getLdapServer(); $this->draw_mass_deletion_start_form(); echo ''; $this->draw_server_name(); $this->javascript = ''; $javascript_id = 0; /* Do we have what it takes to authenticate here, or do we need to * present the user with a login link (for 'cookie' and 'session' auth_types)? */ if ($ldapserver->haveAuthInfo()) { if ($ldapserver->connect(false)) { $this->draw_menu(); if ($ldapserver->auth_type != 'config') $this->draw_logged_in_dn(); else printf('',$this->getDepth()+3); if ($ldapserver->isReadOnly()) printf('',$this->getDepth()+3-1,_('read only')); else printf('',$this->getDepth()+3); foreach ($ldapserver->getBaseDN() as $base_dn) { # Did we get a base_dn for this server somehow? if ($base_dn) { /* Check if the LDAP server is not yet initialized * (ie, the base DN configured in config.php does not exist) */ if (! $ldapserver->dnExists($base_dn)) { $javascript_id++; printf('',$this->getDepth()+3-3,pretty_print_dn($base_dn)); /* Move this form and add it to the end of the html - otherwise the javascript * doesnt work when isMassDeleteEnabled returning true. */ #@todo: move to new format and test. $this->javascript .= sprintf('',$javascript_id); $this->javascript .= sprintf('',$ldapserver->server_id); $this->javascript .= sprintf('',htmlspecialchars(get_container($base_dn))); $this->javascript .= sprintf('',get_rdn($base_dn)); $this->javascript .= sprintf(''); printf('',$this->getDepth()+3-3,_('This base entry does not exist.'),$javascript_id,_('Create it?')); continue; } else { $this->draw_dn($base_dn,-1); } } else { // end if ($base_dn) # The server refuses to give out the base dn printf('', $this->getDepth()+3-2, _('Could not determine the root of your LDAP tree.'), _('It appears that the LDAP server has been configured to not reveal its root.'), _('Please specify it in config.php')); # Proceed to the Base DN. We cannot draw anything else for this Base DN. continue; } } } else { // end if( $ldapserver->connect(false) ) # @todo: need this message to display the LDAP server name, so we know which one is the problematic one. system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Authenticate to server'), 'body'=>_('Could not connect to LDAP server'), 'type'=>'warn')); $this->draw_logout_link(); # Proceed to the next server in the list. We cannot do anything mroe here. //return; } } else { // end if $ldapserver->haveAuthInfo() /* We don't have enough information to login to this server * Draw the "login..." link */ $this->draw_login_link(); } $this->draw_mass_deletion_submit_button(); # Tree Footer. # @todo: Need to implement a mechanism to have a footer, but not display it if it is blank. #printf('',$this->getDepth()+3,' '); echo '
'; $this->draw_mass_deletion_end_form(); echo "\n\n"; $this->draw_javascript(); } protected function draw_mass_deletion_start_form() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); # Does this server want mass deletion available? if ($ldapserver->isMassDeleteEnabled()) { echo '
'; printf('',$ldapserver->server_id); echo "\n\n"; } } protected function draw_mass_deletion_submit_button() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); if ($ldapserver->isMassDeleteEnabled()) { printf('', $this->getDepth()+3,_('Delete Checked Entries')); } } protected function draw_mass_deletion_end_form() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); if ($ldapserver->isMassDeleteEnabled()) { echo ''; echo '
'; } } protected function draw_server_name() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); echo ''; printf('%s',_('Server')); printf('',$this->getDepth()+3-1); printf('%s',htmlspecialchars($ldapserver->name)); if ($ldapserver->haveAuthInfo() && $ldapserver->auth_type != 'config') { $m = sprintf(_('Inactivity will log you off at %s'), strftime('%H:%M',time() + ($ldapserver->session_timeout*60))); printf(' %s',$m,$m); } echo ''; } protected function draw_menu() { $links = ''; $link = ''; $i = 0; while (($link = $this->get_menu_item($i)) !== false) { if ($link) { //if ($links) $links .= ' | '; $links .= ''.$link.''; } $i++; } # Draw the quick-links below the server name: if ($links) { printf('',$this->getDepth()+3-1); printf('%s
