<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); /** * Interface that all minion tasks must implement * * @package Kohana * @category Minion * @author Kohana Team * @copyright (c) 2009-2011 Kohana Team * @license http://kohanaframework.org/license */ abstract class Kohana_Minion_Task { /** * The separator used to separate different levels of tasks * @var string */ public static $task_separator = ':'; /** * Converts a task (e.g. db:migrate to a class name) * * @param string Task name * @return string Class name */ public static function convert_task_to_class_name($task) { $task = trim($task); if (empty($task)) return ''; return 'Task_'.implode('_', array_map('ucfirst', explode(Minion_Task::$task_separator, $task))); } /** * Gets the task name of a task class / task object * * @param string|Minion_Task The task class / object * @return string The task name */ public static function convert_class_to_task($class) { if (is_object($class)) { $class = get_class($class); } return strtolower(str_replace('_', Minion_Task::$task_separator, substr($class, 5))); } /** * Factory for loading minion tasks * * @param array An array of command line options. It should contain the 'task' key * @throws Minion_Exception_InvalidTask * @return Minion_Task The Minion task */ public static function factory($options) { if (($task = Arr::get($options, 'task')) !== NULL) { unset($options['task']); } else if (($task = Arr::get($options, 0)) !== NULL) { // The first positional argument (aka 0) may be the task name unset($options[0]); } else { // If we didn't get a valid task, generate the help $task = 'help'; } $class = Minion_Task::convert_task_to_class_name($task); if ( ! class_exists($class)) { throw new Minion_Exception_InvalidTask( "Task ':task' is not a valid minion task", array(':task' => $class) ); } $class = new $class; if ( ! $class instanceof Minion_Task) { throw new Minion_Exception_InvalidTask( "Task ':task' is not a valid minion task", array(':task' => $class) ); } $class->set_options($options); // Show the help page for this task if requested if (array_key_exists('help', $options)) { $class->_method = '_help'; } return $class; } /** * The list of options this task accepts and their default values. * * protected $_options = array( * 'limit' => 4, * 'table' => NULL, * ); * * @var array */ protected $_options = array(); /** * Populated with the accepted options for this task. * This array is automatically populated based on $_options. * * @var array */ protected $_accepted_options = array(); protected $_method = '_execute'; protected function __construct() { // Populate $_accepted_options based on keys from $_options $this->_accepted_options = array_keys($this->_options); } /** * The file that get's passes to Validation::errors() when validation fails * @var string|NULL */ protected $_errors_file = 'validation'; /** * Gets the task name for the task * * @return string */ public function __toString() { static $task_name = NULL; if ($task_name === NULL) { $task_name = Minion_Task::convert_class_to_task($this); } return $task_name; } /** * Sets options for this task * * $param array the array of options to set * @return this */ public function set_options(array $options) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $this->_options[$key] = $value; } return $this; } /** * Get the options that were passed into this task with their defaults * * @return array */ public function get_options() { return (array) $this->_options; } /** * Get a set of options that this task can accept * * @return array */ public function get_accepted_options() { return (array) $this->_accepted_options; } /** * Adds any validation rules/labels for validating _options * * public function build_validation(Validation $validation) * { * return parent::build_validation($validation) * ->rule('paramname', 'not_empty'); // Require this param * } * * @param Validation the validation object to add rules to * * @return Validation */ public function build_validation(Validation $validation) { // Add a rule to each key making sure it's in the task foreach ($validation->as_array() as $key => $value) { $validation->rule($key, array($this, 'valid_option'), array(':validation', ':field')); } return $validation; } /** * Returns $_errors_file * * @return string */ public function get_errors_file() { return $this->_errors_file; } /** * Execute the task with the specified set of options * * @return null */ public function execute() { $options = $this->get_options(); // Validate $options $validation = Validation::factory($options); $validation = $this->build_validation($validation); if ( $this->_method != '_help' AND ! $validation->check()) { echo View::factory('minion/error/validation') ->set('task', Minion_Task::convert_class_to_task($this)) ->set('errors', $validation->errors($this->get_errors_file())); } else { // Finally, run the task $method = $this->_method; echo $this->{$method}($options); } } abstract protected function _execute(array $params); /** * Outputs help for this task * * @return null */ protected function _help(array $params) { $tasks = $this->_compile_task_list(Kohana::list_files('classes/task')); $inspector = new ReflectionClass($this); list($description, $tags) = $this->_parse_doccomment($inspector->getDocComment()); $view = View::factory('minion/help/task') ->set('description', $description) ->set('tags', (array) $tags) ->set('task', Minion_Task::convert_class_to_task($this)); echo $view; } public function valid_option(Validation $validation, $option) { if ( ! in_array($option, $this->_accepted_options)) { $validation->error($option, 'minion_option'); } } /** * Parses a doccomment, extracting both the comment and any tags associated * * Based on the code in Kodoc::parse() * * @param string The comment to parse * @return array First element is the comment, second is an array of tags */ protected function _parse_doccomment($comment) { // Normalize all new lines to \n $comment = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), "\n", $comment); // Remove the phpdoc open/close tags and split $comment = array_slice(explode("\n", $comment), 1, -1); // Tag content $tags = array(); foreach ($comment as $i => $line) { // Remove all leading whitespace $line = preg_replace('/^\s*\* ?/m', '', $line); // Search this line for a tag if (preg_match('/^@(\S+)(?:\s*(.+))?$/', $line, $matches)) { // This is a tag line unset($comment[$i]); $name = $matches[1]; $text = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : ''; $tags[$name] = $text; } else { $comment[$i] = (string) $line; } } $comment = trim(implode("\n", $comment)); return array($comment, $tags); } /** * Compiles a list of available tasks from a directory structure * * @param array Directory structure of tasks * @param string prefix * @return array Compiled tasks */ protected function _compile_task_list(array $files, $prefix = '') { $output = array(); foreach ($files as $file => $path) { $file = substr($file, strrpos($file, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) + 1); if (is_array($path) AND count($path)) { $task = $this->_compile_task_list($path, $prefix.$file.Minion_Task::$task_separator); if ($task) { $output = array_merge($output, $task); } } else { $output[] = strtolower($prefix.substr($file, 0, -strlen(EXT))); } } return $output; } }