module.exports = { pushStateSelector: null, methods: { /** * Initialize push state handling for tabs. */ usePushStateForTabs(selector) { this.pushStateSelector = selector; this.registerTabClickHandler(); window.addEventListener('popstate', e => { this.activateTabForCurrentHash(); }); if (window.location.hash) { this.activateTabForCurrentHash(); } else { this.activateFirstTab(); } }, /** * Register the click handler for all of the tabs. */ registerTabClickHandler() { const self = this; $(`${this.pushStateSelector} a[data-toggle="tab"]`).on('click', function(e) { self.removeActiveClassFromTabs(); history.pushState(null, null, '#/' + $(this).attr('href').substring(1)); self.broadcastTabChange($(this).attr('href').substring(1)); }); }, /** * Activate the tab for the current hash in the URL. */ activateTabForCurrentHash() { var hash = window.location.hash.substring(2); var parameters = hash.split('/'); hash = parameters.shift(); this.removeActiveClassFromTabs(); const tab = $(`${this.pushStateSelector} a[href="#${hash}"][data-toggle="tab"]`); if (tab.length > 0) {'show'); } this.broadcastTabChange(hash, parameters); }, /** * Activate the first tab in a list. */ activateFirstTab() { const tab = $(`${this.pushStateSelector} a[data-toggle="tab"]`).first();'show'); this.broadcastTabChange(tab.attr('href').substring(1)); }, /** * Remove the active class from the tabs. */ removeActiveClassFromTabs() { $(`${this.pushStateSelector} li`).removeClass('active'); }, /** * Broadcast that a tab change happened. */ broadcastTabChange(hash, parameters) { Bus.$emit('sparkHashChanged', hash, parameters); } } };