',$links); echo ''; } } protected function get_menu_item($i) { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); switch($i) { case 0 : if ($_SESSION['plaConfig']->isCommandAvailable('schema')) return $this->get_schema_menu_item(); else return ''; case 1 : if ($_SESSION['plaConfig']->isCommandAvailable('search')) return $this->get_search_menu_item(); else return ''; case 2 : if ($_SESSION['plaConfig']->isCommandAvailable('server_refresh')) return $this->get_refresh_menu_item(); else return ''; case 3 : if ($_SESSION['plaConfig']->isCommandAvailable('server_info')) return $this->get_info_menu_item(); else return ''; case 4 : if (!$ldapserver->isReadOnly() && $_SESSION['plaConfig']->isCommandAvailable('import')) return $this->get_import_menu_item(); else return ''; case 5 : if ($_SESSION['plaConfig']->isCommandAvailable('export')) return $this->get_export_menu_item(); else return ''; case 6 : if ($ldapserver->auth_type != 'config') return $this->get_logout_menu_item(); else return ''; default : return false; } } protected function get_schema_menu_item() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=schema&server_id=%s',$ldapserver->server_id); return sprintf('%s
', _('View schema for'),$ldapserver->name,htmlspecialchars($href),'images/schema.png',_('schema'),_('schema')); } protected function get_search_menu_item() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=search&server_id=%s&form=undefined"',$ldapserver->server_id); return sprintf('%s
', _('search'),$ldapserver->name,htmlspecialchars($href),'images/search.png',_('search'),_('search')); } protected function get_refresh_menu_item() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=refresh&server_id=%s',$ldapserver->server_id); return sprintf('%s
', _('Refresh all expanded containers for'),$ldapserver->name,htmlspecialchars($href),'images/refresh-big.png',_('refresh'),_('refresh')); } protected function get_info_menu_item() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=server_info&server_id=%s',$ldapserver->server_id); return sprintf('%s
', _('View server-supplied information'),htmlspecialchars($href),'images/info.png',_('info'),_('info')); } protected function get_import_menu_item() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=ldif_import_form&server_id=%s',$ldapserver->server_id); return sprintf('%s
', _('Import entries from an LDIF file'),htmlspecialchars($href),'images/import.png',_('import'),_('import')); } protected function get_export_menu_item() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=export_form&server_id=%s',$ldapserver->server_id); return sprintf('%s
', _('Export entries'),htmlspecialchars($href),'images/export.png',_('export'),_('export')); } protected function get_logout_menu_item() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=logout&server_id=%s',$ldapserver->server_id); return sprintf('%s
', _('Logout of this server'),htmlspecialchars($href),'images/logout.png',_('logout'),_('logout')); } protected function draw_logged_in_dn() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $logged_in_dn = $ldapserver->getLoggedInDN(); printf('%s%s ',$this->getDepth()+3-1,_('Logged in as'),_(':')); if ($ldapserver->getDNBase($logged_in_dn) == $logged_in_dn) { $logged_in_branch = ''; $logged_in_dn_array = array(); } else { $logged_in_branch = preg_replace('/,'.$ldapserver->getDNBase($logged_in_dn).'$/','',$logged_in_dn); $logged_in_dn_array = pla_explode_dn($logged_in_branch); } $bases = $ldapserver->getDNBase($logged_in_dn); if (is_array($bases) && count($bases)) $logged_in_dn_array[] = $bases; $rdn = $logged_in_dn; # Some sanity checking here, in case our DN doesnt look like a DN if (! is_array($logged_in_dn_array)) $logged_in_dn_array = array($logged_in_dn); if (strcasecmp('anonymous',$logged_in_dn)) { foreach ($logged_in_dn_array as $rdn_piece) { $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$ldapserver->server_id,rawurlencode($rdn)); printf('%s',htmlspecialchars($href),pretty_print_dn($rdn_piece)); if ($rdn_piece != end($logged_in_dn_array)) echo ','; $rdn = substr($rdn,(1 + strpos($rdn,','))); } } else { echo 'Anonymous'; } echo ''; } /** * Recursively descend on the given dn and draw the tree in html * * @param dn $dn Current dn. * @param int $level Level to start drawing (start to -1) */ protected function draw_dn($dn,$level) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',33,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$level); $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $dnEntry = $this->getEntry($dn); if (!$dnEntry) { $this->addEntry($dn); $dnEntry = $this->getEntry($dn); } if (!$dnEntry) return; $encoded_dn = rawurlencode($dn); $href['expand'] = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=expand&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn); $href['collapse'] = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=collapse&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn); $href['edit'] = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn); $img_src = sprintf('images/%s',$dnEntry->getIcon($ldapserver)); $rdn = get_rdn($dn); echo ''; $colspan = $this->getDepth()+3+$level+1; for ($i=0;$i<=$level;$i++) { echo ''; $colspan--; } # Shall we draw the "mass-delete" checkbox? if ($ldapserver->isMassDeleteEnabled()) { printf('',htmlspecialchars($dn)); } else { echo ''; } $colspan--; $child_count = $this->get_children_number($dnEntry); # Is this node expanded? (deciding whether to draw "+" or "-") if ($dnEntry->isOpened()) { if (!