_nordn.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: No RDN, No Attributes"
msgstr "Testipohja: Ei RDN:ää, Ei attribuutteja"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: User Account (UID > 1010)"
msgstr "Testipohja: Käyttäjätili (UID > 1010)"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: User Account (UID > 1200)"
msgstr "Testipohja: Käyttäjäntili (UID > 1200)"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_invalidoc2.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Test Template: Valid and Invalid Object Class"
msgstr "Testipohja: Kelvollinen ja virheellinen objektiluokka"

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:48 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:42
msgid "The RDN field is empty?"
msgstr "RDN-kenttä on tyhjä?"

#: ../../htdocs/delete_attr.php:22
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The attribute \"%s\" is flagged as read-only in the phpLDAPadmin "
msgstr ""
"Attribuutti \"%s\" on merkitty vain luettavaksi phpLDAPadminin "

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:538
msgid "The attribute to modify doesnt match the one specified by"
msgstr "Muokattava attribuutti ei täsmää määriteltyyn ehdoin"

#: ../../htdocs/delete_attr.php:33
msgid "The attribute value does not exist"
msgstr "Attribuutin arvo puuttuu"

#: ../../htdocs/cmd.php:57
msgid "The command could not be run"
msgstr "Komentoa ei voitu suorittaa"

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:42 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "The container (%s) is a leaf."
msgstr "Säiliö (%s) on hakemistopuun lehti."

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:31 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "The container you specified (%s) does not exist. Please try again."
msgstr "Määrittämääsi säilöä (%s) ei ole olemassa. Yritä uudelleen."

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:194
msgid "The deletion of objectClass(es)"
msgstr "Objektiluokan(-luokkien) poisto"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:36
#, php-format
msgid "The destination container (%s) does not exist."
msgstr "Kohdesäilöä (%s) ei ole olemassa."

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "The destination entry (%s) already exists."
msgstr "Kohdetietue (%s) on jo olemassa."

#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:22 ../../htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:26
#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:24 ../../htdocs/compare_form.php:23
#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:22 ../../htdocs/download_binary_attr.php:26
#: ../../htdocs/update.php:29 ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "The entry (%s) does not exist."
msgstr "Tietuetta (%s) ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:24
msgid "The entry does not exist"
msgstr "Tietuetta ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:36 ../../htdocs/mass_edit.php:28
#: ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:27
msgid "The entry does not exist and will be ignored"
msgstr "Tietuetta ei ole olemassa ja se ohitetaan"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:459
msgid "The file you chose is either empty or does not exist."
msgstr "Valittu tiedosto on tyhjä tai sitä ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:397 ../../lib/Template.php:484
msgid ""
"The file you selected was only partially uploaded, likley due to a network "
msgstr ""
"Valitsemasi tiedosto kopioitui vain osittain. Siinä oli luultavimmin verkon "
"toiminnan virhe."

#: ../../lib/Template.php:387 ../../lib/Template.php:392
#: ../../lib/Template.php:474 ../../lib/Template.php:479
msgid ""
"The file you uploaded is too large. Please check php.ini, upload_max_size "
msgstr ""
"Kopioimasi tiedosto on liian suuri. Tarkista php.ini -tiedoston muuttuja "

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:112
msgid "The format to show the query results"
msgstr "Hakutulosten esitysmuoto"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:46
msgid ""
"The full DN of the new entry to be created when copying the source entry"
msgstr "Kopioitaessa luotavan uuden merkinnän täydellinen DN"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:352
msgid "The query was cancelled because of an invalid base."
msgstr "Haku keskeytettiin, koska haun lähtökohta (base) oli virheellinen."

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:155
msgid "The scope in which to search"
msgstr "Alue (scope), johon haku kohdistetaan"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1416
msgid ""
"The search attribute for AUTO_NUMBER is invalid, expecting a single valid "
msgstr ""
"Hakuattribuutti AUTO_NUMBER varten on virheellinen. Sen on oltava "
"yksittäinen kelvollinen attribuutti."

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:35
msgid "The server does not fully support the LDAP protocol."
msgstr "Palvelin ei tue LDAP-protokollaa täydellisesti."

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:40
msgid "The source and destination DN are the same."
msgstr "Lähde- ja kohde-DN ovat samoja."

#: ../../lib/AttributeFactory.php:32 ../../lib/AttributeFactory.php:74
msgid "The template function is not known and will be ignored."
msgstr "Pohjan funktiota ei tunnisteta ja se ohitetaan."

#: ../../lib/AttributeFactory.php:46
msgid "The template helper function is not known and will be ignored."
msgstr "Pohjan helper-funktiota ei tunnisteta ja se ohitetaan."

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:403
msgid "The url attribute value should begin with file:// for"
msgstr "Url-tyyppisen attribuutin arvon pitää alkaa file:// kohteessa"

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:46 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:40
msgid "The were no attributes marked as an RDN attribute."
msgstr "RDN-attribuutteja ei ollut merkitty"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:63
msgid "There are"
msgstr "Löytyi"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:775
#, php-format
msgid "There is a problem in template [%s]."
msgstr "Ongelma pohjassa [%s]."

