381 lines
11 KiB
381 lines
11 KiB
// $Header: /cvsroot/phpldapadmin/phpldapadmin/search.php,v 1.66 2005/03/26 01:07:32 wurley Exp $
* Perform LDAP searches and draw the advanced/simple search forms
* Variables that come in as GET vars:
* - server_id
* - search (true if performing a search, empty to just draw form)
* For simple searches:
* - attribute, criterion, filter
* For advanced searches:
* - base_dn, scope, filter
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @todo Search is probably broken, since base_dn is now an array
require './common.php';
$server_id = (isset($_REQUEST['server_id']) ? $_REQUEST['server_id'] : '');
$ldapserver = new LDAPServer($server_id);
if( ! $ldapserver->haveAuthInfo())
pla_error( $lang['not_enough_login_info'] );
// Output format, table or list?
$result_formats = array( 'list', 'table' );
$format = isset( $_GET['format'] ) ? $_GET['format'] : get_default_search_display();
if( ! in_array( $format, $result_formats ) )
$format = 'list';
// build the server drop-down html and JavaScript array (for base_dns)
$js_on_change_string = '';
if( isset( $_GET['form'] ) && $_GET['form'] == 'advanced' )
$js_on_change_string =
$server_menu_html = server_select_list($server_id,true,'server_id',$js_on_change_string);
$server_info_list = server_info_list();
$filter = isset( $_GET['filter'] ) ? clean_search_vals($_GET['filter']) : null;
$attr = isset( $_GET['attribute'] ) ? $_GET['attribute'] : null;
// grab the base dn for the search
if( isset( $_GET['base_dn'] ) && $_GET['base_dn'] ) {
$base_dn = $_GET['base_dn'];
$base_dn_is_invalid = false;
$base_dn_does_not_exist = false;
if( trim( $base_dn ) )
if( ! is_dn_string( $base_dn ) )
$base_dn_is_invalid = true;
elseif( ! dn_exists( $ldapserver, $base_dn ) )
$base_dn_does_not_exist = true;
$base_dns = array($base_dn);
} else
$base_dns = $ldapserver->getBaseDN();
$criterion = isset( $_GET['criterion'] ) ? $_GET['criterion'] : null;
$form = isset( $_GET['form'] ) ? $_GET['form'] : null;
$scope = isset( $_GET['scope'] ) ? $_GET['scope'] : 'sub';
include './header.php'; ?>
<?php if( $form == 'advanced' ) {
include './search_form_advanced.php';
} elseif( $form == 'predefined' ) {
include './search_form_predefined.php';
} else /* Draw simple search form */ {
if( count( $search_attributes ) != count( $search_attributes_display ) )
pla_error( $lang['mismatched_search_attr_config'] );
include './search_form_simple.php';
} ?>
if( isset( $_GET['search'] ) ) {
if( $form == 'advanced' ) {
$search_result_attributes = isset( $_GET['display_attrs'] ) ?
rawurldecode( $_GET['display_attrs'] ) : ( isset( $search_result_attributes ) ?
$search_result_attributes : "dn, cn" );
// do we have enough authentication information for the specified server_id
if( ! $ldapserver->haveAuthInfo() ) {
$login_url = sprintf('login_form.php?server_id=%s&redirect=%s',
$server_id,rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); ?>
<br />
<?php echo $lang['you_have_not_logged_into_server']; ?><br />
<a href="<?php echo $login_url; ?>"><?php echo $lang['click_to_go_to_login_form']; ?></a>.
if( isset( $_GET['predefined'] ) ) {
$predefined = $_GET['predefined'];
if( is_numeric( $predefined ) ) {
$query = get_cleaned_up_predefined_search( $predefined );
$search_result_attributes = $query['attributes'];
$search_attributes_display = $search_result_attributes;
$search_attributes = $search_result_attributes;
$filter = $query['filter'];
$scope = $query['scope'];
if (is_array($query['base']))
$base_dns = $query['base'];
$base_dns = array($query['base']);
$ldapserver = new LDAPServer($query['server']);
} else {
$predefined = '';
if( $filter ) {
// if they are using the simple search form, build an LDAP search filter from their input
if( $form == 'simple' & ! is_numeric( $predefined ) ) {
switch( $criterion ) {
case 'starts with':
// to fix bug 789113
if( $filter == "*" )
$filter = "";
$filter = "($attr=$filter*)";
case 'contains':
// to fix bug 789113
if( $filter == "*" )
$filter = "($attr=*)";
$filter = "($attr=*$filter*)";
case 'ends with':
// to fix bug 789113
if( $filter == "*" )
$filter = "";
$filter = "($attr=*$filter)";
case 'equals':
$filter = "($attr=$filter)";
case 'sounds like':
$filter = "($attr~=$filter)";
pla_error( $lang['unrecognized_criteria_option'] .
htmlspecialchars( $criterion ) .
$lang['if_you_want_to_add_criteria'] );
echo "<center>" . $lang['searching'] . "</center>\n";
// prevent script from bailing early on a long delete
@set_time_limit( 0 );
// grab the size limit set in config.php
$size_limit = isset ( $search_result_size_limit ) && is_numeric( $search_result_size_limit ) ?
