# Configuration The default config file is located in `MODPATH/database/config/database.php`. You should copy this file to `APPPATH/config/database.php` and make changes there, in keeping with the [cascading filesystem](../kohana/files). The database configuration file contains an array of configuration groups. The structure of each database configuration group, called an "instance", looks like this: string INSTANCE_NAME => array( 'type' => string DATABASE_TYPE, 'connection' => array CONNECTION_ARRAY, 'table_prefix' => string TABLE_PREFIX, 'charset' => string CHARACTER_SET, 'profiling' => boolean QUERY_PROFILING, ), Understanding each of these settings is important. INSTANCE_NAME : Connections can be named anything you want, but you should always have at least one connection called "default". DATABASE_TYPE : One of the installed database drivers. Kohana comes with "mysql" and "pdo" drivers. Drivers must extend the Database class. CONNECTION_ARRAY : Specific driver options for connecting to your database. (Driver options are explained [below](#connection-settings).) TABLE_PREFIX : Prefix that will be added to all table names by the [query builder](#query_building). Prepared statements will **not** use the table prefix. QUERY_PROFILING : Enables [profiling](../kohana/profiling) of database queries. This is useful for seeing how many queries each page is using, and which are taking the longest. You must enable the profiler the view these stats. ## Example The example file below shows 2 MySQL connections, one local and one remote. return array ( 'default' => array ( 'type' => 'mysql', 'connection' => array( 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'dbuser', 'password' => 'mypassword', 'persistent' => FALSE, 'database' => 'my_db_name', ), 'table_prefix' => '', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'profiling' => TRUE, ), 'remote' => array( 'type' => 'mysql', 'connection' => array( 'hostname' => '', 'username' => 'remote_user', 'password' => 'mypassword', 'persistent' => FALSE, 'database' => 'my_remote_db_name', ), 'table_prefix' => '', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'profiling' => TRUE, ), ); ## Connections and Instances Each configuration group is referred to as a database instance. Each instance can be accessed by calling [Database::instance]. If you don't provide a parameter, the default instance is used. // This would connect to the database defined as 'default' $default = Database::instance(); // This would connect to the database defined as 'remote' $remote = Database::instance('remote'); To disconnect the database, simply destroy the object: unset($default) // Or unset(Database::$instances['default']); If you want to disconnect all of the database instances at once: Database::$instances = array(); ## Connection Settings Every database driver has different connection settings. ### MySQL A [MySQL database](http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.mysql.php) can accept the following options in the `connection` array: Type | Option | Description | Default value ----------|------------|----------------------------| ------------------------- `string` | hostname | Hostname of the database | `localhost` `integer` | port | Port number | `NULL` `string` | socket | UNIX socket | `NULL` `string` | username | Database username | `NULL` `string` | password | Database password | `NULL` `boolean` | persistent | Persistent connections | `FALSE` `string` | database | Database name | `kohana` ### PDO A [PDO database](http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php) can accept these options in the `connection` array: Type | Option | Description | Default value ----------|------------|----------------------------| ------------------------- `string` | dsn | PDO data source identifier | `localhost` `string` | username | Database username | `NULL` `string` | password | Database password | `NULL` `boolean` | persistent | Persistent connections | `FALSE` [!!] If you are using PDO and are not sure what to use for the `dsn` option, review [PDO::__construct](http://php.net/pdo.construct).