#: ../../lib/Template.php:1096
msgid "There is only 1 argument, when there should be two"
msgstr ""
"Löydettiin vain yksi argumentti vaikka niitä olisi pitänyt olla kaksi."

#: ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:81
#, php-format
msgid "There will be %s updates done with this mass update"
msgstr "Tämä massapäivitys aiheuttaa %s päivitystä"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:689
msgid ""
"This attribute has been forced as a MAY attribute by the configuration"
msgstr "Tämä attribuutti on pakotettu vapaaehtoiseksi asetuksissa"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:492
msgid "This attribute has been marked as Read Only."
msgstr "Tätä attribuuttia voi vain lukea (Read Only)"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:372
msgid "This attribute is not defined in the LDAP schema"
msgstr "Tätä attribuuttia ei ole määritelty LDAP:in skeemassa"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2043
msgid "This attribute is required"
msgstr "Tämä attribuutti on pakollinen"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:466
msgid "This attribute is required for the RDN."
msgstr "Attribuutti tarvitaan RND:ä varten."

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:102
msgid "This base entry does not exist."
msgstr "Pohjatietue puuttuu."

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:35
msgid ""
"This could happen for several reasons, the most probable of which are:"
msgstr "Syitä voi olla monia, mutta luultavimpia ovat seuraavat:"

#: ../../htdocs/compare.php:79
msgid "This entry has no attributes"
msgstr "Merkinnälle ei ole määritetty attribuutteja"

#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:54
#, php-format
msgid "This entry is the root of a sub-tree containing %s entries."
msgstr "Tietueella on %s alitietuetta."

#: ../../htdocs/index.php:130
msgid "This is a development version of phpLDAPadmin"
msgstr "Tämä on phpLDAPadmin-ohjelman kehitysversio"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:889
msgid "This is a structural ObjectClass and cannot be removed."
msgstr "Tämä on rakenteellinen objektiluokka eikä sitä voi poistaa."

#: ../../templates/creation/example.xml:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "This is the description"
msgstr "Tämä on kuvaus"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:577
msgid "This objectClass is obsolete."
msgstr "Objektiluokka on vanhentunut."

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:91
#, php-format
msgid "This request also includes %s children entries."
msgstr "Pyyntö pitää sisällään %s alitietuetta"

#: ../../htdocs/server_info.php:23
msgid "This server has nothing to report."
msgstr "Palvelin ei raportoi mitään."

#: ../../lib/xmlTemplates.php:204
msgid "This template is not valid in this container"
msgstr "Tämä pohja on virheellinen tässä säiliössä"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:664
msgid ""
"This update has been or will be cancelled, it would result in an attribute "
"value not being unique. You might like to search the LDAP server for the "
"offending entry."
msgstr ""
"Tämä päivitys tullaan perumaan (tai on peruttu jo), sillä se johtaisi "
"tilanteeseen, jossa attribuutin arvo ei ole yksilöllinen. Tarkista LDAP-"
"haulla päällekkäisiä tietueita."

#: ../../htdocs/login_form.php:26
msgid "This web connection is unencrypted"
msgstr "Yhteys on salaamaton"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "Thunderbird: Address Book Entry"
msgstr "Thunderbird: Osoitekirjan tietue"

#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:47
#, no-wrap
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titteli"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:103
#, no-wrap
msgid "Title (professional)"
msgstr "Titteli (ammatillinen)"

#: ../../htdocs/password_checker.php:45
msgid "To"
msgstr "Vastaanottaja"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:136 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2201
#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2212 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2223
msgid "Too many arguments"
msgstr "Liikaa argumentteja"

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:135
msgid "Total Connections"
msgstr "Yhteyksien kokonaismäärä"

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:209
msgid "Total Entries"
msgstr "Merkintöjä yhteensä"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1245 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1249
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Roskakori"

#: ../../htdocs/monitor.php:64 ../../htdocs/schema.php:574
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tyyppi"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:55
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:49
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaMachine.xml:30
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:56
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:55
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:55
#: ../../templates/creation/test_picklist.xml:38
#, no-wrap
msgid "UID Number"
msgstr "UID Numero"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:627
msgid "UNIQUE invalid login/password"
msgstr "Virheellinen yksilöllinen (UNIQUE) käyttäjätunnus/salasana"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1943
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL-osoite"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:221
msgid "Unable to connect to LDAP server"
msgstr "Kirjautuminen LDAP-palvelimeen ei onnistu"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1381
msgid ""
"Unable to connect to LDAP server with the auto_number login/password, please "
"check your configuration."
msgstr ""
"Kirjautuminen LDAP-palvelimeen ei onnistu käyttäen (auto_number "
"login/password), tarkista asetukset."

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:628
msgid ""
"Unable to connect to LDAP server with the unique login/password, please "
"check your configuration."
msgstr ""
"Kirjautuminen LDAP-palvelimeen yksilöllisiä käyttäjätunnuksia/salasanoja "
"käyttäen epäonnistui.Tarkita asetukset."

#: ../../htdocs/rdelete.php:27
msgid "Unable to delete entry, it does not exist"
msgstr "Tietueen poisto epäonnistui, sillä sitä ei ole olemassa."

