267 lines
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267 lines
9.6 KiB
// $Header: /cvsroot/phpldapadmin/phpldapadmin/templates/creation/custom.php,v 1.28 2004/04/13 03:50:49 uugdave Exp $
require 'common.php';
// Common to all templates
$rdn = isset( $_POST['rdn'] ) ? $_POST['rdn'] : null;
$container = $_POST['container'];
$server_id = $_POST['server_id'];
// Unique to this template
$step = isset( $_POST['step'] ) ? $_POST['step'] : 1;
check_server_id( $server_id ) or pla_error( $lang['bad_server_id'] );
have_auth_info( $server_id ) or pla_error( $lang['not_enough_login_info'] );
if( $step == 1 )
$oclasses = get_schema_objectClasses( $server_id );
<h4><?php echo $lang['create_step1']; ?></h4>
<form action="creation_template.php" method="post" name="creation_form">
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="2" />
<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="<?php echo $server_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="template" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $_POST['template'] ); ?>" />
<table class="create">
<td class="heading"><acronym title="<?php echo $lang['relative_distinguished_name']; ?>"><?php echo $lang['rdn']; ?></acronym>:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="rdn" value="" size="20" /> <?php echo $lang['rdn_example']; ?></td>
<td class="heading"><?php echo $lang['container']; ?></td>
<td><input type="text" name="container" size="40" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $container ); ?>" />
<?php draw_chooser_link( 'creation_form.container' ); ?></td>
<td class="heading"><?php echo $lang['objectclasses']; ?></td>
<select name="object_classes[]" multiple size="15">
<?php foreach( $oclasses as $name => $oclass ) {
if( 0 == strcasecmp( "top", $name ) ) continue; ?>
<option value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($oclass->getName()); ?>">
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($oclass->getName()); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if( show_hints() ) { ?>
<img src="images/light.png" /><span class="hint"><?php echo $lang['hint_structural_oclass']; ?></span>
<br />
<?php } ?>
<td><input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['proceed_gt']; ?>" /></td>
if( $step == 2 )
strlen( trim( $rdn ) ) != 0 or
pla_error( $lang['rdn_field_blank'] );
strlen( trim( $container ) ) == 0 or dn_exists( $server_id, $container ) or
pla_error( sprintf( $lang['container_does_not_exist'], htmlspecialchars( $container ) ) );
$friendly_attrs = process_friendly_attr_table();
$oclasses = $_POST['object_classes'];
if( count( $oclasses ) == 0 )
pla_error( $lang['no_objectclasses_selected'] );
$dn = $rdn . ',' . $container;
// incrementally build up the all_attrs and required_attrs arrays
$schema_oclasses = get_schema_objectclasses( $server_id );
$required_attrs = array();
$all_attrs = array();
foreach( $oclasses as $oclass_name ) {
$oclass = get_schema_objectclass( $server_id, $oclass_name );
if( $oclass ) {
$required_attrs = array_merge( $required_attrs,
$oclass->getMustAttrNames( $schema_oclasses ) );
$all_attrs = array_merge( $all_attrs,
$oclass->getMustAttrNames( $schema_oclasses ),
$oclass->getMayAttrNames( $schema_oclasses ) );
$required_attrs = array_unique( $required_attrs );
$all_attrs = array_unique( $all_attrs );
sort( $required_attrs );
sort( $all_attrs );
// if for some reason "ObjectClass" ends up in the list of
// $all_attrs or $required_attrs, remove it! This is a fix
// for bug 927487
foreach( $all_attrs as $i => $attr_name )
if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'objectClass' ) ) {
unset( $all_attrs[$i] );
$all_attrs = array_values( $all_attrs );
foreach( $required_attrs as $i => $attr_name )
if( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr_name, 'objectClass' ) ) {
unset( $required_attrs[$i] );
$required_attrs = array_values( $required_attrs );
// remove binary attributes and add them to the binary_attrs array
$binary_attrs = array();
foreach( $all_attrs as $i => $attr_name ) {
if( is_attr_binary( $server_id, $attr_name ) ) {
unset( $all_attrs[ $i ] );
$binary_attrs[] = $attr_name;
// If we trim any attrs out above, then we will have a gap in the index
// sequence and will get an "undefined index" error below. This prevents
// that from happening.
$all_attrs = array_values( $all_attrs );
// add the required attribute based on the RDN provided by the user
// (ie, if the user specifies "cn=Bob" for their RDN, make sure "cn" is
// in the list of required attributes.
