<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/phptsmadmin/phpTSMadmin/htdocs/cmd.php,v 1.2 2009/04/19 03:52:21 wurley Exp $ /** * Main command page for this application * All pages are rendered through this script. * * @package leenooksApp * @subpackage Page */ /** */ require_once './common.php'; $www['cmd'] = get_request('cmd','REQUEST'); $www['meth'] = get_request('meth','REQUEST'); ob_start(); switch ($www['cmd']) { case '_debug' : debug_dump($_REQUEST,1); break; default : if (defined('HOOKSDIR') && file_exists(HOOKSDIR.$www['cmd'].'.php')) $app['script_cmd'] = HOOKSDIR.$www['cmd'].'.php'; elseif (defined('HTDOCDIR') && file_exists(HTDOCDIR.$www['cmd'].'.php')) $app['script_cmd'] = HTDOCDIR.$www['cmd'].'.php'; elseif (file_exists('welcome.php')) $app['script_cmd'] = 'welcome.php'; else $app['script_cmd'] = null; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Ready to render page for command [%s,%s].',128,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$www['cmd'],$app['script_cmd']); # Create page. # Set the index so that we render the right menu tree. $www['page'] = new page($app['server']->getIndex()); if ($app['script_cmd']) include $app['script_cmd']; # Capture the output and put into the body of the page. $www['body'] = new block(); $www['body']->SetBody(ob_get_contents()); $www['page']->block_add('body',$www['body']); ob_end_clean(); if ($www['meth'] == 'ajax') $www['page']->show(get_request('frame','REQUEST',false,'BODY'),true); else $www['page']->display(); ?>