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:241 ../../lib/PageRender.php:258
msgid "Unable to get the attribute value for PasswordEncrypt()"
msgstr "Attribuutin arvoa PasswordEncrypt():ille ei saatu"

#: ../../lib/ds.php:279 ../../lib/ds.php:304 ../../lib/ds.php:315
msgid "Unable to login."
msgstr "Sisäänkirjautuminen epäonnistui."

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:400
msgid "Unable to open file for"
msgstr "Tiedoston avaaminen epäonnistui tiedostolle"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:395
msgid "Unable to read file for"
msgstr "Tiedoston lukeminen epäonnistui tiedostolle"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2005
msgid "Unable to retrieve image"
msgstr "Kuvan noutaminen epäonnistui"

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:644 ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:658
#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:692 ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:710
msgid "Unable to start proxy connection"
msgstr "Yhteyttä välityspalvelimen kautta ei voida muodostaa"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2023
msgid "Unable to write to jpeg tmp directory"
msgstr "Jpeg-tiedoston kirjoitus väliaikaishakemistoon epäonnistui"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:106
msgid "Unknown Default Attribute context"
msgstr "Tuntematon oletusattribuuttikonteksti"

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:72
msgid "Unknown Export Type"
msgstr "Tuntematon viennin tyyppi (Export type)"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:54
msgid "Unknown Import Type"
msgstr "Tuntematon tuonnin tyyppi (Import type)"

#: ../../lib/Attribute.php:736 ../../lib/Attribute.php:758
#: ../../lib/Attribute.php:771 ../../lib/Attribute.php:816
msgid "Unknown XML setting"
msgstr "Tuntematon XML-asetus"

#: ../../lib/Attribute.php:737
msgid "Unknown XML type setting for helper will be ignored."
msgstr "Tuntematon XML-tyyppiasetus helperiä varten ohitetaan."

#: ../../lib/Attribute.php:759 ../../lib/Attribute.php:772
msgid "Unknown XML type setting will be ignored."
msgstr "Tuntematon XML-tyyppiasetus ohitetaan."

#: ../../lib/Attribute.php:817
msgid "Unknown attribute setting will be ignored."
msgstr "Tuntematon attribuuttiasetus ohitetaan."

#: ../../lib/AttributeFactory.php:31
msgid "Unknown template [post] function"
msgstr "Tuntematon pohjan [post] -funktio"

#: ../../lib/AttributeFactory.php:73
msgid "Unknown template function"
msgstr "Tuntematon pohjan funktio"

#: ../../lib/AttributeFactory.php:45
msgid "Unknown template helper function"
msgstr "Tuntematon pohjan helper-funktio"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:240
msgid "Unkown change type"
msgstr "Tuntematon muutostyyppi"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:156
msgid "Unrecognized error number"
msgstr "Tuntematon virhekoodi"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1521
msgid "Update Object"
msgstr "Päivitä objekti"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_edit.php:126 ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:166
msgid "Update Values"
msgstr "Päivitä arvot"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:415 ../../lib/Template.php:458
#: ../../lib/Template.php:502
msgid "Upload Binary Attribute Error"
msgstr "Binääriattribuutin siirtovirhe"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:174
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Käyttö"

#: ../../htdocs/welcome.php:20
msgid "Use the menu to the left to navigate"
msgstr "Käytä navigointiin vasemmanpuoleista valikkoa"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:454
msgid "Used by Attributes"
msgstr "Käytössä attribuuteissa"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:177
msgid "Used by objectClasses"
msgstr "Käytössä objektiluokissa"

#: ../../templates/creation/alias.xml:27
#: ../../templates/creation/posixAccount.xml:42
#: ../../templates/creation/courierMailAccount.xml:41
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaSamAccount.xml:49
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1200.xml:42
#: ../../templates/creation/test_uid1010.xml:42
#: ../../templates/creation/test_extensible.xml:27
#, no-wrap
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:173
msgid "User Modification"
msgstr "Käyttäjän muokattavissa"

#: ../../templates/creation/simpleSecurityObject.xml:21
#: ../../templates/creation/test_randompassword.xml:21
#, no-wrap
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Käyttäjänimi"

#: ../../templates/creation/test_normal.xml:65
#, no-wrap
msgid "UserPassword (Verify)"
msgstr "Käyttäjän salasana (Varmista)"

#: ../../templates/creation/posixGroup.xml:34
#: ../../templates/creation/sambaGroupMapping.xml:60
#: ../../templates/creation/test_multilist.xml:34
#: ../../templates/modification/posixGroup.xml:34
#, no-wrap
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Käyttäjät"

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:550
msgid "VCARD 2.1 Export"
msgstr "VCARD 2.1 Vienti"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1337 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1341
#, php-format
msgid "View %s children"
msgstr "%s alitietuetta"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1337 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1341
msgid "View 1 child"
msgstr "1 alitietue"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:217
msgid "View schema for"
msgstr "Näytä skeema kohteelle"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1335 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1340
msgid "View the children of this object"
msgstr "Näytä tämän tietueen lapset"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2398
msgid "View the schema description for this objectClass"
msgstr "Näytä tämänobjektiluokan skeeman kuvaus"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1138
msgid "Viewing entry in read-only mode."
msgstr "Näytetään tietue \"vain luku\" -tilassa."