$search_result_size_limit : 50;
// Sanity check
if( $size_limit < 1 )
$size_limit = 1;
$page = isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? $_GET['page'] : 0;
$time_start = utime();
$time_elapsed = 0;
foreach ($base_dns as $base_dn) {
if (! dn_exists( $ldapserver, $base_dn ) ) {
debug_log(sprintf('BaseDN [%s] skipped as it doesnt exist in [%s].',$base_dn,$ldapserver->server_id),1);
} else {
debug_log(sprintf('Search with base DN [%s]',$base_dn),9);
if( $scope == 'base' )
$results = @ldap_read( $ldapserver->connect(false), $base_dn, $filter, $search_result_attributes,
0, 0, 0, get_search_deref_setting() );
elseif( $scope == 'one' )
$results = @ldap_list( $ldapserver->connect(false), $base_dn, $filter, $search_result_attributes,
0, 0, 0, get_search_deref_setting() );
else // scope == 'sub'
$results = @ldap_search( $ldapserver->connect(false), $base_dn, $filter, $search_result_attributes,
0, 0, 0, get_search_deref_setting() );
$errno = @ldap_errno( $ldapserver->connect(false) );
if( ! $results ) {
pla_error( $lang['error_performing_search'], ldap_error( $ldapserver->connect(false) ), ldap_errno( $ldapserver->connect(false) ) );
$time_end = utime();
$time_elapsed += round( $time_end - $time_start, 2 );
$count = @ldap_count_entries( $ldapserver->connect(), $results );
$start_entry = $page * $size_limit;
$end_entry = min( $start_entry + $size_limit + 1, $count+1 );
<table class="search_header">
<td style="vertical-align: top">
<nobr><?php echo $lang['entries_found'] . ' <b>' . number_format( $count ) ?></b> </nobr>
<small><nobr>(<?php echo $time_elapsed; ?> <?php echo $lang['seconds']; ?>)</nobr></small>
<td style="text-align: right">
<?php echo "[ <a href=\"export_form.php?server_id=$server_id&scope=$scope&dn=" .
urlencode($base_dn) . "&filter=" . urlencode($filter) . "&attributes=" .
urlencode( join( ', ', $search_result_attributes ) ) . "\"><img src=\"images/save.png\" /> " .
$lang['export_results'] . "</a> ]";
echo '[ <img src="images/rename.png" /> ' . $lang['format'] . ':';
foreach( $result_formats as $f ) {
echo ' ';
if( $format == $f ) {
echo '<b>' . $lang[$f] . '</b>';
} else {
$php_self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$query_string = array_to_query_string( $_GET, array( 'format' ) );
$query_string .= "&format=$f";
echo "<a href=\"$php_self?$query_string\">" . $lang[$f] . "</a>";
} ?>
<?php if( $form == 'simple' || $form == 'predefined' ) { ?>
<br /><nobr><small><?php echo $lang['filter_performed']; ?>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $filter ); ?></small></nobr>
<?php } ?>
// The LDAP error code for the size limit exceeded error.
define( 'SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED', 4 );
if( $errno && $errno == SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ) {
echo "<br /><center><small style=\"color:red; white-space: nowrap\">" . $lang['size_limit_exceeded'] . "</small></center><br />\n";
// Draw the paging links
$pager_html = '';
$total_pages = $count / $size_limit;
$results_per_page = $size_limit;
if( $count > $size_limit ) {
echo sprintf( $lang['showing_results_x_through_y'], "<b>" . number_format($start_entry+1) . "</b>", "<b>" . number_format($end_entry-1) . "</b>" ) . "<br />\n";
$php_self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if( $page != 0 ) {
$query_string = array_to_query_string( $_GET, array( 'page' ) );
$query_string .= '&page=' . ($page-1);
$pager_html .= "<a title=\"" . sprintf( $lang['page_n'],$page ) . "\" href=\"$php_self?$query_string\">‹‹</a>";
} else {
$pager_html .= "‹‹";
$pager_html .= ' ';
// for large search results where we page beyone the first 20 pages,
// print elipsis instead of making the pager be super wide.
$elipsis_printed = false;
for( $i=0; $i<$count; $i+=$size_limit ) {
$page_num = $i/$size_limit;
if( $count > $size_limit * 20 && abs( $page_num - $page ) > 10 ) {
if( ! $elipsis_printed ) {
$pager_html .= '... ';
$elipsis_printed = true;
} else if( $page == $page_num ) {
$pager_html .= '<b>' . ($page_num + 1) . '</b>';
$pager_html .= ' ';
$elipsis_printed = false;
} else {
$query_string = array_to_query_string( $_GET, array( 'page' ) );
$query_string .= '&page=' . $page_num;
$pager_html .= "<a href=\"$php_self?$query_string\">" . ($page_num+1) . "</a>";
$pager_html .= ' ';
$elipsis_printed = false;
if( $page+1 < $total_pages ) {
$query_string = array_to_query_string( $_GET, array( 'page' ) );
$query_string .= '&page=' . ($page+1);
$pager_html .= "<a title=\"" . sprintf( $lang['page_n'],($page+2) ) . "\" href=\"$php_self?$query_string\">››</a>";
} else {
$pager_html .= "››";
if( 0 == $count )
echo '<center><h2>' . $lang['no_results'] . '</h2></center>';
else {
echo '<center>' . $pager_html . '</center><br />';
if( $format == 'list' )
// $lang['list'] - this is here so check_lang_files doesnt prompt us to remove this $lang variable.
include realpath( './search_results_list.php' );
elseif( $format == 'table' )
// $lang['table'] - this is here so check_lang_files doesnt prompt us to remove this $lang variable.
include realpath( './search_results_table.php' );
pla_error( sprintf( $lang['unrecoginzed_search_result_format'], htmlspecialchars( $format ) ) );
echo '<br /><center>' . $pager_html . '</center>';
} ?>
<br /><br />
<div class="search_result"><center><span style="font-weight:normal;font-size:75%;">
<?php echo $lang['search_duration']; ?>
<b><?php echo $time_elapsed; ?></b> <?php echo $lang['seconds'];?>.</small></center></div>
<?php }
} ?>