<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * This class provides information on TSM attached Libraries. * * @package PTA * @subpackage Libraries * @category Controllers * @author Deon George * @copyright (c) 2010 phpTSMadmin Development Team * @license http://phptsmadmin.sf.net/license.html */ class Controller_LIBRARY extends Controller_TemplateDefault { /** * Default Index for Controller */ public function action_index() { $lo = ORM::factory('library'); $output = ''; $output .= sprintf(_('This server has <b>%s</b> libraries.'),$lo->count_all()); $output .= '<br/>'; $output .= '<br/>'; $select = array(); $select[NULL] = ''; foreach ($lo->find_all() as $library) $select[$library->LIBRARY_NAME] = $library->LIBRARY_NAME; $output .= Form::open('/library/detail',array('id'=>'library_detail')); $output .= sprintf('%s: %s',_('Choose a storage pool to view'),Form::select('library_name',$select,NULL,array('id'=>'library_name'))); $output .= Form::submit('form_submit',_('Go')); $output .= Form::close(); Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('TSM Libraries'), 'body'=>$output, )); } public function action_detail($library=NULL) { if (is_null($library) AND (empty($_POST['library_name']) OR ! $library = $_POST['library_name'])) { SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('LIBRARY_NAME is required'), 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>_('The library pool name is required.'), )); Request::current()->redirect('library'); } $lo = ORM::factory('library',$library); if (! $lo->loaded()) { SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('Unknown LIBRARY_NAME'), 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>sprintf(_('The library pool [%s] does not exist?.'),$library), )); Request::current()->redirect('library'); } Block::add(array( 'title'=>sprintf(_('Library Information for %s'),$lo->LIBRARY_NAME), 'body'=>View::factory('library/detail') ->set('lo',$lo) ->set('slots',$lo->slots()) )); } } ?>