#: ../../lib/page.php:78
msgid ""
"WARNING: You cannot have PHP compression and application compression enabled "
"at the same time. Please unset zlib.output_compression or set $config-"
msgstr ""
"VAROITUS: PHP:n pakkausominaisuudet ja sovelluksen pakkausominaisuudet eivät "
"voi olla päällä samaan aikaan. Ota zlib.output_compression poist päältä tai "
"aseta $config->custom->appearance['compress']=false"

#: ../../lib/page.php:78 ../../htdocs/login_form.php:26
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Varoitus"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:135
#, no-wrap
msgid "Web Page (professional)"
msgstr "Kotisivu (ammatillinen)"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:98
#, no-wrap
msgid "Web page (personal)"
msgstr "Kotisivu (henkilökohtainen)"

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:70
msgid ""
"When performing a recursive copy, only copy those entries which match this "
msgstr ""
"Kopioi rekursiivisesti ainoastaan merkinnät, jotka löytyvät näkyvät tällä "

#: ../../templates/creation/sambaGroupMapping.xml:26
#, no-wrap
msgid "Windows Name"
msgstr "Windows-käyttäjätunnus"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:57
#, no-wrap
msgid "Work Phone Number"
msgstr "Työpuhelinnumero"

#: ../../templates/creation/organizationalRole.xml:25
#: ../../templates/creation/inetOrgPerson.xml:74
#: ../../templates/creation/kolabPerson.xml:95
#: ../../templates/modification/inetOrgPerson.xml:66
#, no-wrap
msgid "Work phone"
msgstr "Työpuhelin"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:257 ../../htdocs/schema.php:325
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:329 ../../htdocs/schema.php:333
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:392
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Kyllä"

#: ../../htdocs/login_form.php:25
msgid ""
"You are not using 'https'. Web browser will transmit login information in "
"clear text."
msgstr ""
"Et käytä 'https'-prokollaa. Www-selaimesi lähettää kirjautumistiedot "
"salaamattomana tekstinä."

#: ../../htdocs/cmd.php:52 ../../htdocs/template_engine.php:54
msgid "You cannot perform updates while server is in read-only mode"
msgstr "Päivityksiä ei voi tehdä palvelimen ollessa vain luku -tilassa"

#: ../../htdocs/rename.php:28
msgid ""
"You cannot rename an entry which has children entries (eg, the rename "
"operation is not allowed on non-leaf entries)"
msgstr "Et voi nimetä uudelleen tietuetta, jolla on alitietueita"

#: ../../htdocs/rename.php:34
msgid "You did not change the RDN"
msgstr "Et vaihtanut RDN:n arvoa"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:178
msgid "You found a non-fatal phpLDAPadmin bug!"
msgstr "Olet löytänyt ei-vakavan virheen phpLDAPadmin-ohjelmasta!"

#: ../../lib/common.php:201
msgid ""
"You have PHP Safe Mode enabled. This application may work unexpectedly in "
"Safe Mode."
msgstr ""
"PHP Safe mode on päällä. Tämä saattaa aiheuttaa ohjelmassa odottamattomia "

#: ../../lib/Template.php:402 ../../lib/Template.php:489
msgid "You left the attribute value blank. Please go back and try again."
msgstr "Attribuutille on annettava arvo."

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:27
msgid "You left the destination DN blank."
msgstr "Kohde DN -kentän arvo puuttuu."

#: ../../htdocs/login.php:23
msgid "You left the password blank."
msgstr "Salasana -kentän arvo puuttuu."

#: ../../htdocs/create.php:55 ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:49
#, php-format
msgid "You left the value blank for required attribute (%s)."
msgstr "Pakollisen attribuutin (%s) arvo puuttuu."

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:214 ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:172
#: ../../htdocs/create_confirm.php:124
msgid "You made no changes"
msgstr "Et tehnyt mitään muutoksia"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:102
msgid "You must either upload a file or provide an import in the text box."
msgstr "Lataa tiedosto tai anna tuotava tieto oheiseen kenttään."

#: ../../htdocs/index.php:106
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You need to configure %s. Edit the file \"%s\" to do so. An example config "
"file is provided in \"%s.example\"."
msgstr ""
"Konfiguroi %s. Muokkaa tiedostoa \"%s\". Esimerkkitiedosto löytyy "

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1246 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1250
msgid "You will be prompted to confirm this decision"
msgstr "Tähän toimintoon tullaan pyytämään vahvistus"

#: ../../lib/ds.php:316
msgid "Your HTTP based authentication is not accepted by the LDAP server"
msgstr "HTTP-pohjaista autentikaatiota ei hyväksiytä LDAP-palvelimessa."

#: ../../lib/ds_ldap.php:645
msgid "Your LDAP server doesnt seem to support this control"
msgstr "LDAP-palvelin ei tue tätä protokollaa."

