2009-06-30 19:29:51 +10:00

60 lines
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// $Header: /cvsroot/phpldapadmin/phpldapadmin/edit.php,v 1.56 2005/09/25 16:11:44 wurley Exp $
* Displays the specified dn from the specified server for editing
* in its template as determined by get_template(). This is a simple
* shell for displaying entries. The real work is done by the templates
* found in tempaltes/modification/
* Variables that come in via common.php
* - server_id
* Variables that come in as GET vars:
* - dn (rawurlencoded)
* - use_default_template (optional) If set, use the default template no matter what
* - Other vars may be set and used by the modification templates
* @package phpLDAPadmin
require './common.php';
require TMPLDIR.'template_config.php';
if( ! $ldapserver->haveAuthInfo())
pla_error( $lang['not_enough_login_info'] );
$dn = isset($_GET['dn']) ? $_GET['dn'] : false;
$dn !== false or pla_error($lang['missing_dn_in_query_string']);
$decoded_dn = rawurldecode($dn);
$encoded_dn = rawurlencode($decoded_dn);
/* Template authors may wish to present the user with a link back to the default, generic
template for editing. They may use this as the target of the href to do so.
$default_href = sprintf("edit.php?server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s&amp;use_default_template=true",$ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn);
$use_default_template = isset( $_GET['use_default_template'] ) || $config->GetValue('template_engine','enable');
if( $use_default_template ) {
if ($config->GetValue('template_engine','enable'))
require './template_engine.php';
require TMPLDIR.'modification/default.php';
} else {
$template = get_template($ldapserver,$dn);
$template_file = TMPLDIR."modification/$template.php";
if (file_exists($template_file))
require $template_file;
else {
printf('%s <b>%s</b> %s<br />',$lang['missing_template_file'],$template_file,$lang['using_default']);
require TMPLDIR.'modification/default.php';