2009-06-30 19:24:29 +10:00

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* Version 0.9.6, 2005-04-03
* Summary:
The main goals for this version was to close all the outstanding bugs and apply all the submitted patchs
on sourceforge. All the sourceforge easy to do RFE's where also included.
* Notes:
- Added support for mulpiple Base DN's
- Added support to log for syslog (Benjamin Drieu)
- Added hooks feature to replace custom functions (Benjamin Drieu)
- Entry chooser now auto adds rdn entry for copy/move operations (wigi2)
- Initial support for AD Schema Retrieval
- Added login restriction (Samuel Tran)
- Added support to move objects (aka Copy then Delete) (wigi2)
- No longer show + next to objects that have no children in tree viewer (when hide_configuration_management=true)
- Added date evaluation to shadow attributes (shadowAccount)
- Added Enhancement to show attributes in a specifc order (Samuel Tran)
- Added Server Info OID descriptions
- Added new feature to compare two DNs
- Binary SID to text SID feature for MSAD objectSid entries.
- Added session timeout feature (Samuel Tran)
* New Languages:
- Taiwan (Anonymous)
- Simplfied Chinese (Anonymous)
* Changes:
- LDAP server configuration is being moved into an Object LDAPServer, all future interactions should
use this object class from now on.
- Some more conversions of english static text into language files.
- Some code cleanup, excess whitespace removal, etc...
- Tags for phpdoc updated.
- Added cvs header to files missing the header.
- LDIF Import function improvements (Xavier Renard)
- UniqueAttrs fix, now showing actual value (in multi value attribs) that breaches uniqueness
- Fixed check_lang_files when register_globals=off
- css fixes (Daniel van Eeden)
- More locatisation fixes (Piotr Tarnowski)
- Schema functions all use cached entries now by default
- Improved password encoding functions (Tomas Kuliavas)
- If auth_type = session, then dn and password is also blowfish encrypted
- Prettied up the icon index (Dave Smith)
- Make the rdn not editable in the default template.
* Fixes:
- password_check when magic_quotes_gpc is on.
- Misc fixes (Benjamin Drieu)
- Fix searchs when searching for values with brackets
- Unicode fixes (Daniel van Eeden)
- View jpeg photo minor security fix (Dave Smith)
- Check password link missing in read-only mode
* Sourceforge bug fixes:
1117099 1117316 1120048 1150947 1152962 1153360 1055401 1158148 1161425
* Version 0.9.5, 2004-12-17
* Notes:
This version adds substantial new features and several minor bug fixes as well as PHP5 support!
* Changes:
- Added PHP5 support using Zend1 compatibility options.
- Users can now specify a format string for custom display of DNs in the tree viewer
(see $tree_display_format in config.php.example)
- If using http auth_type, DNs and passwords are now encrypted int he cookie using blowfish.
- If base entry is missing, phpLDAPadmin will prompt you to create it and give you some
sane default values to get started.
- Added index file for viewing of all PLA icons (see phpldapadmin/images/index.php)
- Added custom country flag icons for DNs in the form "c=us"
- Added more custom icons (ipNetwork, Device, Room)
- Made it easier to create the base entry of an empty tree.
- Fixed bug related to predefined search queries with patch from Olivier Mounier
- Added a template for mozillaOrgPerson
- Improved error handling for non-existent or unreadable template files.
- "Create new" now displays at the top *and* bottom of the tree viewer list if there are
more than 10 entries in the container (make it easier for users by reducing scrolling)
- Optimized several pages by closing the session early if not needed.
- By request, reversed the order of first name / last name in the inetOrgPerson template.
- Added a login_string feature for admins who have all their users in a single container,
so they can specify a string like "uid=<username>,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" instead
of setting up the painful login_attr stuff.
- Changed the delete button to be red (like phpMyAdmin) to make it more obvious.
- Consolidated the links at the top of the tree viewer to make better use of real estate.
- New logo!
- Patch from Dimitre to fix unique attrs enforcement.
- Templates can now redirect wherever they want using a hidden form input.
- Added a "Home" button in the tree viewer to get back to the main PLA page if desired.
- PLA now looks up the gidNumber to display group description and name in user accounst.
