dnExists($request['dn'])) error(sprintf(_('The entry (%s) does not exist.'),$request['dn']),'error','index.php'); $request['page'] = new PageRender($app['server']->getIndex(),get_request('template','REQUEST',false,'none')); $request['page']->setDN($request['dn']); $request['page']->accept(); $request['template'] = $request['page']->getTemplate(); $request['page']->drawTitle(get_rdn($request['template']->getDN())); $request['page']->drawSubTitle(); # Confirm the updates if (count($request['template']->getLDAPmodify(true))) { echo '
'; echo _('Do you want to make these changes?'); echo '

'; echo '
'; echo "\n\n"; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; printf('',$app['server']->getIndex()); printf('',htmlspecialchars($request['dn'])); echo "\n"; $request['page']->drawHiddenAttributes(); echo '
'; echo ''; echo "\n"; printf('', _('Attribute'),_('Old Value'),_('New Value'),_('Skip')); echo "\n\n"; # If we skip objectclass changes, but there are new must/may attrs provided by the new objectclass, they need to be skip. $mustattrs = getMustAttrs($request['template']->getAttribute('objectclass')->getValues()); $counter = 0; foreach ($request['template']->getLDAPmodify(true) as $attribute) { $counter++; printf('',$counter%2 ? 'even' : 'odd'); printf('',$attribute->getFriendlyName()); # Show OLD Values echo ''; # Show NEW Values echo ''; # Show SKIP Option $input_disabled = ''; $input_onclick = ''; if ($attribute->isForceDelete() || (in_array($attribute->getName(),$mustattrs)) && $request['template']->getAttribute('objectclass')->justModified()) $input_disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; if ($attribute->getName() == 'objectclass') { $input_onclick = ''; # If there are attributes being force deleted... if (count($request['template']->getForceDeleteAttrs()) > 0) { $input_onclick = 'onclick="if (this.checked) {'; # And this OC is being skipped, then these attributes can be optionally deleted. foreach ($request['template']->getForceDeleteAttrs() as $ad_name) { # Only if it is not a must attr by this objectclass now staying if (! in_array($ad_name->getName(),getMustAttrs($attribute->getOldValues()))) $input_onclick .= sprintf("document.getElementById('skip_array_%s').disabled = false;",$ad_name->getName()); $input_onclick .= sprintf("document.getElementById('skip_array_%s').checked = true;",$ad_name->getName()); $input_onclick .= "\n"; } $input_onclick .= '} else {'; # Otherwise the attributes must be deleted. foreach ($request['template']->getForceDeleteAttrs() as $ad_name) { $input_onclick .= sprintf("document.getElementById('skip_array_%s').checked = false;",$ad_name->getName()); $input_onclick .= sprintf("document.getElementById('skip_array_%s').disabled = true;",$ad_name->getName()); $input_onclick .= "\n"; } $input_onclick .= '};'; } # If the attributes arent force deleted... if ($input_onclick) $input_onclick .= 'if (this.checked) {'; else $input_onclick = 'onclick="if (this.checked) {'; # IE: There are new objectclasses that result in new values. foreach ($request['template']->getLDAPmodify(true) as $skipattr) { if (! $skipattr->getOldValues()) { if (! in_array($skipattr->getName(),$mustattrs)) $input_onclick .= sprintf("document.getElementById('skip_array_%s').disabled = true;",$skipattr->getName()); $input_onclick .= sprintf("document.getElementById('skip_array_%s').checked = true;",$skipattr->getName()); $input_onclick .= "\n"; } } $input_onclick .= '} else {'; foreach ($request['template']->getLDAPmodify(true) as $skipattr) { if (! $skipattr->getOldValues()) { if (! in_array($skipattr->getName(),$mustattrs)) $input_onclick .= sprintf("document.getElementById('skip_array_%s').disabled = false;",$skipattr->getName()); $input_onclick .= sprintf("document.getElementById('skip_array_%s').checked = false;",$skipattr->getName()); $input_onclick .= "\n"; } } $input_onclick .= '};"'; } printf('', htmlspecialchars($attribute->getName()),htmlspecialchars($attribute->getName()),$input_disabled,$input_onclick); echo ''; echo "\n\n"; } echo '
%s'; if (! $attribute->getOldValues()) printf('[%s]',_('attribute doesnt exist')); foreach ($attribute->getOldValues() as $key => $value) { # For multiple values, we'll highlight the changed ones if ((count($attribute->getOldValues()) > 5) && in_array($value,$attribute->getRemovedValues()) && count($attribute->getValues())) echo ''; $request['page']->draw('OldValue',$attribute,$key); # For multiple values, close the highlighting if ((count($attribute->getOldValues()) > 5) && in_array($value,$attribute->getRemovedValues()) && count($attribute->getValues())) echo ''; echo '
'; } echo '
'; if (! $attribute->getValueCount() || $attribute->isForceDelete()) printf('[%s]',_('attribute deleted')); foreach ($attribute->getValues() as $key => $value) { # For multiple values, we'll highlight the changed ones if ((count($attribute->getValues()) > 5) && in_array($value,$attribute->getAddedValues())) echo ''; $request['page']->draw('CurrentValue',$attribute,$key); # For multiple values, close the highlighting if ((count($attribute->getValues()) > 5) && in_array($value,$attribute->getAddedValues())) echo ''; echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; printf('',_('Commit')); printf('',_('Cancel')); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if (count($request['template']->getForceDeleteAttrs()) > 0) { echo ''; printf('',_('The deletion of objectClass(es)')); printf('',implode(', ',$request['template']->getAttribute('objectclass')->getRemovedValues())); echo ''; printf('',_('will delete the attribute(s)')); echo '
%s:'; $i = 0; foreach ($request['template']->getForceDeleteAttrs() as $attribute) { if ($i++ != 0) echo ', '; echo $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getFriendlyHTML($attribute); } echo '
'; } } else { echo '
'; echo _('You made no changes'); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s', $app['server']->getIndex(),rawurlencode($request['dn'])); printf(' %s.',htmlspecialchars($href),_('Go back')); echo '
'; } function getMustAttrs($oclasses) { global $app; $mustattrs = array(); foreach ($oclasses as $value) { $soc = $app['server']->getSchemaObjectClass($value); if ($soc) foreach ($soc->getMustAttrs() as $sma) array_push($mustattrs,$sma->getName()); } return $mustattrs; } ?>