logged_in()!= 0) { // Redirect to the user account Request::instance()->redirect('welcome/index'); } // If there is a post and $_POST is not empty if ($_POST) { // Store our details in a session key Session::instance()->set('admin_name',$_POST['admin_name']); Session::instance()->set('password',$_POST['password']); // Instantiate a new user $user = ORM::factory('account'); // Check Auth $status = $user->login($_POST); // If the post data validates using the rules setup in the user model if ($status) { // Redirect to the user account if ($redir = Session::instance()->get('afterlogin')) { Session::instance()->delete('afterlogin'); Request::instance()->redirect($redir); } else Request::instance()->redirect('welcome/index'); } else { SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('Invalid username or password'), 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>_('The username or password was invalid.') )); } } Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('Login to server'), 'body'=>View::factory('login'), 'style'=>array('css/login.css'=>'screen'), )); $this->template->control = HTML::anchor($this->request->uri(),'Login',array('id'=>'ajxbody')); $this->template->content = Block::factory(); Script::add(array('type'=>'stdin','data'=>' $(document).ready(function() { $("#ajxbody").click(function() {$("#ajBODY").load("'.$this->request->uri().'/"); return false;}); });' )); } public function action_register() { // If user already signed-in if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()!= 0) { // Redirect to the user account Request::instance()->redirect('welcome/index'); } // Instantiate a new user $account = ORM::factory('account'); // If there is a post and $_POST is not empty if ($_POST) { // Check Auth $status = $account->values($_POST)->check(); if (! $status) { foreach ($account->validate()->errors() as $f=>$r) { // $r[0] has our reason for validation failure switch ($r[0]) { // Generic validation reason default: SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('Validation failed'), 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>sprintf(_('The defaults on your submission were not valid for field %s (%s).'),$f,$r[0]) )); } } } $ido = ORM::factory('module') ->where('name','=','account') ->find(); $account->id = $ido->record_id->next_id($ido->id); // Save the user details if ($account->save()) {} } SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('Already have an account?'), 'type'=>'info', 'body'=>_('If you already have an account, please login..') )); Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('Register'), 'body'=>View::factory('bregister') ->set('account',$account) ->set('errors',$account->validate()->errors()), 'style'=>array('css/bregister.css'=>'screen'), )); $this->template->control = HTML::anchor($this->request->uri(),'Register',array('id'=>'ajxbody')); $this->template->content = Block::factory(); $this->template->left = HTML::anchor('login','Login').'...'; } public function action_noaccess() { $this->template->content = ' '; SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('No access to requested resource'), 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>_('You do not have access to the requested resource, please contact your administrator.') )); } } ?>