$child_count && !$ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled()) { echo '-'; } else { printf('-',$href['collapse']); } } else { if (($child_count !== false) && (!$child_count) && (!$ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled())) { echo '-'; } else { printf('+',$href['expand']); } } $colspan--; printf('img',$href['edit'],$ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn,$img_src); $colspan--; printf('',$colspan); printf('%s',$href['edit'],$this->get_formatted_dn($dnEntry,$level)); if ($child_count) printf(' (%s)',$child_count); echo ''; if ($dnEntry->isOpened()) { /* Draw the "create new" link at the top of the tree list if there are more than 10 * entries in the listing for this node. */ if (!$ldapserver->isReadOnly() && ($dnEntry->getChildrenNumber() > 10) && ($ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled())) { $this->draw_create_link($ldapserver->server_id,$rdn,$level,$encoded_dn); } foreach ($dnEntry->getChildren() as $dnChildEntry) $this->draw_dn($dnChildEntry,$level+1); # Always draw the "create new" link at the bottom of the listing if (!$ldapserver->isReadOnly() && !$dnEntry->isLeaf() && $ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled()) { $this->draw_create_link($ldapserver->server_id,$rdn,$level,$encoded_dn); } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Leaving (%s,%s)',33,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$level); } protected function get_formatted_dn($entry,$level) { if ($level < 0) return pretty_print_dn($entry->getDn()); else return draw_formatted_dn($this->getLdapServer(),$entry); } protected function get_children_number($entry) { if ($entry->isOpened()) { $child_count = $entry->getChildrenNumber(true); if ($entry->isSizeLimited()) { $child_count .= '...'; } return $child_count; } else { if ($this->getLdapServer()->isLowBandwidth()) { return false; } else { $child_count = $entry->getChildrenNumber(); if ($entry->isSizeLimited()) { $child_count .= '+'; } return $child_count; } } } /** * Print the HTML to show the "create new entry here". * * @param int $server_id * @param dn $rdn * @param int $level * @param dn $encoded_dn */ protected function draw_create_link($server_id,$rdn,$level,$encoded_dn) { # print the "Create New object" link. $href = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&container=%s',$server_id,$encoded_dn)); echo ''; for ($i=0;$i<=$level;$i++) echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; printf('%s',$href,_('new')); printf('%s', $this->getDepth()+3-$level-1-3,$href,_('Create a new entry in'),$rdn,_('Create new entry here')); echo ''; } protected function draw_login_link() { global $recently_timed_out_servers; $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); $href = htmlspecialchars( sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=%s&server_id=%s',get_custom_file($ldapserver->server_id,'login_form',''),$ldapserver->server_id)); echo ''; printf('%s',$href,_('login')); printf('%s',$this->getDepth()+3-2,$href,_('Login').'...'); echo ''; printf(' ',$this->getDepth()+3); printf(' ',$this->getDepth()+3); # If the server recently timed out display the message if (is_array($recently_timed_out_servers) && in_array($ldapserver->server_id,$recently_timed_out_servers)) printf('%s', $this->getDepth()+3-1,_('(Session timed out. Automatically logged out.)')); } protected function draw_logout_link() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); if ($ldapserver->auth_type != 'config') { printf('%s', $this->getDepth()+3-1,get_custom_file($ldapserver->server_id,'logout',''),$ldapserver->server_id,_('logout')); } } protected function draw_javascript() { if ($this->javascript) { echo "\n"; echo $this->javascript; echo "\n"; } } /* * Work out how deep the "opened" tree is. */ public function getDepth() { $ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer(); static $depths = array(); if (! isset($depths[$ldapserver->server_id])) { $max = 0; # BaseDN are open, so we start at 1. foreach ($this->entries as $dn) { $basedepth = count(pla_explode_dn($ldapserver->getContainerParent($dn->getDn(),'/'))); $depth = 0; //if ($dn->isOpened()) $depth = count(pla_explode_dn($dn->getDn()))+1-$basedepth; if ($depth > $max) $max = $depth; } $depths[$ldapserver->server_id] = $max; } return $depths[$ldapserver->server_id]; } } ?>