#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:124
msgid ""
"Your PHP configuration has disabled file uploads. Please check php.ini "
"before proceeding."
msgstr ""
"Tiedostojen kopiointi on estetty PHP:n asetustiedostossa. Tarkista php.ini "
"ennenkuin jatkat."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2165 ../../lib/functions.php:2238
#: ../../lib/functions.php:2257
msgid ""
"Your PHP install does not have the mhash() function. Cannot do SHA hashes."
msgstr ""
"PHP-asennus ei tue mhash()-funktiota, eikä SHA-tiivisteiden luominen onnistu."

#: ../../lib/createlm.php:357
msgid ""
"Your PHP install does not have the mhash() function. Cannot do hashes."
msgstr ""
"PHP-asennuksessa ei ole mhash()-funktiota. Se ei voi tehdä hash-toimintoja."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2176 ../../lib/functions.php:2188
msgid ""
"Your PHP install does not have the mhash() or mhash_keygen_s2k() function. "
"Cannot do S2K hashes."
msgstr ""
"PHP-asennuksessa ei ole mhash() tai mhash_keygen_s2k()-funktiota. Se ei voi "
"tehdä S2K hash-toimintoja."

#: ../../htdocs/import_form.php:18
msgid ""
"Your PHP.INI does not have file_uploads = ON. Please enable file uploads in "
msgstr ""
"Kopiointi ei onnistu jos PHP.INI -tiedostosta puuttuu rivi \"file_uploads = "

#: ../../lib/common.php:319
msgid "Your Session timed out after"
msgstr "Istunto aikakatkaistiin kun oli kulunut"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1529
msgid "Your config file specifies an unknown AUTO_NUMBER search mechanism."
msgstr "Konfiguraatiosi määrittää tuntemattoman AUTO_NUMBER -hakumenettelyn"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:328
msgid ""
"Your config.php is missing Server Definitions. Please see the sample file "
msgstr ""
"Tiedostossa config.php puuttuu palvelinmääreet. Katso esimerkkiä "

#: ../../lib/ds.php:280
msgid ""
"Your configuration file has authentication set to CONFIG based "
"authentication, however, the userid/password failed to login"
msgstr ""
"Konfiguraatiotiedostossa tunnistautuminen on asetettu CONFIG-pohjaiseksi, "
"mutta sisäänkirjautuminen (käyttäjätunnus/salasana) epäonnistui."

#: ../../lib/ds.php:305
msgid ""
"Your configuration file has authentication set to HTTP based authentication, "
"however, there was none presented"
msgstr ""
"Konfiguraatiotiedostosi on asetettu käyttämään HTTP-pohjaista "
"tunnistautumista, mutta yhtäkään sopivaa ei löydetty."

#: ../../lib/session_functions.php:142
msgid "Your configuration has been automatically refreshed."
msgstr "Konfiguraatiotiedosto on päivitetty automaattisesti."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2147 ../../lib/functions.php:2287
msgid "Your system crypt library does not support blowfish encryption."
msgstr "Käyttöjärjestelmäsi salauskirjasto ei tue blowfish-salausta."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2131 ../../lib/functions.php:2317
msgid "Your system crypt library does not support extended DES encryption."
msgstr "Käyttöjärjestelmäsi salauskirjasto ei tue laajennettua DES-salausta."

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2139 ../../lib/functions.php:2302
msgid "Your system crypt library does not support md5crypt encryption."
msgstr "Käyttöjärjestelmäsi salauskirjasto ei tue md5crypt-salausta."

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:36
msgid "Your version of PHP does not correctly perform the query."
msgstr "Käytössä oleva PHP:n versio ei suorita kyselyä oikeaoppisesti."

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:90
#, no-wrap
msgid "Zip (personal)"
msgstr "Kodin postinumero"

#: ../../templates/creation/mozillaOrgPerson.xml:127
#, no-wrap
msgid "Zip (professional)"
msgstr "Työpaikan postinumero"

#: ../../lib/Attribute.php:723
msgid "[helper] needs an accompanying [post] action."
msgstr "[helper] tarvitsee myös [post] - toiminnon."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2124 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2127
msgid "add value"
msgstr "lisää arvo"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:410
msgid "alias"
msgstr "alias"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:100 ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:113
msgid "attribute deleted"
msgstr "attribuutti tuhottu"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:78 ../../htdocs/mass_update.php:138
msgid "attribute doesnt exist"
msgstr "attribuuttia ei ole olemassa"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2408
msgid "browse"
msgstr "selaa"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2066 ../../htdocs/import.php:50
msgid "bytes"
msgstr "tavua"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:166
msgid "caller"
msgstr "kutsuja"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:348
msgid "character"
msgstr "kirjain"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:145 ../../htdocs/schema.php:348
msgid "characters"
msgstr "kirjaimet"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:630 ../../lib/PageRender.php:996
msgid "confirm"
msgstr "Vahvista"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2040
msgid "contains errors"
msgstr "sisältää virheitä"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:233
msgid "delete"
msgstr "poista"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:688
msgid "delete attribute"
msgstr "poista attribuutti"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:675
msgid "download value"
msgstr "latausarvo"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:234
msgid "edit"
msgstr "muokkaa"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:302
msgid "export"
msgstr "vie"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:578
msgid "export results"
msgstr "viennin tulos"

#: ../../lib/AttributeFactory.php:118
msgid "false"
msgstr "epätosi"

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:205
msgid "for"
msgstr "kohteelle"

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:77 ../../htdocs/copy.php:136
msgid "has NOT been created."
msgstr "EI ole luotu."