$rdn_attr = trim( substr( $rdn, 0, strpos( $rdn, '=' ) ) );
$rdn_value = trim( substr( $rdn, strpos( $rdn, '=' ) + 1 ) );
if( in_array( $rdn_attr, $all_attrs ) && ! in_array( $rdn_attr, $required_attrs ) )
$required_attrs[] = $rdn_attr;
<h4><?php echo $lang['create_step2']; ?></h4>
<form action="create.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="2" />
<input type="hidden" name="new_dn" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $dn ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="new_rdn" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $rdn ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="container" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $container ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="<?php echo $server_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="object_classes" value="<?php echo rawurlencode(serialize($oclasses)); ?>" />
<table class="edit_dn" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th colspan="2"><?php echo $lang['required_attrs']; ?></th></tr>
<?php if( count( $required_attrs ) == 0 ) {
echo "<tr class=\"row1\"><td colspan=\"2\"><center>(" . $lang['none'] . ")</center></td></tr>\n";
} else
foreach( $required_attrs as $count => $attr ) { ?>
<td class="attr"><b><?php
// is there a user-friendly translation available for this attribute?
if( isset( $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $attr ) ] ) ) {
$attr_display = "<acronym title=\"" . sprintf( $lang['alias_for'], htmlspecialchars($attr) ) . "\">" .
htmlspecialchars( $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $attr ) ] ) . "</acronym>";
} else {
$attr_display = htmlspecialchars( $attr );
echo $attr_display;
<td class="val"><input type="<?php echo (is_attr_binary( $server_id, $attr ) ? "file" : "text"); ?>"
name="required_attrs[<?php echo htmlspecialchars($attr); ?>]"
value="<?php echo ($attr == $rdn_attr ? htmlspecialchars($rdn_value) : '') ?>" size="40" />
<?php } ?>
<tr><th colspan="2"><?php echo $lang['optional_attrs']; ?></th></tr>
<?php if( count( $all_attrs ) == 0 ) { ?>
<tr><td colspan="2"><center>(<?php echo $lang['none']; ?>)</center></td></tr>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php for($i=0; $i<min( count( $all_attrs ), 10 ); $i++ ) { $attr = $all_attrs[$i] ?>
<td class="attr"><select style="background-color: #ddd; font-weight: bold" name="attrs[<?php echo $i; ?>]"><?php echo get_attr_select_html( $all_attrs, $friendly_attrs, $attr ); ?></select></td>
<td class="val"><input type="text" name="vals[<?php echo $i; ?>]" value="" size="40" />
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if( count( $binary_attrs ) > 0 ) { ?>
<tr><th colspan="2"><?php echo $lang['optional_binary_attrs']; ?></th></tr>
<?php for( $k=$i; $k<$i+count($binary_attrs); $k++ ) { $attr = $binary_attrs[$k-$i]; ?>
<tr><td class="attr"><select style="background-color: #ddd; font-weight: bold" name="attrs[<?php echo $k; ?>]"><?php echo get_binary_attr_select_html( $binary_attrs, $friendly_attrs, $attr );?></select></td></tr>
<tr><td class="val"><input type="file" name="vals[<?php echo $k; ?>]" value="" size="25" /></td></tr>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['createf_create_object']; ?>" />
<?php }
function get_attr_select_html( $all_attrs, $friendly_attrs, $highlight_attr=null )
$attr_select_html = "";
if( ! is_array( $all_attrs ) )
return null;
foreach( $all_attrs as $a ) {
// is there a user-friendly translation available for this attribute?
if( isset( $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $a ) ] ) ) {
$attr_display = htmlspecialchars( $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $a ) ] ) . " (" .
htmlspecialchars($a) . ")";
} else {
$attr_display = htmlspecialchars( $a );
$a = htmlspecialchars( $a );
$attr_select_html .= "<option value=\"$a\"";
if( 0 == strcasecmp( $highlight_attr, $a ) )
$attr_select_html .= " selected";
$attr_select_html .= ">$attr_display</option>\n";
return $attr_select_html;
function get_binary_attr_select_html( $binary_attrs, $friendly_attrs, $highlight_attr=null )
$binary_attr_select_html = "";
if( ! is_array( $binary_attrs ) )
return null;
if( count( $binary_attrs ) == 0 )
return null;
foreach( $binary_attrs as $a ) {
// is there a user-friendly translation available for this attribute?
if( isset( $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $a ) ] ) ) {
$attr_display = htmlspecialchars( $friendly_attrs[ strtolower( $a ) ] ) . " (" .
htmlspecialchars( $a ) . ")";
} else {
$attr_display = htmlspecialchars( $a );
$binary_attr_select_html .= "<option";
if( 0 == strcasecmp( $highlight_attr, $a ) )
$binary_attr_select_html .= " selected";
$binary_attr_select_html .= ">$attr_display</option>\n";
return $binary_attr_select_html;