<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * This class is for rendering system information messages. * * @package lnApp * @subpackage SystemMessage * @category Helpers * @author Deon George * @copyright (c) 2010 Deon George * @license http://dev.leenooks.net/license.html */ class lnApp_SystemMessage extends HTMLRender { protected static $_data = array(); protected static $_spacer = '<table><tr class="spacer"><td> </td></tr></table>'; protected static $_required_keys = array('title','body','type'); /** * Add a system message to be rendered * * @param array System Message attributes */ public static function add($msg,$prepend=FALSE) { if ($msgs = Session::instance()->get('sessionmsgs')) { static::$_data = $msgs; } parent::add($msg); // Add a gribber popup Style::add(array( 'type'=>'file', 'data'=>'css/jquery.gritter.css', 'media'=>'screen', )); Script::add(array( 'type'=>'file', 'data'=>'js/jquery.gritter-1.5.js', )); Script::add(array( 'type'=>'stdin', 'data'=>sprintf( '$(document).ready(function() { $.extend($.gritter.options, { fade_in_speed: "medium", fade_out_speed: 2000, time: "3000", sticky: false, }); $.gritter.add({ title: "%s", text: "%s", image: "%s", });});',$msg['title'],$msg['body'],URL::site().static::image($msg['type'],true)))); // Save our messages in our session, so that we get them for redirects Session::instance()->set('sessionmsgs',static::$_data); } /** * Return an instance of this class * * @return SystemMessage */ public static function factory() { return new SystemMessage; } /** * Render an image for the System Message */ private static function image($type,$raw=false,$big=false,$alt='') { $mediapath = Route::get(static::$_media_path); switch ($type) { case 'error': $file = sprintf('img/dialog-error%s.png',$big ? '-big' : ''); break; case 'info': $file = sprintf('img/dialog-information%s.png',$big ? '-big' : ''); break; case 'warning': $file = sprintf('img/dialog-warning%s.png',$big ? '-big' : ''); break; case 'debug': $file = sprintf('img/dialog-question%s.png',$big ? '-big' : ''); break; default: throw new Kohana_Exception('Unknown system message type :type',array(':type'=>$value['type'])); } if ($raw) return $mediapath->uri(array('file'=>$file)); else return HTML::image($mediapath->uri(array('file'=>$file)),array('alt'=>$alt ? $alt : '','class'=>'sysicon')); } /** * Render this system message * * @see HTMLRender::render() */ protected function render() { $output = ''; $mediapath = Route::get(static::$_media_path); // Reload our message from the session if ($msgs = Session::instance()->get('sessionmsgs')) { Session::instance()->delete('sessionmsgs'); static::$_data = $msgs; } $i = 0; foreach (static::$_data as $value) { if ($i++) $output .= static::$_spacer; $output .= '<table><tr>'; $output .= sprintf('<td class="icon" rowspan="2">%s</td>',static::image($value['type'],false,false,isset($value['alt']) ? $value['alt'] : '')); $output .= sprintf('<td class="head">%s</td>',$value['title']); $output .= '</tr><tr>'; $output .= sprintf('<td class="body">%s</td>',$value['body']); $output .= '</tr></table>'; } return $output; } } ?>