2009-06-30 19:24:29 +10:00

77 lines
2.2 KiB

// $Header: /cvsroot/phpldapadmin/phpldapadmin/expand.php,v 1.20 2005/03/05 06:27:06 wurley Exp $
* This script alters the session variable 'tree', expanding it
* at the dn specified in the query string.
* Variables that come in as GET vars:
* - dn (rawurlencoded)
* - server_id
* Note: this script is equal and opposite to collapse.php
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @see collapse.php
require './common.php';
$server_id = (isset($_GET['server_id']) ? $_GET['server_id'] : '');
$ldapserver = new LDAPServer($server_id);
if( ! $ldapserver->haveAuthInfo())
pla_error( $lang['not_enough_login_info'] );
// no expire header stuff
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
// This allows us to display large sub-trees without running out of time.
@set_time_limit( 0 );
$dn = $_GET['dn'];
$encoded_dn = rawurlencode( $dn );
$server_id = $_GET['server_id'];
$tree = $_SESSION['tree'];
$tree_icons = $_SESSION['tree_icons'];
$contents = get_container_contents( $ldapserver, $dn, 0, '(objectClass=*)', get_tree_deref_setting() );
usort( $contents, 'pla_compare_dns' );
$tree[$server_id][$dn] = $contents;
//echo "<pre>";
//var_dump( $contents );
foreach( $contents as $dn )
$tree_icons[$server_id][$dn] = get_icon( $ldapserver, $dn );
$_SESSION['tree'] = $tree;
$_SESSION['tree_icons'] = $tree_icons;
// This is for Opera. By putting "random junk" in the query string, it thinks
// that it does not have a cached version of the page, and will thus
// fetch the page rather than display the cached version
$time = gettimeofday();
$random_junk = md5( strtotime( 'now' ) . $time['usec'] );
// If cookies were disabled, build the url parameter for the session id.
// It will be append to the url to be redirect
if( SID != "" )
$id_session_param = "&".session_name()."=".session_id();
header( "Location:tree.php?foo=$random_junk#{$server_id}_{$encoded_dn}$id_session_param" );