* Enable creation of new entries, * Change all our ajax frames to go through /frames URI instead of /dn, * Add our frame command to the encrypted DN, * Automatically redirect to root URL when selecting a tree item and currently in another path (as a result of a prior POST activity), * Some validation improvements DNExists/HasStructuralObjectClass
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29 lines
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<div class="form-group">
<label {{ $attributes->only(['class'])->merge(['class'=>'form-label']) }} for="{{ $id ?? $name }}">{!! html_entity_decode($label) !!}</label>
<div class="input-group has-validation">
@if(isset($icon) || isset($prepend))
{{-- // messes with the icon box, we have rounded corners on the right side
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<span class="input-group-text">@isset($icon)<i class="bi {{ $icon }}"></i>@endisset @isset($prepend){!! $prepend !!}@endisset</span>
{{ $slot }}
<span class="invalid-feedback">
@error((! empty($old)) ? $old : ($id ?? $name))
{{ $message }}
{{ $feedback }}
<span class="input-helper">{!! html_entity_decode($helper) !!}</span>
</div> |