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:73 ../../htdocs/copy.php:107
#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:132 ../../htdocs/create.php:82
msgid "has been created."
msgstr "on luotu."

#: ../../htdocs/copy.php:123
msgid "has been deleted."
msgstr "on tuhottu"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:479
msgid "hint"
msgstr "vihje"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:289
msgid "import"
msgstr "tuo"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:259
msgid "info"
msgstr "info"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:410
msgid "is an alias for"
msgstr "on alias kohteelle"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:166
msgid "line"
msgstr "rivi"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:117
msgid "list"
msgstr "lista"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:519 ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:521
#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:524 ../../lib/ds.php:294
#: ../../htdocs/login_form.php:48
msgid "login"
msgstr "kirjaudu"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:331
msgid "logout"
msgstr "kirjaudu ulos"

#: ../../htdocs/modify_member_form.php:63
msgid "members in group"
msgstr "jäsentä ryhmässä"

#: ../../lib/common.php:320
msgid "min. of inactivity. You have been automatically logged out."
msgstr "min. toimettomana. Istunto aikakatkaistiin."

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2143 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2146
msgid "modify group members"
msgstr "muokkaa ryhmän jäseniä"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:276
msgid "monitor"
msgstr "monitoroi"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:499
msgid "new"
msgstr "uusi"

#: ../../htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:69
msgid "new attributes"
msgstr "uudet attribuutit"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:247
msgid "no description"
msgstr "ei kuvausta"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:1962
msgid "no description available"
msgstr "kuvausta ei ole saatavilla"

#: ../../htdocs/entry_chooser.php:69
msgid "no entries"
msgstr "ei merkintöjä"

#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:84 ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:155
msgid "no new attributes available for this entry"
msgstr "tietueeseen ei voi liittää enempää attribuutteja"

#: ../../htdocs/add_attr_form.php:133
msgid "no new binary attributes available for this entry"
msgstr "tietueeseen ei voi liittää enempää attribuutteja"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1645 ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1653
#: ../../lib/functions.php:2764 ../../htdocs/schema.php:264
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:357 ../../htdocs/schema.php:376
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:484 ../../htdocs/schema.php:581
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:608 ../../htdocs/schema.php:658
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:696
msgid "none"
msgstr "ei käytössä"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:1117
msgid "none, remove value"
msgstr "ei käytössä, poista arvo"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:344
msgid "not applicable"
msgstr "ei käytettävissä"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:282 ../../htdocs/schema.php:298
#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:303 ../../htdocs/schema.php:337
msgid "not specified"
msgstr "ei määritetty"

#: ../../htdocs/mass_delete.php:95
#, php-format
msgid ""
"phpLDAPadmin can also recursively delete all %s of the child entries. See "
"below for a list of all the entries that this action will delete. Do you "
"want to do this?"
msgstr ""
"phpLDAPadmin voi myös rekursiivisesti tuhota kaikki %s alitietueet. Alla "
"oleva lista näyttää kaikki tuhottavat tietueet. Oletko varma että haluat "

#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:62
#, php-format
msgid ""
"phpLDAPadmin can recursively delete this entry and all %s of its children. "
"See below for a list of all the entries that this action will delete. Do you "
"want to do this?"
msgstr ""
"phpLDAPadmin voi poistaa rekursiivisesti tämän tietueen ja sen %s "
"alitietuetta. Alla näkyy luettelo kaikista poistettavista tietueista. "
"Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?"

#: ../../htdocs/schema.php:36
msgid "phpLDAPadmin doesn't know how to fetch the schema for your server."
msgstr "phpLDAPadmin ei osannut noutaa palvelimen käyttämää skeemaa."

#: ../../lib/export_functions.php:73
msgid "phpLDAPadmin has not been configured for that export type"
msgstr "phpLDAPadmin-ohjelmaa ei ole konfiguroitu tähän vientityyppiin"

#: ../../lib/import_functions.php:55
msgid "phpLDAPadmin has not been configured for that import type"
msgstr "phpLDAPadmin-ohjelmaa ei ole konfiguroitu tähän tuontityyppiin"

#: ../../htdocs/welcome.php:18
msgid "phpLDAPadmin logo"
msgstr "phpLDAPadminin logo"

#: ../../lib/functions.php:2066
msgid "pixels"
msgstr "kuvapistettä"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:55
msgid "read only"
msgstr "vain luku"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:246
msgid "refresh"
msgstr "päivitä"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:1327
msgid "removed from template as it is not defined by an ObjectClass"
msgstr "postettu pohjasta sillä sitä ei ole määritetty objektiluokassa"

#: ../../lib/Template.php:104
msgid "removed from template as it is not defined in the schema"
msgstr "poistettu pohjasta sillä sitä ei ole määritelty skeemassa"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:2158
msgid "rename"
msgstr "nimeä uudelleen"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:453
msgid "required"
msgstr "pakollinen"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:219
msgid "schema"
msgstr "skeema"

#: ../../lib/HTMLTree.php:232
msgid "search"
msgstr "Etsi"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:569
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekuntia"

#: ../../lib/TemplateRender.php:1373
msgid "select the rdn attribute"
msgstr "valitse rdn attribuutti"

#: ../../lib/PageRender.php:890
msgid "structural"
msgstr "rakenteellinen"

#: ../../lib/QueryRender.php:119
msgid "table"
msgstr "taulukko"

#: ../../htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:70
msgid "that this objectClass requires."
msgstr "jota tämä objektiluokka vaatii."

