input) as $line) { $c++; Log::debug(sprintf('%s: LDIF Line [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$line)); $line = trim($line); // If the line starts with a comment, ignore it if (preg_match('/^#/',$line)) continue; // If we have a blank line, then that completes this command if (! $line) { if (! is_null($o)) { // Add the last attribute; $o->addAttributeItem($attribute,$base64encoded ? base64_decode($value) : $value); Log::debug(sprintf('%s: Committing Entry [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$o->getDN())); // Commit $result->push($this->commit($o,$action)); $result->last()->put('line',$c); $o = NULL; $action = NULL; $base64encoded = FALSE; $attribute = NULL; $value = ''; // Else its a blank line } continue; } $m = []; preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9;-]+)(:+)\s+(.*)$/',$line,$m); switch ($x=Arr::get($m,1)) { case 'changetype': if ($m[2] !== ':') throw new GeneralException(sprintf('ChangeType cannot be base64 encoded set at [%d]. (line %d)',$version,$c)); switch ($m[3]) { // if (preg_match('/^changetype:[ ]*(delete|add|modrdn|moddn|modify)/i',$lines[0])) { default: throw new NotImplementedException(sprintf('Unknown change type [%s]? (line %d)',$m[3],$c)); } break; case 'version': if (! is_null($version)) throw new VersionException(sprintf('Version has already been set at [%d]. (line %d)',$version,$c)); if ($m[2] !== ':') throw new VersionException(sprintf('Version cannot be base64 encoded set at [%d]. (line %d)',$version,$c)); $version = (int)$m[3]; break; // Treat it as an attribute default: // If $m is NULL, then this is the 2nd (or more) line of a base64 encoded value if (! $m) { $value .= $line; Log::debug(sprintf('%s: Attribute [%s] adding [%s] (%d)',self::LOGKEY,$attribute,$line,$c)); // add to last attr value continue 2; } // We are ready to create the entry or add the attribute if ($attribute) { if ($attribute === 'dn') { if (! is_null($o)) throw new GeneralException(sprintf('Previous Entry not complete? (line %d)',$c)); $dn = $base64encoded ? base64_decode($value) : $value; Log::debug(sprintf('%s: Creating new entry:',self::LOGKEY,$dn)); //$o = Entry::find($dn); // If it doesnt exist, we'll create it //if (! $o) { $o = new Entry; $o->setDn($dn); //} $action = self::LDAP_IMPORT_ADD; } else { Log::debug(sprintf('%s: Adding Attribute [%s] value [%s] (%d)',self::LOGKEY,$attribute,$value,$c)); if ($value) $o->addAttributeItem($attribute,$base64encoded ? base64_decode($value) : $value); else throw new GeneralException(sprintf('Attribute has no value [%s] (line %d)',$attribute,$c)); } } // Start of a new attribute $base64encoded = ($m[2] === '::'); // @todo Need to parse attributes with ';' options $attribute = $m[1]; $value = $m[3]; Log::debug(sprintf('%s: New Attribute [%s] with [%s] (%d)',self::LOGKEY,$attribute,$value,$c)); } if ($version !== 1) throw new VersionException('LDIF import cannot handle version: '.($version ?: __('NOT DEFINED'))); } // We may still have a pending action if ($action) { // Add the last attribute; $o->addAttributeItem($attribute,$base64encoded ? base64_decode($value) : $value); Log::debug(sprintf('%s: Committing Entry [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$o->getDN())); // Commit $result->push($this->commit($o,$action)); $result->last()->put('line',$c); } return $result; } public function readEntry() { static $haveVersion = false; if ($lines = $this->nextLines()) { $server = $this->getServer(); # The first line should be the DN if (preg_match('/^dn:/',$lines[0])) { list($text,$dn) = $this->getAttrValue(array_shift($lines)); # The second line should be our changetype if (preg_match('/^changetype:[ ]*(delete|add|modrdn|moddn|modify)/i',$lines[0])) { $attrvalue = $this->getAttrValue($lines[0]); $changetype = $attrvalue[1]; array_shift($lines); } else $changetype = 'add'; $this->template = new Template($this->server_id,null,null,$changetype); switch ($changetype) { case 'add': $rdn = get_rdn($dn); $container = $server->getContainer($dn); $this->template->setContainer($container); $this->template->accept(); $this->getAddDetails($lines); $this->template->setRDNAttributes($rdn); return $this->template; break; case 'modify': if (! $server->dnExists($dn)) return $this->error(sprintf('%s %s',_('DN does not exist'),$dn),$lines); $this->template->setDN($dn); $this->template->accept(false,true); return $this->getModifyDetails($lines); break; case 'moddn': case 'modrdn': if (! $server->dnExists($dn)) return $this->error(sprintf('%s %s',_('DN does not exist'),$dn),$lines); $this->template->setDN($dn); $this->template->accept(); return $this->getModRDNAttributes($lines); break; default: if (! $server->dnExists($dn)) return $this->error(_('Unkown change type'),$lines); } } else return $this->error(_('A valid dn line is required'),$lines); } else return false; } }