2009-06-30 18:10:17 +10:00

136 lines
3.8 KiB

* create.php
* Creates a new object.
* Variables that come in as POST vars:
* - new_dn
* - attrs (an array of attributes)
* - vals (an array of values for the above attrs)
* - required_attrs (an array with indices being the attributes,
* and the values being their respective values)
* - object_classes (rawurlencoded, and serialized array of objectClasses)
* - server_id
require realpath( 'common.php' );
$new_dn = isset( $_POST['new_dn'] ) ? $_POST['new_dn'] : null;
$encoded_dn = rawurlencode( $new_dn );
$server_id = $_POST['server_id'];
$vals = $_POST['vals'];
$attrs = $_POST['attrs'];
$required_attrs = isset( $_POST['required_attrs'] ) ? $_POST['required_attrs'] : false;
$object_classes = unserialize( rawurldecode( $_POST['object_classes'] ) );
$container = get_container( $new_dn );
if( is_server_read_only( $server_id ) )
pla_error( $lang['no_updates_in_read_only_mode'] );
check_server_id( $server_id ) or pla_error( $lang['bad_server_id'] );
have_auth_info( $server_id ) or pla_error( $lang['not_enough_login_info'] );
// build the new entry
$new_entry = array();
if( isset( $required_attrs ) && is_array( $required_attrs ) ) {
foreach( $required_attrs as $attr => $val ) {
if( $val == '' )
pla_error( sprintf( $lang['create_required_attribute'], htmlspecialchars( $attr ) ) );
$new_entry[ $attr ][] = utf8_encode( $val );
if( isset( $vals ) && is_array( $vals ) ) {
foreach( $vals as $i => $val ) {
$attr = $attrs[$i];
if( is_attr_binary( $server_id, $attr ) ) {
if( $_FILES['vals']['name'][$i] != '' ) {
// read in the data from the file
$file = $_FILES['vals']['tmp_name'][$i];
$f = fopen( $file, 'r' );
$binary_data = fread( $f, filesize( $file ) );
fclose( $f );
$val = $binary_data;
$new_entry[ $attr ][] = $val;
} else {
if( '' !== trim($val) )
$new_entry[ $attr ][] = utf8_encode( $val );
$new_entry['objectClass'] = $object_classes;
if( ! in_array( 'top', $new_entry['objectClass'] ) )
$new_entry['objectClass'][] = 'top';
// UTF-8 magic. Must decode the values that have been passed to us
foreach( $new_entry as $attr => $vals )
if( ! is_attr_binary( $server_id, $attr ) )
if( is_array( $vals ) )
foreach( $vals as $i => $v )
$new_entry[ $attr ][ $i ] = utf8_decode( $v );
$new_entry[ $attr ] = utf8_decode( $vals );
//echo "<pre>"; var_dump( $new_dn );print_r( $new_entry ); echo "</pre>";
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
// Check the user-defined custom call back first
if( true === preEntryCreate( $server_id, $new_dn, $new_entry ) )
$add_result = @ldap_add( $ds, $new_dn, $new_entry );
if( $add_result )
postEntryCreate( $server_id, $new_dn, $new_entry );
$edit_url="edit.php?server_id=$server_id&dn=" . rawurlencode( $new_dn );
// update the session tree to reflect the change
if( session_is_registered( 'tree' ) )
$tree = $_SESSION['tree'];
$tree_icons = $_SESSION['tree_icons'];
if( isset( $tree[$server_id][$container] ) ) {
$tree[$server_id][$container][] = $new_dn;
sort( $tree[$server_id][$container] );
$tree_icons[$server_id][$new_dn] = get_icon( $server_id, $new_dn );
$_SESSION['tree'] = $tree;
$_SESSION['tree_icons'] = $tree_icons;
<?php if( isset( $tree[$server_id][$container] ) ) { ?>
<!-- refresh the tree view (with the new DN renamed)
and redirect to the edit_dn page -->
<script language="javascript">
<?php } ?>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=<?php echo $edit_url; ?>" />
<?php echo $lang['create_redirecting'] ?>... <a href="<?php echo $edit_url; ?>"><?php echo $lang['create_here']?></a>.
pla_error( $lang['create_could_not_add'], ldap_error( $ds ), ldap_errno( $ds ) );