- Improved the hint about structural objectClasses in the custom creation template
- Added ability to purge caches (mostly just schema objects) and caches are auto-purged
when the schema is viewed in the schema browser.
- Changed the arrow icon next to objectClass values to be an information button.
- Search results can be displayed in table format now.
- Fixes to LDIF import.
- Added support for exporting to VCard 2.1 format.
- Lots of little session fixes.
- Structural objectClasses are now shown in bold in the custom creation template.
- Fixed lots of bugs, some big some minor:
1025353 1037715 1029103 1026427 1025353 1020606
1020376 1010576 1009410 1007281 1007132 1004042
1002794 1001941 1000185 999605 999170 996842
995362 995297 995296 994343 993875 992419
991891 989219 984587 983375 981283 979395
977598 974369 973520 973323 965165 964410
962074 959950 958372 957284 954453
* Version 0.9.4b, 2004-05-11
* Notes:
This follow-on release fixes one critical bug contained in 0.9.4
relating to session.auto_start and schema caching.
* Changes
- Fixed bugs (all duplicates of single bug):
- Fixed binary attribute creation (create.php)
* Version 0.9.4a, 2004-05-08
* Notes:
This follow-on release fixes several critical bugs contained in 0.9.4.
* Changes:
- Fixed bugs:
949500 Error while adding New User Account
949500 Creating a new uid under ou=People
948695 is_executable() error using phpldapadmin - windows
948741 Level: E_WARNING
948413 Undefined variable: lang (E_NOTICE) after install
* Version 0.9.4, 2004-05-04
* Notes:
This release adds many new features and fixes many minor bugs.
General performance has improved, especially for handling large data
sets. Of particular note is that users can page through search results,
flag individual attributes as read-only, view in-line jpegPhotos in
search results, export DSML, all from the comfort of their own language.
phpLDAPadmin is now availble in 11 languages.
* Changes:
- Fixed bug 936223 by adding more robust error-handling to the binary
attr viewing code.
- Improved support for Microsoft Active Direcotry
Added many new icons and logic to detect "special" Active Directory
Fixed a bug which prevented phpLDAPadmin's tree viewer from
properly browsing an Active Directory.
- Improved support for Novell eDirectory
Added many new icons and logic to detect Novell eDirectory (NDS)
- Enhanced export form
Users can specify the type of export, line ends, search scope, and more
from one handy form similar in appearance to phpMyAdmin export forms (though
more simple). As a result, I cleaned up the links at the top of the default
mod template (removed mac | win | unix links, for example).
- Cleaned up the entry browser link
It now better aligns itself with neighboring form elements.
- Fixed several E_NOTICE bugs
- Added paging to search results Search results are now paged into groups
of 50 entries and users can step through the pages like Google. This is not
only a nicety, but with large searches users may have waited for hours for
their browser to render all the entries. That problem is fixed by paging.
- DNs are pretty-printed
DNs in the tree viewer and else-where are now "syntax-highlighted".
- Faster schema surfing
You can "jump to" schema elements without rendering all other elements in
the schema browser. This is a major speed enhancement.
- Configurable: hide "Create new"
Thanks to a patch from Deon George, users can hide the "create new" link in the
tree viewer if desired.
- DSML exports
- Various XHTML fixes supplied by Uwe Ebel.
- More binary safety:
get_object_attrs() is now completely binary safe. Developers can use it to
fetch jpegPhotos and any other binary data.
- Re-order the search criteria menu
Users can re-order the search criteria drop-down box (for simple search
form) as desired from the config.
- Obfuscated passwords with ****
Users can configure PLA to display userPasswords as ****** if desired.
- Tree browser displays child counts
We found a fast solution to display child counts below each node without
having to expand the node in the tree viewer. Works great.
- "Used by" hyperlinks
The "used by" list in matching rules are now hyper-linked to attributes in
the schema viewer.
- jpegPhotos in the search results.
When a search result includes jpegPhotos, they will be displayed inline
with other attributes. Very handy for address books!
- We can draw any jpeg now
Modified the infrastrucutre to draw any jpegPhoto attribute, regardless of
its name.
- Added a groupOfNames template
For editing groupOfNames and groupOfUniqueNames
- Fixes to the entry browser
The entry browser can be clicked and closed before it's finished loading
- Read-only attributes
Users can now mark certain attributes as read-only, and PLA will refuse to
modify them (ie, objectClasses) and display them without form input fields.
