'ASC', ); protected $_display_filters = array( 'DATE_TIME'=>array( array('ORM_TSM::date',array(':value','d-M H:i')), ), ); private $_msgno_ba_objects = array(4952,4953,4954,4958,4960,4957,4970,4959,4982); private $_msgno_ba_bytes = array(4977,4975,4984,4198,4961); private $_msgno_ba_transfer = array(4963,4966,4967,4964); private $_msgno_ba_reduction = array(4968,4981,4976); /** * Return the timestamp of the record in the ACTLOG */ public function FirstRec() { return DB::query(Database::SELECT,'SELECT min(DATE_TIME) as DATE_TIME from ACTLOG')->cached(86400)->execute()->get('DATE_TIME'); } /** * Where class to exclude NODE backup messages */ public function ExcludeBA() { return $this->where('MSGNO','NOT IN',array_merge($this->_msgno_ba_objects,$this->_msgno_ba_bytes,$this->_msgno_ba_transfer,$this->_msgno_ba_reduction)); } /** * Return this ACTIVITY LOG start time in seconds since epoch */ public function start() { return ORM_TSM::date($this->DATE_TIME,'U'); } } ?>