#: ../../htdocs/copy_form.php:33 ../../htdocs/rename_form.php:30
msgid "to a new object"
msgstr "uuteen objektiin"

#: ../../lib/AttributeFactory.php:117
msgid "true"
msgstr "tosi"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:39
msgid "value to"
msgstr "arvo kohteelle"

#: ../../htdocs/add_value_form.php:66
msgid "values for attribute"
msgstr "arvoa attribuutille"

#: ../../htdocs/delete_form.php:56
msgid "view entries"
msgstr "näytä merkinnät"

#: ../../htdocs/update_confirm.php:197
msgid "will delete the attribute(s)"
msgstr "tulee tuhomaan yhden tai useamman attribuutin."

#: ../../htdocs/compare_form.php:34
msgid "with "
msgstr "ja "

#~ msgid "(Session timed out. Automatically logged out.)"
#~ msgstr "(Istunto aikakatkaistiin)"

#~ msgid "(Auto evaluated on submission.)"
#~ msgstr "(Tarkistetaan automaattisesti lähetettäessä.)"

#~ msgid "(example: cn=MyNewPerson)"
#~ msgstr "(esimerkki: cn=MattiMalli)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<center><table class='notice'><tr><td colspan='2'><center><img "
#~ "src='images/warning.png' height='12' width='13' alt=\"Warning\" />\n"
#~ "             <b>You found a non-fatal phpLDAPadmin "
#~ "bug!</b></td></tr><tr><td>Error:</td><td><b>%s</b> "
#~ "(<b>%s</b>)</td></tr><tr><td>File:</td>\n"
#~ "             <td><b>%s</b> line <b>%s</b>, caller "
#~ "<b>%s</b></td></tr><tr><td>Versions:</td><td>PLA: <b>%s</b>, PHP: <b>%s</b>, "
#~ "SAPI: <b>%s</b>\n"
#~ "             </td></tr><tr><td>Web server:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t<tr><td colspan='2'><center><a target='new' href='%s'>Please check and see "
#~ "if this bug has been reported here</a>.</center></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t<tr><td colspan='2'><center><a target='new' href='%s'>If it hasnt been "
#~ "reported, you may report this bug by clicking here</a>.</center></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t</table></center><br />"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<center><table class='notice'><tr><td colspan='2'><center><img "
#~ "src='images/warning.png' height='12' width='13' alt=\"Warning\" />\n"
#~ "             <b>Löysit bugin "
#~ "phpLDAPadminista!</b></td></tr><tr><td>Virhe:</td><td><b>%s</b> "
#~ "(<b>%s</b>)</td></tr><tr><td>Tiedosto:</td>\n"
#~ "             <td><b>%s</b> rivi <b>%s</b>, kutsuja "
#~ "<b>%s</b></td></tr><tr><td>Versiot:</td><td>PLA: <b>%s</b>, PHP: <b>%s</b>, "
#~ "SAPI: <b>%s</b>\n"
#~ "             </td></tr><tr><td>Www-palvelin:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t<tr><td colspan='2'><center><a target='new' href='%s'>Tarkistathan ensin "
#~ "tästä napsauttamalla, ettei bugia ole jo raportoitu</a>.</center></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t<tr><td colspan='2'><center><a target='new' href='%s'>Napsauta tästä Jos "
#~ "bugia ei ole vielä raportoitu. Bugiraportit pitää tehdä "
#~ "englanniksi</a>.</center></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t</table></center><br />"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Attribute [%s] is a HIDDEN attribute, however, it is missing a VALUE in your "
#~ "template."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Attribuutti %s on merkitty piilotetuksi (HIDDEN), mutta mallissa siltä "
#~ "puuttuu arvo (VALUE)."

#~ msgid "Attribute [%s] is a MUST attribute, so it cannot be disabled."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Attribuutti %s on merkitty pakolliseksi (MUST), joten sitä ei voi poistaa "
#~ "käytöstä."

#~ msgid "Base DN: "
#~ msgstr "Base DN: "

#~ msgid "Binary value not displayed"
#~ msgstr "Binääriarvoa ei näytetä"

#~ msgid "Click here to go to the login form"
#~ msgstr "Napsauta tästä päästäksesi kirjautumisikkunaan"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Congratulations! You found a bug in phpLDAPadmin.<br /><br />\n"
#~ "\t     <table class='bug'>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Error:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Level:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>File:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Line:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t\t <tr><td>Caller:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>PLA Version:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>PHP Version:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>PHP SAPI:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Web server:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     </table>\n"
#~ "\t     <br />\n"
#~ "\t     Please report this bug by clicking below!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Onnittelut! Olet löytänyt bugin PHPLDAPadminista.<br /><br />\n"
#~ "\t     <table class='bug'>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Virhe:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Taso:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Tiedosto:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Rivi:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t\t <tr><td>Kutsuja:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>PLA:n versio:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>PHP:n versio:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>PHP SAPI:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     <tr><td>Www-palvelin:</td><td><b>%s</b></td></tr>\n"
#~ "\t     </table>\n"
#~ "\t     <br />\n"
#~ "\t     Raportoi bugi (englanniksi) napsauttamalla alta!"