- Configurable handling of aliases and referrals
Admins can configure how phpLDAPadmin should handle aliases and
referrals with fine-grained control.
- Schema caching
Network traffic between the web server and LDAP server has been reduced
drastically and user page loads should run much faster thanks to a
two-level session-based and memory-based schema cache.
- Low bandwidth mode
Users who have a slow link between their LDAP server and web server can
run phpLDAPadmin in low-bandwidth mode to discourage excessive network
- Fixed DN explosion
A bug in PHP's LDAP API caused common segmentation faults in
ldap_explode_dn(). We have re-implemented this function in PHP and have
eliminated all segmentation faults.
- Almost complete localization
phpLDAPadmin is 100% internationalized with the exception of creation
templates, available in 11 languages.
- Added support for IBM LDAP and ISODE M-Vault LDAP servers.
- Linkable displayed DNs
When a user views an attribute that contains a DN, an arrow will appear
to the left side. When clicked, the user is taken to the referenced DN.
- Recursive copy fliters
When users copy a sub-tree, they may apply a filter to the copy such
that only entries that match the filter will be copied.
- Auto uidNumber enhancements
Admins can now specify a DN to bind with when auto-searching for the next
available uidNumber.
- Schema code cleanups
Applied object-oriented inheritance to schema items and cleaned up
access functions. No affect on end user, just a developers' itch.
- Custom creation template usability enhancements
- Fixed session bugs
If PHP is auto-starting sessions, we will not throw errors anymore.
- Added new auth_type: http
Users can now use http auth_types for form-based logins. Their
DN/password will be stored on the server in memory rather than in
a cookie on the client.
- TLS fixes
More robust coverage. If users have configured 'tls' = true in
config.php, we use TLS for all transactions with the LDAP
- Error handling fixes
pla_verbose_error() is more tolerant of crappy input (ie, bad LDAP
error codes).
- Cleaned up default mod template
Editing entries is now much cleaner-looking. Buttons at the top are
in two columns. The browser doesn't have to be full-screen anymore
to edit an entry.
- Minor cosmetic fixes to custom creation template
- Added phpDoc commentary to all functions in functions.php and
schema_functions.php, and export_functions.php. This allows us to
auto-doc the code using phpDocumentor.
* Version 0.9.3, 2003-12-19
* Notes:
This release focused almost entirely on finding and fixing bugs.
The schema viewer has also been streamlined to save bandwidth (and several
endangered species), while template configuration has been moved to its
own file located in the templates directory. Over all, phpLDAPadmin has
been made more solid thanks to testing and reporting by hundreds of users.
Thansk for all your reports! Special thanks goes out to Matt Perlman for
the IBM work-around and Uwe Ebel for the enhanced schema viewer.
* Changes:
As this was primarily a bug-fix release, here's the list of significant
862225 an E_NOTICE on delete fixed
861730 (and many duplicates of it) an E_NOTICE on determining the
language in 'auto' lanuage mode for browsers who don't
set HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE (like Opera).
861491 (and many duplicates of it) Anonymous form-based logins
often failed due to several E_NOTICE problems.
856832 IBM LDAP servers refernece SUP attributes by OID, not name.
A patch was provided to accomodate this circumstance.
860179 Another anonymous form-based login bug.
858611 (lots of dups of this one) Fixed the error handler so that
it will not cause a "cannot send header information" message.
844547 A coulpe E_NOTICE bugs in the posix group creation template.
841816 An E_NOTICE bug during creation of an entry.
844340 A sprintf error during login
- Many many more bug fixes.
- The schema viewer was also streamlined.
- Support work-around for IBM LDAP Server was added.
* Version 0.9.2, 2003-11-14
* Notes:
This release has undergone major code hardening as we've subjected it to
the most stringent standard of PHP error reporting. The result is
fewer unhandled errors, improved usability, and better performance.
We've given more attention to internationalization as well,
and that effort is nearly 80% complete. Translators and coders are still
needed to help complete the localization effort. We've added a whole new
custom callback infrastructure that is event driven. Users can write their
own custom code to be executed as the result of LDAP events. Events include
entry creation, entry deletion, and entry modification. Users can define
custom code to execute automatically before and after each of these events.
