pla_error(_('You cannot perform updates while server is in read-only mode'));
if (! $ldapserver->haveAuthInfo())
pla_error(_('Not enough information to login to server. Please check your configuration.'));
$new_dn = isset($_POST['new_dn']) ? $_POST['new_dn'] : null;
$required_attrs = isset($_POST['required_attrs']) ? $_POST['required_attrs'] : false;
$object_classes = unserialize(rawurldecode($_POST['object_classes']));
$redirect = isset($_POST['redirect']) ? $_POST['redirect'] : false;
# See if there are any presubmit values to work out.
if (isset($_POST['presubmit']) && count($_POST['presubmit']) && isset($_POST['template'])) {
$templates = new Templates($ldapserver->server_id);
$template = $templates->GetTemplate($_POST['template']);
foreach ($_POST['presubmit'] as $attr) {
$_POST['attrs'][] = $attr;
$_POST['form'][$attr] = $templates->EvaluateDefault($ldapserver,$template['attribute'][$attr]['presubmit'],$_POST['container']);
$_POST['vals'][] = $_POST['form'][$attr];
# @todo: This section needs to be cleaned up, and will be when the old templates are removed. In the mean time...
# Rebuild the $_POST['attrs'] & $_POST['vals'], as they can be inconsistent.
foreach ($_POST['form'] as $attr => $val) {
$_POST['attrs'][] = $attr;
$_POST['vals'][] = $val;
$vals = isset($_POST['vals']) ? $_POST['vals'] : array();
$attrs = isset($_POST['attrs']) ? $_POST['attrs'] : array();
# build the new entry
$new_entry = array();
if (isset($required_attrs) && is_array($required_attrs)) {
foreach ($required_attrs as $attr => $val) {
if ($val == '')
pla_error(sprintf(_('You left the value blank for required attribute (%s).'),htmlspecialchars($attr)));
$new_entry[$attr][] = $val;
if (isset($attrs) && is_array($attrs)) {
foreach ($attrs as $i => $attr) {
if ($ldapserver->isAttrBinary($attr)) {
if (isset($_FILES['vals']['name'][$i]) && $_FILES['vals']['name'][$i] != '' ) {
# read in the data from the file
$file = $_FILES['vals']['tmp_name'][$i];
$f = fopen($file,'r');
$binary_data = fread($f,filesize($file));
$val = $binary_data;
$new_entry[$attr][] = $val;
} else {
if (is_array($vals[$i])) {
# If the array has blank entries, then ignore them.
foreach ($vals[$i] as $value) {
if (trim($value))
$new_entry[$attr][] = $value;
} else {
$val = isset($vals[$i]) ? $vals[$i] : '';
if ('' !== trim($val))
$new_entry[$attr][] = $val;
$new_entry['objectClass'] = $object_classes;
if (! in_array('top',$new_entry['objectClass']))
$new_entry['objectClass'][] = 'top';
foreach ($new_entry as $attr => $vals) {
# Check to see if this is a unique Attribute
if ($badattr = $ldapserver->checkUniqueAttr($new_dn,$attr,$vals)) {
$search_href = sprintf('search.php?search=true&form=advanced&server_id=%s&filter=%s=%s',
pla_error(sprintf(_('Your attempt to add %s (%s) to
is NOT allowed. That attribute/value belongs to another entry.
You might like to search for that entry.'),$attr,$badattr,$new_dn,$search_href)); } if (! $ldapserver->isAttrBinary($attr)) if (is_array($vals)) foreach ($vals as $i => $v) $new_entry[$attr][$i] = $v; else $new_entry[$attr] = $vals; } # Check the user-defined custom call back first if (run_hook('pre_entry_create',array('server_id'=>$ldapserver->server_id,'dn'=>$new_dn,'attrs'=>$new_entry))) $add_result = $ldapserver->add($new_dn,$new_entry); if ($add_result) { run_hook('post_entry_create',array('server_id'=>$ldapserver->server_id,'dn'=>$new_dn,'attrs'=>$new_entry)); if ($redirect) $redirect_url = $redirect; else $redirect_url = sprintf('template_engine.php?server_id=%s&dn=%s',$ldapserver->server_id,rawurlencode($new_dn)); echo '
'; $tree = get_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id,'tree'); $container = get_container($new_dn); if ((isset($tree['browser'][$container]['open']) && $tree['browser'][$container]['open']) || in_array($new_dn,$ldapserver->getBaseDN())) { echo ''; printf('',$redirect_url); } printf('',$redirect_url); echo ''; printf('%s %s.',_('Redirecting...'),$redirect_url,_('here')); echo ''; } else { pla_error(_('Could not add the object to the LDAP server.'),$ldapserver->error(),$ldapserver->errno()); } ?>