offsetExists($offset)) { // Set the current row to the offset $this->_current_row = $this->_internal_row = $offset; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } public function current() { if ($this->_current_row !== $this->_internal_row AND ! $this->seek($this->_current_row)) return FALSE; // Return an stdClass if ($this->_as_object === TRUE) { return $this; } elseif (is_string($this->_as_object)) { // Return an object of given class name $o = new $this->_as_object; return $o->load_object($this->_rows[$this->_current_row]); // Return an array of the row } else { return $this->_rows[$this->_current_row]; } } /** * Get a row value from the query * * TSM returns all columns in upper case */ public function get($name, $default = NULL) { $name = strtoupper($name); return parent::get($name,$default); } } ?>