See "custom_functions.php" for details and documentation. Lots of other new
features and bug fixes are outlined in the ChangeLog. phpLDAPadmin finally
has a roadmap included with each release. Find it in the file called "ROADMAP"
in the root of the install. This roadmap will be constantly updated to
list our goals for each release. Enjoy 0.9.2! As always, your feedback
is most welcome on the development mailing list and on the SourceForge
bug tracker.
* Changes:
- Localization work continues. About 80% complete.
- New languages: Ialian, German, Catala
- Fixed major encoding bugs. All pages are now true UTF-8 encoded
- Support for auto-determining user's language based on the browser
- Custom event callbacks infrastructure (see custom_functions.php). Users can now
define custom code to execute as a result of LDAP events (ie, new entries,
modifications, etc).
- Major code cleanup. Removed all E_NOTICE messages and enabled E_ALL error_reporting.
- Added support for smd5 and ssha passwords
- Added configurable hints throughout the application
- Added template-based entry editing. The infrastructure is now in place to use custom
templates for editing LDAP entries. No templates are being shipped with 0.9.2, but
they are on the way for 0.9.3.
- Added photo display support for non-jpegPhoto photo attributes.
- Added mass deletion. If enabled in the configuration, users can mass-delete multiple
entries from the tree browser with checkboxes.
- Much improved schema retrieval code. Now PLA uses the Root DSE (or any relevant DN)
to fetch the schema based on the RFC-complian subSchemaSubEntry value.
- Added support for viewing schema for attributes with ";" in their names (like
userCertificate;binary or sn;lang-fr)
- Schema code is 100% object oriented.
- Enhanced search code can handle large searches without running out of memory.
- Fixed minor XSS vulnerabilities in several creation templates.
- Enhanced the server information viewer to actively retrieve attributes that the server
may not give voluntarily.
- Made the tree viewer more intelligent for failed binds.
- Added better caching of the base DN for the tree viewer, which speeds up page loads
considerably with multiple servers all configured to auto-determine the base DN.
- Added intelligence around password updates on the currently logged-in user entry.
* Version 0.9.1, 2003-09-24
* Notes:
We fixed a mountain of bugs for this release and implemented the
most popular feature requests. The result is a much more robust LDAP
management tool that supports a wider range of harsh environments and spoken
languages. This release was over a month in the making and it shows. We've
had great feed back from users. Special thanks to Nick Burch, Xavier
Renard, Uwe Ebel, Schuller Tom, and Marius Reider for their code
contributions. Thanks to everyone who contributed code and bug reports!
* Changes:
- Preliminary support for LDIF imports.
- Binary attribute support for viewing, deleting, and adding.
- Users can specify attributes to hide while editing entries.
- Schema browser now displays which objectClasses each attribute is used in.
- Preliminary multi-language support (some localization, infrastructure in place).
- New template for creating posixGroup entries.
- Optional read-only mode of operation.
- Error dialog beautified.
- Localization effort begun, now available in German and French.
- New samba user template.
* Bugs fixed:
- I18n support was made more robust (UTF-8 problems fixed in *many* places).
- Improved LDIF exports with better LDIF comments and cleaner IE support.
- Cleaned up code in edit.php.
- After updates, modified attribute(s) now highlighted properly.
- Many realpath() fixes to allow symlink installs with multiple configs.
- Simple search form 'Starts with' '*' searches produced PHP error.
- Entry creation now adds the new entry to the tree browser in sorted order.
- Complete re-work of schema browser, much more efficient parser.
- Began effort to remove all E_NOTICE notices.
* Version 0.9.0, 2003-08-12
* Notes:
This is the first release of phpLDAPAdmin. It should be stable enough and
ready for use on your production LDAP servers. This is still a beta release
and the paranoid may want to wait. phpLDAPAdmin is based on an improved
version of DaveDAP 0.8.4.
* Changes:
phpLDAPAdmin was DaveDAP. Changes since DaveDAP 0.8.4 include:
- Better LDAP compliance when copying entries.
- Fixed boolean attribute support.
- jpegPhoto scaling when necessary.
- More robust schema browser.
- Added internal attributes support.
- Slightly improved look and feel.