#~ msgid "Copy successful! Would you like to "
#~ msgstr "Kopiointi onnistui! Haluatko "

#~ msgid "Could not bind to the LDAP server."
#~ msgstr "Yhdistäminen LDAP-palvelimeen epäonnistui."

#~ msgid "DN \"%s\" is not an LDAP distinguished name."
#~ msgstr "LDAP ei tunnista DN:ä \"%s\"."

#~ msgid "Description: %s <br /><br />"
#~ msgstr "Kuvaus: %s<br /><br />"

#~ msgid "Description: (no description available)<br />"
#~ msgstr "Kuvaus: (ei kuvausta saatavilla)<br />"

#~ msgid "Error number: %s<br /><br />"
#~ msgstr "Virheen numero: %s<br /><br />"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error: You have an error in your config file. The only three allowed values\n"
#~ "                                    for auth_type in the $servers section "
#~ "are 'session', 'cookie', and 'config'. You entered '%s',\n"
#~ "                                    which is not allowed. "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Virhe: asetustiedoston osassa $servers kentän auth_type arvoksi on\n"
#~ "                                      annettu'%s'. Ainoastaan arvot "
#~ "'session', 'cookie' ja config'\n"
#~ "                                      ovat sallittuja. "

#~ msgid "Is this a phpLDAPadmin bug? If so, please <a href='%s'>report it</a>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Onkohan tämä phpLDAPadminin bugi? Jos on, <a href='%s'>tee bugiraportti</a>."

#~ msgid "Logged out successfully from server <b>%s</b>"
#~ msgstr "Kirjauduttiin ulos palvelimelta <b>%s</b>"

#~ msgid "Maximum file size: %s"
#~ msgstr "Tiedoston maksimikoko: %s"

#~ msgid "Next Page"
#~ msgstr "Seuraava sivu"

#~ msgid "No DISPLAY/DESCRIPTION attribute in template file"
#~ msgstr "Mallitiedostosta puuttuu attribuutti DISPLAY/DESCRIPTION"

#~ msgid "No such file: "
#~ msgstr "Tiedosto puuttuu: "

#~ msgid "Note: '%s' is an alias for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Huom: '%s' on alias '%s':lle"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Note: You will get an \"inappropriate matching\" error if you have not setup "
#~ "an EQUALITY rule on your LDAP server for this attribute."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Huom: Saat virheilmoituksen \"inappropriate matching\" ellet ole määrittänyt "
#~ "tälle attribuutille EQUALITY-sääntöä LDAP-palvelimen asetuksissa."

#~ msgid "RDN"
#~ msgstr "RDN"

#~ msgid "Redirecting..."
#~ msgstr "Uudelleenohjataan..."

#~ msgid "Relative Distinguished Name"
#~ msgstr "Relative Distinguished Name"

#~ msgid "Search performed by phpLDAPadmin in"
#~ msgstr "Haun teki phpLDAPadmin kohteessa"

#~ msgid "Searching..."
#~ msgstr "Etsitään..."

#~ msgid "This template has been disabled in the XML file."
#~ msgstr "Malli on poistettu käytöstä XML-tiedostossa."

#~ msgid "Unsafe file name: "
#~ msgstr "Turvaton tiedostonimi: "

#~ msgid "We are missing a page for [%s] attributes."
#~ msgstr "Joistain attribuuteista [%s] puuttuu sivu."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You specified an invalid value for auto_uid_number_mechanism (\"%s\")\n"
#~ "                                   in your configration. Only \"uidpool\" "
#~ "and \"search\" are valid.\n"
#~ "                                   Please correct this problem."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Muuttujalla auto_uid_number_mechanism on virheellinen arvo (\"%s\")\n"
#~ "                                   asetustiedostoissa. Muuttujan arvoksi "
#~ "kelpaavat vain \"uidpool\" ja \"search\".\n"
#~ "                                   Ole hyvä ja korjaa asia."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You specified the \"auto_uid_number_mechanism\" as \"search\" in your\n"
#~ "                              configuration for server <b>%s</b>, but you "
#~ "did not specify the\n"
#~ "                              \"auto_uid_number_search_base\". Please "
#~ "specify it before proceeding."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Muuttujalle \"auto_uid_number_mechanism\" on arvo  \"search\",\n"
#~ "                              palvelimen <b>%s</b> asetustiedostossa, mutta "
#~ "et ole määrittänyt muuttujaa\n"
#~ "                              \"auto_uid_number_search_base\"."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your config.php specifies an invalid value for $default_search_display: %s. "
#~ "Please fix it"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tiedostossa config.php on määritetty virheellinen arvo (%s) muuttujalle "
#~ "$default_search_display"

#~ msgid "using template"
#~ msgstr "käytetään mallia"