<?php # $Header: /cvsroot/phptsmadmin/phpTSMadmin/lib/functions.tsm.php,v 1.39 2009/04/19 04:03:05 wurley Exp $ /** * Classes and functions for TSM server configuration and capability * * @author The phpTSMadmin development team * @package phpTSMadmin */ /** * Prune the .decimals from the TSM dates. * @param string Date * @param string Prune key * @return string Date in required format */ function tsmDate($string,$prune='') { switch ($prune) { case 'notime' : $regexp = '/ [0-9]+:.*$/'; break; case 'nosec' : $regexp = '/:[0-9]+\.[0-9]*$/'; break; case 'nomsec' : $regexp = '/^([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)\..*/'; break; case 'daytime' : $regexp = '/^[0-9]+-[0-9]+-([0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+).*/'; break; case 'monthdaytime' : $regexp = '/^[0-9]+-([0-9]+-[0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+).*/'; break; default : $regexp = '/\.[0-9]*$/'; } return (preg_replace($regexp,'$1',$string)); } /** * Translate backup types into meaningful strings. * @param string TSM backup string * @return string */ function tsmBackupType($string) { switch ($string) { case 'BACKUPINCR' : return 'INCR'; break; case 'BACKUPFULL' : return 'FULL'; break; case 'DBSNAPSHOT' : return 'SNAPSHOT'; break; default : return $string; break; } } function isPrimaryPool($pool) { global $app; objectCache('stgps'); return $_SESSION['cache'][$app['server']->getIndex()]['stgps']->isPrimaryPool($pool); } function isCopyPool($pool) { global $app; objectCache('stgps'); return $_SESSION['cache'][$app['server']->getIndex()]['stgps']->isCopyPool($pool); } function getReclaim($pool) { global $app; objectCache('stgps'); return $_SESSION['cache'][$app['server']->getIndex()]['stgps']->getReclaim($pool); } function getReUse($pool) { global $app; objectCache('stgps'); return $_SESSION['cache'][$app['server']->getIndex()]['stgps']->getReUse($pool); } function getVolume($vol) { global $app; objectCache('volumes'); return $_SESSION['cache'][$app['server']->getIndex()]['volumes']->getVolume($vol); } function isLibraryDevClass($devclass) { global $app; objectCache('devclasses'); return $_SESSION['cache'][$app['server']->getIndex()]['devclasses']->isLibraryDevClass($devclass); } function LibraryDevClass($devclass) { global $app; objectCache('devclasses'); return $_SESSION['cache'][$app['server']->getIndex()]['devclasses']->LibraryDevClass($devclass); } /** * Return the name that a cookie will be stored by the browser. * @param int Server ID. * @param string Name of Cookie. * @return string Fully qualified cookie name. */ function cookie_name($index,$name) { global $app; return $app['server']->getValue('cookie','prefix').$index.$name; } /** * Returns the value of cookie * @param int Server ID * @param string Name * @return string|false Value of cookie (null if not set/no value) */ function get_cookie($index,$name) { global $_COOKIE; $cookie = cookie_name($index,$name); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie])) return $_COOKIE[$cookie]; else return false; } /** * Store a cookie in the user browser. * @param int Server ID * @param string Name of Cookie * @param string Value for Cookie * @param int Time for cookie to live in seconds * @param string dir Cookie Path * @result boolean */ function store_cookie($index,$name,$val,$expire=null,$dir=null) { global $app; $cookie_name = cookie_name($index,$name); $cookie_time = $app['server']->getValue('cookie','time'); if ($expire == null) $expire = ($cookie_time == 0 ? null : time() + $cookie_time); if ($dir == null) $dir = dirname($app['server']->getValue('server','path') ? $app['server']->getValue('server','path') : '/'); if (setcookie($cookie_name,$val,$expire,$dir)) return true; else return false; } /** * Unset all cookies on logout. * @param int Server ID * @result boolean True if successful, false if not * @todo: No routine to call this. */ function unset_cookie($index) { global $app; global $_COOKIE; $expire = time()-3600; foreach ($_COOKIE as $cookie => $cookie_value) { $cookie = preg_replace("/^".$app['server']->getValue('server','path').$index.'/','',$cookie); if ($cookie == 'PHPSESSID') continue; $result = store_cookie($index,$cookie,'',$expire) ; if (! $result) return false; } return true; } /** * Initialise JPgraph * @param boolean Must initialise or fail with an error if unable to do so */ function initJPGraph($need=false) { $jpgraph = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('lib','jpgraph'); if (! $jpgraph) if ($need) die(_('Your JPGRAPH setting in config.php is pointing to a directory that does not exist. Please fix your config.php')); else return false; if ((! file_exists($jpgraph.'/src/jpgraph.php')) || (! file_exists($jpgraph.'/src/jpgraph_gantt.php'))) if ($need) die(sprintf(_('PTA was not able to find the JPGRAPH utility in the "%s" directory. Either your config.php is pointing to the wrong directory, or you havent installed JPGRAPH'),$jpgraph)); else return false; if (! function_exists('imagetypes') && ! function_exists('imagecreatefromstring')) if ($need) die(_('It seems that GD support is not available. Please add GD support to PTA.')); else return false; if (! is_dir($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('image','path')) || ! is_writable($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('image','path'))) die(sprintf(_('The temporary path for JPGRAPH either doesnt exist or is not writable - you have it configured for %s.'),$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('image','path'))); # When we get here, we have all the pre-reqs. error_reporting(0); require_once $jpgraph.'/src/jpgraph.php'; require_once $jpgraph.'/src/jpgraph_gantt.php'; require_once $jpgraph.'/src/jpgraph_line.php'; require_once $jpgraph.'/src/jpgraph_bar.php'; require_once $jpgraph.'/src/jpgraph_pie.php'; require_once $jpgraph.'/src/jpgraph_date.php'; error_reporting(E_ALL); return true; } /** * Put some HTML classes around strings containing values. * @param string String to parse * @param string Class to substitute * @return string String with <span class=$class> around %s */ function classValue($string,$class) { return preg_replace('/(\%[0-9.]*[sf])/',"<span class=\"$class\">$1</span>$2",$string); } function objectCache($object,$force=false) { global $app; $index = $app['server']->getIndex(); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('objectCache(): Entered with (%s,%s)',1,$object,isset($_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object])); if (isset($_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object])) { if ($_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object]->expired() || $force) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('objectCache(): Object expired (%s,%s)',1,$_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object]->cache,time()); $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object]->load(); $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object]->cache = time(); } } else { switch($object) { case 'devclasses' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new deviceClasses($index); break; case 'drives' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new drives($index); break; case 'help' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new help($index); break; case 'libraries' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new libraries($index); break; case 'mgmtclasses' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new mgmtClasses($index); break; case 'nodes' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new nodes($index); break; case 'occupancy' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new occupancy($index); break; case 'stgps' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new storagePools($index); break; case 'summaryinfo' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new summaryInfo($index); break; case 'volumes' : $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object] = new volumes($index); break; default: error(sprintf('Unknown object %s',$object)); } $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object]->cache = time(); } return $_SESSION['cache'][$index][$object]; } function render_page($title,$body) { $www = new page(); if (is_array($title)) { foreach ($title as $key => $title) { $block = new block(); $block->SetTitle($title); $block->SetBody($body[$key]); $www->block_add('body',$block); } } else { $block = new block(); $block->SetTitle($title); $block->SetBody($body); $www->block_add('body',$block); } $www->body(); } ?>