module.exports = { props: ['user'], /** * The component's data. */ data() { return { plans: [], searchForm: new SparkForm({ query: '' }), searching: false, noSearchResults: false, searchResults: [], showingUserProfile: false }; }, /** * The component has been created by Vue. */ created() { var self = this; this.getPlans(); this.$on('showSearch', function(){ self.navigateToSearch(); }); Bus.$on('sparkHashChanged', function (hash, parameters) { if (hash != 'users') { return true; } if (parameters && parameters.length > 0) { self.loadProfile({ id: parameters[0] }); } else { self.showSearch(); } return true; }); }, methods: { /** * Get all of the available subscription plans. */ getPlans() { axios.get('/spark/plans') .then(response => { this.plans =; }); }, /** * Perform a search for the given query. */ search() { this.searching = true; this.noSearchResults = false;'/spark/kiosk/users/search', this.searchForm) .then(response => { this.searchResults =; this.noSearchResults = this.searchResults.length === 0; this.searching = false; }); }, /** * Show the search results and update the browser history. */ navigateToSearch() { history.pushState(null, null, '#/users'); this.showSearch(); }, /** * Show the search results. */ showSearch() { this.showingUserProfile = false; Vue.nextTick(function () { $('#kiosk-users-search').focus(); }); }, /** * Show the user profile for the given user. */ showUserProfile(user) { history.pushState(null, null, '#/users/' +; this.loadProfile(user); }, /** * Load the user profile for the given user. */ loadProfile(user) { this.$emit('showUserProfile',; this.showingUserProfile = true; } } };